Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit
Link: Link to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item | |||||||||||||||||||||
Announcements Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcomed members to this remote meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting.
(b) The Lord Mayor reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.
(c) The Lord Mayor informed Council that she had agreed to the circulation of updated versions of 4 items
Item 5 – Appointments Item 6 – Executive Arrangements Item 7 – Pay Policy Statement Item 8 – Budget - Council tax report
(c) The Lord Mayor also informed Council of the recent death of former Councillor Christine Macniven.
Council stood in silent tribute.
Minutes of the last Meeting PDF 226 KB To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 13th January 2021. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Cohen and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 13th January 2021 be approved.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members
Minutes: Councillor Dobson informed Council that having taken advice of the Monitoring Officer, he would not be voting or commenting in the debate on the Conservative Group Amendment number 4 or Green Group Amendment number 38; both of these amendments related to the funding of Neighbourhood Networks. Given the nature and scale of the wider budget he would though be speaking and voting in all other respects. |
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Minutes: The Chief Executive informed Council that correspondence had been received from Paul Rowsell CBE, Head of the Governance Reform and Democracy Unit informing Council that the draft ‘West Yorkshire Combined Authority (Election of Mayor and Functions) Order 2021’ has been considered and approved in both Houses of Parliament and that the Minister has signed and made the Order and it was now in force.
In addition the Chief Executive also informed Council that 2 responses to Council resolutions had been received from;
· the Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government regarding Cladding on Buildings ; and
· Will Quince MP, Minister for Welfare Delivery regarding the Poverty Emergency
All of these had previously been circulated to all Members of Council.
Election of Leader of Council PDF 93 KB That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes and
RESOLVED - That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council.
Report on Appointments PDF 155 KB To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes that the updated report of the City Solicitor on appointments be approved as follows;
Councillor Arif to replace Councillor Charlwood on Health & Wellbeing Board
Councillor A Scopes to replace Councillor Harland on Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources)
Councillor Mulherin to replace Councillor Harland on Scrutiny Board (Environment, Housing & Communities)
Councillor A Marshall Katung to replace Councillor Hayden on Scrutiny Board (Adults, Health and Active Lifestyles)
Councillor Hamilton to replace Councillor Hayden on Scrutiny Board (Strategy and Resources)
Councillor Hayden to replace Councillor Mulherin on Development Plan Panel.
Councillor Brooks to replace Cllr Arif on Development Plan Panel.
Councillor Lennox to replace Councillor Blake on General Purposes Committee
Linda Wild as a non-voting Independent Member of Corporate Governance and Audit Committee for a term of four years (renewable once). TO APPOINT THE FOLLOWING CHAIRS OF COMMITTEES / BOARDS / PANELS
Councillor Lewis to replace Councillor Blake as a Member on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Councillor Coupar to replace Councillor Lewis as a substitute Member on the West Yorkshire Combined Authority
Councillor Lewis to replace Councillor Blake as a Member on the LEP Board
Councillor Coupar to replace Councillor Lewis as a substitute Member on the LEP Board
Councillor Hayden to replace Councillor Mulherin on the Place Advisory Panel (West Yorkshire Combined Authority)
Councillor Hayden to replace Councillor Mulherin on the West Yorkshire and York Investment Committee
Councillor Lewis to replace Councillor Blake on the West Yorkshire Joint Services Committee
Executive Arrangements PDF 146 KB That the planned arrangements for the discharge of executive functions, as set out in advance by the Leader of the Council (Elect) and detailed in the attached Schedule, be received.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes and
RESOLVED – That the Leader’s executive arrangements as set out in the updated report and effective from the Leader’s appointment to the role be noted.
Members of the Conservative Group present at the meeting required it to be recorded that they abstained from voting on the recommendation.
To consider the report of the Chief Officer Human Resources setting out recommendations from the General Purposes Committee on 1st February 2021 to Full Council in respect of the 2021/22 Pay Policy.
Additional documents: Minutes: The amended report of the Chief Officer Human Resources putting forward recommendations from the General Purposes Committee that met on 1st February 2021, in relation to approving a revised pay policy statement was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Dowson and RESOLVED –
a) That the Pay Policy Statement for the 2021/22 financialyear as set out in appendix A of the attached report to General Purposes Committee be approved; b) To approve that any in year requirement to amend the Annual Pay Policy Statement as a consequence of changes to Council Policies is reported to the General Purposes Committee to recommend to Full Council for approval. c) To delegate to the Chief Officer (HR) any necessary adjustments to the Council’s pay scales arising from nationally agreed pay awards.
Procedural Motion Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Cohen and
a) That Council Procedure Rules 14.6(b) be suspended in respect of the Budget item to allow amendments to be moved and seconded en bloc by those Members named on the order paper.
b) That Council Procedure Rule 14.1 be suspended in respect of the Budget item and to agree;
(i) that time limits will not be imposed on budget speeches of Group Leaders or their nominees in the budget debate. (ii) that a member contributing to the budget debate can do so for up to 5 minutes. (iii) that a member seconding the budget motion or budget amendments can do so for up to 5 minutes. (iv) that when summing up on the budget motion the Leader of Council can do so for up to 15 minutes.
c) That Council Procedure Rule 3.3 and 4.1 be suspended in respect of the Minutes and to agree that consideration of the Executive Board minutes will continue up to 4.45pm at which point the Leader of Council or the relevant Executive Member will sum up for up to 10 minutes.
i) Leeds City Council Revenue Budget 2021/22 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services on the proposals for the City Council’s Revenue Budget for 2021/22.
ii) Council Tax 2021/2022
To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services setting out how the council tax is calculated and making recommendations regarding Leeds’ council tax requirement, the calculation of Leeds’ and parish elements of council tax and the setting of the overall level of council tax for Leeds for 2021/22.
iii) Capital Programme Update 2021 – 2025 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services on the Capital programme for the period 2021 – 2025.
iv) Treasury Management Strategy 2021/2022 To consider the report of the Chief Officer Financial Services on the Treasury Management Policy and Strategy for 2021/22.
Additional documents:
Under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.9 leave of Council was given to Councillor Lewis to alter the motion in his name having now received the precept from Ledston Parish Council by altering 6(ii) Council Tax by the confirmation of the figures in table (ii) 2 g (table 5) and h (table 6), and (ii) 4 (table 8), and by the inclusion of any budget amendments that are agreed by Full Council.
It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Coupar
i) Revenue Budget
a) To note the recommendation of the Council’s statutory officer (the Chief Officer – Financial Services) that the Budget proposals for 2021/22 are robust and that the proposed level of reserves is adequate, as set out at Section 11 of this report.
b) That the revenue budget for 2021/22 totalling £435.3m be approved. This means that the Leeds element of Council Tax for 2021/22 will increase by 1.99% plus the Adult Social Care precept of 3.0%. This excludes the police and fire precepts which will be notified to Members prior to the Council meeting.
c) To agree grants totalling £69.0k to be allocated to parishes;
d) To approve the strategy at Appendix 8 in respect of the flexible use of capital receipts;
e) In respect of the Housing Revenue Account that the budget be approved with:
i) An increase of 1.5% (CPI+1%) in dwelling rents; ii) A 30p/wk change in the standing charge for Leeds PIPES (Providing Innovative Pro-Environmental Solutions) as a step towards full cost recovery. iii) A 1.1% RPI increase in charges for all other District Heating schemes; iv) That service charges for low/medium and multi-storey flats are increased by RPI of 1.1%; v) That the charge for tenants who benefit from the sheltered support service is increased to £15.14 per week to reflect full cost recovery. The charge is eligible for Housing Benefit; vi) That the subsidy for tenants who are not eligible for benefits but receive the sheltered support service is set at £3.14 per week; Therefore the amount payable by these tenants will increase from £10 per week to £12 per week; vii) Subject to consultation, that a Retirement Life charge is introduced for the provision of additional services linked to communal areas and for communal facilities where they are within a standalone community centre. viii) Whilst a full charge covering communal areas equates to £7.83, it is proposed that for self-payers this charge is initially subsidised and introduced over 3 years. Therefore the subsidy for tenants who are not eligible for benefits but receive the service is set at £3.01 per week meaning the amount payable by these tenants will increase from £3.30 per week to £4.82 per week; ix) Whilst a full charge for stand-alone community centres equates to £3.34, it is proposed that for self-payers this charge is initially subsidised and introduced over 3 years. Therefore the subsidy for tenants who are not eligible for benefits but receive the service is set ... view the full minutes text for item 78. |
Minutes of the Executive Board PDF 323 KB To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Dowson that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
At the conclusion of this item Council concluded. |