Agenda, decisions and minutes

North East (Inner) Area Committee - Monday, 20th October, 2008 4.00 pm

No. Item


Election of Chair


Due to the absence of the Chair, members were asked to nominate and take a formal vote on the election of a Chair for the meeting.


RESOLVED – That Councillor Wadsworth be elected Chair for the meeting.



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct


Councillor Wadsworth declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 9, Well-Being Budget – Project/Activity Proposals due to his position as a Director of East North East Homes ALMO.  He withdrew from the meeting during discussion and voting on the funding application from East North East Homes.  Minute No. ?? refers.


Councillor Rafique declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Agenda Item 9, Well-Being Budget – Project/Activity Proposals due to his position as a Board Member of REEMAP.  He with drew from the meeting during the discussion and voting on the funding application from REEMAP.  Minute No ?? refers.


Councillors Dowson and Kendal declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9, Well-Being Budget – Project/Activity Proposals due to their positions on the East North East Homes Area Panel and the funding application from East North East Homes.  Minute No. ?? refers.





Apologies for absence were received on behalf of Councillors Lancaster and Lobley.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.



The agenda made reference to the provision contained in the Area Committee Procedure rules for an Open Forum Session at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, for members of the public to ask questions or to make representations on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  On this occasion, no matters were raised under this item by those members of the public who were in attendance.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 72 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2008


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 September 2008, be confirmed as a correct record.



Leeds Colleges Merger Consultation pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To receive and consider the report of the East North East Area Manager.


Council Function


The report of the East North East Area Manager informed Members of the Executive Board’s endorsement of the proposed merger of the City’s 3 largest colleges, namely Leeds Thomas Danby, Leeds College of Technology and Park Lane College which will result in the creation of a new single institution to be known as Leeds City College.


The Chair welcomed the following to the meeting:


  • Christine George – Learning Skills Council
  • Paul Forbes – Learning Skills Council


Christine George gave the Board a presentation on the proposed merger.  Following a review of college provision in Leeds it had been concluded that some of the current college accommodation in Leeds was no longer fit for purpose along and there was a duplication of provision.  There was also a need to raise post 16 educational achievement and increase numbers of students progressing to higher education.


The Committee was informed that a strategic board comprising of Governors from the Colleges concerned was in place, with an independent chair.  Initial proposals had also included Joseph Priestly College and Leeds College of Building and they had not opted to form part of the proposed Leeds City College.  It was also reported that the Learning Skills Council would be committing 100% funding towards the merger and Members were asked what they would like to see the college provide and where from.


In response to the presentation and Members questions, the following issues were discussed:


  • Leeds College of Building felt as a specialist college, that they wished to remain as a single college, as did Joseph Priestly College.  It was reported that the Executive Board had supported the proposal to merge all 5 colleges.
  • Capital funding for colleges in Leeds would be concentrated on the proposed Leeds City College in the near future.
  • The use of satellite facilities, particularly facilities already available across Leeds.
  • Links with schools and vocational courses.
  • The new college would have its own management team and governing body.
  • It was suggested that a future Area Committee Eenagagement event be held to highlight education opportunities for 14 to 19 year olds.




(a)  (a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  (b)  That Area Management be updated on progress with the Leeds City   College and Area Committee be kept informed.



Well-Being Budget - Project/Activity Proposals pdf icon PDF 117 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the East North East Area Manager.


Executive Function

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and that the following decisions be made in respect of Well-Being budget applications:


a)  Meanwood Valley Urban Farm - £5,900 (capital) – Approved

b)  LCC: Roundhay Cricket Wickets - £7,050 (capital) – Approved subject to equivalent funding from Inner East Area Committee

c)  East North East Homes Gledhow Towers CCTV - £4,400 (capital) –Approved

d)  West Yorkshire Probation Services: Community Payback Scheme Pilot - £5,000 (revenue) – Approved

e)  LCC: Roundhay Festive Lights - £4,000 (capital) – Deferred

f)  Roundhay Planning Forum : Neighbourhood Design Statement additional costs - £4,220 (revenue) – Approved

g)  REEMAP: Making the Difference: £18,600 - Deferred


The East North East Area Manager submitted a report which outlined details of proposed projects/activities to deliver local actions relating to agreed themes and outcomes of the Area Delivery Plan.


Further to the application from West Yorkshire Probation Service for the Pilot Community Payback Team, the Chair introduced Margaret Ambler of the Probation Service to the meeting.  She informed the Committee of the work of the Community Payback Team and of the pilots that had already been held in other areas.


In relation to the application from the Roundhay Planning Forum, Mike Fox and Lynton Incoll attended the meeting on the Forum’s behalf.  The committee was advised that the planned production of the Neighbourhood Design Statement was going to cost more than initially estimated, partly due to a failed attempt for additional funding, and this was the main reason for submitting another application to the Committee. Increased printing and design costs had also added to the overall total.  



RESOLVED – That the report be noted and that the following decisions be made in respect of Well-Being budget applications:


a)  Meanwood Valley Urban Farm - £5,900 (capital) – Approved

b)  LCC: Roundhay Cricket Wickets - £7,050 (capital) – Approved subject to equivalent funding from Inner East Area Committee

c)  East North East Homes Gledhow Towers CCTV - £4,400 (capital) –Approved

d)  West Yorkshire Probation Services: Community Payback Scheme Pilot - £5,000 (revenue) – Approved

e)  LCC: Roundhay Festive Lights - £4,000 (capital) – Deferred

f)  Roundhay Planning Forum : Neighbourhood Design Statement additional costs - £4,220 (revenue) – Approved

g)  REEMAP: Making the Difference: £18,600 – Deferred


(During the discussion of the application from East North East Homes, and Councillor Wadsworth’s withdrawal from the meeting, Councillor Dowson was nominated and voted in as Chair of the meeting).



Area Committee Income From Advertising on Lamp Posts pdf icon PDF 3 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of City Development.


Council Function


The report of the Director of City Development informed the Board of the contract for advertising on street lighting across the City.  The Executive Board had agreed income share proposals which would benefit the local communities where lamp post advertisements were located.  Local Ward Members would be consulted regarding possible sites for lamp post advertising.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted and Members be consulted regarding potential sites for lamp post adverts.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

Monday, 1 December 2008 at 4.00 p.m.


Monday, 1 December 2008 at 4.00 p.m.