Agenda and minutes

North East (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 26th March, 2007 4.00 pm

Venue: NE City Learning Centre, Allerton Grange High School, Talbot Avenue

Contact: Andy Booth 0113 246 4356 

No. Item


Chairs Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  As the meeting was inquorate at the outset, he informed those present that no decisions could be made until a quorum was achieved.





Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Hamilton, Harris and Lancaster.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.



The agenda made reference to the provision contained in the Area Committee Procedure rules for an Open Forum Session at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, for members of the public to ask questions or to make representations on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  On this occasion, no matters were raised under this item by those members of the public who were in attendance.



REEMAP pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided an update on the REEMAP project.  The project had received £15,000 from Well-Being funds in June 2006 to deliver curriculum support to Black and Minority Ethnic pupils attending high schools in the inner north east area, with the aim of raising educational achievement.


The Chair welcomed Patrick Spencer Salami of the REEMAP project to the meeting.


In response to a question of which children were targeted to participate in the REEMAP project, it was reported that it varied from school to school.  Protocol had been drawn up with Education Leeds which had allowed REEMAP to develop tailor made programmes for curriculum support after school.  The general aim was to assist children who were on target for D an E grades in their GCSEs to help them achieve grade C or above.


Further to Members questions and comments, Patrick Spencer Salami gave an overview of the REEMAP programme and how it operated.  Issues discussed included links with Leeds Metropolitan University, parental involvement and the role of link teachers.  In response to Members raising the issue of under achievement by white children and that REEMAP should consider expanding services to those children he also informed the Committee that it was planned to widen the remit of the programme and target children from outside BME communities.


(Councillor Rafique declared a personal interest during the discussion on this item due to his position as a Board Member of Reemap).



IMPaCT Neighbourhood Improvement Plan pdf icon PDF 36 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 20 Mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided information on the IMPaCT Neighbourhood Improvement Plan (NIP) for January 2007 to March 2008.


The Chair welcomed Beki Allchin to the meeting to give a presentation on the IMPaCT Neighbourhood Improvement Plan.


The first part of the presentation concentrated on regeneration issues.  The following areas were highlighted:


  • Leeds would receive £15.6 Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) funding over the next 3 years and this would be used towards the creation of two new catalyst centres in Chapeltown and Harehills
  • LEGI funds would be used to encourage entrepreneurial behaviour
  • Several flats had been reconverted back to houses for family use.
  • The Joint Services Centre will address health and deprivation issues with the services provided from there.


The following partnership issues were highlighted:


  • The District Partnership had deemed Chapeltown to be a priority neighbourhood.
  • Environment Get Together – Included partners from Council, PCSOs and Fire Service.
  • Information Ribbon sponsored by Leeds Metropolitan University and Northern Lights.


Achievements to date included the following:


  • Action to combat fly tipping and untidy gardens via the Chapeltown  Environment Pride Team and a dedicated Environmental Enforcement Officer.
  • Addressing problems with empty properties.
  • Chapeltown and Harehills Job Shops
  • Replacement Street Signs
  • Bikes for PCSOs
  • Creating Green Spaces – Woodland Mount Pocket Park
  • Environmental improvements at Sholebroke Mount Shops and Bankside Street


A discussion was held regarding the conversion of houses into flats and vice versa.  Whilst progress had been made in getting some properties converted back to family housing, others were still being converted to flats.  The Committee was informed of a decision of the Planning Inspectorate to overturn appeals against turning housing into flats and it was suggested that the Area Management team could make representations to the Chief Planning Officer regarding this.


The Chair thanked Beki for her attendance and presentation.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


(Councillor Harker joined the meeting at 4.30 p.m. during discussion of this item and the meeting became quorate).



Minutes pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2007.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 5th February 2007 be confirmed as a correct record.



Chapeltown Townscape Heritage Initiative pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


Time – 15 mins (Executive Function)


The report of the Area Manager set out the details of how the Chapeltown Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) would be developed and managed over the next 8 months to meet the deadline for the Stage 2 submission in October 2007.  Members were also asked to consider a request to commission £15,000 from Well Being funds towards the project development costs.


Helen Steele, Area Co-ordinator addressed the meeting.  She reported that the THI would compliment the IMPaCT Neighbourhood Improvement Plan and reminded Members of the successful bid for £800,000 from Heritage Lottery funds at Stage 1 of the THI.


It was reported that the THI would provide an opportunity to improve the physical appearance of Chapeltown, tackle negative perceptions of the area and attract new investment.  There would also be a training programme to develop skills in heritage construction.


It was further reported that the THI linked in with the Chapeltown Road Development Plan for which a report was due to be considered by the Executive Board.  Further issues highlighted included Compulsory Purchase Orders and environmental considerations.


RESOLVED – That the development of the Chapeltown Townscape Heritage Initiative and commissioning of £15,000 of the 2007/08 Well Being Fund towards the match funding required to develop the Stage 2 submission be supported.


(Councillor Dowson declared a personal interest in this item due to her position with Groundwork.)



2007/08 Area Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 31 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 15 mins  (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided information on the Area Delivery Plan for 2007/08 and specifically the priorities and programme of work for the next year.


Hannah Rees, Area Management Officer, reported that the Area Delivery Plan would be linked to the four themes of the Local Area Agreement (LAA) and a list of actions and priorities was appended to the report.


Further issued discussed in relation to the Area Delivery Plan included community Engagement, festive light provision and the commissioning of well-being funds.


The Chair asked that thanks be recorded to Hannah Rees for her work on the Area Delivery Plan.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted



Well-Being Fund Report pdf icon PDF 56 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 20 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which contained a summary of Well-Being Fund expenditure in 2006/07 and the recommendations of the Well-Being Fund Working Group for commissioning projects from the 2007/08 allocation.


The Committee was informed of proposals to divide the Well-Being Funds between the four themes of the Local Area Agreement and also the possibility of having specific sums for each ward and were asked to consider the following proposals for revenue spending.


Theme / Ward

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

Option 4

Option 5

Chapel Allerton


















Ongoing commitments






Children & Young People






Safer & Stronger Communities






Healthier Communities & Older People






Economic Development & Enterprise













A detailed discussion followed regarding the distribution of funding and it was agreed to follow option one in the table above.  Similar proposals for capital funding were considered and it was agreed for capital monies to be allocated from a single pot.




(1)  That option 1 as detailed in paragraph 9 of the report be the preferred option for revenue allocation and that capital monies be allocated from a single pot.


(2)  That the following decisions be made in respect of 2007/08 Well-Being allocations - revenue:

(i)   Grant & Fundraising Advice Worker – Approved - £25,317

(ii)  Small Grants Allocation – Approved - £5,000

(iii)   Community Engagement Allocation – Approved - £5,000

(iv)   ACIAMAJ Complementary Educational Project – Refused

(v)   Moortown Community Fair – Refused

(vi)   Meanwood Festival – Approved - £2,000

(vii)   Roundhay Neighbourhood Design Statement – Approved - £10,000

(viii)   Sound of Steel with Angel Voices – Approved - £1,000

(ix)   Hibiscus Carers Support – Refused


(3)  That the following decisions be made in respect of 2007/08    Well-Being allocations – capital: 

  (i)  Gledhow Valley Path – Approved - £10,120 

  (ii)  North Leeds Cricket Club – Approved - £15,000

  (iii)  Seven Community Arts Centre – Approved - £20,000



North East District Partnership Update pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To receive and consider that attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 10 mins (Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided Members with a summary of recent actions and achievements of the North East District Partnership.


Appended to the report was a copy of the approved draft of the North East District Action Plan.




(1)  That the recent actions and achievements be noted.

(2)  That the approved draft of the North East District Action Plan be noted.



Area Committee Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 37 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 10 mins (Executive Function)


The report of the North East Area Manager provided a timetable and agenda framework for Area Committee meetings in 2007/08.  It was intended to update and add to the framework and use it as the basis for a rolling forward programme of Area Committee issues to help manage the programme of work for the Area Committee through the year in consultation with the Chair.


A copy of the Forward Plan was appended to the report with details of items to be considered at each meeting in the following Municipal Year.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Area Actions and Achievements Progress Report pdf icon PDF 29 KB

Additional documents:


The North East Area Manager submitted a report which provided Members with a summary of recent actions and achievements of the Area Committee and Area Management Team.


The report highlighted actions carried out since the last meeting of the Area Committee and an appendix detailed ongoing and completed actions from issues raised at Area Committee meeting over the past year.


RESOLVED – That the report and recent actions and achievements be noted.



Area Committee Working Groups pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the report of the North East Area Manager


Time – 5 mins (Executive Function)


The report of the North East Area Manager informed Members of issues raised at the Area Committee Working Groups held since the last meeting of the Area Committee.  Feedback from the Groups included community safety issues, you th issues and the recommendations of the Well-Being Fund working group.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



The Children and Young People's Plan Review 2007 pdf icon PDF 61 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of Children’s Services.


10 mins (Council Function)


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report regarding the 2007 review of the Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP).  The report provided a summary of the purpose, content and structure of the CYPP and highlighted the issues and concerns that were emerging through the evaluation work of services and partners.


The Chair Welcomed David McDermott of Children’s Services to the meeting.


In summary specific reference was made to the following issues:


  • The review of the CYPP was being considered by all Area Committees as part of the consultation and engagement terms.
  • The Review would be submitted to Ofsted for inspection in June 2007.
  • Locality enablers would be appointed to each wedge across the City.
  • Emerging priorities
  • The development of locality plans


It was suggested that further consideration should be given to the CYPP at the December meeting of the Area Committee as a theme focus had not been agreed for that meeting. 


The Chair thanked David McDermott for his attendance.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Dates, Times and Venues of Area Committee Meetings 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer


Time – 5 mins


The Chief Democratic Services Officer presented a report regarding the Dates, Times and Venues of Area Committee meetings for the 2007/08 Municipal Year.  A list of suggested dates was included in the report.




(1)  That the Area Committee continues to meet at 4.00 p.m. and on the following dates in the 2007/08 Municipal Year.


Monday, 25th June 2007

Monday, 10th September 2007

Monday, 15th October 2007

Monday, 3rd December 2007

Monday, 4th February 2008

Monday, 17th March 2008


(2)  That venues for the meetings continue to be alternated between the   three wards in the North East Inner area.