Agenda and minutes

South (Outer) Area Committee - Monday, 25th September, 2006 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Chamber in Rothwell One Stop Centre, Marsh Street, Rothwell, LS26 0AD

Contact: Gerard Watson (0113) 247 4325 

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the September meeting of the South (Outer) Area Committee.



Declarations of Interest

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct



Councillor Dunn - personal interest - agenda item 13, due to being a founder member of the Friends of Middleton Park organisation. Councillor Dunn confirmed that he was no longer a member of the organisation. (Minute No 24 refers).


Councillor McArdle - personal interest - agenda item 10, due to being on the Management Committee of the Morley Literature Festival, a member of Churwell Action Group and a member of both the Lewisham Park Management Committee and Gala Committee. (Minute No 21 refers).


Councillor McArdle - personal and prejudicial interest - agenda item 15, due to being a member of the Lewisham Park Management Committee. (Minute No 26 refers).


Councillor Leadley - personal interest - agenda item 10, due to being a member of Churwell Action Group and a member of Lewisham Park Management Committee. (Minute No 21 refers).


Councillor Leadley - personal and prejudicial interest - agenda item 15, due to being a member of Lewisham Park Management Committee. (Minute No 26 refers).


Councillor Elliott – personal interest – agenda item 10 – due to being on the Management Committee of the Morley Literature Festival, a member of Churwell Action Group and a member of Lewisham Park Gala Committee. (Minute No 21 refers).


Councillor Elliott – personal and prejudicial interest – agenda item 15 – due to being a member of the Lewisham Park Gala Committee. (Minute No 26 refers).


Councillor Grayshon – personal interest – agenda item 10 – due to being a member of Lewisham Park Management Committee and a member of Churwell Action Group. (Minute No 21 refers).


Councillor Grayshon – personal and prejudicial interest – agenda item 15 – due to being a member of Lewisham Park Management Committee. (Minute No 26 refers).


Councillor Finnigan – personal interest – agenda item 10 – due to being on the Management Committee of the Morley Literature Festival and a member of Churwell Action Group. (Minute No 21 refers).


Councillor Finnigan – personal and prejudicial interest – agenda item 11 – due to being Chair of the Morley and District Community Safety Panel. (Minute No 22 refers).


Councillor Smith – personal interest – agenda item 16 – due to being a Director of South Leeds NHS PCT. (Minute No 27 refers).


Councillor Renshaw declared a personal interest due to being a school governor of East Ardsley Primary School and Seven Hills Primary School.


Further declarations of interest were made throughout the meeting.

(Minute Nos 18, 25 and 28 refer).



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from the meeting



An apology for absence was received on behalf of Councillor Mulherin.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2006



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 3rd July 2006 be approved as a correct record subject to Councillor Leadley’s declaration of interest within Minute No 3 being amended to read, ‘Personal Interest in agenda item 12, due to being a member of Lewisham Park Management Committee’.



Deputation - Security Issues relating to Springfield Mill Park

To receive a deputation which relates to security issues concerning Springfield Mill Park


(Council Function)

(5 mins)



The Chair welcomed Dave Roberts, Chair of the Friends of Springfield Mill Park group to the meeting, together with his colleagues Jonathon Easton and Helen Irving, who presented a deputation which related to security and anti-social behaviour issues in and around the park.


Members were advised that the group had been formed in March 2006 to address several long standing issues which affected the park and its users. The Chair of the group also informed the Committee that he believed the group had made a difference in changing the attitudes and behaviour of those using the park through various fund raising events and undertaking several initiatives both with the Police and independently.


In summary, the group stated that they wished for more timely responses and greater levels of support from the Police, in addition to a more proactive approach from the Youth Service when addressing issues associated with the park.


In response it was noted that further information on the provision of PCSOs in the area was expected in the near future, with the possibility of the Area Committee having a greater input on where such officers could be located. It was then proposed that further discussions could be arranged with the Youth Service about the work which could be undertaken in the vicinity.


Following a discussion which emphasised the need for a partnership approach to be taken in order to successfully tackle the matters raised, Members wished to extend their thanks to the group for the work they had undertaken and proposed that any progress made could be reported back to a future meeting of the Area Committee.



(a). That the contents of the deputation be noted;

(b). That a letter be submitted on behalf of the Area Committee to Inspector Pedley which details the views of Members in relation to the problems experienced in and around Springfield Mill Park;

(c). That the progress made in relation to the issue be reported back to a future meeting of the Area Committee.


(Councillor McArdle declared a personal interest in this item, having had involvement in the work undertaken by the Friends of Springfield Mill Park group)


(Councillor Golton joined the meeting at 4.10 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


(10 mins discussion)



In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to ten minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


On this occasion no issues were raised.



Youth Service Plans pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Youth Service which provides the Area Committee with an opportunity to explore the objectives, delivery and effectiveness of Youth Service provision in the area. The report also provides information on the Youth Service’s work, outcomes and achievements in 2006/07 and highlights issues and developments for influence by the Area Committee


(Executive Function)

(5 mins discussion/10 mins presentation)


Additional documents:


The Head of Youth Service submitted a report which provided Members with the opportunity to explore the objectives, delivery and effectiveness of Youth Service provision in the area and detailed information relating to the Youth Service’s work, outcomes and achievements in 2006/07.


Following a brief summary of the issues raised within the report, Members were invited to respond. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  Further to discussions at a previous meeting, Members questioned the actions being taken to assist voluntary groups with issues such as administering Criminal Records Bureau checks;

·  The Committee commended the work which had been undertaken in the area as part of the Breeze programme;

·  Members sought clarification on how any funding from the Area Committee would be prioritised in line with the Area Delivery Plan and how it would benefit the Outer South area;

·  Following discussions regarding the provision of a mobile youth service, Members reiterated that prior to giving further consideration to such a service, the facilities provided by community centres in the area, in addition to the performance of the mobile provision in Inner South Leeds should be evaluated. It was then suggested that the Youth Service could investigate the possibility of utilising the mobile unit used by Connexions;

·  The Committee made enquiries about the number of outreach workers in the Outer South area;

·  It was then requested that a full breakdown of the Youth Service budget for the Outer South area was submitted to Members for their information.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That a full breakdown of the £314,852.00 2006/07 Youth Service budget for the Outer South area be submitted to Members before the next meeting for their information;

(c). That following the receipt of a full breakdown of the 2006/07 Youth Service budget for the Outer South area, a further report be submitted to the Area Committee inviting Members to consider ring-fencing a sum of revenue funding for the establishment of a summer activities programme for 2007, subject to the confirmation of the Area Delivery Plan for 2007/08;

(d). That the details within the report which propose a piece of work to address the issue of conflict resolution around race and discrimination in the area be noted, with more detailed information on this proposal being submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee.



Area Manager's Report pdf icon PDF 50 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provides the Committee with details of a range of activities taking place within the Outer South area of Leeds


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



The Committee received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which updated Members on the range of activities currently taking place throughout the Outer South area of Leeds.


Members received a brief staffing update and were introduced to the recently appointed Town Centre Manager for Morley and Rothwell. 


Following a summary of several ongoing issues including the Morley Literature Festival, Marsh Street Car Park and West Ardsley Community Centre, nominations were sought to represent the Area Committee on both the Town Centre Management Board and the Community Centres Sub Committee.


Members then considered a request from Drighlington Parish Council for two representatives from the Parish Council to be co-opted on to the Area Committee. Although the request was welcomed, Members emphasised that there was not a geographically representative spread of formal bodies in the area from whom co-optees could be drawn. Members also stated that there were difficulties in identifying individuals who truly represented their local community and highlighted the issues which could be experienced when conducting business through a larger Committee.


In response, representatives from Drighlington Parish Council emphasised the significant contribution that the Parish Council could make and raised concerns over the lack of communication between the two bodies.


In conclusion the Committee proposed that representatives from Drighlington Parish Council and other local community groups could receive notification of and agenda papers for future meetings of the South (Outer) Area Committee, in addition, such representatives would be encouraged to fully utilise the ‘Open Forum’ agenda item at future meetings, in a bid to improve the exchange of information between the different bodies.



(a). That the information detailed within the report be noted;

(b). That the establishment of a Town Centre Management Board, as detailed within the report be approved and that Councillors Elliott and Golton be appointed onto the Board as the two Area Committee representatives;

(c). That Councillors Dunn, Wilson, Grayshon and McArdle be appointed to the Community Centres Sub Committee which was established to consider the issues arising from the transfer of designated community centres;

(d). That following a request from Drighlington Parish Council to appoint two co-opted representatives to the Area Committee, representatives from Drighlington Parish Council and other local community groups receive notification of and agenda papers for future meetings of the South (Outer) Area Committee, and that such representatives be encouraged to fully utilise the ‘Open Forum’ facility at future meetings in a bid to improve the exchange of information between the different bodies;

(e). That the Area Committee extend its thanks to all those who have contributed towards the forthcoming Morley Literature Festival.



Wellbeing Budget Funding Request - West Yorkshire Police Community Safety Proposals pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provides an overview of four proposals submitted by West Yorkshire Police seeking support from the Area Committee Wellbeing budget and which invites the Committee to determine such proposals


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



In the absence of Councillor Finnigan, Councillor Smith took the Chair for this item only.


The Committee received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provided an overview of four proposals submitted by West Yorkshire Police.


Following a discussion which related to the possibility of alternative sources of funding being found for the Smartwater project, in addition to the geographical areas in which the schemes would operate, the Committee determined the proposals submitted.



(a). That the information detailed within the report be noted;

(b). That £4,000.00 Wellbeing funding to assist in the provision of the Smartwater initiative in Morley and Rothwell be approved, subject to confirmation being received that the initiative cannot be funded by an alternative source;

(c). That £10,152.00 Wellbeing funding to assist in the provision of the Morley Pubwatch and Licensing Scheme be approved;

(d). That £5,920.00 Wellbeing funding to assist in the provision of the Rothwell Town Centre Shop Watch initiative be approved;

(e). That clarification be sought from the Police relating to the geographical areas in which each scheme would operate.


(NB Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item, Councillor Finnigan took no part in the discussion of this item and left the room during the consideration thereof)



Town & District Centre Regeneration Scheme – Morley Bottoms Regeneration Scheme pdf icon PDF 44 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which seeks Area Committee approval for funding to carry out works within the Morley Bottoms Regeneration Scheme as part of Leeds City Council’s Town and District Centre Regeneration (T&DC) Scheme


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



Councillor Finnigan resumed his position as Chair of the Committee on his return to the meeting.


Further to Minute No 9, 3rd July 2006, Members received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which invited the Committee to consider allocating both revenue and capital funding towards a lay by development and associated public realm works as part of the Morley Bottoms Regeneration Scheme.


Members noted that additional information about the scope of the proposed public realm works was included within the report, as previously requested.


A discussion relating to the problem of recurrent flooding in the Morley Bottoms area then ensued.



(a). That the information detailed within the report be noted;

(b). That the sum of £10,000.00 Wellbeing revenue to fund the design brief and £30,000.00 Wellbeing capital to fund both the lay by development and associated public realm works be approved.



Middleton Park Bonfire and Fireworks Display pdf icon PDF 42 KB

To receive a report from the Chief Recreation Officer which seeks funding to support both permanent and temporary infrastructure and the additional staffing costs required to hold a bonfire and fireworks event for 2006 and future years in Middleton Park


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



A report was received from the Chief Recreation Officer which invited the Area Committee to contribute towards funding the infrastructure works and staffing costs needed to support the bonfire and fireworks display event at Middleton Park.


Following a brief introduction to the report by the Parks Area Manager for South Leeds, the following comments were raised:-

·  Members enquired about the possibility of the funding being used to hold  alternative events in the area;

·  The advantages of establishing permanent access to and from the park;

·  The extent to which people residing in Outer South Leeds would travel to Middleton Park when similar events were already held in the area;

·  With regard to the timing of the report, Members questioned whether the proposed works would be completed by November 5th;

·  The extent to which the local community had been consulted about the event and the views which had been expressed by the South (Inner) Area Committee on the proposal;

·  Concerns were raised over the incidents which had initially lead to the event being cancelled;

·  Further information was sought on the extent and nature of the permanent infrastructure works which had been proposed, which would enable the park to be used as a venue for a variety of events in the future.



(a). That the information detailed within the report be noted;

(b).That the South (Outer) Area Committee decline the opportunity to contribute towards the funding of additional infrastructure works and staffing costs needed to support the bonfire and firework display event at Middleton Park.



Site Based Gardeners in Community Parks pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To receive a report from the Chief Recreation Officer which invites the Committee to consider a request for Wellbeing revenue funding to support the provision of site based gardeners in community parks within the Outer South area


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



The Committee received a report from the Chief Recreation Officer which invited Members to consider a proposal to fund the provision of site based gardeners in several Community Parks within the Outer South area.


A question and answer session relating to the issues surrounding the proposal ensued. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  Members questioned why Rothwell Country Park was currently closed to the public and requested that further information relating to the status of the park and any future plans for it were submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee;

·  The Committee emphasised that site based gardeners would not only enhance the appearance of the parks but would ensure that the wider benefits of the park could be enjoyed by the community;

·  Members questioned whether such levels of annual funding could be sustained by the Committee;

·  The actions which could be taken to ensure that the benefits from any future Section 106 agreements were maximised;

·  The importance of maintaining local parks, so that they can be fully utilised by the local community;

·  The issues which were associated with funding the scheme on a short term basis.



(a). That the information detailed within the report be noted;

(b). That the allocation of £43,400.00 Wellbeing funding be approved to fund the provision of three full time gardeners at the Drighlington Park/Woodlesford Park, Lewisham Park and Lowry Road sites for one year, (with the portion of the funding taken from the 2007/08 budget being approved in principle, subject to confirmation of the 2007/08 budget) and also subject to the funding arrangements being reviewed after one year;

(c). That a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee which details the status of and the future plans for Rothwell Country Park.


(Councillors Elliott, Finnigan, Grayshon and Leadley all declared personal interests in this item, due to being members of Morley Town Council. Councillor Grayshon also declared a personal interest in this item due to being the Secretary of the Morley in Bloom organisation)



Outer South Area Committee Wellbeing Budget Report pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which updates Members on the current position of both the Wellbeing and Small Grants budget, details both the capital and revenue projects approved to date and invites Members to determine those proposals detailed within the report


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


A report was submitted by the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which advised Members of the current position of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget and the Small Grants budget, gave a progress report on both the revenue and capital projects agreed to date and invited Members to determine the proposal which had been submitted.


The Committee requested that further information on the ‘Environmental Improvements to Rothwell Pastures’ project was submitted to Members for their information.



(a). That the information detailed within the report and appended to the report be noted, including the current position statement of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, the details of those Small Grant proposals approved since the last meeting and the update on both the revenue and capital projects agreed to date;

(b). That the proposal received from City Services, Leeds City Council entitled, ‘CCTV scheme for Lewisham Park Youth Centre’ for the sum of £9,651.00 Wellbeing funding (£9,500.00 capital and £151.00 revenue) be approved.


(NB Having declared personal and prejudicial interests in this item, Councillors Elliott, Grayshon, Leadley and McArdle took no part in the discussion of this item and left the room during the consideration thereof)



Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust - Foundation Trust Consultation pdf icon PDF 23 KB

To receive a report which seeks the Committee’s views on the consultation procedures surrounding the application from Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust to receive Foundation Trust status. Members’ views are particularly sought on how local people, such as service users, carers and staff would be consulted on the Trust’s plans for future service delivery and on any other issues surrounding the Trust’s application


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



The Committee received a report from Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust which sought Members’ views on the consultation process surrounding its application for Foundation Trust status.


Having received an overview of the report from the Director of Service Delivery, Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust which summarised the actions taken as part of the consultation process, the reasons why the Trust was applying for Foundation status and the main differences that such a change in status would bring, Members were invited to comment on the proposals. The Committee then raised the following issues during a question and answer session:-

·  Clarification was sought on the training which would be received by members of the Trust and the Membership Council;

·  The appropriateness of the name which had been proposed for the Foundation Trust;

·  The procedures which would be established to appoint Directors to the Trust;

·  Emphasis was placed upon the importance of appointing ordinary service users to the Membership Council;

·  The ways in which the change in status would affect the financial position of the Trust;

·  The actions which would be taken to ensure that the Trust complied with the Data Protection Act.



(a). That the contents of the report be noted;

(b). That Members’ comments relating to the application from Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust to receive Foundation Trust status be noted.



Making Leeds Better Progress Report pdf icon PDF 15 KB

To consider a report which advises Members of the progress made in relation to the Making Leeds Better programme, which invites the Committee to indicate whether they would be interested in meeting to discuss priority issues for the Health Impact Assessment work and also to raise any general questions, concerns or ideas that can be fed back into the plans for Making Leeds Better


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


A report was submitted by the Making Leeds Better Programme Team updating Members on the progress which had been made in relation to the initiative.


RESOLVED – That the information detailed within the report be noted.


(Councillor Smith declared a personal interest in this item due to being a Director of South Leeds NHS PCT)



Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday, 6th November 2006 at 4.00 p.m.

(Venue – Lofthouse Methodist Church Hall, Leeds Road, Lofthouse, WF3 3NE)



Monday, 6th November 2006 at 4.00 p.m. at Lofthouse Methodist Church Hall, Leeds Road, Lofthouse, WF3 3NE.



(The meeting concluded at 6.30 p.m.)