Agenda and draft minutes

Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) - Wednesday, 9th October, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions

Contact: Rob Clayton (0113 37 88790)  Email:

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item


Mr A Khitou

Mr T Britten


Co-Opted Members (Non-Voting)


Ms H Bellamy

Ms M Adams

Ms S Gul

Mr N Tones


Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25* of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(* In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, notice of an appeal must be received in writing by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).


There were no appeals.


Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1.  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2.  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3.  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:


No exempt items have been identified.


There was no exempt inofrmation.


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items.


However, member’s attention was drawn to the supplementary information on Item 10 Post 16 SEND Transport Policy. This was circulated as supplementary information due to publication deadlines for this meeting and the Executive Board on 16 October 2024, at which the final proposals for any changes to Post 16 SEND Transport provision will be decided.


Declaration of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no declarations of interest.


Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.


Apologies were received from:


Cllr Jordan Bowden

Kate Blacker

Andrew Graham


Minutes - 4 September & 9 July 2024 pdf icon PDF 302 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meetings held on 4 September and the Call In meeting held on 9 July 2024.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the previous meetings held on 9 July 2024 and 4 September 2024 be approved as an accurate record.


These were both unanimously approved, the July minutes proposed and seconded by Cllr Renshaw and Cllr Edwards, the September minutes by Cllr Jones and Cllr Martin.


Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership - Annual Report 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 147 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families presenting the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2023/24. The report outlines the activity that has taken place across the year in relation to the Safeguarding Partners’ statutory duties to work together in exercising their functions of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including developments in practice, progress with priorities, learning, scrutiny, inspections and statutory responsibilities. 

Additional documents:


The Board considered the report from the Director of Children and Families presenting the Leeds Safeguarding Children Partnership Annual Report 2023/24. The report outlined the activity that has taken place across the year in relation to the Safeguarding Partners’ statutory duties to work together in exercising their functions of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, including developments in practice, progress with priorities, learning, scrutiny, inspections and statutory responsibilities. 


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Member for Children and Families

·  Julie Longworth, Director of Children & Families

·  Stephen Dodds, Leeds District Commander (LSCP Executive)

·  Jo Harding, Leeds Place Nurse Lead (LSCP Executive)

·  David Derbyshire, Independent Scrutineer – LSCP

·  Belinda Sharratt, LSCP Business Unit Manager


The Executive Board Member for Children and Families introduced the report stressing the importance and strength of the partnership approach to safeguarding work in Leeds across the local authority, health and Police. The impact of poverty continues to be a risk factor in terms of safeguarding and the development of early help approaches was also noted as a key area of work done by the partnership. Thanks were given to all staff working in this important area.


The Independent Scrutineer also made introductory remarks setting out his role and the plan in place for his activity. It was noted that the arrangements on scrutiny are good within the partnership and that there is real strength in the work done on safeguarding in Leeds. The recent Joint Targeted Area Inspection on Youth Violence (previously considered by the Board) was noted as a good recent example of this. The skilled workforce in Leeds was also noted and the key role frontline staff play in delivering safeguarding in the city with education now also featuring in the partnership work. Supervision of staff was highlighted as a strength and features analysis of the key work being undertaken as opposed to just ensuring that things are done and submitted appropriately.


It was noted that Executive meetings and meetings within the partnership do feature robust challenge and working through resolutions where there is disagreement. Key challenges in Leeds and nationally on safeguarding are around the scale of domestic abuse and impacts on children, enhancing safeguarding of adolescents and ensuring that early stage intervention on neglect cases is as accurate as possible and identify which children need safeguarding and which families need more support. Work is ongoing on these key issues in Leeds.


In response to questions and comments from members the Board discussed the following:


·  The Chair noted past consideration of a specific safeguarding case known as ‘Ruby’ has led to a number of improvements and new processes to provide assurance to scrutiny around safeguarding arrangements. This includes regular meetings between the Chair of this Board and the independent scrutineer as well as separate meetings with the Executive Board Member. In addition, the annual report is now a regular, annual feature of the scrutiny board’s work programme.

·  In response to a question on themes in the report particularly in  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53.


School Attendance Update pdf icon PDF 535 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Children and Families on school attendance providing an overview of the national school attendance picture an overview of the Leeds school attendance data and the actions the local authority has taken and will continue to take to support schools in their work to improve attendance.



Members considered a report from the Director of Children and Families on school attendance which provided an overview of the national school attendance picture an overview of the Leeds school attendance data and the actions the local authority has taken and will continue to take to support schools in their work to improve attendance.


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Member for Children and Families

·  Julie Longworth, Director of Children & Families

·  Dan Barton, Deputy Director – Learning

·  Rebecca McCormack, Head of Service Vulnerable Learners

·  Alison Finley, Children Missing out on Education Lead



To introduce the item the Executive Member for Children and Families emphasised the need to get this right in terms of increasing attendance levels as it is a safeguarding, life chances and education issue which is why it is a priority to improve attendance levels in the city. Positive work has taken place but more is needed to improve attendance in the city.


In response to questions and comments from elected members the Board considered the following issues:


·  The Board asked about exclusions and whether these were classed as absences. The Board heard that suspension or exclusions are classed as authorised absences. Responding to further questions around some schools excluding more than others the Board were informed that the service does work with schools on behaviour policies and work where patterns develop in terms of additional support that can be provided. Ultimately, schools work in line with DfE guidance on suspensions and exclusions. Members asked for more detail on individual schools in terms of the number of suspensions. This was agreed to as an action for outside of the meeting and it was noted that officers were keen to hear about information linked to patterns in terms of suspensions. In addition, a ward by ward breakdown of data for schools was also considered to be a good idea and one that can be developed to provide information to elected members on attendance in their wards.

·  Members asked about different types of attendance so in some instances a 1 hour or part time timetable is operated. The Board heard that this is the case when considered to be appropriate and that records are kept where this type of timetable is used and inappropriate use of such measures are also monitored by both the service and the DfE. In addition, the Board were informed that new coding was introduced this year to highlight when part time timetables are being used. Work is done to ensure that the reasons for part time timetables are known and that they are only used temporarily with work done to ensure the timetable expands.

·  In response to a question on home schooling and comparisons with other areas the Board heard that data is kept on these and that there is a strong link between exclusion, attendance and elective home education. It was noted that the local authority does not have a great deal of power in terms of interventions albeit this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 54.


The Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds pdf icon PDF 145 KB

To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which provides an overview of, and a further update on the Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds and the work that sits underneath the strategy. This includes the range of work that has been done to address ongoing post pandemic and cost of living priorities. This item follows an update received in the 2023/24 municipal year and continuing interest from the Board in the impact of poverty on children and families in the city.

Additional documents:


The Board considered a report from the Director of Children and Families which provided an overview of, and a further update on the Child Poverty Strategy for Leeds and the work that sits underneath the strategy. This included the range of work that has been done to address ongoing post pandemic and cost of living priorities. This item follows an update received in the 2023/24 municipal year and continuing interest from the Board in the impact of poverty on children and families in the city.


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Member for Children and Families

·  Julie Longworth, Director of Children & Families

·  Farrah Khan, Deputy Director Social Care

·  Julie Devonald, Head of Service Workforce Development & Change


The Executive Member for Children and Families introduce the report highlighting the links between child poverty and reduced mental health, physical health, poor financial health, life expectancy and lower grades in education. Therefore, it is important to tackle the issues highlighted and ensure a better future for children and young people in the city. It was also noted that children and young people had been consulted on the refreshed strategy and had inputted into it.


In response to questions and comments from members the following issues were discussed:


·  Members emphasised the challenges faced by families in Leeds in dealing with poverty when housing costs are factored in at an average of £250 per week for a private sector property in the city. The impact of poverty is significant with 79% of school staff dealing on a daily basis with issues linked to poverty such as school readiness and uniforms, referrals to food banks and provision of key household appliances such as washing machines. The impact of hunger was also noted as a key area of concern. The Board acknowledged the clear links between poverty and increased rates of children looked after and statutory interventions.

·  The Board discussed the impact of shame that can lead from living in poverty and how it can stay with children into adulthood, impacting on self-esteem, confidence and ability to fulfil potential.

·  Members were informed of the successful uniform exchange programme which has been a real success with over 4,000 winter coats provided through the programme. The overall approach to tackling shame linked to poverty is a focus across the service. In December there will be a focus on poverty awareness on a multi-agency basis to raise awareness and enable families to access support.

·  The Chair highlighted a recent report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation that highlighted that child poverty has fluctuated but only to a small level going back 30 years to 1994.

·  The Board asked about free school meal take up and why 8,435 children are not receiving free school meals even though they are entitled to claim them. In addition, take up of free nursery placements was also highlighted as a concern. In response the Board were informed that the directorate is looking at successful schemes operated in other areas on auto-enrolment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55.


Working Group Summary - Children’s Transport Policy: Proposed changes to transport assistance for post-16 learners with SEND pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider a report from the Head of Democratic Services that provides a summary and conclusions from the Children’s Transport Policy Working Group held on 24 September 2024.


Appendix 1 to follow as supplementary information.

Additional documents:


Board members considered a report from the Head of Democratic Services that provided a summary and conclusions from the Children’s Transport Policy Working Group held on 24 September 2024.


In attendance for this item were:


·  Councillor Helen Hayden, Executive Member for Children and Families

·  Julie Longworth, Director of Children & Families

·  Dan Barton , Deputy Director – Learning

·  Paul McGrath, Project Lead

·  Rob Clayton, Principal Scrutiny Adviser


The Chair introduced the item and thanked attendees for the positive and helpful discussion that took place.


Resolved – The Board noted and approved the summary note of the Working Group into the proposed changes to transport assistance for post-16 learners with SEND held on 24 September 2024.


(Proposed by Cllr Cohen and seconded by T Britten)


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 143 KB

To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2024/25 municipal year.

Additional documents:


The Board considered the Scrutiny Board’s work programme for the 2024/25 municipal year.


The Principal Scrutiny Adviser introduced the report setting out the Work Programme at Appendix 1 and September Executive Board minutes at Appendix 2.


Resolved - Members noted the Board’s work programme for the 2024/25 municipal year.


(Proposed by Cllr Cohen and seconded by Cllr Stephenson)


Date and Time of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) will be on Monday 11th November 2024 at 1.30pm. (There will be a pre-meet for all Board Members at 1:15pm).


The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board (Children and Families) will be on Monday 11th November 2024 at 1.30pm. (There will be a pre-meet for all Board Members at 1:15pm).



Meeting concluded at 13.35