Agenda and minutes

Scrutiny Board (Health and Adult Social Care) - Monday, 18th December, 2006 10.00 am

No. Item


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration.


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)


In accordance with her powers under Section 100B(4)(b) of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chair admitted a late appendix to the item on Fire Safety Standards of Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust.  The appendix was omitted from the agenda in error.





Declarations of interest

To declare any personal / prejudicial interests for the purpose of Section 81(3) of the Local Government Act 2000 and paragraphs 8 to 13 of the Members Code of Conduct.


Councillor Hamilton declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 due to her employment with Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust.  (Minute no 69 refers).


Councillor Russell declared a personal interest in agenda item 9 due to the fact that he knew someone who was in receipt of renal services.  (Minute no 69 refers).



Minutes pdf icon PDF 53 KB

To approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 20th November 2006.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th November be approved as a correct record subject to the replacement of B Smithson with A Giles under Co-optees present.



Matters Arising from the Minutes


Making Leeds Better - Pre-consultation Engagement Process – (Minute 57 refers)

It was reported by a member of the Board that following the presentation from the Making Leeds Better team in November 2006 that the Making Leeds Better Programme Director had now transferred to the new Leeds PCT to be the Executive Director with responsibility for the Making Leeds Better programme.  It was felt that this may be a significant change regarding the delivery of Making Leeds Better and therefore the Board sought clarification of the situation along with further details on communication mechanisms in place between the PCT and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust regarding the Making Leeds Better programme.  It was also requested that further information be provided on how the Making Leeds Better programme addressed the use of preventative medicines.



Overview and Scrutiny Committee Minutes pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To note the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 6th November 2006.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee held on 6th November be noted.



Executive Board Minutes

To note the minutes of the Executive Board meeting held on 15th November 2006.


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the Executive Board held on 15th November 2006 be noted.



Reconfiguration of Renal Services in Leeds

To consider a joint report from Leeds Primary Care Trust and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust on the reconfiguration of renal services in Leeds.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report regarding the reconfiguration of renal services in Leeds.  The report contained a joint report from Leeds PCT and Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) which had been produced following the renal services consultation that had been carried out in the summer.


The Chair welcomed the following to the meeting:


  • Carol Cochrane – Interim Locality Director, Leeds PCT
  • Gavin Boyle – Director of Operations – Adult Service, LTHT
  • Andrew Moony – Consultant in Renal Services, LTHT
  • Frank Griffiths – LGI Kidney Patients Association


The following questions, answers and comments were made:-


  • The report stated that a 10 haemodialysis station unit at LGI could be established within 18 months.  When questioned when exactly this was likely to become operational?, officers explained that this depended on the siting of the unit.  Various options had been identified and the timing depended on which option was to be chosen.  The earliest anticipated start date was March 2007 and this would be followed by a six to nine month capital programme.  Further considerations included the allocating of space and the tendering process.
  • It was highlighted again that Wharfedale Hospital had space to provide a satellite unit which could serve those in the North West of the city who had difficulties with transport provision for current arrangements – both the PCT and LTHT recognised the value of this proposal and there would be further discussion on the matter, although there were clearly resource implications to consider.
  • It was reported that interim haemodialysis arrangements had been provided at Seacroft Hospital on a temporary basis although it was proposed to develop a permanent facility at that site.
  • In response to comments regarding transport provision, it was reported that LTHT was due to consider bids concerning a dedicated transport service for renal patients.  There would be patient involvement throughout the tendering process and the involvement of a representative of the LGI Kidney Patients Association would be welcomed.
  • The transport tendering process was due to finish on 22nd January 2007.  The Board requested further details of the transport issues for its next meeting.
  • The LGI Kidney Patients Association expressed concern regarding the consultation process and felt that it was flawed.  Amongst concerns raised was that the consultation literature was not translated for ethnic groups which will have resulted in a lack of responses.  It was also felt that the consultation process should have been carried out by an independent body rather than the PCT as the commissioning body.  Further issues of concern included transport provision, access to Seacroft Hospital and the affect on the quality of life for patients.  Examples of difficulties faced and encountered by patients were relayed to the Board.


The Chair thanked Carol Cochrane, Gavin Boyle, Andrew Moony and Frank Griffiths for their attendance.



(1)  That the report be noted.

(2)  That a further report be brought to the Board which specifically addressed the transport issues raised by renal patients.



Fire Safety Standards of Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust

To consider an update report from the Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust and Accent on the fire safety standards of the Trust’s PFI buildings.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report regarding the inquiry into Fire Safety Standards in Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust.  Appended to the report was an Action Plan resulting from the Fire Safety Design Review carried out by Tenos, a copy of the Tenos review, a response to the Board from the Trust regarding unwanted fire signals and a fire safety update from West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service.


The Chair welcomed the following to the meeting:-


Michelle Moran – Director of Service Delivery, Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust

David Brown – Contracts Manager, Leeds Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust

John Kitchen – Managing Director, Accent Project Solutions

Ian Germain – Strategy and Marketing Director, Accent

Steven Morgan – Tenos

John BarnfieldTenos

Chris Haley – West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service


The Chair announced that she had received a report which stated it was from Amicus’ Leeds Branch.  This report set out their response to the Tenos review report.  However, the Chair explained that the status of this report needed to be formally clarified before being considered by the Board.  It was also considered appropriate to invite comments from the other unions and the Trust on this matter.  Members agreed that once all the information had been gathered, the Board would be asked to decide whether to bring this back to a future meeting for further consideration.


It was reported that further to the Fire Safety Design Review carried out by Tenos, additional local risk assessments had also been carried out.  The Board requested a copy of these once available.  It was noted that when the review was initially carried out there was not any specific guidance on fire safety applicable to health premises.  New legislation and NHS guidelines had now addressed this.


In response to comments regarding unwanted fire signals, it was reported that the Trust had been working closely with West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service in an attempt to reduce the number of incidences.  The majority of unwanted signals had been due to malicious activation or people smoking outside designated smoking areas where smoke sensors had been activated.  Measures taken to reduce the number of unwanted signals included the introduction of key operated alarms, proposals to implement a no smoking policy and staff training.


Further issues discussed included the appointment of a Trust Fire Safety Officer, upholstered furniture standards, sprinkler systems and local risk assessments.  West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service reported that they employed dedicated fire officers who were currently inspecting health buildings and carrying out audits of the fire safety risk assessments of NHS premises across West Yorkshire..


The Chair thanked those present for their attendance.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


(Councillor Kirkland declared a personal interest during discussion of this item due to his membership of the West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Authority).



Home Care Services in Leeds pdf icon PDF 87 KB

To consider an update report from the Director of Adult Social Services on the provision of Home Care Services in Leeds.


The Director of Adult Social Services submitted a report regarding the commissioning process in relation to independent sector home care in Leeds. 


The Chair welcomed Mike Evans, Chief Officer, Adult Social Services and Dennis Holmes, Head of Strategy Planning, Social Services to the meeting.


In response to the Board’s previous concerns regarding the provision of home care services over the festive period, it was reported that assurances had been sought from the independent sector providers that contingency planning measures had been implemented to ensure that all required home care services would be  provided.  Further concern was expressed that there was normally a higher number of hospital discharges around the festive period and a question was asked as to what arrangements had been made to deal with this.  It was anticipated that there would not be a significant increase in the number of hospital discharges. It was highlighted that people often stayed with families and friends during this period and therefore did not require home care services.  It was reported that discussion was ongoing with independent sector providers and the Council was satisfied that necessary services would be available.  Service users had also been issued with details of emergency contacts for their relevant service providers should there be any instances of failure in the provision of care.


The following issues were discussed regarding the commissioning of home care and provision of independent sector home care.


  • The report referred to the Nottinghamshire County Council service model for home care which covered a similar population, although it was stressed that Leeds used a different tendering process and like for like comparisons could not be drawn in relation to costs.
  • Eligibility for home care and how the line of eligibility had to be set within the Council’s budget.
  • Joint workforce planning with NHS partners – how this could assist with the development of home care packages, for example by including other services such as physiotherapy.


Further issues discussed included direct payment arrangements, contract monitoring and consultation with service users and carers.  It was agreed that the Board be given an update on direct payments and a review of the  home care service over the Christmas period at its next meeting.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted.


(Councillor Lancaster declared a personal interest during the discussion of this item due to he position as Joint Chair of Meanwood Elders as did Mr E ack due to his association with Moorcare).



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 21 KB

To receive a report from the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development on the Board’s Work Programme for the forthcoming municipal year.

Additional documents:


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report which contained an updated copy of the Board’s Work Programme for the 2006/07 Municipal Year.  Appended to the report was an extract from the Forward Plan of Key Decisions which related to the Board’s portfolio area.


RESOLVED – That the report be noted



Date and Time of Next Meeting

Monday, 22nd January 2006 at 10.00 a.m. (Pre-meeting at 09.30 a.m.)


Monday, 22nd January 2007 at 10.00 a.m. (pre-meeting at 09.30 a.m.)




The meeting concluded at 1.00 p.m.