Agenda, decisions and minutes

East (Outer) Area Committee - Tuesday, 8th July, 2008 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds, LS1 1UR. View directions

No. Item


Election of Chair pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To elect a Chair for the 2008/09 municipal year.


(Council Function)


The Chief Democratic Services Officer submitted a report explaining the arrangements for the annual election of the Chair for the East (Outer) Area Committee.


In accordance with Article 10 (paragraphs 10.7 and 10.8) of the Council’s Constitution, it was reported that one nomination for the Chair had been received on behalf of Councillor Keith Parker.


RESOLVED – That Councillor Parker be elected Chair of the East (Outer) Area Committee for the 2008/09 municipal year.


(Councillor Parker took the Chair.)



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct.


The following declarations of personal interests were made:


Councillor Parker, Agenda Item 15 – Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2008/09 - for the requests for funding for CCTV in Micklefield, for alleygating to White Laith Garth, Whinmoor and for a van for Swarcliffe Good Neighbours in his capacity as a member of Aire Valley Homes Outer South East Area Panel (Minute No. 13 refers).


Councillor Dobson, Agenda Item 15 – Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2008/09 - for the requests for funding for CCTV in Micklefield, for alleygating to White Laith Garth, Whinmoor and for a van for Swarcliffe Good Neighbours in his capacity as a member of Aire Valley Homes Outer South East Area Panel (Minute No. 13 refers).


Councillor Murray, Agenda Item 13 – Future Plans for Partnership Working – a personal interest in his capacity as Chief Executive of Learning Partnerships (Minute No. 11 refers).



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Armitage.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


The Chair referred to the provision in the Area Committee Procedure Rules for an ‘Open Forum’ period at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee, during which members of the public could ask questions or make representations on any matter within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


There were no members of the public present, however Councillor Lyons requested further information on training schemes across East Leeds which were being offered to youths aged 14-19 and raised the issue in particular of expenses for equipment, protective clothing and travel.


RESOLVED – That the Locality Enabler (East), Children’s Services provide Members with more information regarding the above mentioned training scheme and report back to the next meeting of the East (Outer) Area Committee.


(Note: Councillor Gruen arrived at 4.20pm at the end of this item.)



Minutes pdf icon PDF 81 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the meeting held on 15th April 2008.


RESOLVED – With the amendment to Minute No. 78 Matters Arising, third paragraph ‘Minute No. 67 – Outturn 2007/08 and Earmarking of 2008/09 Allocation’ to replace third line ‘ … exploring the possibility of securing some PFI finance …’ with ‘… exploring the possibility of using unspent PFI finance …’, that the minutes of the East (Outer) Area Committee meeting held on 15th April 2008 be confirmed as a correct record.



Matters Arising


Minute No. 78 – Matters Arising - Area Management Review

Arising from concerns that the services of the Locality Enabler (East) Children’s Services were being spread too thinly, the Chair confirmed that he had met with the Deputy Director, Children’s Services and was advised that no further funding would be available in the foreseeable future to alleviate the problem. 


RESOLVED – That the Locality Enabler (East), Children’s Services arrange a meeting between Members and himself to discuss the use of his time.


Minute No. 78 – Matters Arising – Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2007/08

With regard to Capital Funding for extending the car park to Garforth Town FC, the Area Management Officer informed Members that Garforth Town FC had submitted their planning application and if approved, work on the car park was likely to commence at the end of September.


Minute No. 78 – Matters Arising – Outturn 2007/08 and Earmarking of 2008/09 Allocation

With regard to exploring alternative funding resources for a Neighbourhood Warden for the Cross Gates area, the Area Management Officer agreed to contact the former Deputy Area Manager for a response.



Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To consider the attached report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer and to agree the appointments to those organisations which fall into the remit of this Area Committee.


(Council Function)

Additional documents:


The Chief Democratic Services Officer submitted a report and appendices outlining the procedures for Council appointments to outside bodies and requesting the Committee to agree appointments to those organisations falling into the remit of the East (Outer) Area Committee.


The report advised that the five appointments for this Committee to consider were: one to the Neighbourhood Elders’ Team, one to the Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme, one to the Outer East Area Panel of East North East Homes ALMO and two to the Outer South East Area Panel of Aire Valley Homes.  All were annual appointments.


Members discussed approaching Social Services with a view to having Councillor representation on the management committees of Cross Gates Good Neighbours and Halton Moor and Osmondthorpe Project for Elders (HOPE).


Councillor McKenna expressed concern about not having been invited to attend any meetings of the Neighbourhood Elders’ Team.


Apart from Councillor Murray replacing Councillor Dobson on the Outer South East Area Panel of Aire Valley Homes, it was agreed to re-elect appointees en bloc.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That in respect of the Outside Bodies schedule, approval be given to the following appointments being made for the 2008/09 municipal year:-  

·  Neighbourhood Elders’ Team - Councillor A McKenna

·  Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme - Councillor S Armitage

·  Outer East Area Panel of East North East Homes ALMO - Councillor M Lyons

·  Outer South East Area Panel of Aire Valley Homes - Councillors K Parker and T Murray.



Community Safety Annual Report pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider the attached report of the East North East Divisional Community Safety Partnership providing Members with an overview of the performance of the newly merged North East Divisional Community Safety partnership and Ward based Neighbourhood Police Teams.


(Executive Function)



(a)  That the contents of the report and the attached Performance Framework/Strategic Plan 2008-2011 be noted.

(b)  That Members’ views on the content of the report, as outlined above, be noted.

(c)  That Members’ concerns regarding police non-attendance at Cross Gates and Whinmoor Ward forums be noted and investigated.



The East North East Division Community Safety Partnership submitted a report providing Members with an overview of the newly merged North East Division Community Safety Partnership and ward based Neighbourhood Police Teams.  The report also included details of the initiatives that had been delivered in local communities to reduce crime and disorder during the period 1st October 2007 to 31st March 2008.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Beverley Yearwood, Area Community Safety Co-ordinator (East Leeds) and Chief Inspector Rod Wark, North East Leeds Police Division, to present the report and respond to Members’ queries and comments.


The following issues were discussed and comments made:

·  Non-attendance by Police Officers at local forum meetings in Cross Gates and Whinmoor Ward and Temple Newsam Ward.

·  Different boundaries of forums and beats, making it difficult to marry up information.

·  Accessing funds to combat anti-social behaviour.

·  The benefits of mobile CCTV vans as a deterrent to street crime.

·  Crime figures in relation to burglaries and vehicle theft.

·  A review of the location of Neighbourhood Policing Teams.



(a)  That the contents of the report and the attached Performance Framework/Strategic Plan 2008-2011 be noted.

(b)  That Members’ views on the content of the report, as outlined above, be noted.

(c)  That Members’ concerns regarding police non-attendance at some forums in Cross Gates and Whinmoor Ward be noted and addressed by the police.



Participatory Budgeting Report pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods providing Members with information on and an evaluation of two Participatory Budgeting pilot schemes completed in Leeds.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:



(a)  That the report and attached evaluation report be noted.

(b)  That a report be received at a future meeting of the East Outer Area Committee on possible Participatory Budgeting schemes in the Outer South.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report providing Members with information on and the evaluation of two Participatory Budgeting Pilot schemes which had been completed in South and West Leeds in 2008.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Tom O’Donovan, Area Management Officer for South, to present the report and respond to Members’ queries and comments.  A DVD was shown to the Committee which showed the main aspects of the Participatory Budgeting process for the pilot scheme in the South.  Members were requested to consider whether they would consider it worthwhile to support a similar scheme in East Outer Area.


Members were advised that the Narrowing the Gap Group referred to in the report was not the one with a formal role within the Leeds Initiative.  Members expressed their doubts whether schemes of this sort could alleviate some of the issues of ‘Narrowing the Gap’ and that perhaps the pilot schemes should have been carried out in more deprived areas of the city.  However it was acknowledged that the schemes were successful in engaging with the local community and Members agreed that Officers should present a paper to a future meeting of the Committee with a view to carrying out a similar scheme in the East Outer Area.



(a)  That the report and attached evaluation report be noted.

(b)  That a report be received at a future meeting of the East Outer Area Committee on possible Participatory Budgeting schemes in the Outer East.


(Note: Councillor J Lewis left the meeting at 5.10pm during the consideration of this item.)



A Possible New Approach to Community Engagement pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods outlining changes to the way in which community consultation is undertaken on behalf of the Area Committee.


(Executive Function)



(a)  That the Cross Gates and Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Ward forums be reinstated.

(b)  That the Garforth and Swillington Ward Members discuss between themselves the options available for community engagement and report back to Area Management their preferred option.

(c)  That a new format for community engagement be tried out in the Kippax and Methley Ward.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report suggesting changes to the way in which community consultation was undertaken on behalf of the Area Committee.  The report put forward an approach which sought to address specific needs of local communities with the most pressing issues and more general opportunities to consult on wider partnership or planning issues.


Dave Richmond, Area Manager, presented the report and advised Members that this report was as a result of a request made at the previous meeting of the Area Committee to review forum arrangements, and this report proposed an alternative way forward for community engagement.  Amongst the suggestions in the report was a proposal to hold a minimum of two major consultation events each year in each ward.  However, if Members decided to adopt this approach to engagement, then it would be necessary to withdraw from the support given to forums.


Members discussed the current forum arrangements and the proposals contained in the report.  It was accepted that each ward had different requirements and as such the proposals did not suit all the wards.



(a)  That the Cross Gates and Whinmoor and Temple Newsam Ward forums be reinstated.

(b)  That the Garforth and Swillington Ward Members discuss between themselves the options available for community engagement and report back to Area Management their preferred option.

(c)  That a new format for community engagement be tried out in the Kippax and Methley Ward.


(Note: Councillor Gruen left the meeting at 5.22pm during the consideration of this item and Councillor Wakefield left the meeting at 5.30pm at the end of this item.)



Future Plans for Partnership Working pdf icon PDF 76 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods regarding the future of area based partnership working.


(Executive Function)


RESOLVED – That a decision on this report be deferred until the next meeting of the East Outer Area Committee.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which outlined current thinking on the future of area based partnership working in Leeds and made proposals for changing the structure of partnership working to reflect the changes that were taking place across organisation boundaries and to reflect concerns about the governance arrangements that applied to interagency partnership arrangements.


The Area Manager, presented the report.


Members were of the view that, as the report proposed important changes to the structure of the work of the Area Committee and in view of the fact that a number of Members had already left the meeting, that discussion and a decision on this matter should be deferred until the next meeting.


RESOLVED – That a decision on this report be deferred until the next meeting of the East Outer Area Committee.


(Note: Councillor Dobson left the meeting at 5.35pm during the consideration of this item.)



Well Being Budget 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To consider the attached report of the South East Area Manager updating Members on the budget profile for 2008/09, commitments from previous years and how uncommitted funds have been targeted against Area Delivery Plan priorities.


(Executive Function)


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



The South East Area Manager submitted a report which updated Members on the Well Being Budget profile for 2008/09, the commitments from previous years and how uncommitted funds had been targeted against Area Delivery Plan priorities.


The Area Management Officer presented the report and informed Members that the ‘Community Payback’ probation scheme, referred to in paragraph 2.3 of the report, had recently won the Howard League Award for Innovative Projects.  The scheme had proved to be excellent value for money and only 6.1% of those that took part in the scheme had reoffended. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



Outer East Area Committee Capital Budget 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To consider the attached report of the South East Leeds Area Manager requesting support for several new projects.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the following requests for funding be approved:

(i)  Methley Festive Lights - £6,336

(ii)  Great Preston Cricket Club electricity supply - £6,000

(iii)  Garforth Community Association for improvements to Garforth Miners Welfare Hall - £2,000

(iv)  Security Fencing to Summerhill Road Allotments, Methley - £2,700

(v)  Barriers to Athlone Rise Ginnel, East Garforth - £1,016

(vi)  CCTV camera in Micklefield adjacent to Micklefield Railway Station and Garden Village - £5,000

(vii)  Alleygating to White Laith Garth, Whinmoor - £2,344

(viii)  CCTV system to St Mary’s Church, Garforth  - £1,100

(ix)  Swarcliffe Good Neighbours Scheme for a van for their decorating and gardening service - £1,000



The South East Area Manager submitted a report which requested support for several new projects and provided details of expenditure to date with a breakdown of funding by ward at Appendix 1.


Suggestions for spending a proportion of the capital budget in Temple Newsam Ward, in particular on the restoration of local parks and protecting residents who were repeatedly burgled, were put forward by a Ward Member.


The Chair also informed the Committee that the proposal to provide an electricity supply to Great Preston Cricket Club would not be carried out until spring 2009.  Members were recommended to support the project but note that the funds would be held with the Council until March 2009.


RESOLVED – That the following requests for funding be approved:

(i)  Methley Festive Lights - £6,336

(ii)  Contribution to Great Preston Cricket Club electricity supply - £6,000

(iii)  Garforth Community Association for contribution towards improvements to Garforth Miners Welfare Hall - £2,000

(iv)  Security Fencing to Summerhill Road Allotments - £2,700

(v)  Barriers to Athlone Rise Ginnel - £1,016

(vi)  Contribution to CCTV camera in Micklefield adjacent to Micklefield Railway Station and Garden Village - £5,000

(vii)  White Laith Alleygating - £2,344

(viii)  CCTV St Mary’s Church - £1,100

(ix)  Swarcliffe Good Neighbours - £1,000


(Note: Councillor W Hyde left the meeting at 5.50pm at the conclusion of this item.)



Area Delivery Plan 2008-2011 pdf icon PDF 74 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods presenting the Outer East Area Delivery Plan for 2008-11 for the Committee’s approval.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:



(a)  That the Area Delivery Plan as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved.

(b)  That the development and publishing of public facing summaries of the Area Delivery Plan in the form of “Neighbourhood Charters” be approved.

(c)  That the Chair be delegated authority to approve the remaining sections of the plan.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which presented the Outer East Area Delivery Plan (ADP) for 2008-11 for approval.


The report proposed that the ADP be structured to mirror the themes set out in the Leeds Strategic Plan, so as to ensure a local interpretation of those outcomes which were a priority to the area and which could be made and delivered against.  The report also presented a detailed action planning and performance framework against which its proposed progress would be held to account at Area Committee.


The Area Management Officer presented the report and explained that the ADP as set out in Appendix A, was a working document.  Members made suggestions for additions to the ADP.



(a)  That the Area Delivery Plan as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved.

(b)  That the development and publishing of public facing summaries of the Area Delivery Plan in the form of “Neighbourhood Charters” be approved.

(c)  That the Chair be delegated authority to approve the remaining sections of the plan.



Town and District Centre Regeneration pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the attached report of the South East Area Manager updating Members on the current status of the Town and District Centre Regeneration projects in Outer East Leeds.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That potential future maintenance costs of the landmark feature on Cross Gates Roundabout, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, be underwritten by the Outer East Area Committee.

(c)  That the Area Management Officer arrange a meeting with Highways Officers and Temple Newsam Members to discuss Phase 3 of the Halton Village project.



The Area Manager submitted a report which updated Members on the current status of the Town & District Centre Regeneration projects in Outer East Leeds.


The Area Management Officer presented the report and advised Members that:

·  The renewal of the street lights under Phase 1 of the Garforth Main Street project would take place within the next few weeks.

·  That the legal issue referred to in paragraph 3.3.3 of the report and concerning Phase 2 of the Garforth Main street project had now been resolved.

·  With regard to the Cross Gates project, work was due to start on the Phase 2 – Roundabout landmark feature on 3rd September.

·  The remainder of the works in Cross Gates had been scheduled to commence on 8th October 2008.


The Area Management Officer also drew Members’ attention in particular to Phase 2 of the Cross Gates project – the Roundabout landmark feature - and  the fact that the Outer East Area Committee was being asked to consider underwriting the potential maintenance costs as referred to in paragraph 3.4.5 to the report and outlined in Appendix 1.  The Area Management Officer advised that this would amount to £4,500 per year over the next 10 years and was the ‘worst case scenario’.


Temple Newsam Members queried paragraph 3.2.3 of the report which referred to Phase 3 of the Halton Village project and requested a meeting with Highways Officers to discuss traffic congestion in the area and in particular additional measures that needed to be introduced on Selby Road to discourage through traffic.



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That potential future maintenance costs of the landmark feature on Cross Gates Roundabout, as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report, be underwritten by the Outer East Area Committee.

(c)  That the Area Management Officer arrange a meeting with Highways Officers and Temple Newsam Members to discuss Phase 3 of the Halton Village project.



Area Manager's Update Report pdf icon PDF 95 KB

To consider the attached report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods identifying a range of activity which has been undertaken in recent months by the Area Management Team and/or in conjunction with others.


(Executive Function)



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That a meeting be arranged between the Head of the PCT and Temple Newsam Members regarding the position of Doctors’ surgeries.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which identified a range of activity which had been undertaken in recent months by the Area Management Team and/or in conjunction with others.


The Area Manager presented the report. 


Temple Newsam Members raised the issue of Doctors’ surgeries in the ward and requested that Officers arrange a meeting between Ward Members and the Primary Care Trust (PCT).



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That a meeting be arranged between the Head of the PCT and Temple Newsam Members regarding the issue of Doctors’ surgeries.



Dates and Times of Future Meetings

To note the dates and times of future meetings as 16th September 2008, 28th October 2008, 9th December 2008, 10th February 2009 and 24th March 2009. All at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.


Noted as 16th September 2008, 28th October 2008, 9th December 2008, 10th February 2009 and 24th March 2009 - all at 4.00pm in the Civic Hall, Leeds.




The meeting concluded at 6.10pm.