Agenda and minutes

North East (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 5th February, 2007 4.00 pm

Venue: St Gemma's Hospice (Prout Conference Centre), 329 Harrogate Road, Moortown, Leeds, LS17 6QD

Contact: Andrew Booth 0113 247 4356 

No. Item


Election of Chair

In the absence of the Chair to elect a Chair for the meeting


Due to the absence of the Chair, Members were asked to nominate and take a formal vote on the Chair for the meeting.




That Councillor Lancaster be elected as Chair for the meeting.





Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Lobley and Harris.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.



In accordance with the powers contained in the Area Committee Procedure Rules for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of Area Committees, the Chair welcomed Mr R Stephenson a representative of the North East Leeds Involvement Forum.


Mr Stephenson raised the following issues:


  • Where would the wayside seat in Shadwell Lane be sited?
  • Why has Area Committee funding been withdrawn for the About Leeds newspaper?
  • The condition of Mansion Lane is getting worse and neither parks or highways would be paying for refurbishment.  Would the Area Committee be prepared to assist?


In response to Mr Stephenson’s questions, it was reported that enquiries would be made with the Parks and Countryside service regarding the wayside seat;  the Area Committee had not granted funds towards the About Leeds newspaper and Highways would be contacted regarding Mansion Lane.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 4th December 2006.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 4th December be confirmed as a correct record.



Making the Housing Ladder Work pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Housing Officer


Time – 15 mins (Council Function)

Additional documents:


The Chief Housing Services Officer submitted a report regarding the Plan for Delivering Affordable Housing in Leeds.  The Chair welcomed Ernie Gray, Housing Strategy Manager to the meeting to deliver a presentation on Making the Housing Ladder Work – The Case for More Affordable Housing.


It was reported that house prices across the City had risen steeply over the past 10 years making it difficult for people to get on the housing ladder.  There had also been a large reduction in social housing which had meant there was a lack of affordable housing in Leeds.  Following the introduction of ‘right to buy’, social housing stock in Leeds had fallen from 96,000 in 1980 to 50,000 in 2006.


Comparisons of house prices and affordability according to income levels across the city were made.  It was reported that in some areas to be able to purchase a property then a mortgage that was seven times the amount of dual income would be required.  Comparisons were also made against price rises across West Yorkshire and the Yorkshire and Humber Region which showed that house prices in Leeds were rising faster than anywhere else in the region.  It was also demonstrated that Leeds prices were rising faster than the national average.


It was reported that steps had been taken  in response to the problems with the lack of affordable housing in Leeds.  These included maintaining the existing affordable housing supply, releasing land at less than market value for development and major regeneration schemes across the city.  Further proposed approaches to creating an affordable housing market included increased release of land, more flexible use of Section 106 agreements and developing relationships with financial institutions.


The following issues were discussed :-


  • Land that was released at less than market value should be retained for affordable housing and not sold on for profit at a future date.
  • Introductory tenancies and security of tenure.
  • Key workers housing schemes.
  • Discounted for sale schemes and part ownership.
  • Re-conversion of properties back into family accommodation.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


(Councillors Rafique and Wadsworth joined the meeting at 4.20 p.m. and Councillor Harker at 4.25 p.m.  Following the arrival of Councillor Wadsworth, Councillor Lancaster vacated the Chair and Councillor Wadsworth was subsequently elected to the Chair).


(Councillor Harker declared a personal interest during the discussion of this item due to his position as an Executive Board Member as did Councillor Wadsworth due to his role as Director of the North East Leeds ALMO).



Chapeltown Road Development Plan pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)


The North East Area Manager submitted a report asking Members for approval of the final draft copy of the Chapeltown Road Development Plan.


It was reported that the Chapeltown Road Development Plan would be submitted to Executive Board in March 2007 and Members were asked for comments.


In response to a question of whether there had been any interest from developers regarding the provision of affordable housing and housing for key workers members were informed that the full report had not yet been made available to developers.  Further to concern that public comments had not been included in the plan it was reported that the Executive Board would consider all background information, including public comments, when they had received a copy of the report.


RESOLVED - That the final (draft) report produced by the consultants as part of the Chapeltown Road Development Plan be approved.



2006/07 Well-Being Fund pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report containing information on the Well-Being Fund grant allocations made during 2006/07.  Members were also requested to review their decision to grant funding to Radio Asian fever in light of information received since the December meeting.


It was reported that funding for Radio Asian Fever that had been granted from other Area Committees had been withdrawn and concern was expressed as to why this funding had been withdrawn. As a result of the withdrawal of Area Committee funds, Safer and Stronger Communities Funds would not be available for match funding. 


RESOLVED - That the offer of £5,000 Well-Being Funds towards the Radio Asian Fever project be withdrawn and the applicant be informed that further applications may be submitted on provision of their revised plans.



Grant and Fundraising Advice Worker Update pdf icon PDF 179 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)


Consideration was given to a report of the North East Area Manager which provided Members with an update on the work of the Grants & Funding Advice Officer.  Information on organisations that had used the Grants and Funding Advice service detailing the assistance requested and provided along with current outcomes were appended to the report.


 Members were informed that assisting organisations with business planning had taken up the majority of Grant and Funding Advice Officer’s workload to assist them with bids for funding.  Reference was also made to the ongoing support available to organisations and sources of funds available.


The Grant and Funding Advice Officer reported that organisations in Moortown and Roundhay would be targeted as there had not been as much interest from these wards as the Chapel Allerton ward.  Members were asked to provide details of any groups that may benefit from the services of the Grant and Funding Advice Officer.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted and that a further report be brought to the Committee with an evaluation of the Grant and Fundraising Advice Worker post.



North East District Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 10 mins (Executive Function)


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided Members with a summary of recent actions and achievements of the North East District Partnership.


Members were reminded of structural changes to major organisations across the city including the Police, Primary Care Trusts and the ALMOs and of the need to maintain communications with partner organisations to ensure the continued success of the District Partnership.


The report referred to the review of the North East District Partnership Action Plan and how the priorities were centred around the themed blocks of the Local Area Agreement.  Concern was expressed regarding gaps in culture and sport and the lack of a Young Persons/Youth Service representative.


RESOLVED - That recent actions and achievements of the North East District Partnership be noted.



Area Actions and Achievements Progress Report pdf icon PDF 32 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 10 Mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The Area Manager submitted a report which provided Members with a summary of recent actions and achievements of the Area Committee and Area Management Team. 


Members attention was brought to the review of community facilities in Chapeltown and the request from the Chapeltown Community Centre Action Group to have land released for the development of a new community centre.  It was reported that the Executive Board at its meeting of 24 January 2007 had agreed, that on the recommendations of the North East Inner Area Committee, that there was no case to release land for a new community centre as community provision in the area was already sufficient.


Further issues discussed included the use of the Miles Hill Primary school site and the redevelopment of Tesco’s Roundhay Road site.


RESOLVED - That the report and recent action and achievements be noted.



Area Committee Working Groups Report pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which informed Members of the issues raised and feedback from the meetings of the Area Committee Working Groups held since the last meeting of the Area Committee.


RESOLVED - That the report be noted.



Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday, 26th March 2007 at 4.00 p.m., NE City Learning Centre, Allerton Grange High School, Talbot Avenue, LS17


Monday, 26th March 2007 at 4.00 p.m., NE City Learning Centre, Allerton Grange High School, Talbot Avenue, Leeds LS17