Agenda, decisions and minutes

South (Outer) Area Committee - Monday, 30th March, 2009 4.00 pm

Venue: East Ardsley Community Centre, Main Street, East Ardsley, WF3 2AP

Contact: Guy Close (0113) 247 4356  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the March meeting of the South (Outer) Area Committee and invited Members and Officers present to introduce themselves.



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 12 of the Members Code of Conduct.


Agenda Item 9 ‘Out of School Activities for Children and Young People 2009/10’ (Minute No. 73 refers)


Councillor Mulherin declared a personal interest in this item due to being Chair of Rothwell Cluster of Extended Services.


Councillor Renshaw declared a personal interest in this item due to being a Member of Ardsley and Tingley Extended Services Cluster and LEA Governor at Rodillian High School.


Agenda Item 12 ‘St Gabriel’s Community Centre – 12 Month Review Report’ (Minute No. 76 refers)


Councillors Dunn, Mulherin and Renshaw declared a personal interest in this item due to being Members of the Labour Party, which held branch meetings at St Gabriel’s Community Centre.


Councillor Renshaw also declared an interest in this item due to being a Member of St Gabriel’s Management Committee.  On the basis that the interest was personal and prejudicial she withdrew from the meeting during consideration of the item and did not vote.


Agenda Item 13 ‘Outer South Area Committee Well-being Budget Report ’ (Minute No. 77 refers)


Councillors Elliott, Finnigan, Gettings, Grayshon and Leadley declared a personal interest in this item due to being Members of Morley Town Council, which part funds the Town Centre Management Project.


A further declaration of interest was made at a later point in the meeting (Minute No. 74 refers).



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.



Minutes - 9th February 2009 pdf icon PDF 85 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2009.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2009 be confirmed as a correct record, subject to the following amendments:-


Additional third bullet point to be inserted under Minute No. 62 ‘Garden Maintenance Service Report’ to read


  • ‘Concern about the way the report was written’.


Amendment to Minute No. 65 ‘Town Centre Management Report’ resolution (d) to read


(d)  That the Area Committee agrees to commission Option 1, subject to Executive Board approval of future funding.



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


(10 mins discussion)


In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chairman allowed a period of up to 10 minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


The Chair of St Gabriel’s Management Committee attended the meeting and made the following points:


  • The caretaker of St Gabriel’s Community Centre had been on long term sick leave since October 2008.
  • The dates and times of some lettings had been subject to change.
  • Acknowledgement that improved communication by St Gabriel’s Management Committee was needed to address issues more effectively.  (The Chair of the Area Committee reported that he had offered to meet with representatives of the Management Committee, but had not received a response to date).
  • The building had benefited from additional furnishing to improve its suitability as a meeting venue.


A representative of Morley Chamber of Trade sought clarification about the funding arrangements for the Morley and Rothwell Town Centre Manager post.  He also acknowledged the considerable amount of work undertaken by the post holder.  The Area Manager reported on budget difficulties and the need to balance a range of priorities and commitments.


(Councillor Golton joined the meeting at 4.05 pm during the consideration of this item).



Residual Waste Treatment Project: Update and Communication and Community Engagement Strategy pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To receive a report from the Executive Project Manager / Head of Performance and Communications (Environmental Services) which updates Members on the residual waste project and the proposed communication and community engagement strategy.


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)


The Executive Project Manager / Head of Performance and Communications (Environmental Services) submitted a report which updated Members on the current status of the Residual Waste Treatment PFI project and sought Members’ feedback on the proposed strategy for communication and community engagement.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting Susan Upton, Head of Waste Management and Tom Smith, Head of Performance Management and Service Improvement, to respond to Members’ questions and comments.


The Head of Waste Management presented the report.  She advised the Committee that the current bidders for the contract were proposing a range of technologies at various sites.  Members were advised that the key purpose of the report was to seek Members’ feedback on the proposals for communication and community engagement.


The Area Committee considered the proposals for communication and community engagement.  In response to Members’ concerns, Officers advised that:


  • The Council had taken a neutral position on the choice of site and technology.  Officers made clear that there had been transparency with regard to the four sites in the Aire Valley that had been identified.
  • There were currently bids on three different sites and the reference site, which was in the Council’s ownership, was one of them.


In brief summary, the main areas of discussion were:-


  • Concern about using the term ‘stakeholders’ and the need for clarity about businesses and members of the public that had been consulted.
  • The need for city-wide consultation to inform debate.
  • The need for greater ward member involvement.
  • Concern about the proposed methods of disposal.




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted; and

(b)  That an update report be submitted to a future meeting of the Area




Out of School Activities for Children and Young People 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 101 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which outlines a coordinated programme of activities for 2009/10 across the outer south area of Leeds.


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted;

(b)  That the Thematic Lead for Children and Young People, Councillor Gettings be appointed to the Out of School Activities Working Group;

(c)  That Ward Members be involved at the mapping stage of the process; and

(d)  That a monitoring and evaluation report be submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which provided a co-ordinated programme of activities for 2009/10 across the outer south area of Leeds.


Sarah Henderson, Area Management Projects Officer,presented the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


The key areas of discussion were:-


  • Developing youth provision in Drighlington.
  • Consulting with young people, particularly through DAZL, Breeze events, etc.
  • Acknowledgement of the work undertaken by all partners.
  • Concern about the level of youth provision in the outer south area of Leeds compared to the inner south.  (In particular, it was pointed out that development of the new youth hub in Belle Isle was an asset that could be used by young people in the inner and outer south area).
  • The need for greater consultation with ward members, especially involvement at the mapping stage of the process.




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted;

(b)  That the Thematic Lead for Children and Young People, Councillor Gettings be appointed to the Out of School Activities Working Group;

(c)  That Ward Members be involved at the mapping stage of the process; and

(d)  That a monitoring and evaluation report be submitted to a future meeting of the Area Committee.



South Leeds Divisional Community Safety Partnership Update Report pdf icon PDF 93 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which provides an update on crime levels in the outer south area of Leeds.


(Council Function)

(10 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which provided an update on crime levels in the outer south area of Leeds.


Appended to the report was the following information:-


-  Crime statistics for the outer south area of Leeds;

-  Morley South Operation Champion (24-26th February) - Summary of Activities; and

-  Neighbourhood Policing Team - Well-being Funding Requests.


The following officer together with representatives from West Yorkshire Police, attended the meeting and responded to Members’ queries and comments:


-  Kate Sibson, Area Project Officer;

-  Keith Pape, Crime Reduction Officer, West Yorkshire Police;

-  Inspector Joanne O’Hare, Morley Neighbourhood Policing Team;

-  Inspector Sue Jenkinson, Rothwell Neighbourhood Policing Team; and

-  Sergeant Robert Berriff, Rothwell Neighbourhood Policing Team.


It was reported that the figures for Morley North (Sept – Dec 08) in Appendix 1 of the report were incorrect.  It was agreed to provide the correct information to Members prior to the next meeting.


A brief overview of community safety activity in the outer south area was provided and the main areas of discussion were:


  • Concern about the increase in violent crime, especially domestic incidents.
  • The need for greater links between Neighbourhood Policing Teams and community groups. 
  • The Policing Pledge and establishing priorities for individual areas.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.


(Councillor Finnigan declared a personal interest in this item due to being Chair of the Community Safety Panel).



Site Based Gardeners in Community Parks and Green Spaces pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Chief Recreation Officer which provides a review of the work undertaken by the site based gardeners in the Morley and Ardsley and Robin Hood wards.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted.


The Chief Recreation Officer submitted a report which provided a review of the work undertaken by the site based gardeners in the Morley and Ardsley and Robin Hood wards over the last year.


The Chair welcomed to the meeting, Kevin Barker, Principal Parks Manager, to present the report.


The main highlighted points were:


  • Members acknowledged the positive impact of the site based gardeners in the local community. 
  • The additional resource had reduced incidents of fly tipping and dog fouling and provided security for the local community.


RESOLVED – That the contents of the report be noted.



St Gabriel's Community Centre - 12 Month Review Report pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which provides an overview of activity at St Gabriel’s Community Centre over the last 12 months.


(Executive Function)

(10 mins presentation / 10 mins discussion)




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted;

(b)  That the Area Committee extend the review period for a further 12 months, subject to submission of a budget statement.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which provided an overview of activity at St Gabriel’s Community Centre over the last 12 months.


The Area Manager presented the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief summary, the main areas of discussion were:-


  • Efforts made by the management committee to increase usage at the community centre.
  • The shortage of capacity at community venues in the Ardsley area.
  • Concern about the disappointing level of income from lettings over the last year.
  • Concern that the main lettings were from Area Committee meetings and use as a polling station.




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted; and

(b)  That the Area Committee extend the review period for a further 12 months and a further report be considered at that time.



Outer South Area Committee Well-being Budget Report pdf icon PDF 120 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which updates Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Well-being budget, advises Members of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invites Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals detailed within the report.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 15 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report which includes the available balance of the Area Committee’s revenue and capital Well-being budgets, be noted;

(b)  That the following decisions be made in relation to the Well-being funding proposals which had been submitted for determination at the meeting:-


  • Rothwell Children’s Centre – Teatime Club – £1,500 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved;
  • Parks and Countryside – Smithy Lane Rec£35,000 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Health and Environmental Action Services – Fuelsavers£3,000 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Deferred until confirmation of a viable City Wide Scheme has been received;
  • Public Rights of Way (P.R.O.W) – Improvements to Footpath 79 - £3,162.40 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved.


(c)  The Committee also made the following funding allocations-


  • £33,407.50 to the Town Centre Management Project to fund the Town Centre Manager post up to 31st March 2010 and a request that Morley Town Council continue their funding;
  • £15,712.50 to the Site Based Gardeners Project to enable the project to operate up to 30th September 2009;
  • £10,000 towards community safety projects to be allocated following discussions between Area Management and the Neighbourhood Policing Team; and
  • £229 revenue to support the small grant scheme in 2008/09.


(d)  That the Area Committee receives a further report at the next meeting that explores the well-being funding allocation for 2010/11, that is linked to achieving strategic improvement priorities in the ADP.


The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report which updated Members on both the capital and revenue elements of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advised the Committee of the Small Grants approved since the last meeting and invited Members to determine the capital and revenue proposals, as detailed within the report.


One Member proposed that consideration of the well-being report be deferred to a Special meeting of the Area Committee due to concern about the accuracy of some of the figures contained within the report, particularly figures in relation to Town Centre Management.  It was pointed out that the Area Manager had confirmed in an e-mail that the £33,407.50 figure to fund the Town Centre Management Project up to March 2010, was in fact incorrect.  Members voted on the proposal and on the Chair’s casting vote it was agreed to proceed with consideration of the item. 


(Councillor Leadley wished it to be recorded that he voted against the decision to proceed with consideration of the item).




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report which includes the available balance of the Area Committee’s revenue and capital Well-being budgets, be noted;

(b)  That the following decisions be made in relation to the Well-being funding proposals which had been submitted for determination at the meeting:-


  • Rothwell Children’s Centre – Teatime Club – £1,500 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Approved;
  • Parks and Countryside – Smithy Lane Rec£35,000 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved;
  • Health and Environmental Action Services – Fuelsavers£3,000 (2008/09 Revenue Budget) – Deferred until confirmation of a viable City Wide Scheme has been received;
  • Public Rights of Way (P.R.O.W) – Improvements to Footpath 79 - £3,162.40 (2008/09 Capital Budget) – Approved.


(c)  The Committee also made the following funding allocations-


  • £33,407.50 to the Town Centre Management Project to fund the Town Centre Manager post up to 31st March 2010 and a request that Morley Town Council continue their funding;
  • £15,712.50 to the Site Based Gardeners Project to enable the project to operate up to 30th September 2009;
  • £10,000 towards community safety projects to be allocated following discussions between Area Management and Neighbourhood Policing Team; and
  • £229 revenue to support the small grant scheme in 2008/09.


(d)  That the Area Committee receives a further report at the next meeting that explores the well-being funding allocation for 2010/11, that is linked to achieving strategic improvement priorities in the ADP.



Area Manager's Report pdf icon PDF 108 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which provides Members with an overview of the range of activities currently taking place within the Outer South area of Leeds.


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)

Additional documents:




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted;

(b)  That the Area Committee approves the decision of the Outer South Community Centres Sub-Committee to maintain the rent for the childcare provider Kaleidoscope at West Ardsley Community Centre at £3,000 per annum for 2009/10, subject to conditions relating to regular financial reporting and increasing the rent in lower increments of £1,000 per annum;

(c)  That the impact of the time restrictions introduced at Queensway Car Park be noted and the recommendation to continue with the limited parking restrictions be approved.


The Committee received a report from the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods which updated Members on the work of the Area Management Team.


The following information was appended to the report:-


-  Minutes of the Outer South Community Centres Sub Committee held on 18th February 2009; and

-  Outer South Area Committee Thematic Leads.


Dave Richmond, Area Manager, presented the report and provided a brief overview of some of the main activities that had taken place since the last meeting.  One Member requested figures for childcare provision by Kaleidoscope at West Ardsley Community Centre.  It was agreed that confirmation of the figures would be provided.




(a)  That the contents of the report be noted;

(b)  That the Area Committee approves the decision of the Outer South Community Centres Sub-Committee to maintain the rent for the childcare provider Kaleidoscope at West Ardsley Community Centre at £3,000 per annum for 2009/10, subject to conditions relating to regular financial reporting and increasing the rent in lower increments of £1,000 per annum;

(c)  That the impact of the time restrictions introduced at Queensway Car Park be noted and the recommendation to continue with the limited parking restrictions be approved. 



Dates, Times and Venues of Future Meetings 2009/10 pdf icon PDF 71 KB

To receive and consider a report from the Chief Democratic Services Officer.


(Council Function)

(5 mins presentation / 5 mins discussion)


The Chief Democratic Services Officer submitted a report which requested Members to give consideration to agreeing the dates, times and venues of their meetings for the 2009/10 municipal year.


One Member requested that the dates on 29th June and 7th September 2009, be re-arranged due to a clash with local meetings in the Ardsley and Robin Hood ward that made it difficult for certain Members to attend.  It was agreed that Members would be contacted in due course to consider alternative meeting dates.


RESOLVED – That the following dates be approved for meetings of the South (Outer) Area Committee in the 2009/10 municipal year to take place at various venues across the outer south area of Leeds at 4.00pm


19th October 2009, 30th November 2009, 1st February 2010, 15th March 2010

(Meeting dates in June and September 2009 to be advised).



(The meeting concluded at 6.50 pm).