Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Board (Adults,Health & Active Lifestyles) - Tuesday, 9th February, 2021 1.30 pm

Venue: Remote Meeting

Contact: Angela Brogden (0113) 3788661  Email:

Link: to View Meeting Recording

No. Item

Co-optee present – Dr John Beal, Healthwatch Leeds



Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25* of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).


(* In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, notice of an appeal must be received in writing by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting).


There were no appeals against the refusal of inspection of documents.



Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public

1.  To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


2.  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


3.  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:


  No exempt items have been identified.


The agenda contained no exempt information.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items of business.



Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.


No declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests were made.



Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes

To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor M Iqbal. Councillor P Wray attended as substitute.



Minutes - 5th January 2021 pdf icon PDF 238 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 5th January 2021.


An amendment to minute 61 “Initial Budget Proposals for 2021/22” relating to the Neighbourhood Network Service was requested to reflect that the annual budget for the Neighbourhood Network Service is £3.0 million, not £2.5 million. 


RESOLVED – That subject to the amendment to minute 61 “Initial Budget Proposals for 2021/22” relating to the Neighbourhood Network Service recorded above, the minutes of the previous meeting held 5th January 2021 be approved as a correct record.



Matters Arising


Minute 61 Initial Budget Proposals for 2021/22


The Board noted that the Phase 2 Scrutiny Response Statement had been submitted within the Budget proposals for consideration by Executive Board on 10th February 2021. Members were invited to receive any updates made to the Budget proposals since their consideration by this Board in January as follows:


Ø  Active Leeds – Councillor M Rafique, Executive Member for Environment and Active Lifestyles provided a commitment to continue discussions to find suitable permanent solutions to the proposals for Chippendale Pool, Leeds Sailing Centre and the Tennis Centre at John Charles Centre for Sport in response to the outcome of consultation.

The Chief Officer – Operations (City Development) confirmed that progress on the initial proposals for the three centres was paused whilst a process of due diligence was undertaken on the viability of the potential third party interest identified during the consultation process, which could result in alternative delivery models. An update on the alternative solutions would be provided to the Scrutiny Board in due course.


Ø  Adult Social Care – The Director of Adults and Health highlighted the amendments made to the initial Budget proposals and the Head of Finance Adults & Health outlined a number of changes made to the Budget submission for the Directorate, including the impact of the National Minimum Wage on the proposed Care Home fee uplift, funding proposals for the Shop Mobility scheme and deferral of proposed charges to the appointee service.



a)  To note the updates provided

b)  To thank officers for their collaborative work with the Scrutiny Board and for their efforts to achieve a positive Budget outcome.



Winter pressures across Health and Social Care including and during Covid-19 pdf icon PDF 155 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Adults and Health which presents an update on winter pressures across the health and care system, including and during Covid-19.


The Director of Adults and Health submitted a report presenting an update on system winter and resilience planning and the actions taken during the third peak of the Coronavirus pandemic as it affected the Leeds NHS system. The report outlined how the system – NHS and social care services dealing with urgent care, inpatient care and discharge and rehabilitation community services –remained flexible in response to winter pressures, Covid-19 infection rates and the consequent impact on health and social care services. Additionally, the report highlighted the governance system in place and the close and effective interaction between the Bronze, Silver and Gold groups, ensuring that information flow and decision making remained swift and effective.


The following were in attendance:

·  Councillor Fiona Venner - Interim Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults

·  Cath Roff - Director of Adults and Health

·  Victoria Eaton - Director of Public Health

·  Shona McFarlane - Deputy Director Social Work and Social Care Services

·  Helen Lewis - Director of Pathway Integration, NHS Leeds CCG

·  Mike Harvey - Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

·  Sam Prince - Executive Director of Operations, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust


The Executive Member introduced the report, highlighting the impact of the unique requirements of Covid-19, such as social distancing measures, on the treatment of Covid-19 and the impact on wider health service provision.


The Board received a presentation in three parts. The Director of Pathway Integration, NHS Leeds CCG; introduced the first segment and highlighted the following key points:

·  The system operating principles which placed an emphasis on working together to share data and plans; address system challenges; to maximise the skills and capability of the collective workforce and ensure clear lines of communication across all levels.

·  The command and control structure.

·  Long term planning undertaken during Summer 2020 which included winter scenarios and risk assessments, with an initial ‘worst case’ identifying areas of greatest pressure - plans had focussed on admission avoidance; reduction in length of stay; alternatives to continued stay in hospital; additional Covid and critical care capacity within LTHT and cohort arrangements within LYPFT.

·  The need to identify the Covid-19 status of a new patient quickly in order to allocate treatment appropriately and safely.


The Deputy Chief Operating Officer, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust, presented the second segment and highlighted the following:

·  Advice received from SAGE and modelling informed planning on a weekly basis for Covid-19 capacity, taking into account prevalence and local case rates; and the rate and ability to discharge patients.

·  The April peak saw 247 beds in use for Covid-19 patients, the 2nd wave peak was 320 in November and currently there are approximately 240 patients in the hospital.

·  The pressures of care, in terms of the numbers of patients, type of care required, pressure on staff to provide care and the physical space required to accommodate Covid-19 patients and the restrictions that brought.


The Deputy Director, Adults and Health, Social Work and Social Care Services, introduced the third segment of the presentation.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Overview of the Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme pdf icon PDF 219 KB

To receive a report from the Leeds Bronze COVID-19 Vaccination Steering Group presenting a high level overview of the Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and rollout.


The Board received the report of the Leeds Bronze COVID-19 Vaccination Steering Group, which provided a high level overview of the Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme and rollout. The Board also received a ‘just in time’ presentation produced by the Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme outlining the dynamic nature of the programme, which included information on the following:

·  Arrangements for the Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme

·  Types of vaccination settings

·  Prioritisation of people and staff and tackling health inequalities

·  Workforce implications


The following were in attendance:


Ø  Councillor Fiona Venner - Interim Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults

Ø  Cath Roff - Director of Adults and Health

Ø  Victoria Eaton - Director of Public Health

Ø  Shona McFarlane - Deputy Director Social Work and Social Care Services

Ø  Tony Cooke - Chief Officer Health Partnerships

Ø  Sam Prince - Executive Director of Operations, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Ø  Shak Rafiq - Interim Head of Communications and Engagement, NHS Leeds Clinical Commissioning Group


The Interim Executive Member for Health, Wellbeing and Adults introduced the item and took the opportunity to focus on health inequalities and the need for work to address vaccine hesitancy in some communities. The work undertaken by some of Leeds’ student population to support the vaccination programme and the work of Leeds Healthwatch during the pandemic were also highlighted.


The Executive Director of Operations, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust and Senior Responsible Officer, Leeds COVID-19 Vaccination Programme provided an overview of the roll out of the vaccination programme in Leeds, culminating in 23 vaccination sites now being operational along with a roving team targeting health inequalities and the harder to reach communities.


The presentation included a video walk through of a vaccination procedure at a vaccination hub and provided the following details:

·  Initial priority groups - The phased vaccination programme initially prioritised care home staff and residents, patients aged 80 and above and frontline health and social care staff. The priority group has now been expanded to cover over 50’s and Clinically Extremely Vulnerable. The priority groups will be broadened following advice from the JCVI.

·  The order of vaccine delivery

·  The prioritisation of the workforce

·  The recruitment campaign to support the delivery of the vaccine


The Chief Officer, Health Partnerships and Chair of LCC COVID-19 Vaccine Co-ordination Group provided an overview of the far reaching impact of the programme in terms of management of unrelated issues such as ensuring gritters treat the roads during recent bad weather and discussions with WYCA regarding bus routes leading to vaccination hubs. Additionally, the Board received assurance that focus remains on Care Home residents and staff, with the programme aware of the variations in Care Home uptake of the vaccine and work was underway to address the reasons for this. Details on the following points were provided:


·  Tackling health inequalities exacerbated during the pandemic;

·  Communications with a strategic focus on improving public and staff knowledge, perceptions and motivations to vaccines but also to ensure information is provided in a range of languages and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 73.


Work Schedule pdf icon PDF 148 KB

To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2020/21 municipal year.

Additional documents:


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report that invited Members to consider the Board’s Work Schedule for the remainder of the current municipal year. It was noted that the March meeting would predominantly focus on women’s health. However, following a request made by the Board, it was also highlighted that there would be an additional agenda item scheduled for March in relation to the Leeds Hearing and Balance Centre.


RESOLVED – That the report and outline work schedule presented be agreed.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

Tuesday, 16th March 2021 at 1.30 pm (pre-meeting for all Board Members at 1.00 pm)


Tuesday, 16th March 2021 at 1.30 pm (pre-meeting for all Board Members at 1.00 pm)