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Due to the recent restrictions placed upon public gatherings and social contact as a result of the outbreak of Coronavirus, a private consultative meeting of the Executive together with Corporate Leadership Team was held and attended remotely. This was to enable a consultation exercise to be undertaken with the Executive on the submitted report, so that the recommendations of the Executive could be taken into consideration as part of any related officer delegated decisions made in the future. |
DEVOLUTION DEAL FOR WEST YORKSHIRE - REVIEW OF GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS To consider the attached report of the Chief Executive which seeks Member support for the “minded to” Deal, on the statutory Review to be undertaken jointly by Constituent Councils and the Combined Authority, and for a further report to be prepared in due course to include a draft Scheme for consideration (subject to the outcome of the Review). Additional documents:
Minutes: The Executive Member for ‘Inclusive Growth and Culture’ introduced a report of the Chief Executive which sought Member endorsement of the “minded to” Deal, as appended to the submitted report, of a statutory Review to be undertaken jointly by Constituent Councils and the Combined Authority, and for a further report to be prepared in due course to include a draft Scheme of governance for consideration.
Members received a summary and an update on the key points of the devolution deal.
It was acknowledged that although the process would be moved forward in line with the current timeframe wherever possible, slippage in the decision making timescales may be required, due to the current position regarding the Coronavirus outbreak. Regardless of any slippage that may occur, the key importance of ensuring and maintaining plans for appropriate and robust scrutiny, formal Member debate and public consultation on the deal was highlighted.
Members discussed, raised enquiries and received further information on a number of specific issues which included: · proposed processes regarding spatial planning powers and compulsory purchasing powers; · the key role of scrutiny by relevant parties in the development of the deal; · the current position regarding the accessibility of funding for Mayoral Combined Authorities and whether any slippage in the current timeframe due to the Coronavirus outbreak would affect West Yorkshire’s ability to access appropriate funding during this time; · the implications of the deferral of the 2020 Police and Crime Commissioner elections; · proposed powers regarding public transport, with specific reference to bus service provision – with the ongoing work and liaison with relevant parties in this area being noted; · proposed powers that a Mayoral Combined Authority would have regarding income generation, together with accessibility to funding streams; · the ongoing work being undertaken with other Local Authorities regarding the implications of the deal for constituent Councils; · the role of Opposition representation on the Mayoral Combined Authority; · the potential for the further devolution of powers, where appropriate and agreed, in the future.
Further to such discussion, officers undertook to provide a briefing note to Executive Members on several key matters raised.
In conclusion, Executive Members’ endorsement of the recommendations in the submitted report was sought. The Members present provided their endorsement, with Cllr A Carter providing his endorsement, subject to the specific caveats which he had raised during the discussion, and it was
RECOMMENDED – (a) That the Deal agreed, as attached as Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be noted and endorsed;
(b) That agreement be given for Leeds City Council to be party, together with the Combined Authority and the other four constituent Councils of Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield to a Review of the Combined Authority’s constitutional arrangements and of the functions carried out by the Combined Authority over its area, as set out in section 3 of the submitted report and pursuant to S111 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009;
(c) That authority be provided to the Combined Authority’s Managing Director, to enable the Managing Director, in consultation ... view the full minutes text for item 1. |