Agenda and minutes

South (Outer) Area Committee - Monday, 26th February, 2007 4.00 pm

Venue: Civic Chamber in Rothwell One Stop Centre, Marsh Street, Rothwell, LS26 0AD

Contact: Gerard Watson (0113) 247 4325 

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed all in attendance to the February meeting of the South (Outer) Area Committee.



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct



The following declarations of interest were made at this point in the meeting:-


Agenda Item 10 – Area Manager’s Report – (Minute No. 67 refers)

Councillor McArdle declared a personal interest in relation to this item due to being a member of the Area Committee’s Community Centres Sub Committee and the Management Committee of the Morley Literature Festival.


Councillor Elliott declared a personal interest in relation to this item due to being a member of the Management Committee of the Morley Literature Festival.


Agenda Item 11 – Neighbourhood Improvement Plans – A Way Forward – (Minute No. 68 refers)

Councillors Beverley, Elliott, Grayshon, Leadley, McArdle, Renshaw, Smith and Wilson all declared personal interests in relation to this item due to their respective positions on the various Neighbourhood Improvement Plan Working Groups operating in the area.


Agenda Item 12 – Care and Repair Garden Maintenance Service – (Minute No. 69 refers)

Councillors Leadley and Elliott both declared personal interests in relation to this item due to being committee members of Morley Elderly Action, an organisation which operated a similar scheme to the Care and Repair Garden Maintenance Service in the area.


A further declaration of interest was made at a later point in the meeting (Minute No. 66 refers).



Apologies for Absence

To receive any apologies for absence from the meeting



An apology for absence from the meeting was received on behalf of Councillor Mulherin.



Minutes of Previous Meeting pdf icon PDF 48 KB

To confirm as a correct record the attached minutes of the previous meeting held on 18th December 2006



RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 18th December 2006 be approved as a correct record.



Matters Arising from the Minutes


Building Schools for the Future Phase 1 – Rodillian High School (Minute No. 47 refers)

Members raised concerns over the proposed reduction in capacity of Rodillian High School as part of the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme, stating that such a reduction could impact upon service provision in the future.


Having noted that similar concerns had been raised in relation to other BSF projects in Leeds, Members discussed the proposed inclusion of several portakabins on site and emphasised the need for the school to ensure that an environment conducive to learning was maintained.


RESOLVED – That Members’ concerns relating to the proposed reduction in capacity of Rodillian High School, as part of the BSF programme, be noted.


Matters Arising from the Minutes (Minute No. 45 refers)

Further to Minute No. 38 entitled, ‘Area Manager’s Report’, 6th November 2006, Members sought a breakdown of data relating to the Youth Service budget for Outer South Leeds which had been submitted to a previous meeting of the Area Committee.


Having received a Ward based breakdown of the data from the Senior Youth Officer present, the Committee requested that further budgetary information, such as hourly rates of pay, was provided so that Members could identify how the budget for each Ward in Outer South Leeds had been spent. The Committee then discussed current staffing levels within the Youth Service.


(Councillor Golton joined the meeting at 4.15 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



Open Forum

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair.  No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


(10 mins discussion)



In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the Chair allowed a period of up to ten minutes for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.


Drighlington Community Centre

In response to concerns raised by a member of Drighlington Parish Council regarding the apparent omission of Drighlington Community Centre from the work programme of the Community Centres Sub Committee, it was confirmed that the centre was not currently managed by the Neighbourhoods and Housing Department and therefore fell outside of the Area Committee’s remit. Members then discussed the ways in which the Parish Council’s involvement in Drighlington Community Centre could be increased in the future.


Drighlington Parish Council and Neighbourhood Improvement Plans

Members of Drighlington Parish Council advised the Committee of the Parish Council’s decision to fund a Police Community Safety Officer (PCSO) post in the Oakwell and Fairfaxes area and stated that this gesture illustrated the Parish Council’s commitment towards the Neighbourhood Improvement Plan (NIP) process. In response, Members welcomed the actions of the Parish Council and acknowledged both it’s commitment to, and impact upon the Oakwell and Fairfaxes NIP.



Draft Area Delivery Plan 2007/08 pdf icon PDF 34 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which reviews the 2006/07 Area Delivery Plan and presents for discussion a draft Area Delivery Plan for the 2007/08 municipal year


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


Members received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provided the Committee with a brief review of the 2006/07 Area Delivery Plan (ADP) and detailed a draft version of the 2007/08 Action Plan for Members’ consideration. The report also sought the Committee’s views on the possibility of stronger links being established between the Committee’s ADP and the Local Area Agreement (LAA) outcomes.


Following a brief summary of the issues raised within the report, a question and answer session ensued. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  The potential for the ADP to have links not only with the outcomes of the LAA, but also the priorities of Leeds Initiative, ‘Narrowing the Gap’ and ‘Going up a League’;

·  Members made reference to the similarities which existed between the ‘More for Young People’ objectives within the 2006/07 Action Plan and those listed within the draft version of the 2007/08 plan, and discussed the approach needed to be taken by the Youth Service in order to ensure the achievement of such objectives;

·  The ways in which the activities of the Area Committee could be communicated throughout Outer South Leeds more effectively;

·  With regard to the proposed formation of a Youth Forum in the Ardsley and Robin Hood Ward, Members enquired whether the geographical area covered by the Ward would be too large for a single Forum;

·  Following a discussion relating to the impact of LAAs and the adoption of national targets at a local level, Members requested that further information on this issue was presented to a future meeting of the Area Committee for Members’ consideration;

·  Having discussed the attendance of representatives from the Council’s partner organisations at both Area Committee and District Partnership meetings, Members emphasised the need for relevant representatives of such organisations to attend Area Committee meetings when appropriate.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That the review of the 2006/07 Area Delivery Plan be noted;

(c). That the 2007/08 ADP include linkages to the LAA for Leeds where appropriate;

(d). That the draft version of the 2007/08 ADP Action Plan, as appended to the report, be noted, with a view to the final draft version of the 2007/08 ADP and Action Plan being submitted for approval to the next meeting of the Area Committee.



Outer South Area Committee Wellbeing Budget Report pdf icon PDF 57 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which updates Members on both the revenue and capital elements of the Area Committee’s Wellbeing budget, advises Members of the current position of the Small Grants budget and invites the Committee to determine the proposals which have been submitted for consideration


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


A report was submitted on behalf of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which updated Members on the current position of the Committee’s Wellbeing budget and Small Grants budget, gave a progress report on both the revenue and capital projects agreed to date and invited Members to determine those proposals which had been submitted.


Due to the volume of Small Grant proposals which had been commissioned by the Area Committee during the current municipal year, Members were invited to increase the budget ringfenced for Small Grants by £5,000.00.


In response to Members’ enquiries, the South Leeds Area Manager undertook to provide the Committee with further information about a Small Grants proposal, previously commissioned by the Committee, from Rothwell Juniors Football Club.


Following a discussion relating to the proposals for Wellbeing funding which had been submitted to the meeting, it was



(a). That the report and information appended to the report, which includes the current position statement of the Area Committee’s Wellbeing budget, a progress report on the Small Grants budget and the details of both the revenue and capital projects agreed to date, be noted;

(b). That a further £5,000.00 Wellbeing Revenue funding be allocated to the 2006/07 ringfenced budget for Small Grants;

(c). That the following decisions be made in relation to the Wellbeing funding proposals which have been submitted for determination to this meeting (funding will be allocated from the Area Committee’s 2006/07 Wellbeing budget unless otherwise stated):-

(i). ‘Morley Bottoms Regeneration Project: Renovation and Repair of Dilapidated Buildings’ – Development Department, Building Standards and Compliance - £4,155.00 Revenue – Approved;

(ii). ‘The ‘Feel Good’ Furniture Shop’ – South Leeds Alternative Trading Enterprise (SLATE) - £3,000.00 Revenue – Approved.


(Councillor Grayshon declared a personal interest in relation to this item due to being a member of Morley Town Centre Partnership).



Area Manager's Report pdf icon PDF 43 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provides Members with details of the range of activities currently taking place within the Outer South area of Leeds


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which provided Members with details of the range of activities currently taking place within Outer South Leeds.


With regard to the Morley and Rothwell Town Centre Management Board (TCMB), the Committee was invited to approve the revised terms of reference for the Board, as appended to the report. In addition, Members were advised that as any sub group of the Area Committee was permitted to act in an advisory or consultative capacity only, the Board was unable to administer any funding which was allocated to the town centre management scheme. Therefore, Members’ approval was also sought for the delegation of £43,503.00 from the Committee’s 2006/07 Wellbeing budget to the Area Manager, who in consultation with the TCMB, would act as the Committee’s designated officer and enable the efficient facilitation of the Town Centre Management Scheme. Members then discussed the introduction of a limit to the delegation for any single item of expenditure. 


Having received an update on the current activities of the South Leeds District Partnership, which included revisions to the Partnership’s structure and membership, the Committee discussed the contribution made by various organisations to the District Partnership.


Following a brief update on the activities of the Community Centres Sub Committee, Members enquired about the existence of deadlines for the completion of repairs at those Community Centres administered by the Neighbourhoods and Housing Department. In response, the Area Manager undertook to provide the Member in question with specific details regarding East Ardsley Community Centre. Members then emphasised the need to ensure that the centres under the Committee’s management were brought up to an adequate standard which would enable them to provide value for money and be used frequently by the community.


A brief discussion relating to the administrative support available to the Town Centre Manager then followed.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That the terms of reference for the Morley and Rothwell Town Centre Management Board, as appended to the report, be approved;

(c). That £43,503.00 be delegated from the Area Committee’s Wellbeing budget to the South Leeds Area Manager, as the Area Committee’s designated officer, in order to facilitate the operation of the Town Centre Management Scheme, that the Area Manager be given the authority to spend the delegated budget and that such a delegation be limited to £5,000.00 for any one single item of expenditure, without referral back to the Area Committee.



Neighbourhood Improvement Plans - A Way Forward pdf icon PDF 45 KB

To receive a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which looks at the progress made by the Neighbourhoods Improvement Plans (NIPs) to date and recommends future actions so that the NIPs can continue to make sustainable improvements to each area identified


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/10 mins discussion)


Additional documents:


Members received a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which summarised the progress of the Neighbourhood Improvement Plans (NIPs) to date and proposed future actions which would enable the NIPs currently being undertaken in Outer South Leeds to continue to make sustainable improvements in each of their respective areas.


Following a detailed summary of the issues highlighted within the report, a question and answer session ensued. The main areas of debate were as follows:-

·  The progress which had been made in relation to the increased levels of community involvement in the John O’Gaunts area;

·  The need for a full complement of Area Management staff to be in place in order to maximise the delivery of the NIPs programme;

·  With regard to the environmental condition of certain areas covered by the NIPs, Members discussed the vital role played by Streetscene and Leeds South and South East Homes ALMO in helping to improve such conditions;

·  The need to ensure that attempts were made to address the variety of social issues which currently existed in those areas covered by the NIPs;

·  Having discussed the methods which had been used to identify those areas chosen for the third phase of the initiative, the Area Manager undertook to provide the Member in question with details of those areas;

·  The actions which could be taken as part of the NIP process to ensure a more comprehensive provision of services by the Youth Service;

·  Reference was made to specific problems which had been experienced in the area covered by the Newlands and Denshaws NIP and Members noted the success of the inaugural meeting of the Wood Lane NIP Working Group.



(a). That the report and information appended to the report, including the review of actions from all NIPs, be noted;

(b). That the proposed model of community development for all NIPs, as appended to the report, be approved;

(c). That the timescales proposed for the future development of all NIPs, as detailed within the report, be approved;

(d). That the proposed evaluation and review process for all NIPs, as appended to the report, be approved;

(e). That a report exploring the establishment of Ward Forums be submitted for consideration to a future meeting of the Area Committee;

(f). That the proforma for revenue proposals via the NIPs, as appended to the report, be approved.


(Councillors Elliott and Golton left the meeting at 5.20 p.m. and Councillor Dunn joined the meeting at 5.25 p.m. during the consideration of this item)



Care and Repair Garden Maintenance Service pdf icon PDF 29 KB

To consider a report from the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which summarises the progress made by the scheme and details the plans for 2007


(Executive Function)

(5 mins presentation/5 mins discussion)



A report was submitted on behalf of the Director of Neighbourhoods and Housing which detailed the progress of the Care and Repair Garden Maintenance Service, a scheme which had been commissioned by the Area Committee in 2006.


Having received a brief summary of the issues detailed within the report, a question and answer session ensued. The following points were raised:-

·  Members highlighted the publicity campaign which was intended to be undertaken in February and March 2007, and sought further details on the proposed involvement of Ward Members in such a campaign;

·  The need to ensure that all eligible residents in Lofthouse were advised of the scheme;

·  The Committee discussed the positive start made by the scheme, paid tribute to the commitment of the staff involved and made reference to the possible expansion of the scheme in the future;

·  The possibility of Morley Elderly Action and those operating the Care and Repair Garden Maintenance Service identifying definite geographical boundaries, in order to ensure that none of the communities within the locality were without any service provision;

·  Members then discussed the availability of leaflets publicising the service and sought further information on whether such material was available to the public in community buildings such as local libraries. 



(a). That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b). That Members’ comments relating to the Care and Repair Gardening Maintenance Scheme be noted.



Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting

Monday, 2nd April 2007 at 4.00 p.m.

(Venue – East Ardsley Community Centre, Main Street, East Ardsley, WF3 2AP)



Monday, 2nd April 2007 at 4.00 p.m. at East Ardsley Community Centre, Main Street, East Ardsley, WF3 2AP.



(The meeting concluded at 5.35 p.m.)