Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Announcements Additional documents: Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcomed members to this meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting and reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.
(b) The Lord Mayor congratulated all those recipients from Leeds or who work and volunteer in Leeds and who had been recognised in His Majesty The King’s 2024 Birthday Honours List. The Lord Mayor informed Council that she had written to them all to offer her warmest congratulations on this well deserved award.
(c) The Lord Mayor informed Council that Councillor Sam Firth would be celebrating his birthday shortly and wished him a happy birthday.
(d) The Lord Mayor informed Council that she would adjourn the meeting for refreshments at an appropriate point in the afternoon.
( e) The Lord Mayor informed members that tomorrow would be the 29th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide and there would be a wreath laying at 11am in the Courtyard to which all Members were invited.
(f) The Lord Mayor referred to the recent death of Rob Burrow CBE a Freeman of the City and Council stood in silent tribute.
Minutes of the last Meeting To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 23rd May 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Stephenson and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 23rd May 2024 be approved.
Declaration of Interest To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive informed Council that a response to a Council resolution in respect of the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Act 2023 from the March Council meeting had been received from Kevin Hollinrake MP, the then Minister of State for Enterprise, Markets and Small Business a copy of which had previously been circulated to all Members of Council. |
Deputations To receive deputations in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10. Additional documents: Minutes: Three deputations were admitted to the meeting and addressed Council, as follows:-
1) Save Little Owls Nurseries Campaign
2) Adblock Campaign
3) Stand up to Racism – ‘Battle of Holbeck Moor’
RESOLVED – That the subject matter in respect of deputation 1 be referred to the Director of Children and Families for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Member, that the subject matter in respect of deputation 2 be referred to the Director of City Development and that the subject matter in respect of deputation 3 be referred to the Director of Communities, Housing and Environment for consideration in consultation with the relevant Executive Member.
Executive Arrangements To consider the report of the City Solicitor setting out that the Leader has changed part of his executive arrangements and this report advises full council of those changes in accordance with the Constitution. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Flint and
RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor presenting changes to the Executive Arrangements be noted. |
Report on Appointments To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor on appointments be approved, namely;
To approve that Councillor Martin replace ‘whips nominee’ on the WYCA Employment and Skills Committee; To note the appointment of Councillor Rontree to replace Cllr Bowden on the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee.
Report on Scrutiny Annual Report To consider the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting to Council the Scrutiny Annual Report for 2023/24 providing an overview of the work undertaken by the Council’s five Scrutiny Boards during the 2023/24 municipal year.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Wilson and
RESOLVED – That the report of the Head of Democratic Services presenting the Scrutiny Boards Annual Report for 2023/24 be received and noted.
Executive Questions To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Additional documents: Minutes: Q1 Councillor N Buckley to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development):-
Would the Executive Member for Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development explain why Leeds is ranked 18th in a table of worst European cities for traffic congestion and had the biggest drop in the number of trips to the city centre of UK cities in 2023?
The Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development) replied.
Q2 Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development):-
Given the Executive Members verbal commitment to me to write to the airport expressing the Council's concern at their continued breech of the night flying quota permissions. Could the Executive member make the letter available to all members along with any response from Leeds Bradford Airport?
The Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development) replied.
Q3 Councillor A Ali to the Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture):-
Please can the Executive Member for Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture give an update on Fearnville Leisure Centre?
The Executive Member (Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture) replied.
Q4 Councillor Newton to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development):-
When is the White Rose Train Station going to be operational?
The Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development) replied.
Q5 Councillor Tudor to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces):-
Please can the Executive Member for Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces provide an update on recycling in Leeds?
The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces) replied.
Q6 Councillor B Anderson to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces):-
Can the Executive Member for Refuse Collection advise why the quality of service being provided to the residents of Leeds varies so wildly from ward to ward?
The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces) replied.
Q7 Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces):-
Could the Executive Member inform Council what plans there are for the future of the White House and associated cafe/educational facility on Otley Chevin.
The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces) replied.
Q8 Councillor Martin to the Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development):-
Can the Executive Member provide an update on the recent news about land at Skelton Grange?
The Executive Member (Economy, Transport & Sustainable Development) replied.
Q9 Councillor Cunningham to the Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space)
The introduction of relaxed mowing of some verges and park areas a few years ago is to be applauded to encourage biodiversity. Please could the Executive Member inform Council whether a city-wide No Mow May initiative has been considered?
The Executive Member (Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Spaces) replied.
At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q10 Councillor Wilson to the Executive Member (Resources).
Minutes of the Health and Wellbeing Board and the Executive Board To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Flint that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
On the requisition of Councillors Lewis and Coupar the voting on the motion was recorded as follows;
YES -79
Akhtar, A Ali, S Ali, Arif, Bithell, Bowden, Bromley, Bruce, Carlill, Coupar, Dowson, Dye, Edwards, Farley, Flint, France-Mir, Garvani, Gibson, Grahame, Haigh, Hamilton, Hannan, Hayden, Heselwood, Hinchcliffe, Holroyd-Case, Z Hussain, Iqbal, Jenkins, Jones, Khan, Leighton, Lennox, Lewis, Lloyd, Maloney, Manaka, Martin, McCluskey, Millar, Parnham, Pryor, Rafique, Renshaw, Ritchie, Rontree, Scopes, Shahzad, Taylor, Thomson, Timmins, Tudor, Venner, Wilson, Wray, Campbell, Chapman, Downes, Golton, Lay, B Anderson, C Anderson, L Buckley, N Buckley, Cohen, Firth, Flynn, Harrington, Lamb, D Seary, S Seary, Stephenson, Carlisle, Dobson, Gettings, Kidger, Chesterfield, Dixon, Cunningham,
NO - 0
Brown, Finnigan, Newton, Goodall,
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
During consideration of this item Council adjourned from 14.55 to 15.25. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Pryor) - Rob Burrow CBE Council recognises the outstanding contribution of Rob Burrow CBE to both his rugby league career and raising awareness of Motor Neurone Disease. His courage, commitment and inspirational strength of character was recognised last year with Leeds’ highest civic honour, Freedom of the City.
Council commends the way in which Rob fought tirelessly to raise funds for the development of an MND Care Centre in Leeds and further the fight to find a cure for MND as well as the tremendous courage shown by both him and his family as they shared his personal story since his diagnosis in 2019.
Council shares with the wider Leeds community and further, the sadness at Rob’s passing and commits to working with his family and the Leeds Rhinos to ensure his life and legacy are remembered in a way that supports Rob’s ambitions.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Pryor, seconded by Councillor Lamb and
RESOLVED – That Council recognises the outstanding contribution of Rob Burrow CBE to both his rugby league career and raising awareness of Motor Neurone Disease. His courage, commitment and inspirational strength of character was recognised last year with Leeds’ highest civic honour, Freedom of the City.
Council commends the way in which Rob fought tirelessly to raise funds for the development of an MND Care Centre in Leeds and further the fight to find a cure for MND as well as the tremendous courage shown by both him and his family as they shared his personal story since his diagnosis in 2019.
Council shares with the wider Leeds community and further, the sadness at Rob’s passing and commits to working with his family and the Leeds Rhinos to ensure his life and legacy are remembered in a way that supports Rob’s ambitions.