Agenda and minutes

Executive Board - Wednesday, 21st October, 2020 1.00 pm

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Governance Services 

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item


Substitute Member


Under the provisions of Executive and Decision Making Procedure Rule 3.2.6, Councillor Lamb was invited to attend the meeting on behalf of Councillor A Carter, who had submitted his apologies for absence from the meeting.


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information within the meaning of Section 100I of the Local Government Act 1972, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3  If the recommendation is accepted, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED –  That, in accordance with Regulation 4 of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as exempt  on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information.





There was no information designated as being exempt from publication or confidential considered at the meeting.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


Agenda Item 17 - Update on Coronavirus (Covid-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan


With the agreement of the Chair, a late item of business was admitted to the agenda entitled, ‘Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic – Response and Recovery Plan’.


Given the scale and significance of this issue, it was deemed appropriate that a further update report be submitted to this remote meeting of the Board.

However, due to the fast paced nature of developments on this issue, and in order to ensure that Board Members received the most up to date information as possible, the report was not included within the agenda as originally published on 13th October 2020. (Minute No. 64 refers).


Agenda Item 19 - Improving Air Quality in the City (Clean Air Charging Zone (CAZ) Update)


Although not a formal late item of business, in advance of the meeting Board Members had received copies of correspondence received from Government regarding the outcomes of the joint review which had been undertaken with Government into Leeds’ compliance with the legal requirements for air quality levels and the future of the CAZ.  (Minute No. 66 refers).


Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.



There were no Disclosable Pecuniary Interests declared at the meeting.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 336 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 24th September 2020.



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th September 2020 be approved as a correct record.



Fostering Service Annual Report pdf icon PDF 200 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families that sets out the work undertaken by the fostering service between April 2019 and March 2020. The report updates the Board on activity in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers and developments within the service.


Additional documents:


The Director of Children and Families submitted a report providing an update on the work undertaken by the fostering service between the period April 2019 and March 2020. Whilst the report provided information on developments across the service during the relevant period, more specifically it also presented details regarding the activity in relation to the recruitment and retention of foster carers in Leeds.


By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member highlighted a number of key points including: the significant increase in the number of expressions of interest received regarding fostering; the aim of increasing the number of current foster care placements available to children and young people cared for by Leeds and to reduce the use of external residential and Independent Fostering Agency placements; developments in respect of Special Guardianship Orders; the aim of Leeds to become a foster friendly employer; and the priority of increasing the number of foster carers available to support unaccompanied asylum seeking children.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries, the Board received further information and discussed a number of issues, including: the actions being taken in Leeds towards decreasing external residential placements, increasing the number of foster carers in Leeds, reducing the number of children coming into care, the current position regarding the residential estate and the benefits of Special Guardianship Orders and Kinship Care.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report, be received, and that the Board’s continued support for the work of the Fostering Service and the aim of promoting the best outcomes for children, be confirmed;


(b)  That support for the following specific recommendations be agreed:-


(i)  To increase the number of current foster care placements available to children and young people cared for by Leeds and to reduce the use of external residential and Independent Fostering Agency placements for children cared for by Leeds;

(ii)  To develop the offer, in partnership with Child Friendly Leeds, of additional activities and enrichment for fostering families;

(iii)  To increase the diversity of our foster carers so that it matches that of the communities we serve and the children we care for;

(iv)  To increase our ability to meet a wide range of children’s complex needs by developing a broader service offer underpinned by an enhanced training programme;

(v)  To continue with our work with colleagues in West Yorkshire to improve and enhance the offer for Foster Carers taking on Special Guardianship Orders;

(vi)  For Leeds City Council to achieve ‘Foster Friendly Employer’ status.


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of such matters is the Deputy Head of Service, Corporate Parenting.




Recommissioning of the Learning Disability and Autism Care and Support Services pdf icon PDF 160 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health that outlines the proposals for re-commissioning of the services currently provided through this block contracting arrangement. The report also proposes the commencement of consultation on the proposals.


Additional documents:


The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which noted that existing block contract arrangements with Aspire were due to expire on 31st July 2021, and as such, outlined proposals for the re-commissioning of the services currently provided through the block contracting arrangements and proposed the commencement of associated consultation, as appropriate.


In introducing the report, the Executive Member highlighted how in considering the different commissioning arrangements, there was an opportunity to ensure that the re-provisioned services had a focus on personalised and strengths based approaches


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further information on the actions being taken by Aspire to develop their base outside of the Council.



(a)  That agreement be given for different approaches to be followed for the different areas of service, based upon existing commissioning arrangements for similar services, current expertise and the capacity in the market, and also based upon the financial implications of the different scenarios, with the following being progressed further, including through formal consultation: 


(i)  Supported Living – commission the services from Aspire through individual spot purchasing arrangements, as per Scenario 4.1 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report; 

(ii)  Respite and Emergency Respite services – undertake market sounding and procure the services through a competitive tender process, as per Scenario 4.2 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report;

(iii)  Day Opportunities – commission the services from Aspire through individual spot purchase arrangements, as per Scenario 4.3 (b) as detailed within Appendix 3 to the submitted report.


(b)  That it be noted that the Deputy Director of Integrated Commissioning will lead and progress this work.



Living with Dementia in Leeds – our strategy 2020-25 pdf icon PDF 369 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health that provides an overview of the progress made since the previous strategy “Living Well With Dementia In Leeds” was produced in 2013; and presents the development of a refreshed strategy for the period 2020-25.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report which provided an overview of the progress which had been made in this area since the previous strategy “Living Well With Dementia In Leeds” was produced in 2013 and also in respect of the development of a refreshed strategy for the period 2020-25.


Members welcomed the update and the information provided within the submitted report.



(a)  That the strategy document “Living With Dementia In Leeds - Our Strategy 2020-25”, as appended to the submitted report, be agreed;


(b)  That the establishment of the Leeds Dementia Oversight Board and its role to oversee the Leeds Dementia Action Plan and ensure that the strategy is implemented, be noted;


(c)  That it be noted that the design of the ‘Plan on a Page’ and strategy document, as appended to the submitted report, will be reviewed in order to align with the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy branding and format;


(d)  That the role of the Commissioning Programme Lead - Dementia, in the co-ordination of work to progress the strategy, be noted, with it also being noted that this work will be supported by the partnership and governance arrangements as described within the submitted report.  With the Board also noting that this is a joint role working for both the Council and NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group;


(e)  That the role of Elected Members in supporting and monitoring the progress being made in respect of the strategy, be acknowledged.



The Leeds Carers Partnership Strategy pdf icon PDF 131 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health that presents the new Leeds Carers Partnership Strategy, ‘Putting carers at the heart of everything we do’. The strategy sets out 6 priorities that the Leeds Carers Partnership propose are the key areas that we need to focus on in order to promote the health and well-being of carers in Leeds, and to reduce the health and financial inequalities that carers experience due to caring.

Additional documents:


The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report presenting the new Leeds Carers’ Partnership Strategy entitled: ‘Putting carers at the heart of everything we do’.  The report highlighted how the strategy set out 6 priorities that the Leeds Carers’ Partnership proposed were the key areas that needed to be focussed upon in order to promote the health and wellbeing of carers in Leeds, and to reduce the health and financial inequalities that carers experience due to caring.


Members welcomed the information provided within the submitted report, with a request that, as appropriate, further update reports were provided to the Board regarding the provision of support for carers, with Members highlighting the need to continue to monitor the situation during such challenging times.



(a)  That the work of the Leeds Carers’ Partnership in developing its strategy, be noted;


(b)  That the vision and priorities, as set out within the Leeds Carers’ Partnership Strategy, as appended to the submitted report, be supported;


(c)  That it be noted that the design of the ‘Plan on a Page’, as appended to the submitted report, will be reviewed in order to align with the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy branding and format;


(d)  That it be noted that the Head of Commissioning (Integration) and the Commissioning Programme Lead (Carers) will support and co-ordinate the implementation of the Leeds Carers’ Partnership Strategy along with the Head of Primary Care (Proactive Care), NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group.




Merger of Groundwork Leeds with Groundwork Wakefield and North Yorkshire and Leeds City Council's Future Role in Groundwork Yorkshire pdf icon PDF 236 KB

To consider the report pf the Director of Communities and Environment which seeks support for the decision of the Groundwork Leeds Board to merge with Groundwork Wakefield and North Yorkshire to form a new organisation ‘Groundwork Yorkshire’ that will operate on a regional level.



Additional documents:


The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which sought the Executive Board’s support for the decision of the Groundwork Leeds Board to merge with Groundwork Wakefield and North Yorkshire in order to form a new organisation entitled, ‘Groundwork Yorkshire’ that would operate on a regional level.


Responding to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with clarification and reassurance regarding the status of a property on the balance sheet of Groundwork Leeds which was located in Morley, with it being noted that the property would transfer to Groundwork Yorkshire as part of the merger.


Further to this, responding to another enquiry regarding an existing liability in the form of a loan between Groundwork Wakefield and Wakefield Council, it was also noted that a legal agreement was in place confirming that the loan was specifically secured against a site in Wakefield, and as such would have no effect upon the building in Morley. In conclusion, officers undertook to provide the Member in question with a further briefing note on such matters.



(a)  That the decision of the Groundwork Leeds Board to merge with Groundwork Wakefield and Groundwork North Yorkshire, be supported; 


(b)  That in endorsing the decision of the Groundwork Leeds Board (above), approval be given for Leeds City Council to dissolve its company membership of Groundwork Leeds and become a company member of Groundwork Yorkshire; 


(c)  That the establishment of a Leeds Local Groundwork Partnership Board be approved, in order to provide local input into schemes and programmes that are to be developed in Leeds in partnership with Groundwork Yorkshire post-merger; 


(d)  That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director for Communities and Environment, the Chief Officer Financial Services and the City Solicitor in order to enable those officers to conclude the final agreement of the deed of transfer and any other agreement needed to formalise and complete the transfer process.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)



Annual update on the strategic approach to migration in Leeds pdf icon PDF 597 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment that provides a comprehensive overview on migration activity that has been delivered across the city over the past year, taking into account contributions in response to the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable migrant communities by the council during this pandemic.


The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which presented an overview on migration activity that had been delivered across the city over the past year, taking into account contributions in response to the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable migrant communities by the Council during the pandemic.  The report also looked to provide information on key migration population trends; national policy changes including the approach in place to support EU citizens living in Leeds; the new national asylum contract; and activities across the Council in relation to supporting new and emerging communities.

Members welcomed the update and the information contained within the submitted report, and extended their thanks to all officers and partner organisations involved in the provision of services for the migrant community in Leeds.



(a)  That the contents of the submitted update report on migration and on the related activity taking place, be noted, and that the approach being adopted within the migration strategy for Leeds, be endorsed;


(b)  That it be noted that the responsibility of the Director of Communities and Environment and the Executive Member for Communities for leading this work through the Council’s ‘Stronger Communities’ Programme, be noted;


(c)  That the responsibility of the Chief Officer for Communities in leading the work of the Leeds Strategic Migration Board, and the Migration Team for providing strategic and operational direction for the city, be noted;


(d)  That the significant contributions made by services and partners towards supporting vulnerable households and migrant communities which have been disproportionately impacted by Covid-19, be acknowledged;


(e)  That a further annual update report be submitted in 2021.






Understanding and progressing the city’s learning of the experience of people living a street-based life in Leeds pdf icon PDF 163 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment that presents the findings of the independent review of people living street-based lives in Leeds.


Additional documents:


The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report which presented the findings of the independent review of people living street-based lives in Leeds, which was appended to the submitted report. 


By way of introduction to the report, the Chief Officer, Safer Leeds presented the key findings and recommendations of the independent review which had been undertaken into the experience of people living a street-based life in Leeds and provided details of the ongoing work in this area, under the three pillars of ‘prevention’, ‘intervention’ and ‘recovery’ which moving forward would look to progress such recommendations.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries regarding the pillar of ‘prevention’, particularly in relation to the criminal justice system, the Board was provided with further detail on the work being progressed in this area, together with further detail in respect of the ‘recovery’ pillar, and the adopted approach which was now being taken towards the provision of support and accommodation for individuals, with an undertaking that further information on such matters could be provided to the Member in question, if required.


Also, Members discussed and received further information regarding the nature of the independent review which had been undertaken and the learning which was being taken from it. Members also received information on the liaison which continued to take place with Government on this issue and the further development of related services for the medium to long term, with a suggestion that a further report on such matters be submitted to the Board in due course.


On behalf of the Board, the Chair extended her thanks to Richard Jones, Independent Chair of the Leeds Safeguarding Adults Board together with all partners who had been involved in the production of the independent review report.



(a)  That the outcomes from the independent review of people living a street-based life in Leeds, as outlined in the Executive and Oversight Report, as appended to the submitted report, be received, with the key findings and recommendations of the independent review being noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the Director of Communities and Environment will take lead responsibility for considering the recommendations and progressing any changes proposed in accordance with Council governance arrangements, working closely with other Directors and partners as required, through agreed governance arrangements;


(c)  That the excellent work of officers and partners across a range of services and sectors connected to the Street Support Partnership and the wider homeless network, during this difficult time for many, be acknowledged;


(d)  That the Council’s Leadership Team be requested to receive an annual update report on the progress made in this area.


Locality working in our most disadvantaged communities: tackling poverty and inequality and Covid-19 recovery pdf icon PDF 303 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment that provides an update on the role of Community Committees and Elected Members in locality working, the application of the principles of locality working using examples from work programmes to articulate good practice, the emerging impact of Covid-19 in our most disadvantaged communities and the social and economic interventions being made to address this and detailing the Neighbourhood Improvement Board’s role in such matters.

Additional documents:


The Director of Communities and Environment submitted a report that provided an update on the role of Community Committees and Elected Members in locality working, provided details of how the application of the principles for locality working were being progressed, highlighted the emerging impact of Covid-19 in Leeds’ most disadvantaged communities and the social and economic interventions which were being made to address this and detailed the Neighbourhood Improvement Board’s role in such matters.


Members highlighted the key partnership role which had been played by the Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing and Communities), alongside cross-Scrutiny Board working in helping to develop the locality working approach which had been adopted.


In discussing the report, Members emphasised the vital role played by Neighbourhood Networks in communities, noted the effectiveness of locality working, with the response to the pandemic being given as an example, and highlighted the value of locality based decision making.


Responding to a Member’s comments regarding the importance of ensuring a universal offer of provision across all communities in the city, the Board received further detail on the work ongoing in this area, with the response to the pandemic again being used as an illustration of the progress being made. Members also emphasised the need to continue to focus upon the needs of the priority neighbourhoods, and emphasised how the development of the locality working approach needed to continue at pace, given the impact that the pandemic was having on communities across the city. 



(a)  That the contents of the submitted report be noted;


(b)  That the positive comments of the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board on the strong progress made to date, be noted;


(c)  That the Executive Member for Communities be requested to work with the Chair of the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board in order to consider the engagement of other Scrutiny Boards in such work;


(d)  That the Director of Communities and Environment and the Director of Resources and Housing be requested to consider the implications of the work to date in terms of organisational development and design work in the Council;


(e)  That the Directors of Communities and Environment, Resources and Housing, and City Development be requested to consider the implications of the progress made to date for further improving the connectivity of the city’s most disadvantaged neighbourhoods in terms of economic opportunities and aligning capital investment programmes.


Investing in our Neighbourhoods - Approval for Phase 2 of Group Repair in Holbeck pdf icon PDF 799 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Housing and Resources which provides an overview of the improvements achieved by Phase 1 of the Group Repair initiative in Holbeck, and which requests appropriate approvals for an injection into the Capital Programme for Phase 2 of the Group Repair scheme.  Also, the report asks the Board to designate the management of the project and subsequent approvals to the Director of Resources and Housing.


Additional documents:


The Director of Resources and Housing submitted a report which sought the Board’s authorisation to inject £3.9m into the Capital Programme for the purposes of Phase 2 of the Holbeck Group Repair scheme, which included £2.65m from the Government’s Get Building Fund, and £1.25m from private sector contributions, Energy Company Obligation funding and the Housing Revenue Account. In addition, the report requested that the management of the project and subsequent approvals be designated to the Director of Resources and Housing.


Members welcomed the proposals in the submitted report, highlighting the range of benefits that the delivery of phase 2 of the scheme would bring to the community in terms of energy efficiency, improved street scene and general improvements to residents’ quality of life.  The impact that the proposals would bring in terms of carbon reduction were also highlighted.



(a)  That the injection of £3.9m into the Capital Programme be authorised, of which £2.65m is secured funding from the Leeds City Region via Government’s Get Building Fund, and £1.25m from the Housing Revenue Account, Energy Company contributions and private sector owners’ contributions;


(b)  That the management of the project and subsequent approvals be designated to the Director of Resources and Housing.





Update on Leeds City Council's preparations for the UK's exit from the European Union pdf icon PDF 254 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive that provides an update on the current stage of Brexit negotiations during the Transition Period, and the preparations that Leeds City Council continues to make for the UK’s exit from the European Union.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 57, 4th September 2019, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the current stage of Brexit negotiations during the Transition Period, and the preparations that Leeds City Council continued to make for the UK’s exit from the European Union.


By way of introduction to the report, the Chief Executive provided the Board with an update on the current position nationally, and also in respect of the preparation work which continued in Leeds specifically regarding the EU Settlement Scheme, and also in respect of the liaison taking place with the business community around its preparedness.


Members highlighted the need to ensure that any opportunities arising from the UK’s exit from the EU were maximised. However, as the end of the transition period approached, emphasis was placed upon the importance of clarity being provided around the UK’s position upon exiting the EU in order to assist with related preparations.


It was also highlighted that the city’s long term relationship with partners across Europe and beyond would continue.


RESOLVED – That the current national position and the Council’s next steps to prepare the Council and the city for the UK’s exit from the EU, as outlined within the submitted report, be noted.



A review of statues in Leeds in response to Black Lives Matter pdf icon PDF 231 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development that presents and invites the Board’s response to the recommendations of Honorary Alderwoman Alison Lowe’s review of statues in Leeds.

Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report which presented and invited the Board’s consideration of the findings and recommendations from the review undertaken into statues in Leeds by Honorary Alderwoman Alison Lowe.


The Chair welcomed Honorary Alderwoman Lowe to the meeting, who extended her thanks to all in the reference group who had contributed towards the independent review and presented to the Board the key findings and recommendations arising from it.


Members discussed the value of the review which had been undertaken, the importance of learning from and interpreting the past, highlighted the importance of celebrating the contributions which had been made to the city by a range of communities, and emphasised the potential for further cultural outcomes to be delivered as a result of the review being undertaken.



(a)  That Honorary Alderwoman Alison Lowe and the reference group be thanked for their important contribution to this work;


(b)  That it be noted that the review did not include proposals to remove any existing statues in Leeds, but that it recommends a number of initiatives to improve understanding of history, and to better recognise the role of diverse communities and individuals in the city;


(c)  That the Chief Officer Culture and Sport and the Chief Officer Parks and Countryside be requested to bring forward proposals to refresh public information boards in relation to statues on Woodhouse Moor in line with the recommendations in the review;


(d)  That the Council’s support for the development of a commemorative artwork in City Park honouring David Oluwale, and for the installation of Pippa Hale’s artwork ‘Ribbons’, as described in section 3 of the submitted report, be agreed;


(e)  That all the other recommendations of Honorary Alderwoman Lowe’s review, as listed in section 2.10 of the submitted report, be accepted, and that the Chief Officer Culture and Sport be requested to work with others in order to take these matters forward;


(f)  That the other initiatives, as described within section 3 of the submitted report, which are also being developed in response to the issues raised by the Black Lives Matter movement, be noted.


Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan pdf icon PDF 551 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Executive providing an update on the actions of the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, in response to and facilitating the recovery from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.


(Report to follow)

Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 40, 24th September 2020, the Chief Executive submitted a report which provided an update on the continued Coronavirus (COVID-19) work being undertaken across the city including the recovery approach, outbreak management, and current issues and risks. The report also noted that the city’s multi-agency command and control arrangements continued to be used alongside the Response and Recovery plan with the aim of mitigating the effects of the outbreak on those in the city, especially the most vulnerable, and to help prepare for the longer term stages of recovery planning.


With the agreement of the Chair, the submitted report had been circulated to

Board Members as a late item of business prior to the meeting for the reasons as set out in section 9 of the submitted report, and as detailed in Minute No. 50.


Members were provided with an update on the latest developments from both a local and national perspective. This included the current position regarding discussions with Government in respect to Leeds and the discussions taking place with other Local Authorities; Leeds’ Tier 2 (High Risk Alert) status; the latest infection and positivity rates in the city; the liaison taking place with partner organisations and the range of sectors across Leeds; with it being noted that Members and relevant parties would continue to be kept informed of any related developments.


Members then discussed a range of issues including:

·  the extent to which localised Government restrictions were helping to reduce infection rates in communities;

·  the representations which were being made to Government regarding the relevant knowledge and expertise within communities and the need for a more localised approach towards initiatives such as test and trace;

·  the need for a unified approach when making representations to Government, and the importance of continuing to work with partners across all sectors;

·  the initiatives that the Council could potentially consider to help support the business sector, with a suggestion being made regarding city centre car parking charges;

·  the need for further clarity to be sought around the thresholds which triggered localised restrictions in a locality or region, the overall need for clear messaging and the support which needed to be provided to members of the community in order to keep them informed and help them abide by any restrictions;

·  clarification was provided regarding the process by which formal discussions on such matters took place between the Local Authority and Government, and Members received further detail on the latest position regarding such discussions with Government and also with other Local Authorities.



(a)  That the updated context, progress and issues, as detailed within the submitted report, as we move into a period of increased national Government restrictions to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, which is anticipated to last for at least six months, combined with the outcome of discussions about the new Covid-19 Alert system which could bring further government restrictions, be noted;


(b)  That the emerging issues for consideration during the next phase of response and recovery, as  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64.


Leeds Economic Recovery Framework pdf icon PDF 174 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development presenting the proposed approach towards economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The report sets out background information on the pandemic and the city’s response, together with what is happening at a local level to continue to ensure economic recovery from the crisis whilst continuing to deliver Inclusive Growth.


Additional documents:


The Director of City Development submitted a report presenting the Council’s proposed approach towards economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, which set out background information on the pandemic and the city’s response, together with what was happening at a local level which aimed to continue to ensure economic recovery from the crisis whilst also continuing to deliver Inclusive Growth.


It was noted that an approach rather than a fixed plan was being proposed, with the aim of ensuring that this would enable the Council and the city to adapt quickly during this uncertain period, whilst striving to build more resilience into Leeds’ economy.  The 3 pillars underpinning the approach, namely, ‘Respond’, ‘Reset and Renew’ and ‘Build Resilience’ were highlighted together with an outline of the actions to be taken within those pillars.


Responding to a Member’s comments, the Board was provided with further detail regarding the actions which were being taken in order to help deliver support and economic recovery in the immediate and short term, whilst also looking towards the medium to longer term. 


In addition, a Member highlighted the importance of providing support not only in terms of the city centre economy but also in terms of more localised district centre economies.



(a)  That the proposed Leeds Economic Recovery Framework, as appended to the submitted report, which complements the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy and which sets out the Council’s approach towards recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic for the city of Leeds, be approved;


(b)  That it be noted that the Framework will be used as the foundation to begin a conversation with partners and stakeholders on how to recover and build resilience into the Leeds economy moving forwards;


(c)  That it be noted that the officer responsible for leading on this economic recovery approach is the Director of City Development.



Improving Air Quality in the City (Clean Air Charging Zone (CAZ) update) pdf icon PDF 183 KB

To consider the joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development which presents a summary of the findings from the review into the Leeds Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and details the strategy to ensure that compliance will be maintained, with information also being provided on the other air quality measure which are being progressed in the city.  The report also provides information regarding the distribution of financial support to affected sectors and details the current budget position of the CAZ.


Additional documents:


The Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development submitted a joint report presenting a summary of the findings from the review into the Leeds Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and which detailed the strategy to ensure that compliance would be maintained, with information also being provided on the other air quality measures which were being progressed in the city. In addition, the report also provided information regarding the distribution of financial support to affected sectors and details the current budget position of the CAZ.


By way of introduction to the report, the Executive Member confirmed that following a joint review with Government, the Council and the Government had jointly agreed that Leeds had achieved compliance with the Government’s EU compliance (PCM) model and would maintain compliant into the future, and consequently, the CAZ was no longer required.


The Executive Member also made reference to the correspondence confirming this which had recently been received from Rebecca Pow MP and had been circulated to Board Members for their information in advance of the meeting.


Also, it was highlighted that in moving forward, although the legal requirement had been met, the Council wanted to build upon the momentum achieved and continue to improve the city’s air quality, which would require an update of the city’s air quality strategy and the involvement of Scrutiny in such matters. The Executive Member also provided an update and clarification regarding the current position in respect of clean air funding.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries, it was undertaken that officers would provide the Member in question with further detail regarding the range of targets which were in place on a national, West Yorkshire Combined Authority and Leeds level to become carbon neutral.


Also, the Board received further information regarding the CAZ infrastructure which had been installed, and in response to a specific enquiry, it was confirmed that at present, there were no plans to introduce a congestion charge in Leeds.


Responding to a Member’s concerns, the actions which were intended to be taken towards the continued improvement of air quality in the city were reiterated.



(a)  That the outcome of the review into Leeds air quality compliance achieving legal compliance requiring the cancellation of the proposed Leeds Clean Air Charging Zone (“Leeds CAZ”), be noted;


(b)  That the necessary authority to take any formal steps under the Transport Act 2000 to revoke the Leeds Clean Air Zone Charging Order (No. 01) that was made on the 19th December 2018, be delegated to the Director of City Development in conjunction with the City Solicitor;


(c)  That the funding repurposing package which has been requested from Central Government, be noted;


(d)  That the high level approach towards the development of the “Air Quality Strategy 2021 – 2030”, be approved.


Financial Health Monitoring 2020/21 – Month 5 pdf icon PDF 950 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) which sets out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2020/21 as at Month 5 of the financial year.


The Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report presenting the projected financial health position of the Authority for 2020/21, as at month 5 of the financial year.


As part of the introduction to the report, the Board received an update on the ongoing discussions which continued with Government regarding the provision of further support for the current financial year, with it being noted that the Government’s response was expected in late November, and that the intention was to provide the Board with further updates at the November and December meetings. Once the outcome from Government was provided, it would be at this point when it would be known whether or not the Council would need to consider emergency provisions to balance the budget.


Responding to a Member’s enquiries, the Board was provided with an update on the work being undertaken with regard to emergency provisions which may potentially be required to balance the Council’s budget, dependent on the outcome of the Government’s response regarding the provision of further support.


Also, Members discussed the approach which had been taken by the Council with regard to the Minimum Revenue Provision, and in response to a specific enquiry regarding the potential cost to the Council should any further national lockdown restrictions be introduced, it was undertaken that officers would respond to the Member in question directly on this.


In response to a Member’s enquiry, the Board was provided with further detail regarding the estimated increase in Children Looked After residential costs due to the pandemic during 2020/21.



(a)  That the projected financial position of the Authority, as at Month 5 of the financial year, together with the projected impact of COVID-19 on that position, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;


(b)  That it be noted that the position reported does not reflect the potential effects of any further local or national lockdown arrangements not yet introduced, which could impact upon these financial projections;


(c)  That it be noted that the remaining financial gap will still require significant savings and further support from Central Government;


(d)  That it be noted that the Authority is awaiting a response to a request for further Government financial support this year, and this will inform any further action that the Council may need to take in order to deliver a balanced budget position in this financial year.


Revenue Budget Update 2021/22 and Budget Savings Proposals pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer, Financial Services detailing the actions underway and proposed to address the financial gap for 2021/22 which is currently estimated at £118.8m. The report also presents a series of savings proposals to contribute towards the Council achieving a balanced budget for 2021/22 and, where appropriate, seeks agreement to begin meaningful consultation with staff, trade unions, service users and the public as required.




Further to Minute No. 43, 24th September 2020, the Chief Officer Financial Services submitted a report detailing the actions which were underway and proposed to address the financial gap for 2021/22, currently estimated at £118.8m. The report also presented a series of savings proposals to contribute towards the Council achieving a balanced budget for 2021/22 and, where appropriate, sought agreement to begin meaningful consultation with staff, trade unions, service users and the public, as required.


Members welcomed the early sight of the proposals detailed within the submitted report.


Responding to Members’ enquiries about a number of proposals and the directorate based information within the report, it was noted that, further to the report submitted to the Board in September, the proposals detailed in the submitted report were not final, and that given the scale of the financial challenge being faced, these proposals were being considered at this time as part of the wider process which would see the initial budget proposals submitted to the Board later in the year.


In response to a specific enquiry, the Board received an update regarding the Government’s latest announcement regarding its Comprehensive Spending Review.



(a)  That the financial position for 2021/22, as outlined within the submitted report be noted, with it also being noted that further savings are required to deliver a balanced budget position;


(b)  That it be noted that the ‘Business as Usual’ savings and the decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer in accordance with the Officer delegation scheme (Executive functions);


(c)  That the recommendations within the ‘Service Review’ proposals as detailed at Appendix 2b of the submitted report be agreed, and that agreement be given for consultation to commence; and that it be noted that decisions to give effect to them shall be taken by the relevant Director or Chief Officer following the consultation period, in accordance with the Officer delegation scheme (Executive functions), save where the Leader or Director considers that the matter should be referred to Executive Board for consideration;


(d)  That it be noted that the next Best Council Plan update will be brought to Executive Board in September 2021.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute.  Also, it was noted that whilst Councillor Lamb was attending the Board meeting in a non-voting capacity, were he able to, he would have abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)


Accelerated Capital Receipts and Estate Rationalisation pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the report of the Director of City Development which, following on from the report presented to Executive Board in September2020 regarding the approach to Estate Realisation and generating Capital Receipts, provides more details of the proposed next tranche of accelerateddisposal properties which are targeting December auction dates.



Additional documents:


Further to Minute No. 46, 24th September 2020, the Director of City Development submitted a report regarding the approach to Estate Realisation and the generation of Capital Receipts. Specifically, the report provided more detail of the proposed next tranche of accelerated disposal properties which were targeting December 2020 auction dates.


Responding to a Member’s concern, the Board discussed and was provided with further information on the proposal regarding East Lodge, Temple Newsam Estate, with specific reference to the consultation process which had been undertaken in respect of this.


A Member’s comments regarding Leeds Sailing and Activities Centre were noted.



(a)  That the accelerated disposal of those properties as set out in Table 3.1 of the submitted report, which have already been agreed as part of the Capital Receipt Programme, be supported;


(b)  That the injection of those additional properties to be introduced into the Capital Receipt Programme, as set out in Table 3.2 of the submitted report, be agreed, with agreement also being given for those properties to be accelerated for disposal;


(c)  That it be noted that further reports will be presented to Executive Board providing updates on progress, and seeking approval to sell where properties do not from part of the current approved Capital Receipts Programme;


(d)  That it be noted that the disposal of properties and the identification of a strategic approach towards the Council’s estate is the responsibility of the Director for City Development.


(Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Golton required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute.  Also, it was noted that whilst Councillor Lamb was attending the Board meeting in a non-voting capacity, were he able to, he would have abstained from voting on the decisions referred to within this minute)