Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions
Contact: Becky Atherton (0113 37 88642) Email:
Link: to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 25* of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded).
(* In accordance with Procedure Rule 25, notice of an appeal must be received in writing by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting). Minutes: There were no appeals against refusal of inspection of documents. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public 1. To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2. To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3. If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:
No exempt items have been identified. Minutes: There were no items excluded from the public domain. |
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.) Minutes: There were no late items. |
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: There were no declarations of pecuniary interests.
However, Cllrs Cunningham and McCluskey asked that the following non-pecuniary interests be noted:
· Cllr Lou Cunningham is a member of Friends of Armley and Gotts Park. · Cllr Adrian McCluskey is a member of Friends of Wortley Rec and Friends of Western Flatts Cliff Park |
Apologies for Absence and Notification of Substitutes To receive any apologies for absence and notification of substitutes. Minutes: Apologies were received from the following Scrutiny Board members:
· Cllr Barry Anderson – Cllr Caroline Anderson attended as a substitute. · Cllr Mohammed Iqbal – Cllr Raymond Jones attended as a substitute. |
Minutes - 19 September 2024 To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 19 September 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED: The minutes of the meeting that took place on 19 September 2024 were agreed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising. |
Community Committee Review Update To receive an update from the Director (Communities, Housing & Environment) on progress with the Review of Community Committees, including recommendations that have emerged from the work to date and an accompanying work programme. Additional documents:
Minutes: Those in attendance for this item were:
- Cllr Mary Harland (Executive Member) - James Rogers (Director, Communities, Housing & Environment) - Paul Money (Chief Officer, Safer, Stronger Communities) - Liz Jarmin (Head of Locality Partnerships)
The Scrutiny Board was reminded that in June 2023 the Executive Board recommended a full review of community committees should be carried out. The Scrutiny Board has received updates on the progress of the review in the intervening period with the appended report setting out progress to date and the recommendations that have emerged following member engagement.
In his introduction, the Chair highlighted an ambition to establish a community committee structure, which enables residents and members to have more influence over local decision making.
Cllr Harland welcomed the engagement from the Scrutiny Board and elected members who have taken part in various workshops and consultation meetings. It was noted that there would be a further member engagement opportunity on 13 November 2024.
Cllr McCluskey welcomed the development of a job description that had been produced for the role of Children’s Champion. It was confirmed that a profile for the role of Community Committee Chair was also being developed.
Members highlighted the importance of ensuring a role profile for a committee chair does not inadvertently constrain the work of chairs seeking to tailor the activity of their respective committees to meet local needs or aspirations.
The Executive Member reassured the Board that the review recognises the differences between community committees. The role profile for Chairs will provide clarity about the responsibilities of the position and is intended as a guide to support members who are new to the role.
Cllr Golton queried whether there a similar document will set out how Executive Members and key officers will be expected to respond to the conclusions, recommendations and requests developed by community committees.
Cllr Harland acknowledged the important role of Executive Board members in supporting the work of community committees in their respective portfolio areas.
The Scrutiny Board was advised that the key aim of the review is to improve public engagement with community committees. Members shared this aspiration.
The Scrutiny Board explored the challenge of securing local engagement with the work of community committees. Members identified several barriers to engagement including:
- Time and location of committee meetings. - A lack of opportunities for the public interaction. - The perceived formality of meetings. - Access to technological solutions such as webcasting.
It was suggested that committees may wish to consider engagement activity taking place outside of formal committee settings. This may provide an opportunity for the committee to connect with wider community-based activity. Liz Jarmin highlighted the extensive consultation activity carried out across the city by other Council services and noted the opportunity to bring that work together in localities to achieve a richer overall sense of community views.
Members considered ways in which to reduce the perceived formality of community committees, including changing the name.
Members highlighted the value of the knowledge and support provided by ... view the full minutes text for item 50. |
Playful Green Spaces Plan To receive an update from the Chief Officer (Climate, Energy and Green Space) on the proposed approach for the future development of a Playful Green Spaces Plan. Minutes: The Chair began by welcoming the early engagement on the future development of a Playful Greenspaces Plan.
Those in attendance for this item were:
- Cllr Mohammed Rafique (Executive Member) - James Rogers (Director, Communities, Housing & Environment) - Polly Cook (Chief Officer, Climate, Energy & Greenspaces) - Vicki Marsden (Parks Technical Manager)
Cllr Rafique set out an ambition to improve access to nature-based play environments in the city’s greenspaces. He highlighted the range and extent of parks and greenspaces looked after by the Green Spaces Service, and advised the Board that a future Playful Greenspaces Plan will seek to provide play opportunities for young people of all ages and abilities.
It was further noted that the plan will support the priorities set out in the Play Sufficiency Report, previously agreed by the Executive Board in December 2023, and the city’s Child Friendly ambitions.
The Scrutiny Board acknowledged that this plan is focused on playful spaces that do not include fixed playground equipment – such as den building in woodland or mazes in long grass.
Members welcomed the development of the plan and the early engagement with Scrutiny.
Cllr Farley shared the success and learning that has emerged from the positive experience in his ward of the of the Playbox initiative. He also highlighted the need to ensure any future plan considers opportunities for play for slightly older children and teens.
Polly Cook noted that the outcome of planned community consultation will inform the final plan. However, she anticipates that recent consultation feedback regarding the perceptions of women and girls about safety in parks and greenspaces will also influence its development.
The Scrutiny Board was advised that the plan will provide a set of principles which can be applied to greenspaces. Where funding opportunities are subsequently identified the Council will then be able to act quickly to deliver more playful opportunities within greenspaces.
Members expressed concern about the ownership of land being a potential barrier to delivering improvements in areas that have the least access to greenspaces. They sought further clarity about how officers will work with colleagues to ensure that housing land, for example, is included in the plan.
Polly Cook set out the importance of taking a partnership approach to this work – citing the example of working with Wades Charity with regards to the Playbox programme.
The Scrutiny Board explored the importance of community engagement. It was also noted that increasing the use of parks can reduce anti-social behaviour in these locations.
It was acknowledged that some areas of the city have very limited access to greenspace and the planning service is seeking to address that challenge through the Local Plan.
Members noted that an audit had been developed to assess parks from the perspective of accessibility and the safety of women and girls. Officers were asked to consider whether a similar audit could be developed to identify current opportunities for play and the age groups associated with those opportunities – so as to inform future decision making about ... view the full minutes text for item 51. |
Grounds Maintenance Contract for Leeds from January 2027 To consider the proposed approach to securing a replacement Grounds Maintenance Contract for Leeds from January 2027, as set out in the accompanying report from the Chief Officer (Climate, Energy and Green Spaces). Minutes: The Chair welcomed the opportunity for early engagement in relation to securing a replacement Grounds Maintenance Contract from January 2027.
Those in attendance for this item were:
- Cllr Rafique (Executive Member) - James Rogers (Director, Communities, Housing & Environment) - Polly Cook (Chief Officer, Climate, Energy and Green Space) - Simon Frosdick (Head of bereavement Services)
Cllr Rafique provided introductory comments about the current contract arrangements. He also highlighted the financial pressures facing the organisation and the impact this would have on the specifications within the new contract.
Members requested further information about current arrangements for contract management and quality assurance. Members also sought further detail about the process for pursuing those who create obstructions that prevent operator access to council owned land to carry out maintenance.
Simon Frosdick set out the current contract arrangements including the types of land that are maintained. The majority land holding within the current contract is associated with Housing Leeds properties and residential areas. However, highway verges are also maintained. He noted changes to the current contract over its lifetime including the introduction of more relaxed mowing to support biodiversity and the removal of sight line mowing to in house delivery.
Simon outlined the contract management processes in place, which include a daily cut report and site checks to assess quality and the nature of obstructions that have been identified by operators (e.g. fly tipping).
In response to member queries, Simon advised members that a 10% sample of sites will be checked, along with sites where the team has received complaints from councillors or the public.
Reflecting on the seasonal nature of a significant proportion of this work, the Scrutiny Board considered the impact of a high staff turnover on the quality of work carried out. The Board was advised that the Council has taken steps to provide opportunities for sufficient work from November to January to support the retention of employees and to reduce the need to use seasonal operatives.
Members acknowledged the challenge of particularly wet weather over the last year.
Simon noted that daily cut reports could be shared with members. He also advised the Scrutiny Board that the current contractor – Continental Landscapes Leeds – provide a real time mapping tool that is publicly accessible and shows cut information for council owned land.
Members sought more information about sight line maintenance being delivered in house. Simon advised the Board that this enables the Council to have more control on timing of these cuts and maximises the use of the Council’s own equipment.
The Scrutiny Board highlighted the importance of communicating the benefits of relaxed mowing to the public. Simon confirmed that relaxed mowing has been successful in terms of increasing biodiversity but acknowledged that this relies upon native plants such as ivy and dandelions, which the public perceive to be weeds.
The Scrutiny Board discussed whether wildflower meadows could be achieved in some areas through a change in approach to cutting combined with the sewing of wild flower seeds.
Simon ... view the full minutes text for item 52. |
To consider the Scrutiny Board’s work schedule for the 2024/25 municipal year. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Principal Scrutiny Advisor presented the work schedule for 2024/25, noting that a budget consultation working group has been scheduled for 12 December 2024.
RESOLVED: The draft work programme was noted. |
Date and Time of Next Meeting The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board will take place at 10.30am on Friday 6 December 2024. There will be a pre-meeting for all members of the Scrutiny Board at 10.00am. Minutes: The next meeting of the Scrutiny Board will take place on Friday 6 December at 10am. There will be a pre-meeting for all members of the Scrutiny Board at 9.30am. |