Agenda, decisions and minutes

East (Outer) Area Committee - Tuesday, 8th September, 2009 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Janet Pritchard (0113) 24 74327  Email:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct.


There were no declarations of interest at this point in the meeting, however see Minute No. 25.



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors A McKenna and Murray.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


The Chair referred to the provision in the Area Committee Procedure Rules for an ‘Open Forum’ period at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, during which members of the public could ask questions or make representations on any matter within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  As there were no members of the public present, no issues were raised.



Minutes pdf icon PDF 97 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 7th July 2009.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 7th July 2009 be confirmed as a correct record.



Matters Arising


Minute No. 14 – Neighbourhood Wardens – Restructure Proposals

In response to a query from Members, the Acting Area Manager advised that consultations between management and the Unions were still on-going.  This topic was on the agenda of the Area Chair’s meeting scheduled for later in the week and Area Management agreed to circulate any new information to Members.



Residual Waste Treatment PFI Project Update and Presentation pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the attached report of the Head of Waste Management providing an update on the programme of communications activity supporting the Residual Waste Treatment PFI project and the opportunity to view the PowerPoint presentation and supporting materials to be distributed to the public.


(Council Function)


The Head of Waste Management submitted a report which provided an update on the programme of communications activity supporting the Residual Waste Treatment PFI project.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Susan Upton, Head of Waste Management, to present the report and accompanying PowerPoint presentation entitled ‘What is Leeds doing with its Waste’.


The Head of Waste Management advised that this was the final version of the presentation which would be shown to the public.  The programme of communications activity also included supporting leaflets and these would be circulated to Members when more were available.


In brief summary, Members then made the following comments and raised the following questions:

·  The consultation: that this should be proper and thorough and include residents in areas affected by increased lorry movement – The officer advised that the next stage of the process, between September and January, would involve residents within a mile radius of the possible sites being updated and informed on the background to the project.  The mile radius would have a degree of flexibility.

·  Transport issues and whether the treatment facility would deal with other cities' waste – Members were advised that the facility was to treat Leeds waste, other than a nominal 1% that could be accepted from neighbouring areas.

·  Concern as to the difficulties of transporting and treating especially bottom ash.

·  Whether the carbon emissions resulting from transporting the aforementioned ash had been factored into the environmental assessment – Members were advised that the full environmental impacts of the proposed solutions would be very carefully scrutinised using WRATE (Waste and Resources Assessment Tool for the Environment).

·  Funding for the project – Members were advised that the £68.6m PFI credit only funded part of the cost of this facility.

·  Environmental credentials of the bidders – Members were advised that pre-bid qualification statements were sought.



(a)  That the report and presentation be noted.

(b)  That Members’ comments and concerns as outlined above be noted.

(c)  That an update report be received by the East (Outer) Area Committee in the new year.


(Note: Councillor Hyde joined the meeting at 4.20pm during the consideration of this item.)



From Day Centres to Day Services: Responding to the needs and preferences of older people pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Adult Social Care Services attaching the report to the Executive Board of 22nd July 2009 as part of the consultation concerning proposed changes to the day service base in the city.


(Council Function)

Additional documents:


The Director of Adult Social Care Services submitted a report attaching the report to Executive Board of 22nd July 2009 which included the proposed consultation concerning proposed changes to the day service base in the city and which was approved by the Executive Board.  As part of the consultation, Area Committee Members were being given the opportunity to share their views on the proposed changes.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Lynda Bowen from Adult Social Care to present the report and respond to Members’ queries and comments.  Ms Bowen also talked to a handout of a PowerPoint presentation she had prepared.  Members were advised that the consultation period would continue until the end of September.  A report would then be submitted to the Executive Board in November which would include firmer recommendations.


Members voiced their concerns about the proposed changes.  In brief summary, the following specific concerns were raised:

·  The decrease in the number of referrals of older people to day centres and the number of days they could attend being reduced – Members were advised that officers would investigate the decrease in referrals and try and find specific evidence of people being turned away and having their number of days reduced.

·  Whether the criteria of how people were assessed had changed – Members were advised that there were national criteria but Local Authorities had the power to change that criteria.

·  That no day centres should be closed until assurances had been given that sufficient funding would be available to build other Well-being centres in the city, in addition to the one planned at Holt Park.

·  That there was no detail in the report regarding the extra work that voluntary groups might be expected to take on – Members were advised that a meeting had been arranged with neighbourhood network groups to discuss their contribution.

·  Why had the Scrutiny Board (Health) not been aware of decreasing day care centre attendance – Members were advised that the partnership for older people project had been looking at services for older people for two years.



(a)  That subject to the above comments, the report be received and noted.

(b)  That the Area Committee recommend that no attempt should be made to close the traditional day centres until further information about the capacity and role of the proposed new well-being centres had been made clear to Members.

(c)  That Members be advised as to whether the assessment criteria for referrals had been changed.


(NB Councillor W Hyde declared a personal interest during the consideration of this item as Chair of Cross Gates and District Good Neighbours Scheme.)


(Note: Councillor J Lewis left the meeting at 5.15pm during the consideration of this item.)



Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider the attached report of the South East Area Manager requesting support for several new projects in the Outer East Area and updating Members on breakdown of spend by Ward.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:



(a)  That the report and appendix be noted.

(b)  That the following requests for funding be approved:

(i)  To the Neighbourhood Policing Team for the purchase of 4 bicycles for PCSOs to use in Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ward - £2,480.

(ii)  To Garforth Methodist Church towards improvements to the Community Hall - £10,000.

(c)  That the request for £4,500 to install new floodlights to Fieldhead Carr Sports pitches be deferred.



The South East Leeds Area Manager submitted a report which requested support for several new projects in the area from the capital budget allocation and updated Members on breakdown of spend by Ward.


The Area Management Officer, Martin Hackett, presented the report and requested that Members defer making a decision to approve £4,500 for new floodlighting at Fieldhead Carr Sports pitches, pending receipt of further information as to why the cost had now risen from £9,000 to £15,000.



(a)  That the report and appendix be noted.

(b)  That the following requests for funding be approved:

(i)  To the Neighbourhood Policing Team for the purchase of 4 bicycles for PCSOs to use in Cross Gates & Whinmoor Ward - £2,480.

(ii)  To Garforth Methodist Church towards improvements to the Community Hall - £10,000.

(c)  That the request for £4,500 to install new floodlights to Fieldhead Carr Sports pitches be deferred.



Area Manager's Update Report pdf icon PDF 107 KB

To consider the attached report of the South East Area Manager which provides an update on a range of activity which has been undertaken in recent months by the Area Management Team and/or in conjunction with others.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the Area Committee’s concerns be passed to the appropriate Licensing Committee that the granting of an extended liquor licence at Sainsburys in Garforth would be at variance with measures taken by the Area Committee to counteract anti-social behaviour and drinking in the Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley Wards.



The South East Area Manager submitted a report updating Members on a range of activity which had been undertaken in recent months by the Area Management Team and/or in conjunction with others.  The minutes from local forum meetings, and a breakdown of small grants funded since the beginning of the financial year, were attached to the report.


The Acting Area Manager, Keith Lander, presented the report and the Chair then invited Members’ comments and queries.


With reference to para 6.1.3 of the report regarding tasking budget funding being used for additional police hours to address high levels of assaults, anti-social behaviour and drinking in the Garforth & Swillington/Kippax & Methley Wards, concern was expressed by Members that this would seem to be at variance with the request for an extended liquor licence by Sainsburys in Garforth and it was agreed to notify the Area Committee’s concerns to the appropriate Licensing Committee.


With reference to the minutes of the Halton Moor Forum 9 June 2009, Officers advised that the minutes could be corrected at the next meeting of the forum to include Councillor Schofield as present.


With regard to Town & District Centre Regeneration and the proposed Welcome Stone at Halton to be funded by Lidl, the Area Management Officer assured Members that, in the rare event that the stone should be defaced by graffiti, that either the LCC Graffiti Team would clean it or it would be cleaned through the tasking budget.  The Area Management Officer also agreed to find out whether there was any residue funding and if there was, whether this could be used to clean the stone.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the Area Committee’s concerns be passed to the appropriate Licensing Committee that the granting of an extended liquor licence at Sainsburys in Garforth would be at variance with measures taken by the Area committee to counteract anti-social behaviour and drinking in the Garforth & Swillington and Kippax & Methley Wards.


(Note: Councillor Wakefield left the meeting at 5.55pm during the consideration of this item.)



Dates and Times of Future Meetings

To note the dates and times of future meetings as 27th October 2009, 8th December 2009, 9th February 2010 and 23rd March 2010.  All at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.


Noted as 27th October 2009, 8th December 2009, 9th February 2010 and 23rd March 2010 – all at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.





The meeting concluded at 6.00pm.