Agenda and minutes

North East (Outer) Area Committee - Wednesday, 28th March, 2007 7.00 pm

No. Item


Declarations of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct



The following declarations of interest were made:-

Councillor Castle – (a) The Children and Young People’s Plan Review 2007 – personal interest in her capacity as a Member of Leeds Skyrack Adoption Panel (Agenda Item 8, Minute No 76 refers) and (b) A Plan for Delivering Affordable Housing in Leeds – personal interest in her capacity as Lead Member (Neighbourhoods and Housing (Agenda Item 9, Minute No 77 refers). 

Councillor Wilkinson – (a) ‘The Children and Young People’s Plan Review 2007 – personal interest in his capacity as a Member of the Children’s Advisory Panel (Agenda Item 8, Minute No 76 refers) and (b) A Plan for Delivering Affordable Housing In Leeds – personal interest in his capacity as a Director of Leeds East North East Homes ALMO (Agenda Item 9, Minute No 77 refers);


Councillor Mrs Feldman – (a) The Children and Young People’s Plan Review 2007 – personal interest in her capacity as Lead Member (Children’s Services) (Agenda Item 8, Minute No 76 refers) and (b) Well-Being Budget – MAECare – personal interest in her capacity as the Council’s appointed representative on MAECare (Agenda Item 13, Minute No 81 refers);


Councillor R Feldman – Well-Being Budget – Northcall – personal interest in his capacity as a Member of the Northcall Management Committee (Agenda Item 13, Minute No 81 refers);


Councillor Harrand - Well-Being Budget – Northcall – personal interest in his capacity as a Member of the Northcall Management Committee (Agenda Item 13, Minute No 81 refers);


(NB Councillor Harrand joined the meeting at 7.03 pm, during this item).





Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.



The Chair made reference to the provision contained in the Area Committee Procedure Rules for an Open Forum session of up to 10 minutes at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, to allow members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the remit of the Area Committee.  On this occasion, no members of the public were present.



Minutes - 12th February 2007 pdf icon PDF 40 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2007.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 12th February 2007 be confirmed as a correct record.



Matters Arising from the Minutes


(a)  Horsefair Re-development, Wetherby (Minute No 69 refers)

  The NE Area Manager reported that a decision had not yet been taken in respect of the proposed use of York Stone in this scheme.


(b)  Speed Cameras, Harrogate Road, Alwoodley (Minute No 69 refers)

  Further to the discussion at the last meeting, the NE Area Manager reported that David Sherborne, Road Casualty Reduction Manager, Development Department, was unable to attend this evening’s meeting due to his attendance at a training course.  However, he had forwarded information to the Area Manager regarding Members’ request for the siting of permanent speed cameras on Harrogate Road.  Mr  Sherborne had stated that the Police had confirmed that they had not been enforcing this length of Harrogate Road this year because of a query regarding the visibility of signing.  Mr Sherborne had been in touch with the signing company, and it was hoped that this would be rectified in April 2007.  Additionally, the company had also been asked to quote to install a hard-standing to increase the positions from which  the mobile speed cameras could operate.  With regard to the possible installation of permanent speed cameras, up to the end of 2005 this length of road had not qualified for their installation.  However, on examination of accidents during 2006, the road did now meet the national criteria, and the next stage was to carry out further speed checks at various points, and this too would take place in April 2007.  If the speeds recorded met the national criteria, then this length of road would be added to the others in Leeds awaiting the installation of permanent speed cameras.  However, no new installations occurred during 2006 due to difficulties in recruiting staff to carry out the engineering works.  It was hoped that this situation would improve during 2007.



  (a)  That Mr Sherborne be invited to attend the next Area Committee meeting on 9th July 2007;

  (b)  That in the interim, he also be invited to attend the next Alwoodley Ward Members meeting.


(c)  Powers of Police Community Support Officers (Minute No 63 refers)

  Further to the discussion at the last meeting, Inspector Marcus Griffiths circulated for Members information details of the current powers exercisable by West Yorkshire Police Community Support Officers.





The Children and Young People's Plan Review 2007 pdf icon PDF 62 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Director of Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report submitted by the Director of Children’s Services relating to a review of the Leeds Children and Young People’s Plan (CYPP) and seeking the views of the Area Committee on the priorities emerging from the review and whether nor not these reflected the priorities in the Wards covered by the Committee?


Jane Bell, Children’s Services, attended the meeting and responded to Members questions and comments.  In brief summary, the main issues discussed were:-

  • Sport – Members referred to the benefits, both physical and psychological, of youngsters getting involved in sporting activities;
  • The importance of transforming City-wide plans into local action – The role of the new ‘Locality Enablers’ was discussed.  Members were very much of the opinion that the groundwork for locality plans in terms of priorities and targets had already been done in the past few years via the Ward Members, the Area Management Team, the Youth Service and local partner organisations, and that the Locality Enabler should take advantage of this work, rather than start the process from scratch again.  Action on the ground to improve children and young people’s lives was what was required, not further talking shops and Members strongly emphasised the need for a co-ordinated approach and to avoid duplication of meetings etc.  Neighbourhood Tasking Meetings were referred to as an example of good practice, with partner agencies working closely together to achieve real, practical improvements in people’s lives, with delegates personally responsible for achieving specific actions.
  • Members resolved to invite the Locality Enabler to the September meeting to update the Committee on their work.



(a)  That the report be noted, and Jane Bell be thanked for attending the meeting;

(b)  That the new Locality Enabler be invited to update Members at the September 2007 meeting of the Committee.


(NB Councillor Millard joined the meeting at 7.32 pm, during this item).



A Plan for Delivering Affordable Housing in Leeds pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Housing Services Officer.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered a report submitted by the Chief Housing Services Officer relating to the Council’s plans for tackling the dearth of affordable housing in the City.  Megan Godsell, Housing Strategy Team, attended the meeting and responded to Members’ questions and comments.  In brief summary, the main issues discussed were:-

  • It was acknowledged that the Council was doing what it could to stimulate the market, and had agreed to make 77 acres of brownfield land available to the Strategic Partnership established to tackle the problem;
  • The Committee was disappointed to note that none of the above land was in the area of the NE Outer Area Committee, which was in need of affordable housing for its residents.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



North East District Partnership - Update pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.

Additional documents:


The NE Area Manager submitted a report updating the Committee on key issues and recent actions of the NE District Partnership, including the draft NE District Action Plan 2007-2009.


RESOLVED - That the report, including the draft North East District Action Plan 2007 – 2009, be noted.



Area Committee Forward Plan 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 38 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.


The NE Area Manager submitted a report outlining a proposed timetable and agenda framework for meetings of the Committee in 2007/08.


RESOLVED – That subject to the addition of an update report from the Children’s Services Locality Enabler to the September 2007 meeting, the report, including the proposed Forward Plan 2007/08, be received and approved.



Area Delivery Plan 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.

Additional documents:


The NE Area Manager submitted a report regarding the Committee’s proposed  Area Delivery Plan 2007/08, for approval prior to submission to the Executive Board of the Council.


Subject to various minor queries, the Plan was approved.


RESOLVED - That the draft Area Delivery Plan 2007/08 be approved, for submission to the Executive Board for final approval.



Well-Being Fund 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.

Additional documents:


The NE Area Manager submitted a report summarising for Members what the Committee had spent its budget on in 2006/07, the sums currently remaining in the Committee’s revenue and capital budgets and the small grants made since the last meeting.  The report also requested the Committee to decide on the allocation across the three Wards of its revenue allocation for 2007/08.  It was noted that the capital budget allocations for 2007/08 had not yet been notified.


During the course of the discussion on this item, the following main points were made:-

  • The problems experienced with the equipping of the new Shadwell Lane Community Centre.  The NE Area Manager undertook to liaise with the Learning and Leisure Department and to provide Ward Members with an explanation;
  • The balance of funds remaining in the capital budget in respect of the Harewood Ward.  The NE Area Manager undertook to check the figure and report back to Ward Members;
  • The basis for the allocation of revenue funds between the three Wards, and whether or not Alwoodley Ward should receive a greater proportion of the budget in view of its areas of social deprivation.



(a)   That the report be noted, including the projects in development and the small grants made since the last meeting;

(b)   That the proposed allocation of revenue funding across the three Wards in 2007/08 be approved;

(c)   That the following decision be taken in respect of the application for funding before the Committee for consideration :-


  Wigton Moor Church – replacement boiler -£3,000 – Approved.


(NB Councillors R F Feldman and Mrs R Feldman wished their vote against the decision in (b) above to be recorded.  Councillor Harrand abstained from voting in respect of (b) above).



Area Actions and Achievements - Progress Report pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.

Additional documents:


The NE Area Manager submitted a report updating Members on the actions and achievements of both the Area Committee and the Area Management Team with specific reference to progress against the Area Delivery Plan (ADP) 2006/07.


Members indicated that whilst they appreciated the need for the Area Manager to keep a detailed and historic record of progress against the ADP, for their purposes all future reports needed to include was a note of the latest actions and achievements, not data covering the last 12 months.  The NE Area Manager stated that the report format would be amended accordingly in future.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Area Committee Forums - Feedback pdf icon PDF 24 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the North East Area Manager.

Additional documents:


The NE Area Manager submitted a report informing Members of the outcome of the meeting of the Harewood and Wetherby Town and Parish Council Forum held on 8th March 2007.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Dates,Times and Venues of Future Meetings 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer.



(a)  That the following dates and times be approved in respect of meetings of the Area Committee in the 2007/08 municipal year:-


  9th July 2007, 17th September 2007, 22nd October 2007, 10th December 2007, 11th February 2008 and 31st March 2008, all at 7.00 pm;


(b)  That the proposed venues for the above meetings be left to the officers to arrange, in consultation with the Chair.



Fir Tree Primary School


Further to the Council’s decision to close this primary school, Ward Members reminded the Committee of local residents desire to see the school buildings and playing fields retained for community use.


RESOLVED – That an update report be submitted to the next meeting.



Councillor Andrew Millard


The Chair reported that this was the last Area Committee meeting to be attended by Councillor Andrew Millard before he stood down as a Councillor for Wetherby Ward, and he paid tribute to Councillor Millard’s contribution and hard work on behalf of his constituents and wished him every success for the future.  Councillor Millard responded.


The meeting concluded at 8.55 pm.