Agenda and minutes

East (Outer) Area Committee - Tuesday, 18th September, 2007 4.00 pm

Venue: the Civic Hall, Leeds

No. Item


Chair's Welcome


The Chair welcomed Inspector Craig Robinson of the North East Police Division, based at Garforth Police Station, to the meeting.  The Committee’s thanks to Acting Inspector Richard Sullivan, for his work during his time at Garforth, were noted.


Inspector Robinson introduced himself and stated that he looked forward to working with Members of the Committee.  He briefly outlined the plans to reduce crime in the area and provided Members with information on the local Police Community Support Officers.  Inspector Robinson also stated that he would be seeking funding from various agencies, including the Area Committee, regarding a Section 30 Dispersal Order, in order to reduce crime in the area.



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct.


Councillor Murray declared a personal interest in Agenda Item 9 – Local Area Agreement - (Minute No. 27 refers) as  a Director of Learning Partnerships.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors W Hyde and Wakefield.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


The Chair referred to the provision in the Area Committee Procedure Rules for an ‘Open Forum’ period at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, during which members of the public could ask questions or make representations on any matter within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


There were no members of the public present, however on behalf of Ward residents, the Member for Temple Newsam Ward raised the issue of race hate crimes in the area and the need for partnership working to solve these problems.


Inspector Robinson and Members reported on the crimes in general taking place in the various Wards covered by the Committee: on anti-social behaviour, anti-Social Behaviour Orders (ASBOs), alcohol abuse and supply of alcohol to minors, drug dealing, vandalism and criminal damage and problem families.


RESOLVED – That the Chair and Area Management meet with Inspector Robinson in the near future to discuss possible funding for a Section 30 Dispersal Order.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 10th July 2007.


RESOLVED – With the amendment to Minute No. 8 – Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies– that Councillor Harrison be appointed to the Neighbourhood Elders Team rather than Churches Together in Garforth, that the minutes of the East Outer Area Committee meeting held on 10th July 2007 be confirmed as a correct record.



Matters Arising


Minute No. 9 – Political Nominations to ALMO Area Panels

It was confirmed that there had been a meeting of the Outer East Area Panel of Aire Valley Homes.


Minute No. 2 – Late Item – Report on Flooding

Members were advised on the information that would be included in the report on flooding to the November meeting of the Area Committee.  Members requested that the report should include the response of the Council to the floods; the future plans to prevent flooding; suggestions on how the Area Committee could potentially assist.


Minute No. 7 – Matters Arising – Regeneration in Outer East Leeds

Members were advised that, with regard to the Green Park at Thorpe Park, the Chair had not yet met with the Chief Recreation Officer, however the Chair had been advised that Thorpe Park would be carrying out the works.


Education Leeds

At this point in the meeting, as the representative from Education Leeds had to leave, the Chair requested whether Members had any issues on education to raise.


RESOLVED – That a report on school performance across Outer East be provided to the November meeting of the Committee.



West Yorkshire Police Community Contact Points pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To consider a report from the Chief Community Safety Officer providing information on West Yorkshire Police’s current community contact points and summarising good practice.  The report also seeks Area Committee input into selecting further contact points and to support the use of any council premises so identified.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The Chief Community Safety Officer submitted a report providing information on West Yorkshire Police’s current community contact points and a summary of good practice.  The report also requested Members to suggest further potential contact points and to support the use of Council premises if these were so identified.  Attached at Appendix 3 was information for Members on the Neighbourhood Policing Teams by Ward.


The Acting Area Manager presented the report, along with Inspector Craig Robinson of the North East Police Division, who responded to Members’ queries and comments.


Members shared their views with the Inspector on joint surgeries with the police.


The Chair thanked Inspector Robinson, who then left the meeting.



(a)  That the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That Members inform Inspector Robinson of the North East Police Division of any suitable community contact points within their Wards for their relevant Neighbourhood Policing Team.



Local Area Agreement pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Officer providing Members with information on the Local Area Agreement they requested at the May meeting of the Committee.


(Executive Function)


The Chief Officer (Executive Support) submitted a report providing further information on the Local Area Agreement (LAA) as requested by the Outer East Area Committee at their meeting on 22nd May 2007.  The information provided was on the funding within the LAA to support the delivery of LAA outcomes, the partnership arrangements in place to support the delivery of LAA outcomes and how Members were involved in the development of the new LAA as part of the new Leeds Strategic Plan.


Dylan Griffiths, Project Manager (Policy), Chief Executive’s Department, was welcomed to the meeting to present the report and respond to Members’ queries and comments.


Members raised their concerns about their need for wider involvement and whether, when they were consulted, Members were given sufficient time to put forward their views and whether these views were taken into account.


Members were advised that the Area Committee would have an opportunity to feed through their comments on the proposals when they received a report at the December meeting of the Committee.  Members were also advised that the Executive Board would receive comments from the appropriate Scrutiny Board early in the New Year.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Conservation Area Reviews pdf icon PDF 80 KB

To consider a report from the Directors of City Development and Environment and neighbourhoods providing information about Conservation Areas and recommending an approach to Conservation Area reviews.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The Directors of City Development and Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing Members with information about Conservation Areas in Leeds and recommending an approach to Conservation Area reviews.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Richard Taylor, Team Leader Conservation, City Development Department, who presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.


Members were advised that the requirement for current appraisals had become a Key Performance Indicator under the Best Value/Comprehensive Performance Assessment.  This indicator was currently of concern and a poor performance in this area of work could lead to loss of future government funding support.  The Executive Board had therefore injected an additional £50,000 into each Area Committee’s budget. 


Members were also informed that the Conservation Areas in the East Outer Area were Colton, Whitkirk, Ledsham and Methley.  The cost of reviewing one of these areas would be £15,000, whereas for two, the cost would be £25,000.


Members debated the issues and agreed that reviews of Whitkirk and Methley Conservation Areas should be supported.  With regard to the remainder of the £50,000, it was agreed that this should be split equally between the two remaining Wards for resident’s only parking/additional parking schemes in the first instance (as advised by the Executive Board), and then spent on alternative projects as Ward Members chose, if it was felt that there was insufficient time this year to deliver a parking project.



(a)  That £25,000 be allocated from the East Outer Area Committee’s well being budget 2007/08 to support a review of Whitkirk and Methley Conservation Areas.

(b)  That the remainder of the £50,000 allocated from the General Fund Reserves for 2007/08 be split equally between Cross Gates and Whinmoor and Garforth and Swillington Wards to consider parking schemes in the first instance and then to spend as Ward Members choose. 



Well Being Budget 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider a report of the East Area Manager reminding Members of the budget profile for 2007/08, detailing budget commitments that have been inherited from previous approvals and the breakdown of small grants expenditure so far in 2007/08.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The East Area Manager submitted a report reminding Members of the budget profile for 2007/08 which was agreed at the Area Committee meeting in April 2007 and which targeted funding at key priorities in the Area Delivery Plan.  The report also detailed budget commitments that had been inherited from previous approvals, updated Members with more information on the additional £50,000 added to the Well Being Budget for 2007/08 and included a breakdown of small grants expenditure in 2007/08 in Appendix 1.


The Area Management Officer presented the report.  Members were advised that, as the remainder of the budget had been profiled for the year, any funding granted for a Section 30 Dispersal Order (Minute No. 23 refers) would have to be included within the ‘Neighbourhood Management – Supporting Tasking Teams’ theme.


Members were also advised that, with regard to the joint funding of the Neighbourhood Warden post in Swarcliffe, Aire Valley Homes (ex-Leeds South East Homes) had not yet made a decision on the amount of funding they could provide towards the continuation of this post. The total annual cost of the project, including all on costs, was £31,000.  Aire Valley Homes had previously restricted funding to £10,000.  If this amount was not increased and Outer East Area Committee was required to pay two-thirds of the cost, it was recommended to Members that the geographic area of the post be expanded to include Cross Gates. The post had originally been restricted to Swarcliffe as Leeds South East Homes had no properties in Cross Gates and would contribute 50% towards the cost.


Members were advised however that this issue did not need to be resolved until April 2008 as the unmet costs for the current year had been met from savings from the core funded Warden scheme.


Members raised issues regarding grass cutting in Garforth and requested that this be looked into with officers from the relevant department(s). Members also felt that insufficient publicity was given to CCTV initiatives in the Outer East Area.



(a)    That the report be noted.

(b)    That the breakdown of small grants expenditure in 2007/08 as detailed in Appendix 1 be noted.



Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To receive a report from the East Leeds Area Manager requesting support from the Outer East Capital Budget 2007/08 for several projects across the area.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The East Leeds Area Manager submitted a report requesting support from Members from this budget for several new projects across the area.  The breakdown of spend to date this financial year was also presented at Appendix 1 to the report.


The Area Management Officer presented the report.



(a)  That the following projects be approved for funding from the capital budget:

·  Halton Moor Community House - £6,000

·  Primrose Valley – Cross Street Entrance - £7,500

·  Manston Park improvements - £12,500

 (b)    That the breakdown of capital spend to date this financial year by Ward as detailed in Appendix 1 be noted.


(Note: Councillor Murray left the meeting at 5.40pm during the consideration of this item.)



Town & District Centre Regeneration pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive a report from the East Area Manager updating Members on the current status of Town & District Centre Regeneration Projects in Outer East Leeds.


(Executive Function)


The East Area Manager submitted a report updating Members on the current status of the five Town and District Centre Regeneration project proposals in Outer East Leeds.


The Area Management Officer presented the report and summarised for Members the current status of each of the projects.


Officers noted Members’ concerns about the delay in the Link Road, which had had the effect of considerably increasing the amount of traffic through Halton, Whitkirk and Colton.  Members were of the opinion that traffic calming measures were required as a matter of priority.


Members also expressed their disappointment regarding the non-approval of the second part of the Cross Gates proposal and the Fieldhead Carr scheme and whether the projects that had been approved would serve to regenerate the area.


RESOLVED – That the report and Members’ comments be noted.



Outer East Community Forum Minutes from 23rd June to 31st August 2007 pdf icon PDF 66 KB

To receive a report from the East Area Manager on the background of Community Forums and to note the minutes of the following Forum meetings held between 23rd June to 31st August 2007:

North Whinmoor - 25th June

Kippax & Methley – 26th June

Garforth & Swillington – 4th July

Swarcliffe – 25th July


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The East Area Manager submitted a report, together with the minutes of the Area Committee Community Forum meetings held between 23rd June and 31st August 2007.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the following Community Forums be received and noted:

·  North Whinmoor – 25th June

·  Kippax & Methley – 26th June

·  Garforth & Swillington – 4th July

·  Swarcliffe – 25th July



EASEL Ward Members Working Group Minutes pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To receive a report from the East Area Manager attaching the minutes of the first meeting of the EASEL Ward Members Working Group to note.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The East Area Manager submitted a report attaching the minutes of the first meeting of the EASEL Ward Members Working Group held on 15th August 2007 for Members to note.



(a)  That the minutes of the EASEL Ward Members Working Group be noted.

(b)  That these minutes continue to be included as an item in the East Outer Area Committee agenda.

(c)  That Councillor Lyons be provided with details of the streets in Halton Moor included in the EASEL proposals.



Dates and Times of Future Meetings

To note the dates and times of future meetings as 6th November 2007, 18th December 2007, 26th February 2008 and 15th April 2008.  All at 4.00pm.  Venues to be confirmed.


Noted as 6th November 2007, 18th December 2007, 26th February 2008 and 15th April 2008 – all at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall.




The Chair thanked everyone for attending and the meeting concluded at 5.55pm.