Agenda and minutes

North East (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 26th June, 2006 4.00 pm

Venue: Moor Allerton Sports and Social Club, Stonegate Road

Contact: Andrew Booth 0113 2474356 

No. Item


Departing Chair's Remarks


Councillor Lancaster welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that she would not be standing for re-election as Chair for the following Municipal Year.  She thanked Members and Officers for their support over the past two years and wished the incoming Chair luck.



Election of Chair pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To elect a Chair for the 2006/07 Municipal Year.


Time – 5 mins (Executive Function)


The Chief Democratic Services Officer submitted a report explaining the arrangements for the annual election of the Chair of the Area Committee.


In accordance with the agreed procedure, the Chief Democratic Services Officer reported that a nomination of the Chair had been received on behalf of Councillor Matthew Lobley and Members were asked to take a formal vote.


RESOLVED – That following an overall majority of votes cast by those Elected Members present at the meeting eligible to vote, Councillor Matthew Lobley be elected Chair of the North East (Inner) Area Committee for the 2006/07 Municipal year.



Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair thanked Members for supporting his nomination and asked those present to introduce themselves. 



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct


Councillor Harker declared a personal interest in item 11, Area Function Schedules, as he was Executive Board Member with responsibility for Youth Services. 




To receive any apologies for absence from the meeting.


An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Harris.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


Time – 10 mins



In accordance with the powers contained in the Area Committee Rules for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of Area Committees, the committee received the following representation:-


Mr Oldroyd, a local resident, expressed concern regarding a wall on Roundhay Road that was in a state of disrepair.  This had previously been reported and although some repair works had been carried out, it was felt that they were not of a reasonable standard and the Committee was informed that the wall was bowing out and could be a safety hazard. There was also a possibility that stone could easily be removed or stolen.  The Chair asked the Area Management Team to investigate the situation.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 27 March 2006.


Resolved – That the minutes of the meeting held on 27th March 2006 be approved as a correct record.



Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To consider the attached report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer and to agree the nominations to those organisations which fall into the remit of the Area Committee.


Time – 5 mins (Council Function)

Additional documents:


The Chief Democratic Services Officer submitted a report and appendices outlining the Committee’s role in relation to its Elected Member appointments to community and local engagement category appointments to outside bodies which had been delegated to the Area Committee to decide.


RESOLVED – That the following appointments to Outside Bodies be made by the Area  Committee for the 2006/07 Municipal Year –


Community Action for Roundhay    Councillor V Kendall



Chapeltown CAB    Councillor S Hamilton


North East Homes ALMO  Councillor B Lancaster

Councillor J Dowson

Councillor P Wadsworth



Chapeltown & Harehills Intensive Neighbourhood Management Initiative pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided an update to the Area Committee on the Intensive Neighbourhood Management Initiative in the Chapeltown Area and provided details of the activities and projects being developed within the area which addressed issues of the environment, crime and worklessness.


Helen Steele, Area Co-ordinator, brought Members’ attention to the new community caretaking service, the Chapeltown Environmental Pride Team,  which would be replacing the existing CAST service in the area.  Randal Brown, Director of City Services reported that the new teams would take a more pro-active and preventative approach and it was anticipated that the team which had been recruited from local unemployed people, would complete their training and be ready to deliver services in August 2006.  Members were informed of funding streams for the programme and maps were tabled which detailed areas of work to be targeted.


Further issues discussed included the following :-


·  In response to a question of whether this programme had the capacity and budget to deal with damaged and missing street nameplates, it was reported that this had been identified during other works with Groundwork Leeds and it would be dealt with from other resources.

·  The project was not part of EASEL but would complement their work.

·  Further to a question of why the initiative covered Harehills, it was reported that the project also covered areas outside the North East Inner area that were classed as a wider Super Output Area and funds were shared.


(Councillor Dowson declared an interest in this item due to her capacity as a Director of Groundwork Leeds)


Resolved – That the progress on Intensive Neighbourhood Management in Chapeltown be noted.



Area Function Schedules 2006/07 pdf icon PDF 26 KB

To receive and consider that attached report of the Director of Neighbourhoods & Housing and Corporate Services.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report on the Area Function Schedules 2006/07.  The report gave details on the updated Area Function Schedules and detailed the budgets available for delegated services for 2006/07.


Members discussed the Area Function Schedules and raised the following issues:-


·  Should appointment of Local Authority Governors to schools be the responsibility of Area Committees?

·  Area Committee responsibilities for Waste Management.

·  Members were informed that financial resources detailed in the appendix regarding Neighbourhood Wardens were City wide.  It was reported that Neighbourhood Wardens were located  geographically due to funding from sources such as the Single Regeneration Budget and Neighbourhood Renewal Funds which were targeted for areas of deprivation.  Members requested an update on a ward basis.


RESOLVED – That the report and Area Function schedules be noted.



Community Centres pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)


Additional documents:


The Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing submitted a report which outlined the Community Centres function which was to be delegated to the Area Committee in stages.


Helen Steele reported that only the Louis Street Community Centre would transfer to the Area Committee at this stage and brought Members’ attention to the City Services Service Level Agreement for cleaning, caretaking and facilities management and also that the Committee would eventually have responsibility for the lettings and pricing policy. 


Further issues mentioned included the Chapeltown Community Centre Group, capital spending, assessing the condition of Community Centre buildings and implications of bringing the buildings up to the Disability Discrimination Act standards.



(a)  That the arrangements for the delegation of the Community Centres to the Area Committee be noted.

(b)  That a further report be received later in the year with details of the remaining centres to be delegated.



Chapeltown Road Development Plan pdf icon PDF 41 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which presented a draft copy of the Executive Summary and key land use recommendations of the study into the Chapeltown Road Development Plan. This would enable Members to have the opportunity to comment before the study was finalised. 


A consortium of consultants led by GVA Grimley  had been awarded the contract and a representative of GVA Grimley addressed the meeting.  The Committee was informed that Land Use Framework and Investment Plans had been drafted which set out proposals for the physical regeneration of Chapeltown Road.  The Land Use Framework suggested the development of key sites to unlock the regeneration of Chapeltown Road.  Sites had been identified for redevelopment including three Council owned sites.  It was reported that the sale of these Council Sites to private developers would be key to the plans as funding could then be prioritised for the compulsory purchase of other sites required.  The Investment Plan detailed means of attracting private and public sector support to the sustainable regeneration of the area.


It was reported that following the consultation stage, a report would be submitted to the Executive Board before a final report came back to this Committee before the end of 2006.



(a)That the contents of the draft summary  and key land use recommendations produced by the consultants as part of the Chapeltown Road Development Plan be noted.

(b) That Elected Members be invited to submit further comments before the completion of the Chapeltown Road Development Plan study.



2006/07 Well-Being Fund pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 10 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager presented a report which contained recommendations of the Well-Being Fund Working Group.  The Committee was requested to consider the recommendations of the Working Group and indicate if the level of grant requested was to be approved.


In response to a question of whether the Committee received reports on the grants following their allocation, it was reported that this would be done during the following year.  It was also suggested that any grants over £10,000 should be followed with an auditable report.


Further to the application for the Chapeltown Townscape Heritage Initiative, it was reported that the work could be carried out more cost effectively in-house.  If this was not possible, the applicant could bring the project back to the Area Committee for reconsideration.


(Councillor Rafique declared a personal interest during this item due to his involvement as Board Member of REEMAP.  Councillor Wadsworth declared a personal interest due to his Membership of the Open Door Steering Group.)



(a)  That the report be noted

(b)  That the following decisions be made in respect of the revenue and capital applications submitted for consideration at this meeting:-


  Revenue – Large Grants


(i)  Leeds Ahead Ltd - £5,000 – Approved.

(ii)  REEMAP - £10,000 – Approved, subject to confirmation that the schools have signed up for the programme to commence in September 2006 and that guarantees can be given that staff employed on the project have had satisfactory Criminal Record Bureau checks.

(iii)  Leeds Locality Network - £2,759 – Approved. 

(iv)  LCC Sports & Active Recreation Service, Summer Sports Activities - £4,685 – Approved.

(v)  HOST Media Centre, Developing opportunities through new media – refused.

(vi)  Chapeltown Young People’s 10-2 Club/Yes Cyber – That the decision be delegated to the Youth Issues Working Group to further investigate the application and to enable all relevant information, including an acceptable business plan, is considered and an in principle approval be given if this is the recommendation, to be ratified at the September meeting.

(vii)  Youth Services Commissioning - £33,518 – Approved.

(viii)  Chapeltown Townscape Heritage Initiative – refused.

(ix)  Mini Breeze Event – That as funding had been received from elsewhere, the previous contribution of £6,000 be refunded to the Well-Being Fund.


  Revenue – Small Grants


(i)  Leeds Caribbean Domino Social Club - £500 – Approved.

(ii)  Mary Seacole Memorial Garden - £500 – Approved.

(iii)  Friends of Gledhow Valley Woods Fun Day - £500 – Approved.

(iv)  Celebrating Our Heritage 2006 - £500 – Approved.

(v)  Beckhill Community Fun Day - £500 – Approved.

(vi)  Chapeltown Football Youth Development Centre - £500 – Approved.


  Capital – Large Grants


(i)  Chapel Allerton Methodist Church - £14,400 (£2,520 VAT also to be paid if the Church cannot claim it back) contribution towards the disabled platform lift.

(ii)  Youth Service Mobile Provision – No contribution, further proposals to be considered later in the year.



Reports of Area Committee Working Groups pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 10 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which informed the Committee of issues raised at Area Committee Working Groups held since the last meeting of the Area Committee.


In relation to Youth Issues, Neil Bowden of the Youth Service reported that significant progress had been made in the recruitment of volunteers, however there had been delays with the processing of Criminal Record Bureau checks.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Area Actions and Acheivements Progress Report pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time - 10 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided Members with a summary of recent actions and achievements of the Area Committee and Area Management Team.  There was also a brief update on the District Partnership.


Attention was brought to the following areas:


·  Mapping exercise of Youth Service, voluntary sector, church and other provision.

·  Youth Forums.

·  Alley and ginnel initiatives.


RESOLVED – That the report and recent actions and achievements be noted.



Grant and Fundraising Advice Worker Progress Report pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 5 mins (Executive Report)


The North East Area manager submitted a report which provided an update on the work of the Grants Funding Advice Office in the Chapel Allerton, Moortown and Roundhay Wards, and the distribution of 1st round K-Funding in the inner Chapel Allerton Ward.


Paul Auber, Grant Funding Advice Officer attended the meeting and reported that 10 organisations had developed applications for funding from the K-Fund, 5 of which had been successful.  Groups that required solid advice on funding issues had been targeted.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Area Committee Forums - Feedback pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 5 Mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report that updated the Area Committee on the feedback from the consultative forums held in the North East Inner Area.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday, 4th September 2006 at 4.00 p.m. at Lidgett Methodist Church Hall, North Park Lane.



(a)  That the next meeting be held at 5.00 p.m. at Lidgett Methodist Church Hall, North Park Lane.

(b)  That future meetings of the North East Area Committee commence at 5.00 p.m.