Agenda and minutes

from late April, Council - Wednesday, 8th May, 2013 1.30 pm, MOVED

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Governance Services Unit 

No. Item




a)  The Lord Mayor reported the recent death of Honorary Alderman Binks, MBE, and Council stood in silent tribute.


b)  The Lord Mayor reported that Councillor Chapman had submitted her apologies for the meeting due to the change in date.


c)  The Lord Mayor welcomed Councillor Debra Coupar who had recently been elected in the Cross Gates and Whinmoor by-election.


d)  The Lord Mayor reminded those present that the meeting was to be webcast.



Late Item


The Lord Mayor reported that she had agreed to the inclusion of a late item in respect of the Standards and Conduct Committee Annual Report to allow it to be considered prior to the end of the municipal year.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 283 KB

To confirm the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 27th February 2013.


It was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor G Latty and


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 27th February 2013 be approved.



Declarations of Interest

To receive any declarations of interest from Members



The Lord Mayor invited Members to declare any Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.


a)  Councillor Lowe declared an ‘other’ interests in minute 112 of this meeting as a director of Touchstone.




To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate.


The Deputy Chief Executive informed Council that a response had been received via Stuart Andrew, MP, from Lord Freud, Minister for Welfare Reform, in response to the resolution of Council at its January meeting regarding child poverty.  The response had previously been circulated to all Members of Council.




To receive deputations in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10


Four deputations were admitted to the meeting and addressed Council, as follows:-


1)  Regional Asylum Activism Project regarding asylum support and the destitution of asylum seekers.


2)  Wyke Beck Valley Community Forum regarding the post of Wyke Beck Valley Ranger and 5 local nature reserves in Wyke Beck Valley.


3)  West Park Centre Campaign Group regarding West Park Centre.


4)  West Park Residents Association regarding New Generation Transport.


RESOLVED –That the subject matter in respect of the deputations be referred to the Executive Board for consideration.



Report on Leeds Award pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Officer Democratic and Central Services on a nomination for receipt of the Leeds Award.






Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Wakefield, seconded by Councillor J Lewisand


RESOLVED – That the recommendations of the Leeds Award Panel to nominate the Leeds Rhinos to receive the Leeds Award, as presented by the report of the Chief Officer Democratic and Central Services, be approved. 



Report on Amendments to the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive Functions) - Director of Public Health pdf icon PDF 67 KB

To note the report of the City Solicitor presenting to full Council amendments made by the Leader to the officer delegation scheme (executive functions). 




Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Wakefield, seconded by Councillor J Lewis and




a)  That the report of the City Solicitor on amendments to the Officer Delegation Scheme (Executive Functions), approved by the Leader, with effect from 1st April 2013, be noted.


·  A new delegation to the Director of Public Health, as set out in Appendix A to the report.


·  An amendment to the delegation to the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, as set out in Appendix B to the report.


b)  To note that the Monitoring Officer had also amended the Constitution to update it following the decision of the Leader and legislative changes.



Report on Appointments pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider the report of the City Solicitor on Appointments.





It was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor G Latty and


RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor on appointments be approved, namely that Councillor Harland fill the current vacancy on Licensing Committee.



Annual Report of the Standards Committee pdf icon PDF 92 KB


It was moved by Councillor Nash, seconded by Councillor Selby, and


RESOLVED – That annual report of the Standards and Conduct Committee, as presented by the City Solicitor, be noted.



Motion to Suspend Council Procedure Rules


It was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor G Latty, that under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 22.1 (Suspension of Council Procedure Rules), Council Procedure Rule 11 (Questions) be suspended in order that all questions receive only written responses.


RESOLVED – That Council Procedure Rule 11 be suspended in order that all questions receive only written responses.




To deal with questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11



Q1  Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Health and Wellbeing)


Q2  Councillor S Golton to the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services).


Q3  Councillor Lyons to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care).


Q4  Councillor Ingham to the Executive Member (Environment).


Q5  Councillor Lamb to the Executive Member (Children’s Services).


Q6  Councillor S Bentley to the Executive Member (Children’s Services).


Q7  Councillor Khan to the Executive Member (Leisure and Skills).


Q8  Councillor A Hussain to the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services).


Q9  Councillor Anderson to the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services).


Q10  Councillor Lay to the Executive Member (Leader of Council).


Q11  Councillor Hardy to the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services).


Q12  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Health and Wellbeing).


Q13  Councillor J Bentley to the Executive Member (Neighbourhoods, Planning and Support Services).


Q14  Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Resources and Corporate Functions).


Q15  Councillor J Bentley to the Executive Member (Environment).



Motion to Suspend Council Procedure Rules


It was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor G Latty, that under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 22.1 (Suspension of Council Procedure Rules), Council Procedure Rule 3 (Time Limits for Business) be suspended to allow minutes to conclude by 4.10 pm.


RESOLVED – That Council Procedure Rule 3 be suspended to allow minutes to conclude by 4.10 pm.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To receive the following minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i):-

Additional documents:


It was moved by Councillor Wakefield, seconded by Councillor J Lewis that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).


An amendment (Reference Back) was moved by Councillor J Procter, seconded by Councillor G Latty, to add the following at the end of item 9:-


‘In respect of minute 194, page 52 of the meeting of Executive Board 13th March 2013, to ask Executive Board to reconsider its decision.’


A second amendment (Reference Back) was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Downes, to add the following at the end of item 9:-


‘To ask the Executive Board to reconsider the decision in relation to Housing Delivery, as contained in minute 201, page 57 of the Executive Board minutes of 13th March 2013.’


Both amendments (References Back) were declared lost and upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).


Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.



Suspension of Council Procedure Rules


During consideration of the minutes, the following motions to suspend Council Procedure Rules were moved:-


·  Councillor G Latty, seconded by Councillor Lamb, moved that under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 22.1 (Suspension of Council Procedure Rules), that Council Procedure Rule 12.1 (Motions on Notice) 13.1 (Motions and Amendments Requiring Notice) be suspended to allow the introduction of an amendment (reference back) in the name of Councillor J Procter.


·  Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor Downes, moved that under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 22.1 (Suspension of Council Procedure Rules), that Council Procedure Rule 12.1 (Motions on Notice) 13.1 (Motions and Amendments Requiring Notice) be suspended to allow the introduction of an amendment (reference back) in the name of Councillor Golton.


Upon being put to the vote it was


RESOLVED – That both suspensions be approved and that Councillors J Procter and Golton be allowed to introduce the amendments (References Back) in their names.



Back Bench Community Concerns

To receive Community Concerns in respect of:-


1)  Councillor Bruce – The potential impact of High Speed 2 on communities in the Woodlesford area.


2)  Councillor A Blackburn – Obstacles on pavements and forecourts.


3)  Councillor Wilkinson – Concerns about the proposed closure of Primrose Hill Care Home, Boston Spa.


4)  Councillor Lay –  To seek Leeds City Council support for the Otley Business Improvement District (BID) application and its implementation in helping to regenerate Otley Town Centre.


5)  Councillor Dawson – Provision of community support for personnel in the British Armed Forces through the Heroes welcome scheme.




1)  Councillor Bruce – Concerns regarding the potential impact of High Speed 2 on communities in the Woodlesford area. Morley Fire Station.


Councillor R Lewis responded.


2)  Councillor – Concerns regarding obstacles on pavements and forecourts.


Councillor Gruen responded.


3)  Councillor Wilkinson – Concerns about the proposed closure of Primrose Hill Care Home, Boston Spa.


Councillor Yeadon responded.


4)  Councillor Lay – To seek Leeds City Council support for the Otley Business Improvement District (BID) application and its implementation in helping to regenerate Otley Town Centre.


Councillor R Lewis responded.


5)  Councillor Dawson – Provision of community support for personnel in the British Armed Forces through the Heroes welcome scheme.


Councillor P Gruen responded.



The meeting was suspended at 4.50 pm and resumed at 5.20 pm.




Roll of Honour - Councillor Suzi Armitage


The Lord Mayor invited Councillors Wakefield, J L Carter, Downes, Gettings and A Blackburn to address Council on the work of Councillor Armitage, following which Councillor Wakefield unveiled the Roll of Honour.



Suspension of Council Procedure Rules


It was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor G Latty, that that under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 22.1 (Suspension of Council Procedure Rules), that Council Procedure Rule 12.1 (Motions on Notice) 13.1 (Motions and Amendments Requiring Notice) be suspended to:-


a)  allow the introduction of the  Emergency Motion detailed in the order paper below, and


b)  allow the introduction of amendments in respect of the motions in the name of Councillors Cohen, Ogilvie and Golton, set out below.  Details of the amendments were set out in the Order Paper.


RESOLVED – That Council Procedure Rules 12.1 and 13. be suspended to allow the introduction of an Emergency Motion and amendments in respect of the motions in the name of Councillor Cohen, Ogilvie and Golton.



Emergency Motion (in the name of Councillor Illingworth) - Children's Congenital Cardiac Services


It was moved by Councillor Illingworth, seconded by Councillor G Latty, and


RESOLVED – That this Council considers that the Safe and Sustainable review of Children’s Congenital Cardiac Services in England failed to achieve those standards of probity, transparency and efficiency that the public are entitled to expect. Council therefore notes the recent high court judgement that confirmed these concerns. This Council remains dismayed by:-


·  the narrow focus of some aspects the review;

·  the serious factual inaccuracies;

·  the geographic and institutional bias;

·  the lack of transparency and objectivity;

·  the failure to declare obvious personal interests;

·  the lack of evidence supporting some of the proposed changes;


Council calls for NHS England to cease work on the implementation of the Safe and Sustainable review and for a Parliamentary Select Committee inquiry into the conduct of the review, and related events, from 2008 to the present day.


Council was disappointed by the recent controversy over standards of children’s cardiac care which must have caused distress to patients and families in Leeds and the wider region and calls on the Secretary of State for Health to reconsider holding a formal inquiry into the circumstances surrounding it.


Council further calls for NHS England to undertake a fresh appraisal, conducted entirely in public, with equitable representation from all affected areas and professional advice from the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. This appraisal should critically evaluate the evidence for risks and benefits, and aim to optimise both the long-term welfare of the affected families and the immediate interests of the affected children.



White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Cohen) - Kirkgate Market

This Council recognises the huge appeal of Kirkgate Market for residents of Leeds and visitors to the city in terms of the diversity of choice, quality of products, value for money and as a widely respected and highly recognisable city landmark.


This Council therefore calls for full and proper consultation with traders on the future of Kirkgate Market and in particular on the best management model to adopt to deliver a thriving and successful market to the benefit of both shoppers and market traders in Leeds.


This Council notes the disappointing way in which market traders and market trader representatives have been treated in recent years and commits to ensuring a more positive, open relationship between traders and market management.


The Kirkgate Market Strategy does not deliver a full resolution to the problems experienced at the market in recent times and therefore this Council commits to bringing forward revised proposals to Executive Board within the next 2 months.


This revised strategy should offer:-


1.  a mutually agreed model of market management which ensures a fairer relationship with traders and their representatives;


2.  provision to guarantee traders the ability to assign their leases; and


3.  a commitment to genuinely heal the rifts that have developed in the past and still exist.




was moved by Councillor Cohen, seconded by Councillor Lamb, that this Council recognises the huge appeal of Kirkgate Market for residents of Leeds and visitors to the city in terms of the diversity of choice, quality of products, value for money and as a widely respected and highly recognisable city landmark.


This Council therefore calls for full and proper consultation with traders on the future of Kirkgate Market and in particular on the best management model to adopt to deliver a thriving and successful market to the benefit of both shoppers and market traders in Leeds.


This Council notes the disappointing way in which market traders and market trader representatives have been treated in recent years and commits to ensuring a more positive, open relationship between traders and market management.


The Kirkgate Market Strategy does not deliver a full resolution to the problems experienced at the market in recent times and therefore this Council commits to bringing forward revised proposals to Executive Board within the next 2 months.


This revised strategy should offer:-


1.  a mutually agreed model of market management which ensures a fairer relationship with traders and their representatives;


2.  provision to guarantee traders the ability to assign their leases; and


3.  a commitment to genuinely heal the rifts that have developed in the past and still exist.


An amendment was moved by Councillor R Lewis, seconded by Councillor Taylor, to delete all after the first paragraph and replace with:-


‘Council welcomes the proposals in the Kirkgate Market Strategy to significantly invest in and revitalise one of the city’s greatest landmarks in order to secure its long-term sustainable future.


Council reiterates its on-going commitment to support the Market and its traders, as is demonstrated by its investment of £12.3m. Furthermore, with an estimated 10 to 15 million new visitors expected to visit the regenerated Victoria Gate and Lower Kirkgate, Council underlines its intention to support the Market in making the most of this exciting opportunity.


Council envisages a thriving and successful Market at the heart of the city’s 21st century retail offer and acknowledges the extensive research, advice and consultation already undertaken with a wide range of stakeholders to ensure this is the case.


Council welcomes the commitment in the Kirkgate Market Strategy to continue to work constructively with traders on future key proposals and to directly include them in new management arrangements.’


The amended motion would read:-


‘This Council recognises the huge appeal of Kirkgate Market for residents of Leeds and visitors to the city in terms of the diversity of choice, quality of products, value for money and as a widely respected and highly recognisable city landmark.


‘Council welcomes the proposals in the Kirkgate Market Strategy to significantly invest in and revitalise one of the city’s greatest landmarks in order to secure its long-term sustainable future.


Council reiterates its on-going commitment to support the Market and its traders, as is demonstrated by its investment of £12.3m. Furthermore, with an estimated 10 to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 118.


White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Ogilvie) - Skills

This Council regrets that the Coalition Government did not do more to encourage skills development in its recent budget in order to promote economic recovery and social justice.


Council notes with deep concern the poor performance of the Government’s Work Programme, which resulted in only 3.6% of people referred to the Programme moved into work – less than the DWP’s own estimation of the number of people who would have found work if the Programme did not exist.


It is with disappointment that Members also recognise this comes on top of the Government’s extensive welfare change programme, compounding the economic misery of households currently struggling with unemployment in very difficult economic circumstances.


Council acknowledges that local action has been taken, and resources invested, to limit the cumulative impact on vulnerable households of multiple changes to the welfare system.


Leeds City Council has also already demonstrated its commitment to innovative partnership working within employment and skills, as exemplified by the Apprenticeship Training Agency and a range of activities including pre-employment support.


In order to enable the Council to now make meaningful progress in tackling poverty locally, members urge Government to devolve the delivery of work-orientated training and welfare support to local authorities.


Council instructs officers to bring a paper to the Executive Board outlining how the Council could deliver locally-tailored welfare support while also supporting jobseekers back to work. 


Council also instructs the Chief Executive to write to all Leeds MPs asking for their support in making the case to Government to devolve employment support to the local authority.




It was moved by Councillor Ogilvie, seconded by Councillor Mitchell, that this Council regrets that the Coalition Government did not do more to encourage skills development in its recent budget in order to promote economic recovery and social justice.


Council notes with deep concern the poor performance of the Government’s Work Programme, which resulted in only 3.6% of people referred to the Programme moved into work – less than the DWP’s own estimation of the number of people who would have found work if the Programme did not exist. 


It is with disappointment that Members also recognise this comes on top of the Government’s extensive welfare change programme, compounding the economic misery of households currently struggling with unemployment in very difficult economic circumstances.


Council acknowledges that local action has been taken, and resources invested, to limit the cumulative impact on vulnerable households of multiple changes to the welfare system.


Leeds City Council has also already demonstrated its commitment to innovative partnership working within employment and skills, as exemplified by the Apprenticeship Training Agency and a range of activities including pre-employment support.


In order to enable the Council to now make meaningful progress in tackling poverty locally, members urge Government to devolve the delivery of work-orientated training and welfare support to local authorities.


Council instructs officers to bring a paper to the Executive Board outlining how the Council could deliver locally-tailored welfare support while also supporting jobseekers back to work. 


Council also instructs the Chief Executive to write to all Leeds MPs asking for their support in making the case to Government to devolve employment support to the local authority.


An amendment was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Campbell, to delete first five paragraphs and replace with:


‘Council welcomes the diverse approach that has come from central government to help promote economic recovery and in particular the funding provided through the City Deal to help the Leeds City Region deliver its skills agenda.


However, Council expresses concern that the Labour administration has not fully risen to the opportunities presented by central government and notes the slow rate of progress that it is making with the Apprenticeship Training Agency.


Concerns were raised about this complacency at the meeting of full council in February and the administration was presented with the opportunity to create roles for locally based business engagement officers to work with local businesses to boost economic output and job opportunities.  It is unfortunate that this idea was not supported by full Council as it would have provided the opportunity for the Council to improve its so far dismal record on engaging with SMEs to provide apprenticeships for young people.’


Replace ‘now make meaningful progress in tackling poverty’ and replace with ‘boost skills’.


Amended motion would read:-


‘Council welcomes the diverse approach that has come from central government to help promote economic recovery and in particular the funding provided through the City Deal to help the Leeds City Region deliver its skills agenda.


However, Council expresses concern that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 119.


White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Golton) - Deputy Police Commissioner

This Council notes with deep concern the Police and Crime Commissioner’s decision to restrict recruitment of a Deputy Commissioner on a salary of £53,000 solely to Labour Party Members.


This Council believes that this appointment politicises and damages the police service, further undermines already weak public confidence in the role of Police and Crime Commissioner and diverts public money for spending on a party political role that would better be spent on front line policing in local neighbourhoods.


This Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner explaining this Council’s concerns over the appointment of the Deputy Commissioner and that the funding for her salary should instead be spent on front line policing.




It was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Leadley, that this Council notes with deep concern the Police and Crime Commissioner’s decision to restrict recruitment of a Deputy Commissioner on a salary of £53,000 solely to Labour Party Members.


This Council believes that this appointment politicises and damages the police service, further undermines already weak public confidence in the role of Police and Crime Commissioner and diverts public money for spending on a party political role that would better be spent on front line policing in local neighbourhoods.


This Council therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner explaining this Council’s concerns over the appointment of the Deputy Commissioner and that the funding for her salary should instead be spent on front line policing.


An amendment was moved by Councillor P Gruen, seconded by Councillor Charlwood, to delete all and replace with:-


‘This Council notes the flawed Coalition government legislation which allows Police and Crime Commissioners to appoint senior posts without the normally accepted recruitment and employment procedures.


Council believes this is just another example of the wholly unnecessary burden on public finances imposed by the Coalition Government on Leeds taxpayers.’


The amendment in the name of Councillor P Gruen was carried, and upon being put as the substantive motion, it was


RESOLVED – That this Council notes the flawed Coalition government legislation which allows Police and Crime Commissioners to appoint senior posts without the normally accepted recruitment and employment procedures.


Council believes this is just another example of the wholly unnecessary burden on public finances imposed by the Coalition Government on Leeds taxpayers.