Agenda, decisions and minutes

South (Outer) Area Committee - Monday, 7th July, 2008 4.00 pm

Venue: Morley Town Hall, Morley, LS27 9DY

Contact: Guy Close (0113) 247 4356  Email:

No. Item


Election of Chair 2008/09 pdf icon PDF 69 KB

To elect a Chair for the 2008/09 municipal year.


(Council Function)

(2.5 mins presentation / 2.5 mins discussion)


A report was submitted by the Chief Democratic Services Officer, which outlined the arrangements for the annual election of Chairperson of the South (Outer) Area Committee.  It was reported that one nomination for the position of Chairperson had been received on behalf of Councillor Grayshon.




(a) That the report and information appended to the report be noted;


(b) That following an overall majority of votes cast by those Elected Members present at the meeting, Councillor Grayshon be elected as Chairman of the South (Outer) Area Committee for the 2008/09 municipal year.


(Councillor Grayshon took the Chair)


(Councillors Elliott and Finnigan wished it to be recorded that they voted in favour of Councillor Grayshon to be elected as Chairman of the South (Outer) Area Committee for the 2008/09 municipal year.  Councillor Beverley wished it to be recorded that he voted against and Councillor Renshaw wished it to be recorded that she abstained from voting).



Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the first South (Outer) Area Committee meeting of the new municipal year.



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct.


Councillor Finnigan indicated that he was a Member of Leeds City Council’s Plans Panel (East) and could possibly be considering planning matters in relation to lamp-post advertising at a later date in that capacity.  In view of this, and in order to avoid any perception of pre-determination when the matter came before the Plans Panel, he intended to remain in the meeting, but would not take part in the voting on this issue (Minute No. 8 refers).


Councillor Leadley indicated that he was a Member of Leeds City Council’s Plans Panel (West) and Chairman of Morley Town Council’s Planning Committee and could possibly be considering planning matters in relation to lamp-post advertising at a later date in that capacity.  In view of this, and in order to avoid any perception of pre-determination when the matter came before the Plans Panel, he intended to remain in the meeting and comment on the report, but would not take part in the voting on this issue (Minute No. 8 refers).


Councillors Finnigan and Leadley declared personal interests in relation to agenda item 11, CCTV, due to being Member’s of Gildersome Action Group and former Member’s of Churwell Action Group (Minute No. 12 refers).


Councillor Renshaw declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 19, Area Manager’s Report, due to being a Member of St Gabriel’s Community Centre - Management Committee (Minute No. 17 refers).


Further declarations of interest were made at later points in the meeting (Minute Nos. 10 and 14 refer).



Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted by Councillors Gettings and Mulherin.



Minutes of Last Meeting pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 14th April, 2008.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 14th April, 2008 be confirmed as a correct record.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


(10 mins discussion)


In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chairman allowed a period of up to 10 minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


A local resident referred to the lack of recreational facilities in the Outer South area of Leeds.  He also expressed concern that there appeared to be better provision in the Pudsey area.  It was noted that the provision of recreational facilities was being considered by the Committee under agenda item 13.


A representative of Drighlington Parish Council attended the meeting and reported on the Participatory Budgeting event held in Drighlington, South Leeds.  He also expressed thanks to Laura Kilfoyle, Sarah Henderson and Tom O’Donovan in South Leeds Area Management, for helping to ensure the event was a success.


(Councillor Golton joined the meeting at 4.15 pm during the consideration of this item).



Local Authority Appointments to Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 86 KB

To consider the attached report of the Chief Democratic Services Officer and to agree the appointments to those organisations that fall within the remit of this Area Committee.


(Council Function)

(2.5 mins presentation / 2.5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:


A report was submitted by the Chief Democratic Services Officer, which outlined the procedure concerned with local authority appointments to outside bodies, and which also invited Members to consider making appointments to those outside bodies detailed within the report.


The following change in membership was considered at the meeting:-


Outer South ALMO Area Panel – Aire Valley Homes Leeds – Councillor J Dunn to replace Councillor K Renshaw.


All other South (Outer) Area Committee appointments to Outside Bodies for the 2008/09 municipal year were to remain unchanged.




(a)  That the report and the information appended to the report be noted;


(b)  That following an overall majority of votes cast by those Elected Members present at the meeting, Councillor Dunn be appointed to replace Councillor Renshaw as the Council’s representative on the Outer South ALMO Area Panel – Aire Valley Homes Leeds, for the 2008/09 municipal year.


(c)  That approval be given to the following Outside Body appointments being made for the 2008/2009 municipal year:-


  • Morley and Rothwell Town Centre Management Board – Councillors Elliott and Golton;
  • Morley Literature Festival Organising Committee – Councillors Elliott and Gettings; and
  • Outer South ALMO Area Panel – Aire Valley Homes Leeds – Councillors Dunn and Gettings.



Area Management Income from Advertising on Lamp Posts pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of City Development, which outlines the contract for advertising on lamp posts in Leeds.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the report and information appended to the report be noted.



The Director of City Development submitted a report, which advised the Area Committee of the implications for advertising on lampposts.


Photographs of some of the adverts and a list of the existing advertising sites were appended to the report. 


Helen Franklin, Highway Services, attended the meeting to update the Committee and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


The Committee was advised that the Council’s Executive Board had agreed income share proposals for advertising on lampposts.  It was reported that Highways would split the sites down by ward and arrange for the agreed proportion of income to be transferred to the relevant Area Committees.  The transferred amount would be £220 per column in the first year and £280 per column thereafter.


In brief summary, the following points were discussed:-


  • It was noted that the site at Elland Road in front of Booker Cash and Carry fell within the ward of Beeston and Holbeck and not Morley North, as stated in appendix 2 of the report.
  • One Member sought clarification in relation to the proportion of income transferred centrally and locally.  It was advised that further detailed information was contained within the recent Executive Board report.
  • Another Member queried whether local residents were in favour of adverts being installed on lampposts.  It was reported that consultation with local residents had been undertaken and the majority were in favour.  It was also reported that adverts would not be located in wholly residential areas.


RESOLVED – That the report and information appended to the report be noted.



Operation Champion pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which provides an update on Operation Champion in the Outer South area of Leeds and asks the Committee to consider the proposed changes to the Operation.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)




(a)  That the Committee notes and approves the changes referred to in the report; and


(b)  Approves £400 Well-being revenue funding to support the activity of Operation Champion in Outer South for 2008/09.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report, which updated the Committee on Operation Champion in the Outer South area of Leeds and requested Well-being funding of £400 to support Operations during the remainder of 2008/09.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting, Gerry Shevlin, Area Community Safety Co-ordinator, to present the report and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


The main points discussed were:-


  • It was advised that Operation Champion was a multi agency crime and grime initiative, which brought together a range of agencies.  The main aims of Operation Champion was to reduce crime and anti social behaviour and tackle environmental issues such as litter, rubbish dumping and graffiti removal. 
  • One Member queried whether there had been any Ward Member involvement.  It was advised that planning meetings were being held and Ward Members would be involved.




(a)  That the Committee notes and approves the changes referred to in the report; and


(b)  Approves £400 Well-being revenue funding to support the activity of Operation Champion in Outer South for 2008/09.



Provision of Recreational Facilities pdf icon PDF 96 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Principal Area Manager (South), which updates the Committee on green space provision in the South Outer area of Leeds.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 10 mins discussion)


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.



The Principal Area Manager South submitted a report, which provided information in relation to green space provision in the Outer South area of Leeds.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting, Kevin Barker, Principal Parks Manager, to present the report and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief summary, the main highlighted points were:-


  • Members requested an update in relation to work undertaken at Water Haigh Park.
  • The Principal Parks Manager reported on site improvements on Lowry Road.  It was reported that some residents were concerned about trees that had been cut down.
  • The Committee emphasised the importance of consulting with local residents and young people.  It was reported that consultation had been undertaken with youth workers and school children. 


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


(Councillor Renshaw declared a personal interest in this item due to residing in close proximity to work undertaken at The Crescent, Tingley).



Site Based Gardeners in Community Parks pdf icon PDF 88 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Chief Recreation Officer, which seeks approval of revenue costs for site based gardeners in Community Parks within the Outer South area of Leeds.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)





(a)  That the Committee approves an allocation of £28,410 to fund the continuation of the 3 existing site gardeners for a further 6 months, with effect from 1st October, 2008; and


(b)  Approves the appointment of a further site based gardener for the Outer South area at an annual cost of £18,940.



The Chief Recreation Officer submitted a report, which provided information in support of the continued provision of site based gardeners in community parks within the Outer South area of Leeds.


Kevin Barker, Principal Parks Manager, was in attendance at the meeting to present the report and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief summary, the following points were discussed:-


  • The Committee acknowledged the excellent work undertaken by the site based gardeners. 
  • One Member queried whether there were opportunities for site based gardeners to develop their skills and undertake other roles and duties.  The Committee was informed that training programmes were provided.
  • Another Member queried whether site based gardeners duties included removing graffiti.  The Principal Parks Manager advised that the gardeners would be responsible for removing some graffiti.




(a)  That the Committee approves an allocation of £28,410 to fund the continuation of the 3 existing site gardeners for a further 6 months, with effect from 1st October, 2008; and


(b)  Approves the appointment of a further site based gardener at Hembrigg Park at an annual cost of £18,940.



CCTV pdf icon PDF 98 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which provides the Committee with information about the use of CCTV and it’s effectiveness.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 10 mins discussion)




(a)  That the report be noted;


(b)  That the Committee receives a further report on CCTV schemes that it has supported, demonstrating their compliance to required legislation; and


(c)  Agrees that all current and future CCTV schemes supported by the Committee have demonstrated compliance with relevant legislation, as outlined in the report.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report, which provided the Committee with information about the use of CCTV and its effectiveness.


The following officers were in attendance:-


-  Gerry Shevlin, Area Community Safety Co-ordinator;

-  Derek Whitehouse, CCTV Co-ordinator; and

-  Mark Turnbull, Head of Property, Finance and Technology.


In brief summary, the following points were discussed:-


  • One Member queried whether other Area Committees would be receiving a report on CCTV.  The CCTV Co-ordinator discussed the possibility of providing Councillors with a guide containing useful information about CCTV.
  • Members considered the legal implications of operating CCTV.  The Committee was advised that it should form part of an overall crime prevention strategy.
  • One Member expressed concern that there was not enough people employed to examine CCTV footage. 
  • It was reported that there had been a reduction in vandalism and other anti-social behaviour since the installation of CCTV in Gildersome and Lewisham.




(a)  That the report be noted;


(b)  That the Committee receives a further report on CCTV schemes that it has supported, demonstrating their compliance to required legislation; and


(c)  Agrees that all current and future CCTV schemes supported by the Committee have demonstrated compliance with relevant legislation, as outlined in the report.



Town Centre Summits pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which presents the results of the annual Summits held in Morley and Rothwell.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:


RESOLVED – That the report and information appended to the report be noted.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report, which updated the Committee on the recent town centre summits held in Morley and Rothwell.


Appended to the report was information on points raised and votes cast at the summits.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting, Peter Mudge, Town Centre Manager: Morley and Rothwell, to present the report and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


The main highlighted points were:-


  • The Committee discussed some of the “big ideas” for Morley and Rothwell town centres. 
  • Members acknowledged the support from the local community.  One Member highlighted the positive attitude of local shopkeepers, since the appointment of Peter Mudge, Town Centre Manager for Morley and Rothwell.
  • Members discussed improving transport provision into Morley and Rothwell for people with health difficulties.  It was reported that discussions with METRO were ongoing.


RESOLVED – That the report and information appended to the report be noted.



Participatory Budgeting Report pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which provides the Committee with information on the Participatory Budgeting pilot schemes held in South and West Leeds in 2008.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted; and


(b)  Agrees to receive a further report on possible Participatory Budgeting schemes in the Outer South.



Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which updated the Committee on the Participatory Budgeting (PB) Pilot schemes in South and West Leeds in 2008.


Appended to the report was an evaluation of both PB Pilot schemes.


The main highlighted points were:-


  • A DVD was shown to the Committee, which highlighted the main aspects of the PB process.  

·  Members acknowledged that the PB pilot schemes had been a success.  One Member reported that the schemes had raised awareness of local community groups and organisations.

·  The Committee discussed the possibility of attracting sponsorship for the PB events.

·  Members considered developing PB as part of the Committee’s community engagement events.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted; and


(b)  Agrees to receive a further report on possible Participatory Budgeting schemes in the Outer South.


(Councillor Grayshon declared a personal interest in this item due to being a Member of the Narrowing the Gap group).



Area Delivery Plan 2008-2011 pdf icon PDF 75 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods presenting the Outer South Area Delivery Plan for 2008-2011and to agree the development of a more public friendly summary document, in the form of a ‘neighbourhoods charter’ to make transparent the service delivery commitments and improvements being aimed for across Outer South wards.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the Committee approves the Area Delivery Plan (ADP) as set out in appendix A;


(b)  Approves the development and publishing of public facing summaries of the ADP in the form of “Neighbourhood Charters”; and


(c)  Delegates authority to the Chair to approve the remaining sections of the plan.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report, which presented the Outer South Area Delivery Plan (ADP) 2008-11 for approval.


Tom O’Donovan, Area Management Officer, was in attendance at the meeting, to present the report and respond to Members’ questions and comments.


One Member felt that the ADP was just a “wish-list”.  The Committee was advised that there was an intention to provide Area Committees with a break-down of the performance information by ward.




(a)  That the Committee approves the Area Delivery Plan (ADP) as set out in appendix A;


(b)  Approves the development and publishing of public facing summaries of the ADP in the form of “Neighbourhood Charters”; and


(c)  Delegates authority to the Chair to approve the remaining sections of the plan.



Outer South Area Committee Well-being Budget Report pdf icon PDF 103 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which updates Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advises Members of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invites Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals detailed within the report.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report, which includes the available balance of the Area Committee’s revenue and capital Well-being budgets, be noted;


(b)  That the Small Grant proposals approved since the last meeting of the Area Committee, be noted;


(c)  That the following decisions be made in relation to the Well-being funding proposals, which had been submitted for determination at the meeting:-


  • Friends of Springfield Mill Park (FOSMP) – Morley Springfield Mill Park – £5,000 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • City Development – Morley Bottoms – £8,006.57 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Groundwork – Denshaw Grove Landscaping – £2,214.97 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Parks and Countryside – Site Based Gardeners – £47,350 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved;
  • The Children’s Project – The Children’s Project – West Ardsley – £960 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved
  • City Development – Recycling Sites in Rothwell  £3,914 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved; and
  • Area Management – Operation Champion – £400 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved.



The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report, which updated Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advised the Committee of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invited Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals, as detailed within the report.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report, which includes the available balance of the Area Committee’s revenue and capital Well-being budgets, be noted;


(b)  That the Small Grant proposals approved since the last meeting of the Area Committee, be noted;


(c)  That the following decisions be made in relation to the Well-being funding proposals, which had been submitted for determination at the meeting:-


  • Friends of Springfield Mill Park (FOSMP) – Morley Springfield Mill Park – £5,000 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • City Development – Morley Bottoms – £8,006.57 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Groundwork – Denshaw Grove Landscaping – £2,214.97 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Parks and Countryside – Site Based Gardeners – £47,350 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved;
  • The Children’s Project – The Children’s Project – West Ardsley – £960 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved
  • City Development – Recycling Sites in Rothwell  £3,914 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved; and
  • Area Management – Operation Champion – £400 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved.



Area Manager's Report pdf icon PDF 137 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which provides Members with an overview of the range of activities currently taking place within the Outer South area of Leeds.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted;


(b)  Approves the Rothwell Neighbourhood Policing Team proposal that the remaining balance of £3,421.20 be used to extend the licensing and test purchase scheme into the summer months;


(c)  Nominates Councillor T Leadley to serve on the Conservation Audit Advisory Panel;


(d)  Notes the minutes of the Community Centres Sub Group held on 11th June, 2008;


(e)  That matters concerning the cost of lettings and key holding policy at St Gabriel’s Community Centre be referred to the Community Centres Sub Group for further consideration;


(f)  Nominates the following ADP Thematic Champions;


-  Thriving Neighbourhoods and Learning – Children Leeds – Councillor B Getttings;

-  Thriving Neighbourhoods – Community Safety Partnership – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Thriving Neighbourhoods – District Housing Partnership – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Learning and Thriving Neighbourhoods – Employment, Education, Training, Partnership – Vacancy;

-  Health and Well-being – Vacancy;

-  Stronger Communities – Community Cohesion Partnership – Vacancy;

-  Environment – Vacancy;

-  Enterprise and Economy – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Culture – Vacancy; and

-  Transport – Councillor T Leadley. 


(g)  Approves £2,000 of revenue funding to support the Rothwell 600 Organising Committee;


(h)  Agrees to receive an evaluation report on ‘I Love South Leeds Festival’.



The Committee considered a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods, which updated Members on the work of the Area Management Team since the last meeting.


In brief summary, the main highlighted points were:-


·  Members considered thematic sub-partnerships, Area Committee responsibilities and Elected Member links.  Nominations for ADP Thematic Champions were also reported at the meeting.

·  The Area Manager provided an update on Community Centres.  Specific reference was made to St Gabriel’s Community Centre.  One Member reported that there had been some issues in relation to the cost of lettings and key holding policy, which had not been resolved.  Members discussed referring the matter to the Community Centres Sub Group for further consideration.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted;


(b)  Approves the Rothwell Neighbourhood Policing Team proposal that the remaining balance of £3,421.20 be used to extend the licensing and test purchase scheme into the summer months;


(c)  Nominates Councillor T Leadley to serve on the Conservation Audit Advisory Panel;


(d)  Notes the minutes of the Community Centres Sub Group held on 11th June, 2008;


(e)  That matters concerning the cost of lettings and key holding policy at St Gabriel’s Community Centre be referred to the Community Centres Sub Group for further consideration;


(f)  Nominates the following ADP Thematic Champions;


-  Thriving Neighbourhoods and Learning – Children Leeds – Councillor B Getttings;

-  Thriving Neighbourhoods – Community Safety Partnership – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Thriving Neighbourhoods – District Housing Partnership – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Learning and Thriving Neighbourhoods – Employment, Education, Training, Partnership – Vacancy;

-  Health and Well-being – Vacancy;

-  Stronger Communities – Community Cohesion Partnership – Vacancy;

-  Environment – Vacancy;

-  Enterprise and Economy – Councillor R Finnigan;

-  Culture – Vacancy; and

-  Transport – Councillor T Leadley. 


(g)  Agrees to match sponsorship and income generated by the Rothwell 600 Organising Committee, up to a maximum of £2,000 (revenue);


(h)  Agrees to receive an evaluation report on ‘I Love South Leeds Festival’.



Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday 1st September, 2008 at 4.00 pm.

(Venue – Rothwell One Stop Centre, Marsh Street, Rothwell, LS26 0AD)


Monday 1st September, 2008 at 4.00 pm

(Venue – Rothwell One Stop Centre, Marsh Street, Rothwell, LS26 0AD)



(The meeting concluded at 6.41 pm).