Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Governance Services
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Minutes: There was no information contained within the agenda which was designated as being exempt from publication. |
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: There were no late items of business submitted to the Board for consideration. |
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: Councillor S Arif declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest as per her published Register of Interests with respect to agenda item 8 entitled, ‘Investing in Area-Based Energy Efficiency Improvements to Back-to-Back Homes in Armley and Holbeck (Phase 3)’. As such, Councillor Arif advised the Board that she would leave the meeting room for the duration of the Board’s consideration of that item (Minute No. 122refers). |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 13th March 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 13th March 2024 be approved as a correct record. |
Financial Reporting 2023/24 - Provisional Outturn Month 11 (February) To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) presenting an update on the financial position of the Authority at the Provisional Outturn, reflecting the first eleven months of the 2023/24 financial year.
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting an update on the financial position of the Authority at the Provisional Outturn, reflecting the first eleven months of the 2023/24 financial year. Specifically, the report reviewed the current position against the 2023/24 budget and provided an update on the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) and the Council Tax and Business Rates Collection Funds.
In presenting the report the Executive Member provided an overview of the key points which included the current forecasting of a balanced position for the General Fund in 2023/24 which would be achieved through the use of reserves. This included the use of the £17.7m from a refund from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority and also £14.7m from the Merrion House reserve.
Members received further information on the directorate budget action plans which were in place to mitigate against the pressures detailed within the submitted report. This included the ongoing measures to monitor and manage the pressures arising from key areas of demand for services delivered through the Children and Families directorate.
Responding to a specific enquiry, the Board received further detail on the use of £14.7m from the Merrion House reserve which complements the Strategic Contingency Reserve to manage unforeseen budget pressures and is therefore being used as a contribution towards achieving a balanced position for the General Fund in 2023/24. The Board noted that external auditors were aware of such matters, and that there was no additional impact on the revenue budget as a result of using the Merrion House reserve in this way.
RESOLVED – (a) That it be noted that at Provisional Outturn (Month 11 of the financial year) the Authority’s General Fund revenue budget is forecasting a balanced position for 2023/24 after the application of reserves;
(b) That it be noted that at Provisional Outturn (Month 11 of the financial year) the Authority’s Housing Revenue Account is forecasting a balanced position;
(c) That it be noted that known inflationary increases, including demand and demographic pressures in Social Care, known impacts of the rising cost of living, including the NJC pay settlement of £1,925 and the JNC pay settlement of 3.5%, have been incorporated into this reported financial position, as submitted. That it also be noted that these pressures will continue to be reviewed during the year and reported to future Executive Board meetings as more information becomes available, and that proposals would need to be identified to absorb any additional pressures;
(d) That it be noted that where an overspend is projected, directorates, including the Housing Revenue Account, are required to present action plans to mitigate their reported pressures and those of the Council’s wider financial challenge where possible, in line with the Revenue Principles agreed by Executive Board in February 2023 through the annual Revenue Budget report.
Cost of Living - Update Report To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment which provides an updated position on the cost-of-living crisis, national policy interventions and Leeds City Council’s response to such matters. This update follows the report received by Executive Board in November 2023.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 71, 22 November 2023, the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report which provided an update on the cost-of-living situation in Leeds, and which reflected upon national policy interventions and the actions being taken by the Council and partners in response to such matters.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of the key issues being faced in Leeds in relation to the ongoing cost-of-living situation, together with details of the actions being taken by the Council and its partners. The significant levels of demand for support services was highlighted, whilst the Board also received an update on national policy developments.
Thanks was extended to those officers and partner organisations involved in the continued provision of key services in this area.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted, and that the approach being adopted, be endorsed;
(b) That it be noted that the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment will be responsible for overseeing and implementing any actions arising from the submitted report. |
To consider the report of the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment on proposals regarding the development of energy efficiency improvements to 350 back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Communities, Housing and Environment submitted a report on proposals regarding the development of energy efficiency improvements to a number of back-to-back homes in some of the most deprived areas in Leeds, and which sought several approvals from Executive Board in order to progress such proposals.
In presenting the report the Executive Member provided an overview of the proposals within it, which would see a significant investment in energy efficiency improvements to 350 back-to-back homes in Armley and Holbeck. Details of the range of benefits arising from the proposals were highlighted, with it being noted that such improvements were in line with Leeds’ Marmot City principles. It was also noted that a feasibility study was proposed to be undertaken on the 100 properties in Armley to ascertain the suitability of the area for ground source heat pumps.
Regarding the reference within the submitted report to ‘Equans S.A.S’ at recommendation (d), the Board noted that this should read ‘Equans Regeneration Ltd.’.
A Member raised an enquiry about the possibility of delivering further schemes to cover other areas in the city. In response, it was acknowledged that whilst the submitted proposals would build upon previous schemes, the potential delivery of further improvements would be welcomed, but with it being noted that any such proposals would be dependent upon securing further funding.
RESOLVED – (a) That, subject to the correction referenced above, the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the necessary authority be provided to enter into a grant agreement for £1.785m with the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA); and that the necessary authority be provided to enter into a grant agreement for £4.5m with the Department for Levelling Up, Communities and Housing (DLUCH) via the Levelling Up Fund (LUF), with the latter being subject to the LUF grant award;
(c) That the request to inject £1.785m of WYCA grant funding and £4.5m of DLUCH grant funding into the Capital Programme, be approved, supplemented by £6.3m of other income, as set out within the ‘Resource Implications’ section of the submitted report;
(d) That the necessary authority to spend for £12.992m in order to deliver both entire programmes in Armley and Holbeck, be approved;
(e) That the necessary authority to direct award to Equans Regeneration Ltd. via the Greener Futures Partnership Decarbonisation Delivery Framework, be approved;
(f) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment in order to enable the Director to determine whether to seek further WYCA funding of c£2.1m to part-fund phase 2 in Armley, subject to the outcome of the feasibility study; and that should this funding be secured, the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Communities, Housing and order to provide the Director with the authority to procure, to inject into the Capital Programme and also provide the Director with the authority to spend.
(Further to Minute No. 118 above, Councillor Arif left the meeting room for the duration of the Board’s consideration of ... view the full minutes text for item 122. |
Leeds Lane Rental Scheme - Highways To consider the report of the Director of City Development on the background and work undertaken to progress the development of a potential Leeds Lane Rental Scheme. The report seeks to gain approval for key stages in the implementation of such a scheme, specifically regarding the commencement of formal consultation with key stakeholders, and to delegate the necessary authority to officers regarding the timing, specific content of the scheme, application to the Secretary of State, and the scheme’s implementation.
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the development of a potential Leeds Lane Rental Scheme. The report provided details of the benefits from such a scheme and sought approval to progress with key next steps in its proposed delivery. The proposed next steps were specifically in relation to the commencement of formal consultation with key stakeholders, and to delegate the necessary authority to officers, in consultation with the Executive Member, regarding the application to the Secretary of State and in relation to the timing, specific content and the implementation of the scheme.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member provided an overview of what the scheme would entail, the background to the proposals and the benefits arising from its delivery. It was also noted that the principal aim of the scheme would be to further reduce disruption caused by road and street works.
Responding to enquiries, the Board was advised that any potential impact on residents from highways works, including overnight works, would continue to be taken into consideration as they currently are as part of the existing permit scheme. It was noted that the aim would be to continue to deliver the best outcome for all, and to strike the correct balance when considering the competing demands upon the highway.
Regarding the revenue generated from the scheme, it was noted that the first call would be to reimburse any costs incurred from its delivery. In terms of the allocation of any surplus revenue, particularly with regard to highways maintenance improvements, it was noted that the Government’s consultation on such matters was ongoing.
When considering how such a scheme may impact upon works required to deliver a mass transit project, it was highlighted that the Council would work alongside the West Yorkshire Combined Authority on such matters, as the Council would not want to inhibit the development of a mass transit scheme.
A Member enquired about the approach taken to address the backlog relating to highways maintenance and whether it could be reflected upon to ensure that local maintenance works including pothole repairs undertaken were as effective and efficient as possible. In response, it was noted that this was an area of service delivery that was intended to be reviewed over the coming year.
Regarding the references within the submitted report to ‘Leeds Land Rental Scheme’ at recommendations (a) and (b), the Board noted that these should read ‘Leeds Lane Rental Scheme’.
RESOLVED – (a) That, subject to the corrections referenced above, the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the process and benefits of introducing a Leeds Lane Rental Scheme, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(c) That the progress made to date on the development of a Leeds Lane Rental Scheme, be noted;
(d) That the commencement of formal consultation with key stakeholders, as identified in Department for Transport guidance and required as part of the development of a Leeds Lane Rental Scheme, be approved;
(e) That the ... view the full minutes text for item 123. |
Adult Social Care Plan 2024 - 2027 To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health presenting the Adult Social Care Plan for the period 2024 - 2027, as a new plan which sits alongside the Council’s Better Lives Strategy. The Plan outlines the priority areas of service that the Adults and Health directorate will focus upon in the delivery of its statutory duties under the Care Act 2014.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report presenting the Adult Social Care Plan for the period 2024 – 2027 for the Board’s consideration.
In presenting the report the Executive Member highlighted that the plan outlined the vision and priorities that would be focussed upon over the next three years as part of the Council’s delivery of its statutory duties under the Care Act 2014. It was highlighted that the plan had been informed by the Council’s Better Lives Strategy and supported the implementation of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy. It was also noted that once agreed, the plan would be published and accompanied by an accessible summary document and other resources.
A Member enquired about the ways in which progress made against the plan’s priorities would be measured. In response, the Board received further detail on the range of metrics which would be used. These included the responses from the nationally reported surveys which gauge the opinion of both service users and carers, the demographic data gathered and also via engagement with service providers and partners. It was noted that conversations on such matters would continue, in order to monitor that services were accessible and being provided to those who needed them.
Responding to a specific request, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with the performance metrics used to monitor the progress being made.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the Leeds Adult Social Care Plan 2024 – 2027, as presented at appendix 2 to the submitted report, be noted, and that the Board’s approval be given to the plan’s publication, together with the Director of Adults and Health’s intention to publish an accessible summary of this plan;
(b) That it be noted that the Director of Adults and Health is responsible for keeping the Leeds Adult Social Care Plan up to date, and also for providing regular updates on the delivery of the plan through the Leeds Local Account. |
Leeds Health Protection Board Report 2023 To consider the report of the Director of Public Health which presents the fifth report of the Leeds Health Protection Board since it was established in June 2014. The report details progress made on the Health Protection Board priorities and the achievements of the health protection system including the local system response to new and emerging infectious diseases.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Public Health submitted the fifth report of the Leeds Health Protection Board since it was established in June 2014. The report, which had been considered by the Health and Wellbeing Board on the 21st March 2024, included an update on the Board’s activity, detailed the progress made on the Health Protection Board priorities and highlighted the achievements of the health protection system.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member highlighted the key role that the Board played and noted that it was made up of partners from across the health protection system and chaired by the Director of Public Health.
Members received an overview of the work of the Board, including the local system response to new and emerging infectious diseases. It was also noted that the Board’s aim was to deliver a one system approach to health protection risks and priorities in Leeds. Reference was also made to the range of performance indicators monitored in this area.
Thanks was extended to those officers involved in the key health protection work that continued to be undertaken.
RESOLVED – That the contents of the submitted report be noted, together with the following, as presented in the appended Leeds Health Protection Board Report 2023:- (a) The progress which has been made on the Health Protection Board priorities; (b) The case studies highlighting the approach to managing significant infectious disease outbreaks in the city; and (c) The key achievements, and the targets for 2024, setting out recommended actions for the next 12 months. |