Venue: Remote
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Governance & Scrutiny Support Unit
Link: Link to View Meeting Recording
No. | Item |
Announcements Minutes: (a) The Lord Mayor welcomed members to this remote meeting of Full Council and also any members of the public who were joining the meeting.
(b) The Lord Mayor reminded those present that the meeting was to be streamed live.
(c) The Lord Mayor congratulated all those recipients from Leeds or who work and volunteer in Leeds and who had been recognised in Her Majesty The Queen’s 2021 New Year Honours List. The Lord Mayor informed Council that she had written to them all to offer her warmest congratulations on this well deserved award.
(d) The Lord Mayor informed Council of the recent deaths of both Honorary Alderman Penny Ewens and Honorary Alderman Jean White
(e) The Lord Mayor also informed Council of the recent death of Dame Fanny Waterman who was a recipient of the Freedom of the City of Leeds.
Council stood in silent tribute.
Minutes of the last Meeting PDF 231 KB To approve the minutes of the Council Meetings held on 11th & 26th November and 9 December 2020. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Taylor and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meetings held on 11th & 26th November and 9th December 2020 be approved.
Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest from Members
Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Communications To receive such communications as the Lord Mayor, the Leader, Members of the Executive Board or the Chief Executive consider appropriate. Minutes: The Chief Executive informed Council that a response to a Council resolution in September on the Planning White Paper has been received from the Rt Hon Christopher Pincher MP Minister of State for Housing.
The response had previously been circulated to all Members of Council.
Procedural Motions Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Taylor and
RESOLVED – That Council Procedure Rules 2.2 (e),(g), 3.3, 3.4, 11.1 (c ), 12.2 and 14.1 (b), (c), (d), (e ) & (f) be suspended and agree that;
· all business other than White Papers be concluded by 4.15pm at which point there will be a scheduled break followed by White Papers.
· White Papers – for a maximum of 30 minutes per White Paper - speakers to have up to 3 minutes with each group having the opportunity to speak if required.
Procedural Motion Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Campbell, seconded by Councillor D Blackburn that leave of Council be given to suspend Council Procedure Rule 2.2 (Order of Business) in order that item 8 (Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee - Annual Report) is heard after item 5 (Report on the Calculation of the Council Tax and Business Rates Tax Bases for 2021/22) and prior to item 6 (Report on Plans Panels and Development Plan Panel Annual Report).’’
RESOLVED – That leave of Council would not be given. |
Report on Appointments PDF 145 KB To consider the report of the City Solicitor on appointments. Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Dowson, seconded by Councillor Wray that the report of the City Solicitor on appointments and the additional recommendation on the order paper be approved as follows;
(a) That Councillor Almass replaces Councillor R Grahame on the North & East Plans Panel. (b) That Councillor A Hussain replaces Councillor R Grahame on Scrutiny Board (Infrastructure, Investment & Inclusive Growth). (c) That Councillor Cunningham replace Councillor R Grahame on the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority. (d) That Councillor Finnigan replace ‘whips nominee’ on the City Plans Panel. (e) That Cllr Scopes replace Cllr Tunnicliffe on the Standards and Conduct Committee.
Report on the Calculation of the Council Tax and Business Rates Tax Bases for 2021/22 PDF 1 MB To consider the report of the Chief Officer – Financial Services seeking agreement to the 2021/22 council tax bases for Leeds and the parish/town councils set out in the report and providing indicative business rates shares for 2021/22 and to request Council to give delegated authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to finalise the shares and to submit them in the National Non-Domestic Rates 1 Return 2021/22 on or before 31st January 2021. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Officer-Financial Services (including replacement pages relating to the Barwick in Elmet and Scholes parish tax base figures) seeking Council approval to the 2021/22 council tax bases for Leeds and the parish/town councils set out in the report and providing indicative business rates shares for 2021/22 and requesting Council to give delegated authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to finalise the shares and to submit them in the National Non-Domestic Rates 1 Return 2021-22 on or before31st January 2021 was moved by Councillor J Lewis, seconded by Councillor Dowson and
RESOLVED – a) To agree that, in accordance with the Local Authorities (Calculation of Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012, the amount calculated by the Council as its council tax base 2021/22 shall be 229,489.2 for Leeds and for each parish as listed in Section 3.4, of the report, and detailed in Appendix 1 of the report; b) To agree the increase of the empty homes premium on long term empty properties which have been unoccupied for over ten years from 200% to 300%, as detailed in Section 3.3 of the report; c) To note the indicative business rates shares set out in Section 3.5, of the report and delegate authority to the Chief Officer – Financial Services to make the detailed calculations and to submit the final figures to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government on or before 31st January 2021.
Report on Plans Panels and Development Plan Panel Annual Report PDF 219 KB To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer presenting to Council the 2019-20 Plans Panel annual report which is attached to the report. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Mulherin, seconded by Councillor Dowson and
RESOLVED – That the report of the Chief Planning Officer presenting to Council the 2019-20 Plans Panel Annual Report be received and noted.
Report on Community Committees Annual Report PDF 227 KB To consider the report of the Head of Stronger Communities presenting to Council the Community Committees’ Annual Report.
It looks at progress made over the last twelve months, outlines the changes which have taken place during 2019 to 2020 and gives examples of some of the work the Community Committees have carried out within their communities to improve the lives of local people of all ages and backgrounds.
The report also looks at Wellbeing and Youth Activities Funding (YAF) and the impact it makes, as well as the role the Community Committees undertake in bringing communities together and outlines the social media activity that takes place through the Community Committee structures, which ensures they reach a large number of residents every month through local stories and conversations.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Dowson and
RESOLVED – That the report of the Head of Stronger Communities presenting to Council the Community Committees’ Annual report for 2019/20 be received and that the work now being progressed to further improve the effectiveness, community engagement role and improvement work of Community Committees be noted.
Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee - Annual Report PDF 214 KB To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing introducing to Council the Annual Report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee, which demonstrates the work the Committee has undertaken to date.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Mulherin, seconded by Councillor Walshaw and
RESOLVED – That the Annual report of the Climate Emergency Advisory Committee be received and noted.
Executive Questions To deal with executive questions in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11. Minutes: Q1 Councillor Robinson to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development):-
In conjunction with the White Rose Forest Strategy for Leeds, will the Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development support my group’s idea to create a special Woodland and Garden Memorial, in honour of those who have lost their lives due to Covid-19, and to pay tribute to all the key workers who have sacrificed so much to help protect the people of Leeds during the pandemic?
The Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development) replied.
Q2 Councillor Bentley to the Executive Member (Communities):-
Will the Executive Member for Communities please inform Council of the consultations that have taken place with the Police and Crime Commissioner in relation to the administration’s proposal to discontinue the match funding payment for 39 Police Community Support Officers in the city?
The Executive Member (Communities) replied.
Q3 Councillor Nash to the Leader of Council :-
Please would the Leader provide a statement now for all Members in attendance and therefore the public, giving an update on the City`s response to the Covid19 pandemic?
The Leader of Council replied.
At 4.15pm in accordance with the resolution of Council (minute 56 refers) business was concluded, the following questions remained unanswered and it was noted that, under the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 11.6, written answers would be sent to each Member of Council:-
Q4 Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Adults).
Q5 Councillor Groves to the Executive Member (Resources).
Q6 Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q7 Councillor Campbell to the Leader of Council.
Q8 Councillor Heselwood to the Executive Member (Learning, Skills & Employment).
Q9 Councillor A Blackburn to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q10 Councillor Hayden to the Executive Member (Children and Families).
Q11 Councillor Harrington to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q12 Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development).
Q13 Councillor Cunningham to the Executive Member (Health, Wellbeing and Adults).
Q14 Councillor Forsaith to the Executive Member (Communities).
Q15 Councillor Carlill to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development).
Q16 Councillor Stephenson to the Executive Member (Children and Families).
Q17 Councillor Campbell to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q18 Councillor Ragan to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q19 Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development).
Q20 Councillor Wadsworth to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q21 Councillor Downes to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q22 Councillor Field to the Leader of Council.
Q23 Councillor Robinson to the Leader of Council.
Q24 Councillor Howley to the Executive Member (Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development).
Q25 Councillor Field to the Executive Member (Environment and Active Lifestyles).
Q26 Councillor Buckley to the Executive ... view the full minutes text for item 63. |
Minutes of the Executive Board PDF 429 KB To receive the minutes in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i). Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Blake, seconded by Councillor Dowson that the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
RESOLVED – That the minutes be received in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 2.2(i).
Council Procedure Rule 4, providing for the winding up of business, was applied prior to all notified comments on the minutes having been debated.
At the conclusion of this item Council adjourned from 16.20 to 16.35. |
Lord Mayor's Announcement Minutes: The Lord Mayor informed Council that she wanted to find an appropriate place in the meeting today to acknowledge and allow Full Council to join her in congratulating Cllr Blake on her selection to the House of Lords.
The Lord Mayor said it was a huge honour and recognition of the Leaders significant public service to date and that her skills and experience would continue to make a lasting contribution in the House of Lords and that she would continue to be an advocate for the City and the Region.
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Andrew Carter) - Trade Deal PDF 183 KB This Council welcomes the signing of the UK–EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which sets out the basis for the UK’s trading relationship with the EU.
This agreement represents one of the largest free trade agreements in the world, and will allow the UK to trade with the EU without tariffs or quotas, and to maintain a constructive relationship based on free trade and cooperation on key areas of mutual interest. In addition Council notes the greater opportunities the UK and Leeds will now have to advance our trade and business relationships in the wider world outside the EU. Council regrets that a number of Labour, Liberal Democrat and other Opposition MPs chose not to support the deal, refusing even at this late stage to accept the decision of the British people in 2016.
Now that the detail of the agreement is known, this Council requests that a report is presented to Executive Board setting out the implications for Leeds and how the city can seize the opportunities presented by our new relationship with the EU. Council also requests that the cross-party member working group continues to meet in order to inform and guide this work.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Andrew Carter, seconded by Councillor Lamb that this Council welcomes the signing of the UK–EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement, which sets out the basis for the UK’s trading relationship with the EU.
This agreement represents one of the largest free trade agreements in the world, and will allow the UK to trade with the EU without tariffs or quotas, and to maintain a constructive relationship based on free trade and cooperation on key areas of mutual interest. In addition Council notes the greater opportunities the UK and Leeds will now have to advance our trade and business relationships in the wider world outside the EU. Council regrets that a number of Labour, Liberal Democrat and other Opposition MPs chose not to support the deal, refusing even at this late stage to accept the decision of the British people in 2016.
Now that the detail of the agreement is known, this Council requests that a report is presented to Executive Board setting out the implications for Leeds and how the city can seize the opportunities presented by our new relationship with the EU. Council also requests that the cross-party member working group continues to meet in order to inform and guide this work.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Forsaith, seconded by Councillor D Blackburn
Delete everything after “This Council” and replace with:
notes with some relief that a UK–EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement has been signed, setting out the basis for the UK’s trading relationship with the EU. Council regrets the division caused by the referendum, and the significant uncertainty created over the years that it has taken to reach an agreement. Council recognises that severing our previously beneficial trading position within the EU would have been even more disastrous without a trading agreement with the EU being signed.
Now that the detail of the agreement is known, this Council requests that a report is presented to Executive Board setting out the implications for Leeds and how the city can make the most of any opportunities that may arise from the new relationship with the EU. Council also requests that the cross-party member working group continues to meet in order to inform and guide this work.
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Bentley, seconded by Councillor Campbell
Remove everything after ‘This council’ and replace with:
is relieved that a trading agreement was made with the EU but is disappointed that
· the UK has lost the benefits of free trade afforded to member states of the EU, · the non-tariff barriers introduced by our departure from the single market and customs union has made trading with our European neighbours more expensive and bureaucratic · Financial Services, so important to the economy of Leeds, was excluded from the agreement.
And that
· UK citizens have lost the freedom to unconditionally travel, work and study throughout the EU.
Now that the detail of the agreement is known, this Council requests that a report is presented to Executive Board setting ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor D Blackburn) - ICAN Resolution PDF 186 KB Leeds City Council is a member of the UK & Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) and the Hiroshima-led Mayors for Peace; both of which have been working for 4 decades to promote multilateral nuclear disarmament.
NFLA and Mayors for Peace work with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 for its work in encouraging over two thirds of United Nations members to agree to the International Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Council regrets that the Governments of the existing nuclear weapon states, including the UK, refuse to support the Treaty. Council fully supports the TPNW as one of the most effective ways to bring about long-term and verifiable multilateral nuclear disarmament and is pleased it will be entering into force on the 22nd January 2021.
Council calls on the United Kingdom Government to lead a global effort to prevent nuclear conflict by:
• Renouncing the option of using nuclear weapons first
• Cancelling the plan to replace its entire Trident nuclear arsenal with enhanced weapons
• Actively pursuing a verifiable agreement among nuclear-armed states to eliminate their nuclear arsenals by supporting the Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons and the ‘Good Faith’ Protocols within the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Council therefore requests the Chief Executive writes to the Prime Minister to inform him of this resolution and urge him to take account of it. Council also requests the Chief Executive to write to ICAN to endorse their Cities Appeal supporting the TPNW.
Additional documents:
Minutes: In accordance with the provisions of Council Procedure Rule 14.9 (a) leave of Council was given to Councillor David Blackburn to alter the motion in his name by the deletion of some wording and 3 bullet points that were in the original motion (details were set out on the order paper).
It was moved by Councillor D Blackburn, seconded by Councillor Lewis that Leeds City Council is a member of the UK & Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities (NFLA) and the Hiroshima-led Mayors for Peace; both of which have been working for 4 decades to promote multilateral nuclear disarmament.
NFLA and Mayors for Peace work with the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN), which received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2017 for its work in encouraging over two thirds of United Nations members to agree to the International Treaty to Prohibit Nuclear Weapons (TPNW). Council regrets that the Governments of the existing nuclear weapon states, including the UK, refuse to support the Treaty. Council fully supports the TPNW as one of the most effective ways to bring about long-term and verifiable multilateral nuclear disarmament and is pleased it will be entering into force on the 22nd January 2021.
Council therefore requests the Chief Executive writes to the Prime Minister to inform him of this resolution and urge him to take account of it. Council also requests the Chief Executive to write to ICAN to endorse their Cities Appeal supporting the TPNW.
An amendment was moved by Councillor Robinson, seconded by Councillor Andrew Carter
Delete all and replace with the following:
“This Council notes that the UK is committed to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and to the long term goal of a world without nuclear weapons.
“Council supports the Government’s approach to achieving a world without nuclear weapons through gradual multilateral disarmament negotiated using a step-by-step approach, within existing international frameworks and supports the UK Government in seeking to improve international security and increase trust and transparency across the world.
“The most effective way for Leeds City Council to influence peaceful international relations is through our city’s relationships with other like-minded cities around the world committed to respecting free speech and human rights. Council calls on the ruling administration to consider how best it can reflect this city’s commitment to these principles in all its dealings and partnerships with other like-minded cities.”
A second amendment was moved by Councillor Golton, seconded by Councillor Howley
Delete second paragraph and replace with “Council also notes the active role our armed forces play in maintaining peace worldwide, and our recent award of the freedom of the city to the 4th Battalion, The Parachute Regiment in recognition of this.”
Amend the following line to read, “Council recognises the need to invest in our national defence as a deterrent to threats beyond these shores, and calls on the United Kingdom government to prevent both nuclear and conventional conflict by:
Replace the original three bullet points with
· “Committing to the principle of collective self-defence as ... view the full minutes text for item 67. |
White Paper Motion (in the name of Councillor Coupar) - Poverty Emergency PDF 187 KB On behalf of the people of Leeds, this Council recognises the invaluable work of so many local organisations and individuals, and in particular expresses our huge gratitude to our key workers for their phenomenal dedication and sacrifices during this long period of intense pressure.
Council welcomes the development and roll out of vaccinations in the battle to suppress COVID-19, but recognises that significant challenges still remain.
Council recognises one of the biggest challenges is the huge increase in poverty in Leeds caused by 10 years of austerity and the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, demonstrated by the fact over 70,000 people in Leeds now claim Universal Credit.
Council welcomes local work undertaken to mitigate the impact of Covid 19 on our communities but believes the Government’s confusing and inconsistent implementation of restrictions in response to CVOID-19 has contributed to the loss of jobs and rise in Universal Credit claimants.
Council shares the concerns of organisations in Leeds, including Trade Unions, who are concerned by the Government’s plan to reverse the £20 uplift in Universal Credit, which would see support for unemployed people fall to its lowest level in real terms since 1990-91. Council is particularly concerned by the impact this will have on child poverty, with 35,000 children in Leeds currently living in poverty.
Council welcomes the support of key partners to help address Holiday Hunger in Leeds, including the provision of tens of thousands of food parcels to those in need since the start of the pandemic, although Council believes the provision of such support demonstrates a colossal failure at national Government level to tackle poverty.
Council requests the Chief Executive write on Council’s behalf to the Secretary of State to call for the Government to make the £20 uplift in Universal Credit permanent as a first step in helping to address poverty, and for the Government to then develop an urgent national strategy with funding to address the poverty emergency blighting our communities.
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Coupar, seconded by Councillor Charlwood that on behalf of the people of Leeds, this Council recognises the invaluable work of so many local organisations and individuals, and in particular expresses our huge gratitude to our key workers for their phenomenal dedication and sacrifices during this long period of intense pressure.
Council welcomes the development and roll out of vaccinations in the battle to suppress COVID-19, but recognises that significant challenges still remain.
Council recognises one of the biggest challenges is the huge increase in poverty in Leeds caused by 10 years of austerity and the economic effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, demonstrated by the fact over 70,000 people in Leeds now claim Universal Credit.
Council welcomes local work undertaken to mitigate the impact of Covid 19 on our communities but believes the Government’s confusing and inconsistent implementation of restrictions in response to CVOID-19 has contributed to the loss of jobs and rise in Universal Credit claimants.
Council shares the concerns of organisations in Leeds, including Trade Unions, who are concerned by the Government’s plan to reverse the £20 uplift in Universal Credit, which would see support for unemployed people fall to its lowest level in real terms since 1990-91. Council is particularly concerned by the impact this will have on child poverty, with 35,000 children in Leeds currently living in poverty.
Council welcomes the support of key partners to help address Holiday Hunger in Leeds, including the provision of tens of thousands of food parcels to those in need since the start of the pandemic, although Council believes the provision of such support demonstrates a colossal failure at national Government level to tackle poverty.
Council requests the Chief Executive write on Council’s behalf to the Secretary of State to call for the Government to make the £20 uplift in Universal Credit permanent as a first step in helping to address poverty, and for the Government to then develop an urgent national strategy with funding to address the poverty emergency blighting our communities.
An amendment was moved by Councillor B Anderson, seconded by Councillor T Smith
Delete all after “Council welcomes” in the second paragraph, and replace with:
“the government’s early development and roll out of vaccinations in the battle to suppress COVID-19, and commits to doing everything it can to help this programme run efficiently.
“Council notes that the government is continuing to provide a completely unprecedented level of financial support to help protect jobs and support businesses during the pandemic, including through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme.
“Council regrets attempts to politicise this national crisis by conflating the financial impact of COVID-19 on families with responsible management of the country’s finances over the last 10 years. Before the pandemic, the UK achieved the lowest levels of unemployment since records began, bolstered by reforms to the welfare system that make work pay. Council welcomes the fact that the government has also consistently supported the lowest-paid families, including by ... view the full minutes text for item 68. |