Venue: Remote
Contact: Governance Services
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.
Minutes: RESOLVED – That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as exempt from publication on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information so designated as follows:-
(A) That appendix 1 to the report entitled, ‘Arena Development Plots, Clay Pit Lane, Leeds’, referred to in Minute No. 101 be designated as being exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and considered in private on the grounds that the information contained within it relates to the financial or business affairs of a particular organisation and of the Council. This information is not publicly available from the statutory registers of information kept in respect of certain companies and charities. It is considered that since this information was obtained through one to one negotiations for the proposed land exchange then it is not in the public interest to disclose this information at this point in time. Also, it is considered that the release of such information would, or would be likely to prejudice the Council’s commercial interests in relation to other similar transactions in that prospective transacting parties for other similar sites would have access to information about the nature and level of consideration which may prove acceptable to the Council. It is considered that whilst there may be a public interest in disclosure, much of this information will be publicly available from the Land Registry following completion of this transaction and consequently the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing this information at this point in time;
(B) That appendix 3 to the report entitled, ‘Disposal of Land Located on Windlesford Green, off Holmsley Lane, Rothwell, for Extra Care Housing Delivery and Final Terms of Development Agreement’, referred to in Minute No. 109 be designated as being exempt from publication in accordance with paragraph 10.4(3) of Schedule 12A(3) of the Local Government Act 1972 and considered in private on the grounds that the information contained within it relates to the financial or business affairs of the Council and the consortium. It is considered that since this information was obtained through one to one negotiations for the property/land then it is not in the public interest to disclose this information at this point in time as this could affect the integrity of the disposal of the property/land. It is considered that the public interest in maintaining the content of the appendix as exempt from publication outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, as doing so would prejudice the Council’s commercial position and that of third parties should they be disclosed at this stage.
Late Items To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes) Minutes: Agenda Item 7 - Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan
With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan’.
Given the scale and significance of this issue, it was deemed appropriate that a further update report be submitted to this remote meeting of the Board.
However, due to the fast paced nature of developments on this issue, and in order to ensure that Board Members received the most up to date information as possible, the report was not included within the agenda as originally published on 8th December 2020. (Minute No. 97 refers).
Agenda Item 8 - Update on Leeds City Council’s Preparations for the UK’s Exit from the European Union
With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘Update on Leeds City Council’s Preparations for the UK’s Exit from the European Union’.
Given the significance of this issue, it was deemed appropriate for the Board to receive an update at this meeting. However, due to the fast paced nature of developments of this issue and in order to ensure Board Members received the most up to date information as possible, the report was not included within the agenda as originally published on 8th December 2020. (Minute No. 98 refers).
Agenda Item 15 – White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds
Not a formal late item as such, but prior to the meeting Board Members were provided with a revised map which replaced the version originally published within Figure 11: ‘Woodlands for Water’ of Appendix A of the above report. (Minute No. 105 refers).
Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Minutes: There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests declared at the meeting. |
To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 18th and 24th November 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 18th and 24th November 2020 be respectively approved as correct records. |
Proposed Budget for 2021/22 and Provisional Budgets for 2022/23 and 2023/24 To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) presenting the proposed budget for 2021/22, which subject to Executive Board’s approval, will be submitted to the respective Scrutiny Boards for their consideration and review, with the outcome of their deliberations being reported to Executive Board on the 10th February 2021, with the proposals also being made available to other stakeholders as part of a wider and continuing process of engagement and consultation.
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report presenting the initial budget proposals for 2021/22, and which sought agreement for them to be submitted to Scrutiny for consideration, and also used as a basis for wider consultation with stakeholders. In addition, the report also provided an update on the provisional budgets for 2022/23 and 2023/24.
As part of the introduction to the report, the Chair thanked officers for the efforts which had been made in getting to this stage in the 2021/22 budget setting process. In addition, it was noted that the proposed budget as presented in the report had been compiled whilst details of the final Local Government Finance Settlement were awaited, however, it was noted that an announcement on this was expected from Government on 17th December 2020.
In considering the details within the submitted report, Members discussed a number of issues including support for Neighbourhood Networks, the provision of Wellbeing funding levels for Community Committees, options regarding the Adult Social Care precept and the importance of cross-directorate reviews in order to maximise the effectiveness of the Council services provided with the resources available. Members also discussed the level of the Council’s reserves and borrowing.
With regard to consultation as part of the budget setting process, the early consideration of savings proposals over recent months by Executive Board was welcomed and it was noted that consultation continued on a number of such proposals. It was also acknowledged that the proposed budget was being submitted to today’s meeting with a recommendation that it was agreed for the purposes of being released for consultation.
The requirement to submit a balanced budget to Council for approval in February 2021 was acknowledged, however it was highlighted that given the unprecedented circumstances that continued to be faced and the fact that the final Local Government Finance Settlement was still awaited, the proposed budget as presented, did not balance.
RESOLVED – (a) That with regard to the savings proposals as presented at Appendix 4 to the submitted report:- (i) The financial position for 2021/22, as outlined in the submitted report, be noted, with it also being noted that further savings are required to deliver a balanced budget position; (ii) The ‘Business as Usual’ savings, as detailed, be noted, with it also being noted that decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer in accordance with the Officer delegation scheme (Executive functions); (iii) The recommendations within the ‘Service Review’ proposals at Annexe 4.2 of the submitted report, be agreed, with agreement also being given to the commencement of related consultation; with it being noted that decisions to give effect to such matters shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer, following the consultation period, in accordance with the Officer delegation scheme (Executive functions) save where the Leader, relevant portfolio holder or Director considers that the matter should be referred to Executive Board for consideration;
(b) That consultation on the proposed budget for 2021/22, as ... view the full minutes text for item 96. |
Update on Coronavirus (COVID19) pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan To consider the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the actions of the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, in response to and facilitating the recovery from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic
(Report to follow) Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 86, 18th November 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the continued Coronavirus (COVID-19) work being undertaken across the city including the recovery approach, outbreak management, and details of current issues and risks. The report focussed upon the impact of entering into Tier 3 (‘Very High’) restrictions, current developments and the support in place for people and businesses, with it being noted that the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements continued to be used with the Response and Recovery plan, aiming to mitigate the effects of the pandemic on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable.
With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 9 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 93.
By way of introduction to the report, the Chair thanked Council officers, partners across all sectors and also the wider community for their continued efforts in response to the pandemic. The Board also received an update on the roll out of the vaccine in Leeds, the latest position regarding the localised contact tracing service, ongoing liaison with universities and the provision of self-isolation payments and business support grants.
Following the latest review undertaken by Government, it was highlighted that the Council was expecting to hear the outcome of the Government’s deliberations tomorrow on which tier the city would be in. It was noted that this followed Leeds’ recent submission to Government where a Tier 2 designation was recommended.
It was also noted that further guidance from Government regarding the Christmas period was expected imminently, with Members highlighting the importance of any such guidance from Government being clear and consistent.
In response to a Member’s suggestion regarding the vaccination process and the actions which could be taken to help facilitate the provision of community transport to and from vaccination centres, officers undertook to look into this matter further, with the Board also being provided with greater detail on how the roll out of the vaccine and maximising accessibility was envisaged.
In conclusion, the crucial role that Local Government continued to play on such matters was reiterated and it was undertaken that Members would continue to be kept informed on any related developments.
RESOLVED – (a) That the change in national restrictions from 2nd December 2020, and the introduction of a revised Tier system and West Yorkshire being placed in Tier 3, be noted, with it also being noted that this is due to be reviewed on 16th December 2020 and that the outcomes of the Government’s deliberations on such matters were expected imminently;
(b) That the extensive work being undertaken across the partnerships to control the spread of the virus, prepare for Covid-19 vaccination, undertake local contact tracing, prepare for asymptomatic community testing, protect the health service, and deliver support to vulnerable people and to businesses, be noted; ... view the full minutes text for item 97. |
Update on Leeds City Council's preparations for the UK's exit from the European Union To consider the report of the Chief Executive which provides an update on the current stage of Brexit negotiations during the Transition Period, and the preparations that Leeds City Council continues to make for the UK’s exit from the European Union.
(Report to follow)
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 87, 18th November 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report providing an update on the current stage of Brexit negotiations during the Transition Period, and the preparations that Leeds City Council continued to make for the UK’s exit from the European Union (EU).
With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 9 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 93.
It was noted that negotiations between the EU and UK regarding a deal were ongoing. In discussing such matters, Members were provided with an update on the preparatory work which continued in Leeds ahead of the conclusion of the Transition Period, and how such work would continue in order to mitigate against the negative impacts of the UK’s exit and maximise the benefit from the opportunities which arose.
RESOLVED – That the current national position and Council’s next steps to prepare the Council and the city for the UK’s exit from the EU, as detailed within the submitted report, together with the verbal update provided at the meeting, be noted. |
Lease Agreement for Leeds Media Centre To consider the report of the Director of City Development that seeks approval in principle of a 15 year, full repairing and insuring lease of the Leeds Media Centre to Unity Property Services Ltd on a peppercorn rent basis. The report also seeks to delegate to the Director of City Development the responsibility of agreeing the final terms of the new lease and associated grant agreement, at less than best consideration, subject to any final issues that may arise.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report that sought in principle approval of a 15 year, full repairing and insuring lease of the Leeds Media Centre to Unity Property Services Ltd. on a peppercorn rent basis. The report also sought to delegate to the Director of City Development the responsibility of agreeing the final terms of the new lease and associated grant agreement, at less than best consideration, subject to any final issues that may arise.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received assurance that the normal due diligence processes which were followed when making an agreement such as this would continue to be followed in relation to Unity Property Services Ltd as part of such proposals.
Also, responding to an enquiry, the Board received an update on the provision of related funding which would be available following the conclusion of European Structural and Investment Fund, with further detail being provided on the timeframes around the introduction of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and the availability of related funding in the interim.
RESOLVED – (a) That approval in principle be given for a Full Repairing and Insuring lease of the Leeds Media Centre to Unity Property Services Ltd. on a peppercorn rent basis for a term of 15 years;
(b) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in order to enable the Director to agree the final terms of the lease, at less than best consideration;
(c) That approval be given for the resolutions within this minute to be exempted from the Call In process on the basis that the decisions are urgent due to the short timescales provided by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) appraisal process, and for those reasons as detailed within paragraph 4.5.1 of the submitted report.
(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (c) above, and for the reasons as detailed within section 4.5.1 of the submitted report) |
Financial Health Monitoring 2020/21 – Period 7 To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) which sets out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2020/21 as at Month 7 of the financial year.
Minutes: The Chief Officer (Financial Services) submitted a report which set out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2020/21 as at Month 7 of the financial year.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board received further detail on the current position regarding the Council’s external auditor signing off the use of the Merrion House reserve to contribute towards funding the identified budget gap for 2020/21. It was noted that although confirmation of this was still to be received, it was felt that the risk was minimal, however, the Board received further detail on the actions which would be taken to balance the budget in the event that the use of the reserve was not signed off.
RESOLVED – (a) That the projected financial position of the Authority, as at Month 7 of the 2020/21 financial year, be noted, with the projected impact of COVID-19 on that position also being noted;
(b) That it be noted that for 2020/21 the Authority has withdrawn its application for a capitalisation directive to Government and that the submitted report contains full details of how a balanced budget will be achieved;
(c) That full Council be recommended to release the Merrion House reserve in order to contribute towards funding the identified COVID funding gap;
(d) That it be noted that the position as detailed within the submitted report does not reflect the potential effects of any further local or national lockdown arrangements not yet introduced which could impact upon such financial projections. |
Arena Development Plots, Claypit Lane, Leeds To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval to the provisional terms of a land exchange to facilitate the creation of a single larger development plot, which can be brought forward for a potential future complementary use to the Arena.
(Please note that Appendix 1 to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3))
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought approval to the provisional terms of a land exchange to facilitate the creation of a single larger development plot, which could potentially be brought forward for complementary use to the Arena in the future.
Regarding the proposal, a Member highlighted the potential implications around the Council losing influence on what was ultimately developed upon site A, and emphasised the importance of the quality of any future development on that site being consistent with the high profile location of it.
Following consideration of Appendix 1 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which were considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – (a) That approval be given to the Council exchanging conditional contracts with the buyer of the Yorkshire Bank site for the land exchange of the Council-owned northern development plot (as detailed as Site A in Appendix 2 to the submitted report) with part of the Yorkshire Bank site (Site C in Appendix 2) on the terms detailed within exempt Appendix 1;
(b) That approval be given for officers to negotiate final terms for the land exchange, to be approved by the Director of City Development under delegated powers;
(c) The approval be given to the continuation by officers of informal discussions with the Arena operator, regarding the scope of redevelopment and the identification of complementary uses for the development plot precipitating from the land exchange, with proposals being reported back. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development that informs Executive Board of the work undertaken since the High Court Judgment relating to the Site Allocations Plan statutory challenge, and the requirements for the remittal of the SAP to the Secretary of State. The report also sets out indicative timescales. On this basis, the report seeks approval to commence consultation on the proposed Main Modifications to the SAP. Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 19, 26th June 2019, the Director of City Development submitted a report that provided an update on the work undertaken since the High Court Judgment relating to the Site Allocations Plan (SAP) statutory challenge, and the requirements for the remittal of the SAP to the Secretary of State. The report also set out indicative timescales. On this basis, the report sought approval to commence consultation on the proposed Main Modifications to the SAP.
In introducing the report, the Executive member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development provided an update on the current position regarding the remittal process, and highlighted the resolution of Development Plan Panel from its meeting of 11th December 2020 which recommended to Executive Board that it approves for the purposes of public consultation, the Main Modifications along with the supporting Sustainability Appraisal Addendum and all necessary technical background documents.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry regarding a number of schemes, with specific reference to the former city college site in Horsforth, and the potential impact that the High Court judgement and the current remittal process may have upon the status of any Plans Panel deliberations regarding this site or others in similar situations, officers provided the Member in question with further detail on the overarching plan making process which was running in parallel with the individual planning application process, and in addition undertook to provide further detail to Board Members in writing.
Also, responding to a Member’s enquiries, the Board received further detail on the actions being taken to increase delivery of affordable housing provision in the city centre and other areas. Regarding the Government’s ‘Planning for the Future’ White Paper, Members were advised that the Council had provided a submission to Government as part of the consultation process but that further detail was awaited.
Members also highlighted the recent announcement made by the Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick, which it was noted would look to encourage more homes to be built in England’s 20 largest cities, which included Leeds. It was noted that further detail on this was awaited, however, Members considered the potential implications of this for the city.
In considering the changes which had been made by Government in respect of planning and local housing need guidance over recent years, it was requested that further detail on such matters be provided to Board Members for their information.
RESOLVED – (a) That the resolution of Development Plan Panel from its meeting of 11th December 2020, which recommended Executive Board to approve the Main Modifications for public consultation, along with the supporting Sustainability Appraisal Addendum and all necessary technical background documents, be noted;
(b) That the reasons for the proposed Main Modifications, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(c) That the following be approved for the purposes of public consultation:- (i) The Proposed Main Modifications to the SAP (as detailed at Appendix 7 to the submitted report); and (ii) The Sustainability Appraisal Addendum (Appendix 5 to the ... view the full minutes text for item 102. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development setting out the work that has been undertaken to develop an ambitious and visionary bid to the Towns Fund to support a programme of capital regeneration projects in Morley. The report summarises the contents of the Draft Town Investment Plan, a bid document which is intended to be submitted to Government in January 2021, which has been informed through substantial public engagement and consultation.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which set out the work that had been undertaken to develop a bid to the Towns Fund to support a programme of capital regeneration projects in Morley. The report summarised the contents of the Draft Town Investment Plan, a bid document which was intended to be submitted to Government in January 2021, and which had been informed through substantial public engagement and consultation.
Gerald Jennings, Independent Chair of the Morley Town Deal Board was in attendance at the meeting in order to provide Members with an overview of the work being undertaken by the Board together with an update on the progress made to date.
Members welcomed the significant investment which was being made as part of this process and emphasised that they would welcome further investment from the Towns Fund programme into other parts of the city, should it be made available.
RESOLVED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted, and that the emerging vision for a Town Investment Plan in Morley and the priority objectives of this funding programme, as detailed, be agreed;
(b) That on the basis of recommendation from the Morley Town Deal Board, the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development and the Chair of the Morley Town Deal Board, to enable the Director to approve the submission of the Town Investment Plan to Government in January 2021;
(c) That subject to the success of this bid, and on the basis that there will be a brief window for a response to the Government’s assessment of the Town Investment Plan, the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development, in order to enable the Director to agree terms of a grant funding settlement;
(d) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in consultation with the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development to enable the Director to agree partner contributions including in-kind and match funding, or wider arrangements in order to maximise the impact of the Towns Fund bid;
(e) That in line with the timescales as outlined at paragraph 4.5.4 of the submitted report, approval be given for the resolutions within this minute to be exempted from the Call In process, in order to meet the deadline for submission of the Town Investment Plan to Government and for those reasons as detailed within paragraphs 4.5.4 – 4.5.5 of the submitted report.
(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call ... view the full minutes text for item 103. |
Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy - Draft for Consultation To consider the report of the Director of City Development which presents the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy, ahead of the public consultation and engagement exercise to be undertaken in early 2021.
Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 134, 7th January 2020, the Director of City Development submitted a report which presented the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy for the Board’s consideration, ahead of the public consultation and engagement exercise to be undertaken in early 2021.
By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development highlighted how this strategy was integral to the successful delivery of a range of Council strategies and priorities, with specific reference being made to tackling the Climate Emergency, as declared by the Council in 2019.
Nigel Foster, Chair of the Transport Expert Panel, was in attendance at the meeting in order to provide the Board with an overview of the work undertaken by the Panel and how it continued to contribute towards the development of the strategy.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further detail on how this strategy would align with the equivalent strategy of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, with Members also discussing the range of carbon emission targets which had been set locally, regionally and nationally.
Again, in response to a Member’s comments, the Board noted and discussed how communities would be able to engage and help the strategy to develop and evolve in order to enable it to reflect their priorities and help them to change their day to day transport habits.
Responding to a request, it was noted that Community Committees would be part of the associated consultation process for the strategy, and in addition, the business community would also be consulted.
RESOLVED – (a) That the draft Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy, as presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be endorsed;
(b) That it be noted that a public consultation and engagement exercise will follow Executive Board through to February 2021 in order to help inform the final strategy;
(c) That it be noted that the Director of City Development continues to be the lead officer for the delivery of the Connecting Leeds Transport Strategy and will report back to Executive Board in Summer 2021 following public consultation with a final strategy.
(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor A Carter required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute) |
White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing that sets out proposals on how the Council can lead an ambitious initiative to increase tree planting throughout the district to capture and store carbon. This will be through tree planting on Council owned land and enabling and assisting partners and the wider community to plant trees on other land throughout the area.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report that set out proposals for the Council to lead on an ambitious initiative to increase tree planting throughout the district in order to capture and store carbon. This was intended to be through tree planting on Council owned land and also enabling and assisting partners and the wider community to plant trees on other land throughout the area.
Prior to the meeting, Board Members were in receipt of an updated map which replaced the original version as detailed within Figure 11 of the strategy document, as presented at Appendix 1 to the submitted report.
Also, the Board noted a correction to the submitted report at section 4.4.1, in that the Council had already committed £3.5m to the Woodland Creation scheme, rather than the £1.4m as stated.
Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the importance of consultation with local Ward Councillors and the community was emphasised, with the Board being advised of the work which had been undertaken in this area to date. Moving forward, officers undertook to engage with Community Committees on this initiative, with specific reference being made to how liaison could potentially take place with owners of smaller areas of land in the locality.
Members also discussed the funding sources available that local Ward Councillors could potentially utilise for the planting of trees in the local community, with consideration also being given to the flexible approach that needed to be taken in relation to tree planting across the city.
RESOLVED – (a) That subject to the correction to para 4.4.1 (above) the contents of the submitted report be noted; and that subject to the replacement of the submitted map at Figure 11 of the strategy document with the updated version as provided to Board Members (as referenced above), the White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be endorsed;
(b) That it be noted that the Chief Officer, Sustainable Energy and Air Quality will be responsible for progressing the implementation of the White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds;
(c) That it be noted that a professionally designed strategy document with the same content will be completed after Executive Board in January 2021. |
To consider the report of the Director of City Development which seeks authorisation to enter into a formal contract with the Department for Work and Pensions as part of the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme. In addition, the report seeks authorisation to approve total expenditure of £6m and commit £3m maximum of Council match-funding to deliver the programme. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of City Development submitted a report which sought authorisation to enter into a formal contract with the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) as part of the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme. In addition, the report sought authorisation to approve total expenditure of £6m and commit £3m maximum of Council match-funding to deliver the programme.
RESOLVED – (a) That subject to a successful bid outcome, the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development in order to enable the Director to enter into a formal contract with the DWP as part of the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme;
(b) That total expenditure of up to £6m by the Council, inclusive of £3m maximum match funding to deliver the Enhanced Local Flexibilities for the Unemployed Programme over the next three years, 2021-2023, be approved;
(c) That approval be given to exempt the resolutions within this minute from the Call In process for the reasons as detailed within paragraphs 4.5.1 – 4.5.2 of the submitted report;
(d) That it be noted that the Head of Employment and Skills will be responsible for the implementation of such matters, anticipated to commence in January 2021 and end December 2023.
(The Council’s Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rules state that a decision may be declared as being exempt from the Call In process by the decision taker if it is considered that the matter is urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s, or the public’s interests. In line with this, the resolutions contained within this minute were exempted from the Call In process, as per resolution (c) above, and for the reasons as detailed within sections 4.5.1 – 4.5.2 of the submitted report) |
Business Case for the Rebuilding of The Vine To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which outlines the proposal to create new purpose-built premises to expand and re-house The Vine educational centre for young people with complex special educational needs aged 19-25. Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which outlined a proposal to create new purpose-built premises to expand and re-house The Vine educational centre for young people with complex special educational needs aged 19-25.
RESOLVED – (a) That the proposal for new purpose built premises to house a commissioned service providing adult education for young people aged 19-25 with an Education Health and Care Plan, be approved;
(b) That the current budget requirement to deliver the scheme of £10.8m, be noted, and that the proposal to delegate the necessary authority for the approval of future design and cost reports in relation to the project to the Director of Children and Families (and/or if appropriate, in consultation with School Places Programme Board), be approved;
(c) That it be noted that the responsible officer for the implementation of such matters is the Head of Learning Inclusion.
Leeds Practice Model: Progress and Next Steps To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which looks to increase awareness and understanding of the Leeds Practice Model and its role in improving the quality and reach of restorative evidenced based practices within the Children and Families directorate and the wider children’s partnership, to demonstrate the positive impacts and effectiveness of this work and to share an outline proposal for the wider implementation of the model which will feed into the Children and Families Early Help service review.
Minutes: The Director of Children and Families submitted a report which sought to increase awareness and understanding of the Leeds Practice Model and its role in improving the quality and reach of restorative evidenced based practices within the Children and Families directorate and the wider children’s partnership. The report also looked to demonstrate the positive impacts and effectiveness of this work and to share an outline proposal for the wider implementation of the model which would feed into the Children and Families Early Help service review.
RESOLVED – (a) That the progress which has been made to date in developing the Leeds Practice Model, be noted, and that the proposed next steps to embed the model across Children and Families Services and the wider multi-agency children’s partnership in Leeds, be endorsed;
(b) That it be noted that the Deputy Director, Children and Families Social Work is responsible for the implementation of such matters. |
To consider the joint report of the Director of Adults and Health and the Director of City Development which seeks approval to dispose of a Council owned site on Windlesford Green in Rothwell to facilitate the development of new Extra Care Housing in support of the ‘Better Lives’ Programme.
(Please note that Appendix 3 to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3)) Additional documents:
Minutes: Further to Minute No. 131, 19th December 2018, the Director of Adults and Health and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report which sought approval to dispose of a Council owned site on Windlesford Green in Rothwell to facilitate the development of new Extra Care housing provision in support of the ‘Better Lives’ Programme.
Members welcomed the proposal, with specific reference being made to the fact that 100% of the new development at Windlesford Green would be affordable homes for rent.
Following consideration of Appendix 3 to the submitted report designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), which were considered in private at the conclusion of the public part of the meeting, it was
RESOLVED – That further to, and as a consequence of previous Key Decisions made by the Council on thismatter, the following be agreed:-
(a) That the sale of the land at Windlesford Green to the consortium made up of Morgan Sindall Later Living (formerly known as Ashley House Ltd/Ashley House LLP) and Home Group at a less than best consideration and on the terms as detailed within the submitted report / appendices, be approved;
(b) That it be noted that the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, will progress the disposal of the site;
(c) That approval be given for a Development Agreement to be exchanged with the consortium;
(d) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director, in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources, to approve any subsequent amendments to the terms of the disposal, under the scheme of officer delegation. |