Agenda and minutes

East (Outer) Area Committee - Tuesday, 3rd July, 2012 3.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Angela Bloor (0113) 24 74754  Email:

No. Item


Chair's opening remarks


The Chair referred to a request to move the time of the meetings to 4pm and the possibility of holding two the Area Committee meetings in venues out in the community and asked Members to consider this and advise of possible future venues.




Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes.)


There were no late items.




Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and other Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.  Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct




In accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct, the following Members declared significant interests:


Councillor McKenna and Councillor Harland declared significant interests in the development of a design masterplan for Green Park as members of Plans Panel East which was likely to consider any associated planning application (minute 12 refers)


Further significant interests were declared later in the meeting (minutes 11 and 13 refer)




Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Wakefield and Councillor Armitage




Minutes pdf icon PDF 59 KB

To approve the minutes of the East Outer Area Committee meeting held on 15th May 2012


(minutes attached)




RESOLVED -  That the minutes of the East Outer Area Committee held on 15th May 2012 be approved




Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to 10 minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  On this occasion there were no matters raised




North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership Annual Report pdf icon PDF 318 KB

To consider a report of the North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership


(report attached)




East Outer Area Committee considered a report of the North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership providing information on the overall performance of the Partnership and Neighbourhood Policing Teams for 2011/12, together with an overview of the work undertaken within the locality to reduce crime and disorder.  Appended to the report were performance indicator data, a structure of the North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership and a summary of the projects funded in the Inner North East area.


Attending for this item were Bev Yearwood and Chief Inspector Michael Hunter.


Bev Yearwood presented the report and referred to successes achieved by North East Police Division in meeting all of its performance targets.  In respect of the Outer East Area, public confidence remained high and less crimes were reported as were incidents of anti-social behaviour.


There were no areas of Outer East in the top nine burglary areas of strategic concern however, Crossgates and Whinmoor Ward was in position ten and that work was being carried out with Aire Valley Homes to help maintain and then improve this situation.


Chief Inspector Hunter commented on partnership working and the importance of this and referred to the staff cuts which were being imposed and the importance of safeguarding frontline services as much as possible.


Members welcomed the report and the work which had been carried out and commented on the following matters:

·  That pockets of crime and anti-social behaviour still existed and these were know to the police, Ward Members and communities

·  That further information was sought on POCA, with Bev Yearwood informing Members this was a scheme whereby funding from the proceeds of crime was made to benefit the community.  A panel of 5 people, including two Ward Members, considered applications against a criteria and where three panel members agreed on a scheme, the funding would be made available

·  The need to appropriately attribute the work of Ward Members in police newsletters.  On this matter, Chief Inspector Hunter acknowledged this.


In summing up this item, the Chair informed Members that a meeting had taken place with Bev on the newsletter and a way forward was being discussed.


RESOLVED -  To note the report, the comments now made and to note Members’ continuing support of the Divisional Community Safety Partnership in relation to prioritising and tackling Burglary Dwelling during 2011/12 through partnership work at neighbourhood level.




Summary of Key Work pdf icon PDF 119 KB

To consider a report of the South East Area Leader providing information on priority work


(report attached)



Additional documents:


Members considered a report of the South East Area Leader outlining priority work carried out in the East Outer area over recent weeks together with details of Community Forum Chairs for 2012/13 and seeking approval from Swarcliffe PFI credits for continuation funding of the Community Environment Support Officer (CESO).  Appended to the report were copies of minutes from Community Forums from March – April 2012.


The Area Officer presented the report and highlighted several issues for Members’ information, these being:

·  The Open Space event proposed by the Area Leader which would take place on 4th July at Garforth Academy and was an event to engage with the whole community at a grass roots level to discuss issues which were important to local residents in the area, with the hope this could be taken forward into the community forums

·  Christmas lights; that funding for these for the Kippax and Methley and Garforth and Swillington Wards could be sought from local businesses and that a letter had been drawn up which would be going out seeking contributions.  In response to questions, Members were informed that the Area Officer would be seeking larger donations from larger businesses  In respect of the Crossgates and Whinmoor Ward, money for Christmas lights would be used from the budget underspend as well as donations being sought

·  Community Forums – that Area Management Officers would be contacting Forum Chairs to ascertain if these were working as Members would wish them to, with possible assistance being offered around publicity and dedicated themed meetings

·  Shop Posters – that Central Government funding had been secured to provide graphics for empty shops to brighten up areas, with these hoping to be in place in early Autumn.


Members commented on the following matters:

·  The community payback scheme, the success of this and the need for greater publicity of this and what it achieves

·  The Environmental Sub-Group; that this was successful but that the minutes from these meetings were not appearing on Area Committee agendas for several months, which was not effective.  Concerns were also raised that environmental matters were not sufficiently considered by the Area Committee with a request being made for more time to be allowed for consideration of these matters

·  In terms of Community Forums, greater publicity of these and the possibility of having themed meetings or representatives from Highways and Education was discussed.  On this matter the Chair stated it was her intention to meet with Ward Members from each ward to discuss how best to promote and advertise the work being done in all four wards making up the Outer East area

·  Grafton Villas – that work on this which had been started in 2004 had finally been completed with the gates being erected and access restricted to residents backing on to the land.  Councillor Pauleen Grahame’s role in this was acknowledged.


The South East Area Leader, Shaid Mahmood, informed Members that more work would be undertaken around publicity, particularly of the achievements of schemes and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 8.


Delegation of Environmental Services - Service Level Agreement pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Service Level Agreement for Outer East area for 2012/13


(report attached)



Additional documents:


The East Outer Area Committee considered a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods seeking approval of the Service Level Agreement (SLA) for the delivery of environmental services in Outer East for the 2012/2012 municipal year.  Appended to the report was a copy of the structure for the South and Outer East Locality Team for Environmental Services; the draft budget for the Locality Team and the Ward Based Priorities for each of the four wards comprising Outer East Area Committee.


The Locality Manager for South and Outer East Locality Team, Tom Smith, attended for this report and provided information on the priorities in this second SLA which included better cleaning of arterial routes; leaf clearing; targeting and enforcement and patrol work which would be directed by Members.


Tom Smith accepted that performance management had not been as robust as it could have been and that this would be a focus of the second SLA.


With reference to Members’ comments raised in discussions on the previous item, Tom Smith suggested that the timing of the Environmental Sub Group could be considered, in discussion with Members.


Members commented on the following matters:

·  The possibility of having Members from each ward on the sub groups

·  That tribute should be paid to Councillor Dobson, Executive Member for Environmental Services and the Locality Team for the work being done to improve this service

·  That SLA1 had been conservative in nature but that this had been the right decision and that SLF2 would be more ambitious and testing and that there was a need for Members to become more involved in this area

·  That the timing of the Environmental Sub-Group could be considered and that a Member from the Kippax and Methley Ward was being sought for this group.   It was proposed that the Area Support Team would contact all current representatives on the Environmental Services Sub Committee to see if they would continue as the representative for their ward

·  The regularity of reporting of performance data, with Tom Smith stating this could vary from quarterly to half-yearly depending upon the indication being considered.



a)  To note the report and the comments now made

b)  To approve the Service Level Agreement appended to the submitted report



Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Officer (Democratic and Central Services) for the appointment to outside bodies in respect of the Outer East


(report attached)



Additional documents:


Members considered a report of the Chief Officer (Democratic and Central Services) outlining the procedures for Council appointments to outside bodies which came under the East Outer Area Committee.  Appended to the report was a schedule showing the appointments to be made and a copy of the Appointments to Outside Bodies Procedure Rules, for Members’ information.


Members discussed the number of appointees to the Crossgates and District Good Neighbours Scheme with some concerns being raised that in view of the funding provided by the Council to this organisation and that it covered the Temple Newsam Ward, that a Member from this ward should also be able to be appointed.


The Area Officer reported the discussions which had taken place with Crossgates and District Good Neighbours Scheme this issue and the view of the organisation.  As a way forward, the Chair agreed to take this issue up.


RESOLVED -  To note the following appointments to those Outside Bodies identified within Appendix 2 of the submitted report, having regard to the Appointments to Outside Bodies Procedure Rules, as outlined within the report and detailed at Appendix 1:


  Crossgates and District Good Neighbours Scheme – Councillor P Grahame

  HOPE ( Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe for Elders) – Councillor Mitchell and Councillor Cummins

  Neighbourhood Elders’ Team – Councillor J Lewis

  Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme – Councillor Armitage

  Outer East Area Panel of East North East Homes ALMO  Councillor Mitchell

  Outer South East Area Panel of Aire Valley Homes Leeds ALMO – Councillor P Grahame and Councillor A McKenna



Wellbeing Budget (Revenue)2012/13 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

To consider a report of the South East Area Leader on funding for specific work streams and new projects


(report attached)



Additional documents:


Members considered a report of South East Leeds Area Leader providing an update on the Wellbeing budget for Outer East in 2012/13, the allocation of funds against specific work streams and seeking approval for new project work.  The report also sought consideration of the proposal to establish 2 Neighbourhood Development/Improvement Officers in the south east.


Councillor Dobson declared a significant interest in this item through being a member of Garforth Lyons as this organisation ran the Garforth Gala which was the subject of a request for small grant funds.


The Area Improvement Officer outlined the report and referred to the proposal to establish two Neighbourhood Development/Improvement Officers who would work with a range of people, including young people as well as traders and those more harder to reach groups.


Members discussed the proposal with some concerns being raised that this could be duplicating some other roles and that much greater detail about the job and the reporting mechanisms was required.  Concerns were also expressed that some of the responsibilities of the post as set out in the submitted report were matters that Members were elected to carry out and that if these posts were agreed, they must work with Elected Members.


The implications of the Localism Act and what it meant for communities was discussed, with concerns that in the case of Neighbourhood Plans, these might only occur in those articulate, organised areas, with the view that if there was a clear job description; that the roles were carefully managed as the posts would be across Outer and Inner East and that both areas received the same access and outcomes, this could be considered.


The South East Area Leader, Shaid Mahmood, informed Members that at this stage only an in principle agreement was being sought and that more details would be brought forward in due course.  He also referred to the success of this project in the South of the city and assured Members that the posts would be line-managed by Area Management and would not be a duplicate of existing roles.  In terms of the list of responsibilities of the role, these would be tailored to Members’ requirements.



a)  To note the report and the comments now made

b)  To note the position of the Wellbeing budget

c)  To note the small grants approved to date

d)  To confirm approval of the following projects:


‘Open Spaces’ Red Ladder Theatre Event - £750

Off Road Motorcycles - £2,500

Kippax Youth Work Team Out of Schools Activities - £5,000

Garforth Youth Work Team out of Schools Activities - £2,000

Temple Newsam Youth Work Team Out of Schools Activities - £5,500

Crossgates and Whinmoor Youth Work Team Out of Schools Activities - £7,000

Garforth Gala - £1,000


e)  To consider the proposal to establish 2 Neighbourhood Development/Improvement Officers in the South East of the City and that a further, detailed report be provided to a future meeting



Development of a design masterplan for 'Green Park' for public consultation and the inclusion of restrictive parking measures pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider a report of the Head of Parks and Countryside on proposals for the development of a new park within the Outer East area


(report attached)




The Area Committee considered a report of the Head of Parks and Countryside on proposals for public consultation on the development of a design masterplan for a new public park to be known as ‘Green Park’, together with the inclusion of restrictive parking measures.


Tony Stringwell attended for this item.  Members discussed the proposals and were informed that the proposed consultation related solely to the development of Green Park and not the wider proposals for Thorpe Park.


Members commented on the following matters:

·  The need for discussions on Thorpe Park to take place in view of the magnitude of the scheme and the implications for the area

·  The need for all Wards Members of Crossgates; Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Wards to be involved in discussions around the proposals both for Green Park and Thorpe Park

·  That Crossgates Forum at its meeting earlier today had been comforted about the proposals in terms of parking restrictions and access in respect of their impact on the Crossgates and Whinmoor Ward


a)  To note the report and the comments now made

b)  That Officers begin consultation on the Green Park Masterplan and that, through the consultation process, comments are invited from local residents and interest groups on Green Park generally and the following issues specifically:

·  Proposals to develop a car park for sports pitch users with the Thorpe Park Development

·  Proposal to develop restricted parking measures within the boundary of the Temple Newsam Ward only

c)  That Highways and Parks and Countryside Officers explore options to incorporate a small car park, situated in a location off Austhorpe Lane, within the masterplan design.  Upon completion, proposals to be subject to consultation

d)  That Highways and Parks and Countryside Officers develop specific proposals for consideration by Crossgates and Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Members regarding shared ward boundary areas, namely Whitkirk Road.  Upon completion, proposals to be subject to consultation

e)  That Parks and Countryside Officers report back to East Outer Area Committee in due course with a summary of the findings from the consultation process.



Welfare Reform


The Chair invited the Head of Aire Valley Homes Almo Mr Simon Costigan to brief Members on the current position in relation to welfare reform.


Councillor Murray declared significant interest as the Chief Executive of Learning Partnerships and left the room during the discussions which followed.


Mr Costigan stated that in the Outer East area 1700 people would be directly affected by the welfare reforms and that letters would be sent out shortly, in batches of 250, to these people advising them of the changes and providing a contact number where people could obtain advice and arrange for a home visit to see how the ALMO could help address the difficulties the welfare reforms would have.


Members were informed that additional resources had been put in place for this increased contact and this would be reviewed to ensure the staffing was at the correct level.  Whilst there would be some element of discretionary housing benefit, this was limited and that the reforms would have an impact on families.


In recognising the financial hardship this could cause to families, the ALMO had undertaken proactive work with Credit Unions in attempt to publicise their services to help avoid people falling prey to doorstep lenders.


Members expressed their concerns about the situation and that for many people this would come as a surprise or not be believed.  Concerns were also expressed that there were not the properties available to re-house people, if they chose to downsize.


Shaid Mahmood informed Members that a meeting in the South East Area with Heads of Service was to take place to develop a joint access plan around welfare reform and that the role of the NHS and Mental Health services would be built into this.



Dates and Times of Future Meetings

At 3.00pm on Tuesdays in the Civic Hall Leeds on the following dates:


11th September 2012

16th October 2012

11th December 2012

12 February 2013

19th March 2013


And Monday 13th May 2013




RESOLVED -  To note that the East Outer Area Committees would now commence at 4.00pm and that a community venue for the October meeting would be decided upon with this being confirmed as soon as possible.