No. | Item |
Devolution Deal for West Yorkshire - Review of Governance Arrangements To consider the report of the Chief Executive on the devolution deal for West Yorkshire announced by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 11th March 2020. The report sets out the terms of the deal and the process to be followed in order to implement it.
Additional documents:
Minutes: In noting the submission of the report of the Chief Executive entitled, ‘Devolution Deal for West Yorkshire – Review of Governance Arrangements’, it was
AGREED – That this matter be deferred for further consideration next week.
Our Spaces Strategy - Outcome of Engagement and Strategy Update To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the ‘Our Spaces’ Strategy by sharing the key findings from the public engagement exercise on the draft strategy and confirming what has changed in response to that feedback. In addition, the report seeks approval of the updated version of the Strategy and seeks endorsement to publish it. Also, the report provides an update on the Our Spaces projects which have been delivered to date and those which are in the pipeline.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Inclusive Growth and Culture’ introduced the report of the Director of City Development providing an update on the ‘Our Spaces’ Strategy by sharing the key findings from the public engagement exercise on the draft strategy and confirming what had changed in response to that feedback. In addition, Members’ views were sought on the updated version of the Strategy and on the publication of it.
In considering the report, it was requested that consideration be given to the ways in which the accessibility of public realm and greenspaces across all communities in the city could be maximised.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the outcomes of the public engagement exercise undertaken on the draft ‘Our Spaces’ Strategy be noted, with the changes made to the strategy to reflect the feedback also being noted;
(b) That the final version of the ‘Our Spaces’ Strategy, as appended to the submitted report, be approved, and that the publication of ‘Leeds: Our Spaces Strategy (city centre version)’ be endorsed;
(c) That the ‘Our Spaces’ projects which have been delivered over the last year since the launch of the public engagement, be noted, together with those in the pipeline for delivery at a future point in time;
(d) That it be noted that the Director of City Development is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the ‘Our Spaces’ strategy and related Leeds City Council projects, with it also being noted that it is anticipated that proposals for public realm at the Corn Exchange, Meadow Lane and City Square will be presented to Executive Board in 2020/21.
Financial Health Monitoring 2019/20 - Month 10 To consider the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) which sets out the Council’s projected financial health position for 2019/20 as at Month 10 of the financial year.
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Resources’ introduced the report of the Chief Officer (Financial Services) which set out the Council’s projected financial health position for the 2019/20 as at Month 10 of the financial year.
Responding to an enquiry, it was undertaken that Executive Members would be kept informed of the financial implications for the Council arising from the ongoing situation in respect of COVID-19, and also regarding the actions being taken to address the currently projected overspend in the Children and Families directorate.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the projected financial position of the Authority, as at Month 10 (January) of the 2019/20 financial year, be noted;
(b) That in regard to the risk that the budgeted level of capital receipts may not be receivable in 2019/20, approval be given to the use of the Council’s general reserve to fund any shortfall in the level of capital receipts receivable when compared to budgeted assumptions;
(c) That it be noted that an update on the position regarding capital receipts and any amount required from the general reserve will be confirmed in the provisional and final outturn Financial Health reports which are timetabled to be received at April 2020 and June 2020 Executive Boards respectively, with it also being noted that the officer responsible for the implementation of the above resolutions is the Chief Officer Financial Services. |
Improving Air Quality in the City (Clean Air Zone Update) To consider the joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and Director of City Development providing a progress report on both the implementation and operational aspects of the Clean Air Charging Zone (CAZ), including confirmation of the go live status. The report also sets out and confirms necessary variations to the CAZ Charging Order and further advises of the outline legal arrangements between the Council and Government in respect of CAZ service provision. Finally, the report provides details on the progress made regarding the distribution of financial support to affected sectors together with an update on the other air quality measures being progressed. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Resources’ introduced the joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development providing an update on both the implementation and operational aspects of the Clean Air Charging Zone (CAZ). The report also sought Members’ views on progressing the necessary variations to the CAZ Charging Order.
In considering the report and acknowledging the current position regarding COVID-19, Members supported the recommendation to make the necessary variations to the CAZ Charging Order, as detailed, and further consider the ‘go live’ date when appropriate.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the variation to the Leeds Clean Air Zone Charging Order, as set out in paragraph 3.52 of the submitted report, be approved;
(b) That Members will further consider the ‘go live’ date when appropriate, in light of the current position regarding COVID-19.
Disposal of the Lisbon Street Site, Leeds To consider the report of the Director of City Development seeking approval to select both a preferred and a reserve bid for the disposal of the Lisbon Street site and proceed to contract.
(Please note that Appendices 2 and 3 to this report are designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3)).
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for Resources introduced a report of the Director of City Development which canvassed Members on the selection of both a preferred and a reserve bid for the disposal of the Lisbon Street site and also on proceeding to contract.
It was brought to Members’ attention that a late bid had been received, which they took into consideration in coming to their conclusions.
In considering the submitted report and appendices, it was requested that Executive Members would be kept informed of developments regarding the proposals for this site.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the selection of the preferred and reserve bid, as identified in section 5.1 of exempt appendix 2 to the submitted report, be approved, and that the remaining shortlisted bids be rejected;
(b) That officers be requested to progress negotiations with the preferred bidder in order to agree detailed heads of terms, on the basis of the offer received, and enter into a suitable legal agreement;
(c) That the necessary authority to approve any amendment to the heads of terms relating to the offer, and/or revert to the reserve bidder, be delegated to the Director of City Development, subject to such delegated authority being in consultation with the Executive Member for Resources. |
Redevelopment of City Square To consider the report of the Director of City Development which requests approval to commission a design competition to determine design options for the potential redesign of City Square.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development’ introduced a report of the Director of City Development providing information on and which sought Members’ views on a proposal to commission a design competition to determine design options for the potential redesign of City Square.
In considering the submitted report, Members received further indicative financial information for the project, and in terms of proposed processes, Members were advised that the intention would be to appoint a design advisor, with Members supporting a proposal for the design brief to be submitted to Executive Board at the appropriate time.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the commissioning of a Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) led design competition to determine design options for the future redesign of City Square, be approved;
(b) That it be noted that a design brief is to be developed with RIBA to support the design competition, with it being agreed that the design brief be submitted to Executive Board at the appropriate time;
(c) That it be noted that the Director of City Development is responsible for overseeing the delivery of the re-design of City Square;
(d) That it be noted that the outcome of the design competition will be presented back to Executive Board for consideration and endorsement of the preferred bidder.
To consider the report of the Director of City Development providing details of the government’s Towns Fund and the opportunity to develop an investment plan for Morley that could enable access to up to £25m of this funding. Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development’ introduced a report of the Director of City Development providing details of the government’s Towns Fund and advising of the opportunity to develop an investment plan for Morley that could enable access up to £25m of this funding.
In responding to an enquiry, Members were provided with assurances regarding the local involvement in the process and with regard to local representation on the Morley Town Deal Board.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the Council’s role as accountable body in developing a Morley Town Investment Plan, be supported;
(b) That the principles of governance and membership, as set out at paragraphs 3.5 – 3.17 of the submitted report be agreed, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, to enable the Director, in consultation with Executive Member for Climate Change, Transport and Sustainable Development, to establish and support the operation of a Morley Town Deal Board;
(c) That the boundary, as shown at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be agreed as the defined area for the Morley Town Deal;
(d) That a further report be submitted to the Executive Board to validate and approve the Morley Town Investment Plan prior to its submission to government.
Leeds Mental Health Strategy To consider the report of the Director of Adults and Health presenting the new all-age Leeds Mental Health Strategy, outlining the consultation and engagement processes undertaken, and which sets out the next steps required to deliver this strategy.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Health, Wellbeing and Adults’ introduced a report of the Director of Adults and Health which presented the new all-age Leeds Mental Health Strategy, outlined the consultation and engagement processes undertaken, and which set out the next steps required to deliver this strategy.
In considering the submitted report, Members noted comments made regarding the likely impact upon mental health services arising from the COVID-19 outbreak, and separately, regarding workforce levels and recruitment.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the Mental Health Strategy and the associated Delivery Plan, as appended to the submitted report, be supported;
(b) That the vision of a collective and unified system-wide approach towards mental health and its fit with the Leeds Health and Wellbeing Strategy and Leeds Health and Care Plan, be supported;
(c) That the citizen and wider stakeholder engagement which has informed the development of the strategy and the priorities set out within it, be noted;
(d) That the ongoing work being undertaken to engage the Leeds business sector as mindful employers, be noted.
Update on Leeds City Council's Preparations for Coronavirus (Covid-19) Outbreak To consider the report of the Director of Public Health providing an update on the preparations that the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, is making in response to the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Leeds. The report notes that the Leeds response is set within the national context and the West Yorkshire Health Resilience Partnership and West Yorkshire Resilience Forum arrangements.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Health, Wellbeing and Adults’ introduced a report of the Director of Public Health providing an update on the preparations that the Leeds Health and Social Care system and Leeds City Council, working with broader partners, was making in response to the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Leeds.
It was highlighted that given the fast paced nature of this issue, an updated report was provided to Board Members for their consideration on 16th March 2020.
The Director of Public Health provided an update on the current position nationally and in Leeds, together with details of the arrangements in place across the city to deal with the outbreak.
Members discussed the current position regarding school provision across the city, the need for the Council’s strategy to adapt to the changing situation, the current position regarding Council employees and the continuity plans which were in place regarding service provision.
Emphasis was placed upon the need to ensure the safeguarding of the most vulnerable in the community during such challenging times, with further information on this being provided at the meeting.
Members also received further information on the actions being taken to harness the growing levels of volunteers looking to assist across communities, with Members requesting that Ward Councillors continue to receive up to date information regarding any impact that the outbreak was having upon Council services and also on how volunteers could become involved.
Emphasis was placed upon the importance of the communications strategy for Members and their respective communities as a whole, and responding to an enquiry, officers undertook to look into incorporating helpful information on the corporate Council email footer.
Consideration was also given to how the Council’s response to the outbreak was being managed across directorates.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the national context and local response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, which was up to date at the time of writing on 15 March 2020, be noted;
(b) That the response and recovery plan, together with the governance arrangements, as set out in the submitted report and appendix, be agreed;
(c) That the verbal update, as provided to the Executive, be noted.
Children Looked After To consider the report of the Director of Children and Families which provides an update on the national and local pressures on Children’s Services that are driving increasing demand for children to be looked after, and which outlines the approach being taken in Leeds to address such challenges.
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Children and Families’ introduced a report of the Director of Children and Families providing an update on the national and local pressures on Children’s Services which had led to an increase in the number of children being taken into care nationally. The Executive Member outlined the approach being taken in Leeds to address such challenges which has led to less of an increase than the rest of the country and a specific decrease in the number of children coming into care from our most deprived neighbourhoods. RECOMMENDED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the proposed approach for the next stage of the strategy, which will be progressed by the Director of Children and Families over the next 12 months, be endorsed, with it being noted that a further update will then be provided to Executive Board.
Disability Equality Improvement Work To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment outlining the range of current work that is taking place across the Council to support disabled people and to make services disability accessible.
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Learning, Skills and Employment’ introduced a report of the Director of Communities and Environment outlining the range of current work which was taking place across the Council to support disabled people and which looked to make services disability accessible.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the current and ongoing work being undertaken across the Council to support disabled people and to make services disability accessible, as presented within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the continuation of the Council’s approach towards tackling disability inequality and improving disability inclusion, be endorsed;
(c) That work to develop a cross-Council action plan on Disability Equality be endorsed, with an annual progress report being submitted to Executive Board in March 2021;
(d) That it be noted that the responsibility for the resolutions above and the development of the Disability Equality Action Plan will rest with the Director of Communities and Environment.
The Great Jobs Agenda, Anchor institutions and The Living Wage Foundation Living Wage To consider the joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development highlighting the measures that the Council has taken both as an employer and through its place based leadership role, to meet and promote the standards of the Great Jobs Agenda campaign.
Additional documents: Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Learning, Skills and Employment’ introduced a joint report of the Director of Resources and Housing and the Director of City Development highlighting the measures that the Council had taken both as an employer and through its place based leadership role, to meet and promote the standards of the ‘Great Jobs Agenda’ campaign.
In considering the report, it was highlighted that liaison would continue with Executive Members regarding the challenges faced in the employment market as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak and the actions being taken.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That support continue to be provided for the aims of the Great Jobs Agenda, with support also being given for the Council continuing to seek to meet the standards regarding the provision of better jobs that offer a living wage and good working conditions;
(b) That the aligned strategies and place based programmes currently being progressed under the Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy to engage with the Leeds Anchors Network and a wider range of employers to provide good employment, be noted;
(c) That the approach being taken towards securing the Council’s Living Wage Foundation accreditation as a Living Wage Employer, together with the work being undertaken to tackle low pay and in-work poverty through the Living Wage Foundation’s Living Wage Places model, which will promote Leeds as a Living Wage City, be endorsed;
(d) That it be noted that the officer responsible for all employment issues within the Council, including engagement with the trade unions is the Chief Officer Human Resources, with it also being noted that the officers responsible for the aligned intervention to support wide employer engagement, as outlined in the submitted report, are the Chief Officer Economic Development and the Chief Officer Employment and Skills.
Locality Working - Update on Progress and Key Developments in 2019 To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment which provides an update on the Locality Working place based approach to tackle poverty, reduce inequality and address vulnerability in some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Leeds.
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Communities’ introduced a report of the Director of Communities and Environment which provided an update on the Locality Working place based approach being taken to tackle poverty, reduce inequality and address vulnerability in some of the poorest neighbourhoods in Leeds.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the positive comments of the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board on the strong progress made to date, be noted;
(c) That the Executive Member for Communities be requested to work with the Chair of the Environment, Housing and Communities Scrutiny Board to consider the engagement of other Scrutiny Boards in this work;
(d) That the Director of Communities and Environment and the Director of Resources and Housing be requested to consider the implications of the work to date for organisational development in the Council;
(e) That the Directors of Communities and Environment; Housing and Resources; and City Development be requested to consider the implications of the progress made to date for further improving the connectivity of the city’s most disadvantaged neighbourhoods to economic opportunities and aligning capital investment programmes.
Community Hubs - Update To consider the report of the Director of Communities and Environment providing an update on the roll out of the Community Hub programme, and which provides information regarding proposals in respect of the Phase 3, Year 3 Community Hub programme, which looks to form Community Hubs in a number of key local buildings, mainly existing Libraries and One Stop Centres to support the delivery of integrated and accessible services.
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Communities’ introduced a report of the Director of Communities and Environment providing an update on the roll out of the Community Hub programme and which provided information regarding proposals in respect of the Phase 3, Year 3 Community Hub programme.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the contents of the submitted report, specifically the progress which has been made on delivering the Community Hubs as part of Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3 and the Mobile Community Hub approach, be noted;
(b) That the injection of £2.73m for Phase 3 - Year 3 (2020/21) schemes of the Community Hub programme, be noted, with it also being noted that the Senior Community Hub Development Manager is responsible for submitting updated business cases for individual Hub schemes that will require authority to spend, in line with the current capital approvals process;
(c) That it be noted that a further Phase 3 business case will be submitted by the Senior Community Hub Development Manager around February/March 2021 to request a further injection of funding for the remaining Phase 3 Projects.
Council Housing Growth Programme - Off the Shelf New Build Property Acquisitions To consider the report of the Director of Resources and Housing which sets out proposals for increasing the delivery of affordable housing through the Council Housing Growth Programme across the city, by working with a range of partners to purchase ‘off the shelf’ new build properties. (Please note that Appendix A to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4 (3))
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Communities’ introduced a report of the Director of Resources and Housing which set out proposals for increasing the delivery of affordable housing through the Council Housing Growth Programme across the city, which would be done by working with a range of partners to purchase ‘off the shelf’ new build properties.
During the consideration of the submitted report and appendices, Members received further information regarding the acquisition cost for the first batch of houses.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the establishment of a new programme of off the shelf, new build property acquisitions, with an initial target of purchasing 150 homes from a range of partners over the next 3 years, be approved, with the proposed investment of £30m also being approved;
(b) That having taken into consideration a breakdown of the associated costs and the terms of the acquisitions, as detailed in exempt Appendix A, the necessary authority to complete on the purchases, together with the relevant ‘Authority to Spend’ in relation to the first batch of 21 acquisitions in Killingbeck and Seacroft ward, be granted;
(c) That decisions which are required to acquire future batches of properties, be delegated to the Director of City Development, with the necessary authority also being provided to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to authorise any variations to the terms of the acquisition in relation to the initial batch;
(d) That the use of retained right to buy receipts and/or any funding bids required to optimise the funding mix for each batch of acquisitions, be supported, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of Resources and Housing to enable the Director to make decisions about the specific funding mix for each batch of properties together with the relevant ‘Authority to Spend’ for the same.
City Centre Park Delivery To consider the joint report of the Director of City Development and Director of Communities and Environment seeking approval to measures that will bring forward the delivery and secure the management of the long standing City Centre Park ambition and to endorse the related delivery of the Sovereign Street footbridge.
(Please note that Appendix 5 to this report is designated as being exempt from publication under the provisions of Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3))
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Environment and Active Lifestyles’ introduced a joint report of the Director of City Development and the Director of Communities and Environment seeking support on measures that would bring forward the delivery and secure the management of the long standing City Centre Park ambition and seeking endorsement of the related delivery of the Sovereign Street footbridge.
During the consideration of the submitted report and appendices, Members received further information in response to an enquiry which had been received linked to the delivery of the city centre park regarding highways matters.
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the progress being made on the delivery of the city centre park across both phases, as detailed within the submitted report, be noted;
(b) That the detailed terms of the proposed legal agreements between the Council and Vastint, as set out within exempt appendix 5 to the submitted report, for the maintenance and operation of the park, be agreed;
(c) That the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development, in consultation with the Director of Communities and Environment and the Director of Resources and Housing, to enable the Director to make any future decisions on the management and maintenance of the city park, and also to approve the Council entering into all necessary legal agreements and ancillary documents to facilitate the establishment and future maintenance and operation of the city park;
(d) That the proposed next steps on the disposal of Council land at Meadow Lane, be agreed, and that the necessary authority be delegated to the Director of City Development to enable the Director to determine and implement the disposal as per the principles contained within paragraphs 3.26-3.28 of the submitted report;
(e) That a report be submitted to a future Executive Board on the detailed design of the Meadow Lane green space and Sovereign Square Footbridge;
(f) That it be noted that the Council’s revenue contributions towards the maintenance of the park to Green Flag standards will be approved on an annual basis as part of the budget setting process, as per the terms set out in exempt appendix 5 to the submitted report, with it also being noted that the Director of Communities and Environment will be responsible for overseeing the maintenance of the park.