Agenda and minutes

West Outer Area Committee - Friday, 3rd November, 2006 2.00 pm

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed Inspector Tom Horner to the meeting.  It was announced that Inspector Horner will shortly be taking over from Inspector Granville Ward

at the Pudsey Neighbourhood Police Team.



Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)



In accordance with his powers under Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair admitted to the agenda a further appendices under Agenda Item 11 relating to the Outer West Area Well-Being Budget Schemes for the refurbishment of the play area on Chatsworth Recreation Ground, Farsley. 


The appendix was not available at the time of agenda publication as match funding for the scheme had not yet been established (Minute 46 resolution (g) refers),



Declaration of Interests

To declare any personal/prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct


There were no declarations of interest reported at this time.  (Refer to Minute 45).




Apologies for Absence


An apology for absence was submitted on behalf of Councillor A Carter.



Open Forum / Community Forum Minutes pdf icon PDF 49 KB

In accordance with Paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, at the discretion of the Chair a period of up to 10 minutes may be allocated at each ordinary meeting for members of the public to make representations or to ask questions on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee. This period of time may be extended at the discretion of the Chair. No member of the public shall speak for more than three minutes in the Open Forum, except by permission of the Chair.


Members were also asked to note the minutes of the Pudsey and Swinnow Forum meeting held on 5th June 2006 and Tyersal Community Forum meeting held on 5th July 2006.


Additional documents:


In accordance with paragraphs 6.24 and 6.25 of the Area Committee Procedure Rules, the agenda made reference for an Open Forum session at each ordinary meeting of an Area Committee for members of the public to ask questions or to make representations on matters within the terms of reference of the Area Committee.  On this occasion, no matters were raised under this item by those members of the public who were in attendance.



Minutes of the Previous Meeting held on 15th September 2006 and Matters Arising pdf icon PDF 39 KB

To confirm as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2006.



RESOLVED -  That the minutes of the meeting held on 15th September 2006, be approved as a correct record.



Matters Arising from the Minutes


Yorkshire in Bloom (Minute 34(b) refers)

Fiona Wilkinson, Area Management Officer reported that the Yorkshire in Bloom costs for Pudsey and Calverley had been deferred pending costs being submitted from the Learning and Leisure Department’s Parks and Countryside

Division for consideration at the West Inner Area Committee meeting to be held on 8th December 2006.


Operation Apollo (Minute 30 refers)

Inspector Horner reported that the off road motorbikes became operational on 9th October 2006 after a few teething problems - the motorbikes have had to have their first service due to the amount of mileage they have already covered.


It was also reported that the Police have been monitoring the area at Woodhall Quarry  due to receiving a significant number of complaints over the last few months concerning a well known youth constantly riding his bike in that area.  Woodhall Quarry is renowned for being a popular area for off road motorcycling, particularly by youth from the Bradford area.  Therefore, PCSO’s have been monitoring the area and turning people away from riding their motorbikes on quarry land.


Inspector Horner also assured the meeting that the motorbikes were only being used to monitor the West Inner, West Outer and North West Outer areas of the City.  The Inspector proposed that he intends to submit a quarterly report to these Area Committees  to update Members on this project.  Members were asked to inform the Inspector of any other hotspot areas in their ward and he will make sure that those areas are being monitored.


Recycling Bawn Estate (Minute 29 refers) 

The Chair reported that following a recent meeting with Randal Brown, Director of City Services, arrangements have now been made to have a green bag collection and hopefully this will resolve the issues around recycling waste on the Bawn estate.  Other Members of the Area Committee were sceptic about the green bag collection scheme and the Chair informed the meeting that he intended to give a quarterly update on the scheme for the Bawn estate.


Meeting to be Arranged with Bradford City Council Members (Minute 24 refers)

Steve Crocker, West Area Manager reported that following a meeting attended by Councillors D Blackburn, Coulson and Robinson with Councillor John Cole from Bradford City Council, which was organised to try and reinstate regular meetings with Bradford City Councillors to discuss work across both boundaries looks likely to be resolved.


ALMO’s (Minute 34(a) refers) 

Steve Crocker, West Leeds Area Manager informed the meeting that arrangements have now been made for John Mackey to address this Area Committee on the issues surrounding the proposed changes to the Leeds ALMOs structure at the next meeting of this Area Committee to be held on 8th December 2006. 


Community Centre Report – Management Status and Current Stock (Minute 33 refers)

The West Leeds Area Manager agreed to supply Councillor Coulson with a copy of the October Committee report and appendices on Community Centre, which includes a status report on both the Swinnow/Greenhill Community Centre and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42.


Street Lighting Proposals for Leeds pdf icon PDF 27 KB

To note the presentation to update Members on the consultation and information sharing process for replacement street lighting in West Leeds.


(Council Function)

Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a report to update Members on the consultation and information sharing process for replacement street lighting in West Leeds.


Alan Brummitt, SEC Lighting Services, Leeds gave an extensive presentation on the consultation process and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


Appended to the report was a copy of the presentation on the consultation process.


A long discussion ensued and in brief, the main issues raised were:-


·  Members requested that a unique contact number be supplied to the West Leeds Area Management Office for issue by all West Outer Area Committee Members to be able to report direct on any problems or issues arising from the street lighting programme in their area.

·  Concern was expressed that a defective street lighting column on Cow Close Road, which is directly outside the homes of two elderly residents,  was reported over three weeks ago and nothing had been done to rectify the problem.  A further two defective street lighting columns in the Farnley and Wortley Ward were also reported two weeks ago and again nothing had been done to alleviate these problems.  In response, the officer informed the meeting that he would make some enquiries on his return to his office and promised to give an update to the Ward Councillors.

·  Whether Call Centres were being updated regularly on developments within the street lighting programme and whether staff would be able to field questions from members of the public such as,  when the street lighting programme will start in their particular area.  In response, the officer informed the meeting that Call Centres staff do have regular update meetings and should be in a position to be able to answer their questions without any referrals to other departments.  The Officer also informed the meeting that regular Neighbourhood Watch Committee meetings are being held to update the public and anyone is welcome to attend.


The Chair thanked Mr Brummit for his attendance and for informative  presentation.


RESOLVED -  That the report and appendices be noted.


(Councillor R Lewis arrived at meeting at approximately 2.40 p.m. during  consideration of the above item).



Building Schools for the Future - Phase 2 Update pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To note a report by the Director of Education informing the Area Committee of the latest update on the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme and how this relates to West Leeds, specifically highlighting that the submission of outline planning applications for Phase two projects have recently been made.


(Executive Function)


The Chief Executive, Education Leeds submitted a report to notify and inform Members of the Outer West Area Committee on the latest update on the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) Programme and how this relates to the West Leeds area.  The report specifically highlighted that the submission of outline planning applications for Phase Two projects which included Farnley Park and Priesthorpe High School have recently been made.  It was also noted that due to the nature and scope of the scheme at Crawshaw School a planning application was not required.


Claire Clarke, Project Co-ordinator, Education Leeds presented the report and, together with Peter Barnett, Development Department, responded to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief, the main issues discussed were:-


·  That the large improvement scheme for Priesthorpe High School should have received a substantial investment in Phase Two of the programme.  In response, Claire Clarke, informed the meeting that she has been working on the Phase Two programme for the last twelve months and that proposed provision for Phase Two schools should commence in September 2009.

·  Assurance that as part of the consultation process, governors and teaching staff at the Phase Two schools should be fully involved in every aspect of the consultation process.

·  That local residents, especially those elderly residents who live locally and no longer have children attending the schools, and those residents who live in the properties adjacent to Farnley Park High School, should also have the opportunity to be involved in the consultation process.

·  Members were also concerned that it was left to the school to distribute the leaflets for the recent consultation meeting at Farnley Park High School when it is obvious the school must have a vested interest in getting the work done to their own specifications without local residents having their say.



(a)  That the report be noted.

(b)  That a further meeting be arranged by the Chief Executive, Education Leeds as part of the consultation process for Farnley Park High   Schools Phase Two which should include local Ward Members,   teaching staff at the school and local residents, especially those who   live in the close vicinity of the school. 



Area Delivery Plan 2006/2007 Update pdf icon PDF 33 KB

To consider a report by the West Leeds Area Manager updating the Area Committee on actions contained in the Area Action Plan and to advise on the way forward for the consultation with Members and the community for the 2007/2008 Area Delivery Plan.


(Executive Function)



Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a detailed report providing an update on the progress made in implementing the Area Delivery Plan for West Outer Leeds area during the 2006/2007 municipal year.


Appended to the report was a table explaining the progress to date against each action plan.


Fiona Wilkinson, Area Management Officer,  presented the report and, together with the West Leeds Area Manager, responded to Members’ questions and comments.


A detailed discussion ensued on the content of the report and appendices with specific reference to proposals for Pudsey Bus Station.  The West Leeds Area Manager reported that the plans for the Bus Station have been drawn up by Metro and arrangements have now been made for a Manager from Metro to make a presentation and to answer any questions on the proposed plans at the next West Outer Area Committee meeting to be held on 8th December 2006.


Members also discussed the consultation process for the 2007/08 Area Delivery Plans for the West Outer area and it was felt that Community Forums should be involved as much as possible in the consultation process.



(a)  That the progress to date on the actions contained in the Area Action Plan be noted.

(b)  That, in the first instance, consultation should be with Ward Members and Community Forums for the 2007/08 Area Delivery Plan and that those findings should then be reported back to the West Outer Area Committee for approval.


(Councillor Jarosz declared a personal interest as an employee of the National Probation Service of West Yorkshire) 



Outer West Area Committee Well-Being Budget pdf icon PDF 78 KB

To consider a report of the West Leeds Area Manager seeking approval for new projects in the Outer West area.


(Executive Function)

Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a report to update Members on the current amount of capital and revenue funding committed and available via the Area Committee Well-Being budget for wards in the Outer West Area.  The report and appendices also sought approval for new projects commissioned by the Area Committee.


Fiona Wilkinson, Area Management Officer, presented the report and, together with Steve Crocker, West Leeds Area Manager, presented the report and responded to Members’ questions and queries.



(a)  That the amount of Well-Being Budget remaining for the Outer West Area Committee be noted.

(b)  That the following decision be taken in respect of new projects and   requests for funding from the Well-Being Budget contained in   appendices attached to the submitted report:-


(i)  West Leeds Domestic Violence Campaign - £5,000 (capital)  and £750 + vat (revenue) – Approved.

(ii)  Lancasterian School Room - £15,000 (capital) – Deferred for further information.

(iii)  Area Baseline Perception Studies (Bawns) - £1,000 (revenue) – Approved.

(iv)  Christmas Lights Community Celebrations - £4,000 (revenue) –

Approved with £2000 going to each of the Christmas Lights Committees for Pudsey and Farsley.


(c)  That the previously e-mailed application from West Yorkshire Trading

  Standards for the ‘No Cold Calling Zones’ as outlined in Appendix 1, be allocated the sum of £226. 

(d)  That the change to the previously approved ‘in principle’ figure for the  

  Fairfield Permanent Youth Base of £20,896 to  £20,865 (revenue) be

  confirmed and approved.         (e)  To formally approve the previous ‘in principle’ decision to authorise an  

  additional allocation of £6,000 (revenue) Fairfield Youth Base project  

  and agree payment against invoices submitted for the Farsley Farfield 

  Youth Base. 

(f)  That the applications for Small Grants and Skips as outlined in paragraphs 4.1 and 4.2 of the report be approved.

(g)  To formally approve the previous ‘in principle’ decision to authorise   payment of £27,000 (revenue) to match fund the project to refurbish the   play area on Chatsworth Recreation Ground.



West Leeds Gateway Consultation pdf icon PDF 47 KB

To consider a report by the West Leeds Area Manager on the Issues and Options paper for the regeneration of the West Leeds Gateway and to inform Members of the proposed consultation process.


(Council Function)


Additional documents:


The West Leeds Area Manager submitted a detailed report presenting the ‘Issues and Options’ paper for the regeneration of the West Leeds Gateway Area Action Plan and to inform Members of the consultation process.


Appended to the report was a copy of the West Leeds Gateway Area Action Plan.  A leaflet on the Leeds Local Development Framework was tabled at the meeting for Members’ information.


Steve Crocker, West Leeds Area Manager presented the report and responded to Members’ questions and comments.


A long discussion ensued on the three options of intervention, minor, moderate and major change and, on the consultation of the options during October and November 2006.  Members noted that further consultation on the preferred options are expected to take place during June/July 2007.



(a)  That the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the arrangement for the consultation process of the West Leeds   Gateway Area Action Plan be noted.



Date and Time of Next Meeting

Friday, 8th December 2006 at 2.00 p.m. (venue to be decided).





Attached is a location map for Farnley Hall, Farnley Park, Hall Lane, Leeds 12.


Friday, 8th December 2007 at 2.00 p.m. in the Council Chamber at Pudsey Town Hall, Pudsey, Leeds 28.