Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit
Link: Link to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Announcements Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcome members to this remote meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting.
(b) The Lord Mayor reported the recent death of Councillor Carmel Hall who had recently passed away after a short illness. Councillor Hall had represented the Rothwell ward since 2018.
(c) The Lord Mayor also reported a number of deaths of former Councillors and Honorary Aldermen who had passed away since the last ordinary meeting of Council in February 2020. · Keith Fenwick · Honorary Alderman Gerard Francis · Honorary Alderman Dougie Gabb OBE · Honorary Alderman Frank Robinson · Honorary Alderman John Sully · Honorary Alderman Don Wilson
(d) The Lord Mayor also reported that the former Lord-Lieutenant of West Yorkshire, Dame Ingrid Roscoe passed away suddenly last month.
(e)The Lord Mayor reported the sad loss of three Leeds United legends from the Don Revie era:
· Jack Charlton · Trevor Cherry · Norman Hunter
(e) The Lord Mayor also reported the recent death of two officers well known to many members Simon Jordan and Franklyn Riley.
(f) The Lord Mayor paid tribute to those from our City who had tragically lost their lives after contracting Covid-19 and all members joined the Lord Mayor in expressing their sympathy and support.
The Lord Mayor invited everyone to join her in observing a two minutes silence.
Minutes of the last Meeting To approve the minutes of the Council Meetings held on 26th February 2020 and 30th April 2020. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor J Taylor and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings held on 26th February and 30th April 2020 be approved.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members
Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Minutes: There were no communications. |
Report on Council Meeting Dates 2020/21 To consider the report of the City Solicitor on the Council meeting dates for the 2020/21 Municipal Year.
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson seconded by Councillor Andrew Carter and
RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor setting out dates of the meetings of the Council for the Municipal Year 2020/21 be approved.
• 16th September 2020 1.00pm • 11th November 2020 1.00pm • 13th January 2021 1.00pm • 24th February (Budget meeting) 2021 1.00pm • 24th March 2021 1.00pm • Thursday 20th May 2021 - Annual Council Meeting – 6pm
Report on Appointments To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Scopes and
RESOLVED - That the report of the City Solicitor on appointments and the additional recommendation on the order paper be approved, namely that Councillor Bithell replace Councillor Heselwood on the Member Management Committee and Councillor Carlill to replace Councillor Groves on the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee.
Report on Executive Arrangements To note the report of the City Solicitor presenting the Leader’s executive arrangements as set out in the schedule attached to the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson seconded by Councillor Scopes and
RESOLVED – That the report of the City Solicitor presenting the Leaders arrangements for the discharge of Executive Functions, be noted.
Procedural Motions Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Andrew Carter and
a) That Council Procedure Rules 2.2 (e ),(g) & (i), 3, 11.1(c ) & 14.1(b) (c), (d), (e) & (f), be suspended and agree that there will be;
· A report on Covid-19 for 1 hour with each speaker having a maximum of 3 minutes (5 for summing up) with each group having the opportunity to speak if required
· A discussion on Executive Board minutes for upto 60 minutes (inc summing up)
· White Papers – for a maximum of 30 minutes per White Paper - speakers to have up to 3 minutes with each group having the opportunity to speak if required
· A fourth not for debate White paper in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter immediately after the item on the update on Coronavirus pandemic. |
Report Update on Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic - Response and Recovery Plan To consider a report of the Chief Executive updating Council on more recent key new developments in relation to the city’s recovery approach to the coronavirus pandemic, in particular regarding the outbreak management approach. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Executive providing an overview of the Council’s approach to responding to, and recovering from, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic over the past three months was moved by Councillor Blake seconded by Councillor Charlwood and
a) That condolences be offered to all of those who had lost loved ones through this pandemic. b) To show appreciation to those who had worked and volunteered through this crisis, and to the public for the part they have played. c) That the reports that had been provided to Executive Board reporting progress and issues throughout the phases of this pandemic be noted. d) To write on behalf of council to all partners to express appreciation for their efforts and ongoing support.
During consideration of this item the meeting was adjourned due to technical difficulties. |
White Paper Motion Not for Debate (in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter) - Vote of Thanks Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor Campbell and supported by Councillor Blake, Councillor Hutchison, Councillor Field and Councillor A Blackburn and
RESOLVED – That this Council wishes to place on record its thanks and appreciation to all the NHS staff, key workers, teachers, and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to help, protect, and support the people of Leeds during the Covid 19 pandemic.
Executive Questions To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: Q1 Councillor Andrew Carter to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment):-
Can the Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment confirm if the Council has received a response from the Department for Education to an application in 2018 requesting 'Powers of Innovation' to run unregistered provision, and seeking clarity on whether the Council’s provision was legal, and, if so, did the Department for Education agree with the Council’s request?
The Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment) replied.
Q2 Councillor Golton to the Executive Member (Communities):-
On the third anniversary of the residents of Sugar Hill estate receiving a standing ovation after telling us of their plight of facing eviction and demolition of their homes to make way for a new housing estate, can the Executive Member for Communities tell us whether she still stands by her refusal to approach the landowner to purchase the current properties to convert to new Council houses?
The Executive Member (Communities) replied.
Q3 Councillor Wray to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment):-
Would the Executive Member for Learning, Skills and Employment like to join me in thanking all school staff for the amazing effort they have put into ensuring education for the City’s children during the Covid-19 crisis?
The Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment) replied.
Q4 Councillor Gettings to the Executive Member (Communities):-
In regards to the dramatic rise in people begging in the city centre and the increase in the number of people who are homeless, can council be updated on how our city is dealing with this current crisis?
The Executive Member (Communities) replied.
Q5 Councillor Ragan to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles):-
Can the Executive Member detail the contributions made by the Council’s key workers during the pandemic to keep Leeds environmentally safe and clean?
The Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles) replied.
Q6 Councillor Andrew Carter to the Leader of Council:-
Given that the necessary technology is now available, will the Leader of Council guarantee that hybrid meetings of the Executive Board (with some members attending in person and other members joining virtually) will be put in place for the September cycle, and that Licensing Sub Committees, Plans Panels and Scrutiny Boards will begin hybrid meetings immediately?
In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.3 (b) the Executive Member (Resources) replied.
At the conclusion of question time, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q7 Councillor J Bentley to the Leader of Council:
Q8 Councillor Arif to the Executive Member (Children and Families)
Q9 Councillor Field to the Leader of Council
Q10 Councillor Smart to the Executive Member (Communities)
Q11 Councillor Buckley to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development).
Q12 Councillor Bentley to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills and Employment).
Q13 Councillor Carlill to the Executive Member ( ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Minutes of the Executive Board To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Dowson that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2.
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2.
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
At the conclusion of this item Council adjourned from 17.25 to 17.55. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Stephenson) - Schools This Council recognises the challenging times that parents, teachers and pupils have been through in recent months as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Even in these unprecedented times this Council believes that providing children and young people in Leeds with the best possible education should be a key priority for the city and therefore believes that all children and young people should be back at school in September 2020 at the latest.
This Council welcomes additional financial support for schools provided by Government, including a £1 billion Covid Catch-Up Plan and a further £1.7 billion for school rebuilding, repairs and upgrades.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Stephenson, seconded by Councillor Firth that this Council recognises the challenging times that parents, teachers and pupils have been through in recent months as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Even in these unprecedented times this Council believes that providing children and young people in Leeds with the best possible education should be a key priority for the city and therefore believes that all children and young people should be back at school in September 2020 at the latest.
This Council welcomes additional financial support for schools provided by Government, including a £1 billion Covid Catch-Up Plan and a further £1.7 billion for school rebuilding, repairs and upgrades.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Forsaith, seconded by Councillor D Blackburn
Delete all after paragraph 1 and insert:
“Providing children and young people in Leeds with the best possible education should always be a key priority for the City, and this is even more important in these unprecedented times to ensure that our children and young people are not casualties of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Council recognises the huge challenges that planning for all pupils to return to full time school in September brings. In addressing the many practical and logistical issues that have been raised by teachers and Headteachers across the country, Council calls upon the Government to develop a coordinated national plan to deliver the full and safe reopening of all schools in September, recognising that substantial additional resources will be required to fulfil that plan safely.
Council notes how important interagency and flexible working has been throughout the response of Leeds to the COVID-19 pandemic and commits to considering ways to build on this approach to provide safe opportunities for learning outside of schools, using the capacity of other facilities and human resources within local communities.
Council recognises that providing home learning opportunities will be vital for children and young people who are self-isolating, and in the event of local outbreaks or further lockdowns, and that this will require additional resources.”
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Pryor, seconded by Councillor Golton
Delete all after ‘This Council recognises the challenging times that parents, teachers and pupils have been through in recent months as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.’ And add:
Council places on record its sincere thanks to all schools and academies in Leeds for their handling of this unprecedented crisis and the vital support they have provided to families across the city and pledges to continue to work in partnership with them to ensure pupils are able to safely return to school.
Council recognises Government’s recent announcement of £1bn to fund the rebuilding of 50 schools but notes no ... view the full minutes text for item 13. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Bentley) - Unpaid Carers This Council recognises, with gratitude, the tremendous work being done by all key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Particular thanks go to the thousands of unpaid carers who have done so much to look after and protect vulnerable members of the community.
The Council calls on the Government to give more recognition and support to unpaid carers by: · Introducing free travel on public transport for young carers · Protecting carers against discrimination at work similar to those facing racism, sexism and homophobia · Increasing the Carers Allowance · Raising the threshold at which payments are halted
Additionally the Council asks that the Government supports and allocates Parliamentary time to the recently introduced Private Members Bill which would require employers to make “reasonable adjustments” for carers as they would for disabled staff, allowing people to combine caring and paid employment.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Bentley, seconded by Councillor Downes that this Council recognises, with gratitude, the tremendous work being done by all key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Particular thanks go to the thousands of unpaid carers who have done so much to look after and protect vulnerable members of the community.
The Council calls on the Government to give more recognition and support to unpaid carers by: · Introducing free travel on public transport for young carers · Protecting carers against discrimination at work similar to those facing racism, sexism and homophobia · Increasing the Carers Allowance · Raising the threshold at which payments are halted
Additionally the Council asks that the Government supports and allocates Parliamentary time to the recently introduced Private Members Bill which would require employers to make “reasonable adjustments” for carers as they would for disabled staff, allowing people to combine caring and paid employment.
An amendment was moved by Councillor C Anderson, seconded by Councillor Wadsworth
Delete all after “vulnerable members of the community” and replace with:
“This Council notes that the government has increased the rate of carer’s allowance and provided funding to extend the Carers UK’s helpline opening times and information and advice services, so that unpaid carers are able to access trusted information and advice. New guidance is also expected to be published aimed at helping young carers.
“However, Council recognises that more can and should be done to help these vital members of our community, including those who face barriers to employment, and calls on the Government to bring forward new measures focused on supporting unpaid carers.”
Amended motion would read:
“This Council recognises, with gratitude, the tremendous work being done by all key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“Particular thanks go to the thousands of unpaid carers who have done so much to look after and protect vulnerable members of the community. haha
“This Council notes that the government has increased the rate of carer’s allowance and provided funding to extend the Carers UK’s helpline opening times and information and advice services, so that unpaid carers are able to access trusted information and advice. New guidance is also expected to be published aimed at helping young carers.
“However, Council recognises that more can and should be done to help these vital members of our community, including those who face barriers to employment, and calls on the Government to bring forward new measures focused on supporting unpaid carers.”
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Charlwood, seconded by Councillor Smart
After “Increasing the Carers Allowance” add “and the Carer Element within Universal Credit.”
Full Amended Motion to read:
‘This Council recognises, with gratitude, the tremendous work being done by all key workers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Particular thanks go to the thousands of unpaid carers who have done so much to look after and protect vulnerable members of the community.
The Council calls on the Government to give more recognition and support to unpaid carers by: · Introducing free travel on public transport ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Lewis) - Coronavirus Financial challenges “This Council remembers all who lost their lives due to Coronavirus and expresses its deepest sympathies to all who have lost loved ones.
Council is eternally grateful to the health and social care workers, other key workers and volunteers in Leeds who continue to do such an incredible job. Council is proud of the response of the people of Leeds to the pandemic and believes their grit and determination will help drive the city’s economic recovery.
Council recognises the unprecedented impact on the council’s finances from additional expenditure and lost income related to Coronavirus. Council notes the promise from Government to do “whatever is necessary” to support councils in doing everything possible to respond to the virus. Council welcomes the commitments made so far by Government but recognises these fall far short of covering the additional costs and loss of income associated with our Coronavirus response.
Council supports the short term immediate measures to deliver savings that were reported to Executive Board in June, but notes this comes after a decade of austerity being imposed on the council and is deeply concerned further measures will be required which could involve huge cuts to services vital to the city’s social wellbeing and economic recovery, as well as possible job losses affecting the very workers who led the fight against coronavirus. Council notes all other local authorities are facing a financial challenge.
This Council, along with councils all over the country, is ready to step up to help the UK recover from this unprecedented global crisis. Council believes further financial support from government is needed to do this, plus the removal of red tape and giving more freedoms in the way councils operate financially. This would allow the council to do what we have already proved we can do in delivering improved public services and prosperity for the people of Leeds.
“Council resolves to continue working with organisations including Core Cities and the Local Government Association to make the case that all councils are desperately in need of extra funding and to lobby the Government for the resources we need.”
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Hayden that this Council remembers all who lost their lives due to Coronavirus and expresses its deepest sympathies to all who have lost loved ones.
Council is eternally grateful to the health and social care workers, other key workers and volunteers in Leeds who continue to do such an incredible job. Council is proud of the response of the people of Leeds to the pandemic and believes their grit and determination will help drive the city’s economic recovery.
Council recognises the unprecedented impact on the council’s finances from additional expenditure and lost income related to Coronavirus. Council notes the promise from Government to do “whatever is necessary” to support councils in doing everything possible to respond to the virus. Council welcomes the commitments made so far by Government but recognises these fall far short of covering the additional costs and loss of income associated with our Coronavirus response.
Council supports the short term immediate measures to deliver savings that were reported to Executive Board in June, but notes this comes after a decade of austerity being imposed on the council and is deeply concerned further measures will be required which could involve huge cuts to services vital to the city’s social wellbeing and economic recovery, as well as possible job losses affecting the very workers who led the fight against coronavirus. Council notes all other local authorities are facing a financial challenge.
This Council, along with councils all over the country, is ready to step up to help the UK recover from this unprecedented global crisis. Council believes further financial support from government is needed to do this, plus the removal of red tape and giving more freedoms in the way councils operate financially. This would allow the council to do what we have already proved we can do in delivering improved public services and prosperity for the people of Leeds.
“Council resolves to continue working with organisations including Core Cities and the Local Government Association to make the case that all councils are desperately in need of extra funding and to lobby the Government for the resources we need.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Harrington
In paragraph 3 delete after ‘by Government’ and replace with:
‘and resolves to continue to lobby for additional resources and financial flexibility needed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic in Leeds.’
In paragraph 4 delete after ‘but notes’ and replace with:
‘that net external borrowing by Leeds City Council increased from £1.40bn in 2014/15 to £2.24bn in 2019/20 an increase of over £800m in a 5 year period. The impact of this and the changes to MRP policy means that Leeds City Council faces significant revenue budget pressures linked to debt management and borrowing polices in addition to those brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.’
Insert a new paragraph 5 as follows:
‘Council acknowledges in these difficult times the need to put politics to one side and calls ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |