Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday, 1st October, 2024 10.00 am

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Governance Services  Agenda papers will be published on the Council’s website ahead of each meeting. For details of the new premises licence please contact Entertainment Licensing on 0113 378 5029 after the hearing.

No. Item


Election of the Chair

To seek nominations for the election for the position of Chair.


RESOLVED – That Councillor J Gibson be elected as Chair for the meeting.




Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents

To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Procedure Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)


(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance and Scrutiny Support at least 24 hours before the meeting)



There were no appeals.




Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public


1)  To highlight reports or appendices which:


a)  officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.


b)  To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.


c)  If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-


  RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of those parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information


2)  To note that under the Licensing Procedure rules, the press and the public will be excluded from that part of the hearing where Members will deliberate on each application as it is in the public interest to allow the Members to have a full and frank debate on the matter before them.


There was no exempt information.




Late Items

To identify any applications as late items of business which have been admitted to the agenda for consideration


 (the special circumstances shall be identified in the minutes)



There were no late items.  Supplementary information was submitted for Agenda Item  6, Application to vary a Premises Licence held by Gardeners Arms, 383 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield and Agenda Item 7, Application for the grant of a Premises Licence at Blayds Bar, 3-5 Blayds Yard, Leeds.  This information was published and distributed prior to the meeting.



Declaration of Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’.


There were no declarations.




Application to vary a premises licence held by Gardeners Arms 383 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3QE pdf icon PDF 154 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory on an application to vary a premises licence, made by Punch Partnerships (PTL) Limited, for Gardeners Arms 383 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3QE.


Additional documents:


The report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory presented an application to vary a Premises Licence held by Gardeners Arms, 383 Leeds Road, Lofthouse, Wakefield, WF3 3QE.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  George Domleo, Flint Bishop LLP – Representing the applicant

·  Matthew Kelly - Designated Premises Supervisor

·  Claire Richardson – Business Development Manager

·  Councillor Stephen Holroyd-Case – Local Ward Councillor


The Legal Officer explained the procedure to be followed and the Licensing Officer presented the application.


The variation applied for was to:


·  Extend the terminal hour for the sale of alcohol on Monday to Wednesday to midnight, on Thursday to Saturday until 01:00 the following day, and on Sunday to 23:30

·  Extend the opening hours to allow the premises to close on Monday to Wednesday at 00:30 the following day, on Thursday to Saturday at 01:30 and on Sunday at midnight.


Responsible authorities and Ward Members had been notified of the application and representations had been made by the Environmental Protection Team and other persons.  Prior to the meeting, an agreement had been reached with the Environmental Protection Team and their representation had been withdrawn.


The applicant was invited to address the Sub-Committee.  The following was highlighted:


  The current Licence had been held since 2003 and the Designated Premises Supervisor had been there since July 2023.

  The premises were visited by an Area Manager every four weeks.

  The application for an extra hour each day was to allow flexibility and to allow customers to continue drinking in a safe and enjoyable environment.

  There would be no change to the style of operation at the premises.

  The application was to accommodate dates for sporting events on an evening. 

  There would be no increase in the times for other licensable activities.

  Details were provided explaining 8 Temporary Event Notices had been used at the premises during the past 2 years.  These had not been objected to and there had not been any complaints that were known about during these events.

  Conditions had been agreed with regard to the emptying of bottle bins and staff supervision during the dispersal of customers at closing times.

  The applicant had a good working relationship with local police and was also Chair of the Rothwell Pubwatch Scheme.

  The applicant appreciated the anxiety expressed by local residents but was confident with the conditions offered that there would be no issues going forward.

  The lack of representations from responsible authorities was important.  If there were concerns from the place it was expected that an objection would have been submitted.

  The applicant offered the following two conditions in addition to those agreed with the Environmental Protection Team:


1.  A dedicated telephone number or email address for the DPS or manager will be given to any resident upon request to allow complaints to be made directly at all times the premises is open.

2.  A record of complaints to be maintained to record details  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Application for the grant of a premises licence for Blayds Bar 3 - 5 Blayds Yard, Leeds, LS1 4AD pdf icon PDF 151 KB

To consider the report of the Chief Officer Elections and Regulatory on an application for the grant of a premises licence, made by D McCallum, for Blayds Bar 3 - 5 Blayds Yard, Leeds, LS1 4AD. The premises previously held a licence which lapsed. This application is to replace the previous premises licence and proposes the same licensable activities and hours.


Additional documents:


The report of the Chief Officer, Elections and Regulatory presented an application for the grant of a Premises Licence at Blayds Bar, 3-5 Blayds Yard, Leeds, LS1 4AD.


The following were in attendance for this item:


·  Ed Smith, Levi Solicitors LLP – Applicant’s Representative

·  Duncan McCallum – Applicant

·  Paul Evans – Supporting the Applicant

·  Gillian Dobson – Supporting the Applicant

·  Sue Duckworth – Entertainment Licensing


The Legal Officer explained the procedure to be followed and the Licensing Officer presented the application.


The application was for:


Sale by retail of alcohol, performance of live and recorded music, performance of dance and entertainment of a similar description


Monday – Saturday 11:00 to 01:00

Sunday  12:00 to 00:30


Non standard timings


No non-standard timings for bank holidays or special occasions are proposed.


The premises was previously licensed and the licence had lapsed due to the dissolution of the holding company.  The application mirrored that of the lapsed licence.


Representations had been received from other persons and a responsible authority.


There had been 47 letters of support and 1 objection.  There had also been a petition in support of the application. A representation had been received from the Licensing Authority as the premises were within a designated red zone of the City Centre Cumulative Impact Area.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Sub-Committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  The application mirrored the historical licence at the premises and had an extensive schedule of conditions.

·  The applicant has operated the premises for eighteen years and it was an important part of the LGBT community.

·  The applicant’s husband had passed away and following this, the company that held the licence was dissolved and the licence lapsed accordingly.  The premises had been operating with the use of Temporary Event Notices since.  An application had been made to restore the dissolved company which would also restore the lapsed licence.  Granting this application would effectively enable the premises to trade until December when the previous company was restored.

·  The licence applied for was on the exact same terms of the lapsed licence.  The premises had operated with TENS since the lapse of the licence without incident.  The applicant was a highly respected member of the trade and the only issue was the premises location within the Cumulative Impact Area.

·  The application would satisfy the requirement that the licence would not  increase the impact of licensed premises in the area.  There had not been any objections from Environmental Protection or West Yorkshire Police.

·  There had only been one objection and that lacked any real evidence and it was questioned whether the objection made was valid.

·  There had been 47 positive representations and a petition that had gained over 2,600 signatures within a week.

·  Should the company that previously held the licence be restored then the licence would be reinstated.  Should the licence be granted today and the company be restored, one of the licences will be surrendered.


Supporters of the application addressed the Sub-Committee.  The following was highlighted:


·  The premises was an  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.