Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Andy Booth, 0113 3788665 Email:
Link: to view the meeting
No. | Item |
Election of Chair Minutes: Councillor J McKenna had been unable to attend briefings before the meeting so a nomination was sought for a Chair for the meeting. A nomination was made on behalf of Councillor C Gruen and subsequently seconded and voted upon.
RESOLVED – That Councillor C Gruen be elected as Chair for the meeting.
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents
To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)
Minutes: There were no appeals.
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of Press and Public 1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: Members were advised that Appendix 6 of Agenda Item 7, Site of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Leeds Arena, Clay Pit Lane, Leeds had exempt information attached to it which maybe discussed in private. The information is exempt under the Access to information rules Paragraph 3 Part 1 Schedule 12a of the Local Government Act 1972. Members were asked to pass a resolution to exclude the press and public should there be any consideration of this part of the Agenda
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no late items. Supplementary information was submitted for Agenda Item 9, Former Arla Foods Site, 87-91 Kirkstall Road, Burley. This had been published and distributed prior to the meeting.
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: There were no declarations.
Minutes - 6 October 2022 PDF 215 KB To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2022 Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2022 be confirmed as a correct record.
To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a hybrid planning application for the demolition of Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and the construction of two student residential accommodation buildings and a multi-use events’ building. Additional documents:
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented a hybrid planning application for the demolition of the Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and the construction of two student residential accommodation buildings and a multi-use events building on the site of the Yorkshire Bank, Merrion Way and land fronting Leeds Arena, Clay Pit Lane, Leeds.
The application was considered and deferred at the meeting of City Plans Panel held in August 2022.
Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The following was highlighted:
· The proposals had previously been brought to Panel for a pre-application presentation and a workshop had been held. The application was considered by Panel in August 2022 when it was deferred to allow for further consideration of objections that had been submitted. · The site was within the city centre boundary and was a prestige development area. · The location was appropriate for the development of tall buildings. · The existing turning head at the Arena would be used as access to one of the sites. · Main views of the Arena from Clay Pit Lane would be retained. · The development would be built in three phases. The final phase being the multi-purpose venue building. · There would be significant planting to the south of the site with new trees along Clay Pit Lane. · The building at Block A would have 714 bed spaces along with amenity space and kitchen facilities. Layouts of typical floor plans were displayed. The building would have a polished aluminium and glazed finish with extensive glazing at ground floor level. · The building at Block B would be an L shaped building at the junction of Clay Pit Lane and Merrion Way. There would be amenity space to the rear of the building with landscaping to the front and eastern sides. The building would step up from 7 storeys to 21 storeys. The roof of the building would have bio solar roofing and amenity space. The materials proposed would be of a terracotta grid design which would be sympathetic with the conservation area. · The multi-purpose event building would have a maximum height of 28 metres which would be gained in five steps. An outline of the mass of the building was displayed. · Since the meeting in August issues relating to nature conservation, drainage and the concerns of the Health and Safety Executive had been addressed. · An updated economic impact assessment had been prepared and found that the impact on Harrogate would be reasonably negligible. A peer review of the report had come to a similar conclusion. · There had been some additional objections since the publication of the agenda but these had not raised any new concerns. A representative of the Harrogate Convention Centre addressed the Panel with objections to the application. These included the following:
· The size and scope of the multi-purpose venue had a larger size and scope than what was first thought. · The proposed centre would be in direct competition with Harrogate Convention Centre and there would be an adverse ... view the full minutes text for item 54. |
Application 22/02521/FU - Site to the south of Whitehall Road, Leeds. PDF 8 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Polanning Officer regarding an application for a multi-level residential development (Class C3) with ground floor commercial units (Class E) and associated hard and soft landscaping; associated parking, bin and bike stores Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a multi-level residential development (Class C3) with ground floor commercial units (Class E) and associated hard and soft landscaping; associated parking, bin and bike stores at a site to the South of Whitehall Road, Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
The following was highlighted in relation to the application.
· The site was a large brownfield site on a main route into the city, close to the river and railway station and part of a wider regeneration area. There had been previous permissions granted at the site. · The Panel had received a pre-application presentation in January 2022. · The proposals were for a mixed use development with three ground floor commercial units with residential units above. There would be landscaping and private residential landscaping at the podium level. · There had been a financial viability appraisal carried out by the District Valuer. · The site had been most recently used as a car park. · There would be 500 apartments in the development which was 2 blocks linked by a first floor podium . 51% would be one bedroom, 39% 2 bedroom and 10% 3 bedroom. There would be three communal areas and landscaping improvements. · Distances from Whitehall Waterfront were considered to be acceptable. · There would be a total of 59 car parking spaces, 298 cycle spaces and provision of a car club bay. · Landscaping improvements alongside Whitehall Road and the riverside and the creation of a riverside park. · Materials to be used included red and grey brick. CGI images of the proposals were displayed. · It was considered that the proposals would be a positive addition to a regeneration site along with landscaping improvements and the application was recommended for approval.
A resident of the Whitehall Waterfront development addressed the Panel with objections to the application. These included the following:
· The proposals would have a catastrophic effect on people’s lives and wellbeing as well as the environment. · The proposed height was 50% higher than Whitehall Waterfront and out of proportion with other surrounding buildings. · Guidelines required such buildings to have surrounding space. · The daylight impact assessment was incorrect. · The development would destroy permeability and surveillance and compromise safety and security. · Concerns had been addressed with developers but had been largely dismissed. · The proposals were unacceptable in their current form and had been done in the interests of maximising profit. · The wind survey had not been carried out at balcony level. · The proposals needed to be more spaced out, increasing light and accessibility to enhance the area. · In response to questions, the following was discussed: o The size and scale needed to be reduced. It was hoped that there would be more greenspace. o The proposals would affect light and privacy for existing residents.
The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel. The following was highlighted:
· The proposals would deliver 500 high quality and sustainable new homes. · The ... view the full minutes text for item 55. |
To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for Demolition of existing buildings and structures; construction of 618 residential dwellings (C3) and flexible commercial space (E and F1); associated refuse and plant infrastructure, landscaping, new public realm and open space. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of existing buildings ad structures; construction of 618 residential dwellings (C3) and flexible commercial space (E and F1); associated refuse and plant infrastructure, landscaping, new public realm and open space at the former Arla Foods site, Kirkstall Road, Burley, Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
· There was an update to the supplement to the report – there would be a Section 106 education contribution of £162, 510.31. There were also objections from the Civic Trust and an adjacent landowner. · Objections from the Civic Trust included an over provision of car parking, lack of balconies and poor amenity space. The adjacent landowner had concerns regarding the proximity of Block D from Washington Street. · The site was allocated for mixed use in the Site Allocation Plan. · The site was close to the Clarion Homes site which had recently been approved and was a former industrial/brownfield site. · There would be 618 build to rent apartments in 5 blocks with commercial units to the ground floor. · There would be generous public realm provision. · Building D would be 15 metres from the boundary on the opposite side to Washington Street and on balance was felt appropriate in terms of impact. · There was an outline approval on the site which allowed for buildings of 7 to 13 storeys. · There would be two main design types to the buildings which would reflect the industrial heritage of the site. · It was proposed to include 97 balconies for apartments in the development. However it should be noted that there is no specific policy requirement for the provision of balconies. · Access throughout the site and connectivity through adjoining sites including cycle routes. · There would be park land to the south of the development. · The Environment Agency was satisfied with the flood protection scheme. · There would be formal play areas. · There would a bio-diversity net gain of 78%. · There was only one affordable housing unit due to the financial viability position. However the applicant was committed to making the Section 106 infrastructure policy contributions, notwithstanding the findings of the financial viability assessment. · There had been amendments to the fire safety plan and a response was awaited from the Health and Safety Executive. · There would be 381 one bedroom, 248 two bedroom and 62 three bed apartments. This was consistent with nearby developments. · The application was recommended for approval.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· With regards to the housing mix there was no policy requirement to meet the preferred targets. The policy is worded to offer flexibility and take into account the form of development and character of an area inorder to provide a suitable mix by types and size and this differed for different parts of the city. The mix ... view the full minutes text for item 56. |
Application 22/02970/FU - Land between Westgate and Cropper Gate, Leeds, LS1 4ND PDF 23 MB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the construction of a 31 storey building providing 399 build to rent dwellings (Use Class C3) incorporating ancillary amenity space, landscaping and other associated works. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the construction of a 31 storey building providing 399 build to rent dwellings (use Class C3) incorporating ancillary amenity space, landscaping and other associated works on land between Westgate and Cropper Gate, Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
· There had been a pre-application presentation in March 2022 when Members had been generally supportive of the scheme. · The site had been cleared and was considered appropriate for a tall building. · Members were reminded of proposals at adjacent sites, some of which had commenced with development. · Connectivity through the site and to other sites. It was proposed to introduce a new segregated cycle route which would link to other sites. · Remaining external areas would have soft landscaping. · Floor plans of the different levels of the building were displayed. · All apartments would meet or exceed minimum space standards. · 66% of apartments would be 2 or 3 bedroom. · Photovoltaic panels would be placed on the roof space. · The materials would consist of a blend of red bricks. Samples were made available for the Panel to view. · There would be double height glazing at ground floor level with more intricate brickwork.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· The applicant had engaged a wind specialist at the pre-application stage which had implications on how the building was modelled. This had been reviewed and with the mitigation measures there would not be any safety issues. · The cycle route would be linked in to improvements to junctions and linkages to other sites. There would also be crossing provision at junctions. · This was a higher density scheme on a smaller site and the public realm works would not cost as much as on other sites. · Work had started on other sites in the area and would provide activity and a level of natural surveillance. · The proposed building was of a good design and would provide a proper landmark. The detail in the brick work was welcomed.
RESOLVED – That the application be delegated and deferred to the Chief Planning Officer for approval subject to resolution of matters identified by the HSE and to the specified conditions set out in Appendix 2 (and any amendment to these and addition of others which he might consider appropriate) and the completion of a Section 106 agreement to include the following applications:
· Affordable housing provision – on site, 20% (80) affordable private rent dwellings at 80% of local market rate. · Compliance with agreed Travel Plan measures and an indexed travel plan review fee of £5,396. · Residential travel plan fund £102,044. · Contribution of £91,000 (indexed) towards loss of pay and display revenue. · Marketing of adaptable accessible units as accessible units with costs of adaptation to be met by the developer. · 24 hour public access through the ... view the full minutes text for item 57. |
PREAPP 20/00412 - Land at The Gateway, East Street, Leeds, LS9 8DZ PDF 716 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application presentation for a residential development with car parking and landscaping.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application presentation for a residential development with car parking and landscaping at land at The Gateway, East Street, Leeds.
Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the proposals.
The applicant was invited to address the Panel. The following was highlighted:
· The site was to the East of the city centre and was the remaining site on a development plot. · There had been an exhaustive pre-application process and consultation with officers. · Views to the site from Kirkgate, Crown Point Road and East Street were displayed. · The site was located on a key approach into the city centre. · The existing courtyard was elevated due to flood risk and it was proposed to retain this. · Pedestrian connectivity. There would be ramped access to the elevated courtyard. · Vehicular access was pre-determined by the existing road layout. · The building would be 10 to 13 storeys. There would be 37 parking spaces making use of the existing undercroft parking access. There would also be 545 square metres of commercial space. · There would be 142 apartments consisting of 22 studios, 51 one bedroom, 55 two bedroom and 14 three bedroom apartments. · The commercial spaces would be at podium level along with the lobby and reception. There would also be a gym for residents. · Proposed floor plans were displayed. · There would be inset balconies and a resident’s terrace on level 10. · The building would step up to its highest point at the central point. · The building would be prominently brick with recessed glazing.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· It was suggested that consultation with residents from Saxon Gardens would be beneficial. · It would be useful if the gym was available to non-residents as there was a lack of facilities in the area. · There would a small palette of materials. · The vertical glass level would break up any slab like appearance to the building. · There would be some greenery on the boundary of the site. · More detail would be required on materials to be used. · Some concern regarding the ground floor and proposed planting. · Could further consideration be given to the housing mix (in respect of the requirements of the Council’s housing mix policy). · The proposals look good for the site. · In response to questions outlined in the report, the following was highlighted: o Members had commented on the housing mix. o Members supported the emerging design of the development. o Members supported the approach to car parking but there was some concern for the safety of cyclists.
RESOLVED – That the presentation and discussion be noted.
PREAPP 22/00216 - SoYo, Block D, Quarry Hill, Leeds PDF 914 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a pre-application presentation for a student residential development.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer informed Members of a pre-application presentation for a student residential development at So-Yo, Block D, Quarry Hill, Leeds.
Members attended the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the proposals.
The applicant was invited to address the Panel. The following was highlighted:
· Other plots at the site had already received approval. · There was a central street through the site which would give access to the building and other developments on the site. There would also be other routes through the site. · There would be a roof terrace on the building and also a pocket park at ground floor level. · The scale of the building would be in alignment with others on the site and would rise up away from the central street. · Floor layouts were displayed and there would be a mix of 60% studios and 40% cluster flats. · There would be external and internal amenity space. · Materials would replicate those of the other buildings on the site and examples of proposed detailing were displayed.
In response to questions and comments from the Panel, the following was discussed:
· Space standards were met or exceeded. There would be an encouragement to use the amenity space available. · Concern regarding the area behind the Playhouse – there would be active amenity areas in this area and there would be sufficient lighting. · The building would be able to be converted to flats should there not be the demand for student accommodation. · The ground floor was heavily glazed and would be lit up on an evening to provide surveillance. There would also be windows overlooking the pocket park. · In response to questions highlighted in the report, the following was highlighted: o Members supported the end use of Block D for student accommodation. o Members supported the emerging appearance, scale and setting to the proposed building. o Members supported the level of residential amenity proposed. o Members were agreeable to the full planning application being determined under delegated powers.
RESOLVED – That the presentation and discussion be noted.
Date and Time of Next Meeting Thursday, 1 December 2022 at 1.30 p.m.
Minutes: Thursday, 1 December 2022 at 1.30 p.m.