Agenda and minutes

City Plans Panel - Thursday, 21st November, 2013 1.30 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Angela M Bloor 2474754  Email:

No. Item


Chair's Opening Remarks


The Chair welcomed everyone to the City Plans Panel meeting




Late Items


To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)



Although there were no formal late items, the Panel was in receipt of the following additional information in respect of the proposals at Thorp Arch (minute 108 refers) which had been circulated prior to the meeting:

·  written representations and images from the resident of Walton Gates

·  a planning and infrastructure report and letter from Linden Homes

·  written representations on behalf of Samuel Smith Old Brewery (Tadcaster)

·  a copy of a presentation by TAG – Thorp Arch Trading Estate Action Group

Panel was also in receipt of a copy of an e-mail from Morley Town

Council Planning Committee outlining their concerns about the proposed access arrangements in respect of proposals for a residential development at land at Owlers Farm Wide Lane, Morley (minute 105 refers)

  Concerns were raised about the extent of the additional information, particularly the lengthy written objections which had been circulated on the Thorp Arch proposals and that Members were not in a position to consider these.  The Chief Planning Officer advised that the issues contained in the objections had been summarised in the report before Panel but that full copies of the objections had been provided for information




Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests


To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 


There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, however

Councillors J Procter, Lyons and Walshaw brought to the Panel’s attention their membership of the West Yorkshire Integrated Transport Authority as Metro had commented on several of the applications being considered

  Councillor J Procter also brought to the Panel’s attention his attendance at meetings of the Consultative Forum in respect of the proposals for development at Thorp Arch (minute 108 refers)

  Councillor Leadley brought to the Panel’s attention that he was the Chair of Morley Town Council Planning Committee which had made representations on the proposals for land at Owlers Farm, Morley (minute 105 refers)

  Councillor M Hamilton brought to the Panel’s attention his employment at Leeds University who were referred to in the Heads of Terms relating to the proposals for new student accommodation at City Campus, Calverley Street (minute 107 refers)  Councillor M Hamilton advised that he would leave the room when the matter was being discussed






  Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ingham, Councillor Lewis, Councillor Nash and Councillor R Procter who were substituted for by Councillor A McKenna, Councillor Lyons, Councillor J McKenna and Councillor J Procter




Minutes pdf icon PDF 90 KB

To approve the minutes of the City Plans Panel meetings held on 17th October 2013 and 24th October 2013


(minutes attached)



Additional documents:


RESOLVED – i)That the minutes of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 17th October 2013 be approved

  ii) That the minutes of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 24th October 2013 be approved subject to the following amendments:

·  Minute 85 – Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

‘Councillor Leadley also advised that he was the Chair of the Lee Fair Committee which ran the largest and oldest gypsy traveller horse fair in the country’ to be amended to read ‘ Councillor Leadley also advised that he was the Chair of the Lee Fair Committee which ran the largest and oldest gypsy traveller horse fair in Yorkshire’


·  Minute 96 –Applications 13/03196/FU and 13/03202/OT – Land off Grove Road Boston Spa – Position Statement

‘ the land was a Protected Area of Search (PAS) site; was located in the Green Belt and was adjacent to a Conservation Area’ – to be amended to read ‘ the land was a Protected Area of Search (PAS) site and was adjacent to a Conservation Area’

·  Minute 96 – as above ‘ that Members had concerns over the impact on adjacent residents, including the children’s hospice, as well as the quality of environment for future residents’ – to be amended to read ‘ that Members had concerns over the quality of amenity for future residents




NGT Update


The Head of Planning Services informed Members that discussions had taken place between the NGT Team and the Principal of the Leeds College of Art and that the NGT Team were examining the possibility of altering the design of the proposals at this location

  The NGT Team had also met with representatives of the businesses at Pym Street and that three options to address the concerns raised at this location were being worked up, with the involvement of the local businesses

  Meetings had also taken place with several of the speakers who raised concerns at the NGT meeting on 17th October 2013 and that issues were being progressed




Application 13/00902/OT - Outline application for circa 125 dwellings - Land at Owlers Farm, Wide Lane Morley LS27 pdf icon PDF 624 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application for circa 125 dwellings


(report attached)




Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  The Head of Planning Services presented the report which sought approval in outline for a residential development of around 125 dwellings on a Protected Area of Search (PAS) site at Owlers Farm, Wide Lane Morley LS27

  Members were informed that the recommendation in the report was in accordance with the decisions taken on two other smaller PAS sites; that the criteria set for the early release of some of the PAS sites was contained within the report; that the site was considered to be in a sustainable location and that the arguments about the Council’s land supply were currently being tested in a Public Inquiry

  In terms of representations, 207 had been received and receipt of a further representation from Morley Town Council was reported, which stated that the Town Council felt their comments had not been represented in the report before Panel

  The S106 contributions were policy compliant.  The public transport infrastructure sum per dwelling was now £1,161 per dwelling

Members were advised that there would be an impact on the living conditions of existing residents at Bedale Court, but on balance, Officers were of the view that it was appropriate for the site to come forward for development

  The Panel heard representations from an objector, Councillor Varley, and from the applicant’s agent who provided information which included:

·  the impact of the proposals on infrastructure in Morley

·  the impact of further development on the health and wellbeing of residents

·  highways issues

·  that the application complied with the interim PAS release policy

·  that the site was sustainable

·  the comments made on the site visit about the access; that a graded access would be provided and that conditions on the access would be accepted

Members discussed the application and commented on the following


·  that a key component of the outline application – the access arrangements – had not been demonstrated

·  the density of the scheme and that a lesser scheme might be more acceptable

·  the need for the adjacent buffer zone to be included within the red line boundary

·  the need for quality thresholds to be met in terms of design and materials

·  the release of PAS sites; the reasons for doing this but the need for such applications to have fully addressed the issues associated with the proposals before coming forward

·  that the concerns raised about the access arrangements had been raised by Morley Town Council seven months earlier but had not been addressed

·  that Councillor Dawson’s objection to the proposals had not been referred to in the report

·  the affordable housing contribution, that the offer of a sum towards extra care provision did not require a developer to provide anything extra and that the affordable housing should be on-site, with Ward Members being involved in the discussions on this.  The Chief Planning Officer advised that the approach to the affordable housing contribution in this case was consistent  ...  view the full minutes text for item 105.


Application 13/03647/OT - Outline application to erect mixed use development with hotel, residential, A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1 uses and car parking - Land at Globe Road and Water Lane Holbeck LS11 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on an outline application to erect mixed use development with hotel, residential, A2/A3/A4/A5/B1/D1 uses and car parking




Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting 

  Officers presented a report seeking approval of an outline application for a mixed use development at Globe Road and Water Lane which was situated in the Holbeck Urban Village.  Members were informed that a previous application for a mixed use development had been granted in 2006;  an extension of time granted in 2010 and that the scheme before Panel was based upon the same scheme which had been granted approval in 2006

  Members were advised that the independent review of the submitted wind study had now been received and had concluded that the development was unlikely to cause a nuisance and that the wind conditions were expected to be suitable for the intended use of the site.  Detailed matters relating to landscaping treatment, including the location of seating areas and the entrance locations would be controlled by condition

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the education contribution and whether this should apply to dwellings of two bed and over rather than three bed and over.  Members were informed that the proposed accommodation type where education contributions would be required had been specified by Children’s Services.  Members asked that for future schemes, this be given further consideration

·  the need for clarity on the jobs and skills and local employment the scheme would provide; the need for Ward Members to be involved in discussions on this together with developers and officers, with concerns that the current system might not be prioritising local people for jobs being created

·  that the possibility of a hotel on the site afforded further opportunities of employment and there was a need to include this component as well as the construction jobs the scheme would create

·  that the Officer presentation lacked details about the wider Holbeck Urban Village area and the relationships with the proposed development.  Members were informed that every cleared site in Holbeck Urban Village had a planning permission; that the graphics shown helped to indicate the scale of the proposals and how this related to other approved schemes and that routes and connections were carefully considered

·  drainage, in view of the proximity of areas prone to flooding.  Members were informed that a flood risk assessment had been submitted and agreed and that conditions relating to drainage were proposed

·  the Council’s approach to affordable housing in view of a recent ruling by the Planning Inspector.  The Panel’s legal adviser stated that the Inspector had been unhappy with the Council’s approach to setting affordable housing targets in an SPD, so this would need to be revisited.  However the affordable housing provision accorded with the current interim targets in SPD and would be set for two years and in the event the permission had not been implemented, it would be at whatever level which applied after that time

·  design and the need for the new buildings to complement the existing landscape

RESOLVED -  To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer

for approval subject to the specified conditions  ...  view the full minutes text for item 106.


Application 13/04581/FU - Two new student buildings, retail unit and public space - City Campus Calverley Street LS1 pdf icon PDF 760 KB

Further to minute 48 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 29th August, where Panel considered a pre-application presentation on proposals for new student accommodation buildings, to consider the formal application for 465 student bedroom development comprising two blocks of 16 and 12 storeys and retail use (A1/A3 or A5) of 144 sqm


(report attached)




Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor M Hamilton withdrew from the meeting


  Further to minute 48 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 29th August, where Panel considered a pre-application presentation on proposals for new student accommodation buildings at Calverley Street, Members considered the formal application for a 465 student bedroom development in two blocks together with retail use (A1/A3 or A5) of 144 sqm

  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report; outlined the application and explained the layout of the accommodation which comprised 77 studio flats and 388 clusters, which provided for up to 6 beds per cluster with a shared living space

  Members were informed of numbers of students in Leeds; the type of accommodation they lived in and stated that research had indicated students preferred modern, purpose-built accommodation which was close to where they studied

  In terms of materials, primarily glass and concrete were proposed.  Double height expressed structural grids would be used on the side elevations and pre-cast concrete panels on the gable ends with some additional detailing to the concrete cladding to add a further layer of texture.  The landscaping would be a mix of hard and soft and the grassed areas would fully work with the changing levels on the site to provide undulating lawns

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the suitability of cluster flats

·  the lack of analysis in the report on the study produced by the applicant in response to the policy introduced in September to manage the delivery of student housing, and that the comments of Unipol and Renew would have been welcomed on the application.  The Chief Planning Officer accepted that further information should have been provided in the report but stated there had recently been a significant increase in the number of students attending the universities this year

·  the outcome of the cross-party working group which had examined student accommodation in the City and that no reference had been made to this in the report

·  the total number of students living within this area if these proposals went ahead.  Members were informed that taking into account the first phase of the scheme, the accommodation currently being constructed, the bedspaces in the former BBC development and the application being considered, there would be approximately 1500 – 1600 students residing in this area

·  the number of bedspaces in schemes which had not yet been implemented, with Officers advising that not counting accommodation proposals at Trinity and All Saints, there were 2384 student bedspaces with extant planning permission

·  the space between the two blocks; that this created an unattractive and bleak area and concerns about the wind levels on the site, particularly in this area.  Members were informed that Officers were awaiting a response from the Council’s wind expert regarding the acceptability of the submitted wind report

·  disappointment that the character and prominence of the Civic Hall were being eroded through  ...  view the full minutes text for item 107.


Application 13/03061/OT - Outline planning application for residential development with associated parking, landscaping, primary school, village centre, retail development, sports pavilion, play area, amenity space and associated off site highway works at Thorp Arch Estate Wetherby LS23 - Position Statement pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Further to minute 75 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 26th September 2013, where Panel considered a position statement on proposals for a major residential development, with associated parking, landscaping, primary school, village centre, retail development, sports pavilion, play area, amenity space and associated off site highway works, to consider a further report of the Chief Planning Officer on the latest position in respect of these proposals


(report attached)




Further to minute 75 of the City Plans Panel meeting held on 26th September 2013, where Panel considered a report on proposals for a major residential development together with parking, landscaping, primary school, village centre, retail development and sport and leisure facilities at Thorp Arch Estate Wetherby, Members considered a further position statement

  Plans, photographs, graphics and a model showing how the relief road would work in relation to the SUSTRANS route were displayed at the meeting

  The North East Area Planning Manager presented the report and advised that the additional written representations which had been circulated were to provide Members with some context in view of the prospect being raised in this information of a legal challenge if the Council was to grant planning permission for the scheme

  Members were also informed that the Environment Agency had indicated they had no objection to the proposals, subject to conditions and that Yorkshire Water had withdrawn their objection to the scheme, also subject to conditions being imposed.  Other objections had been received since the report had been published but that these did not raise any new issues which had not already been dealt with and summarised in the report before Panel

  In terms of the status of the land, Members were advised that it was the view of Officers that the site was brownfield, with this being based on the NPPF guidance and the Inspector’s report in 2006.  In the event this was incorrect and that the site was a mixture of brownfield and greenfield land, this did not necessarily count against the principle of development

  It was noted that the site was in a relatively isolated location in the context of Leeds; that there was emerging policy which prioritised housing development and that the Council needed to ensure it had a 5 year housing land supply.  When considering the application, Members would need to be satisfied that what was being proposed was a sustainable form of development and that adequate mitigation against the impacts of the development would be provided

  The proposals were for a residential development of up to 2000 dwellings located in three areas across the site, provision of a local centre; a primary school to be housed in an existing building and areas of open space

  In response to issues raised at the meeting on 26th September 2013, Members were informed that:

·  that the applicant had calculated and verified that it would take 14.8 years to develop the 2000 dwellings

·  that measures including double glazing would be offered to the resident of Walton Gates to mitigate against the impact of the proximity of the relief road to his property

·  on whether the application was premature, that the legal advice was that this was not the case

·  that affordable housing at 35% would be provided, with this being 221 dwellings on site, comprising 161 dwellings and a 60 place extra care facility and a commuted sum of £25.5m in lieu of the remaining 479 affordable  ...  view the full minutes text for item 108.


Preapp/13/00924 - Outline planning application for the erection of residential development (approximately 270 dwellings), open space and associated infrastructure - Land off Great North Road Micklefield LS25 - Pre-application presentation pdf icon PDF 863 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for residential development


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage.  A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




The Chair informed Members that the pre-application presentation on proposals for a residential development on land at Great North Road Micklefield was withdrawn from the agenda as the developer felt the proposals were not ready to be presented to Panel





Application 13/02771/OT - Outline planning application for the erection of residential development, landscaping, open space and incorporating new access (layout, appearance, landscaping and scale reserved) - Land off Great North Road Micklefield LS25 - Position Statement pdf icon PDF 811 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the current position on an outline application for the erection of residential development, landscaping, open space and incorporating associated new access – (layout, appearance, landscaping and scale reserved)


(report attached)




Plans and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented a report setting out the current position on outline proposals for a residential development, landscaping, open space and access on land off Great North Road Micklefield.  An illustrative layout plan was also provided which showed the houses fronting to the street and back gardens being provided to all properties

  Members noted the large mature trees which were on site and were informed that one tree was in a very poor state of health and could potentially be removed, with replacement planting being provided

  The Chief Planning Officer informed Members that the land to the north and south of the site were in the ownership of two other land owning interests and that there could be some benefit to meeting with all the three parties to discuss issues which would be common to all three sites, particularly highways issues

  In terms of the public transport ‘ask, the proximity of Micklefield Station was noted and it was felt that a more frequent service to Leeds should be considered

  In response to the other matters raised in the report, the Chair in summing up stated there were no concerns about the layout of the proposals on the illustrative masterplan; the approach to landscape design and provision of greenspace or residential amenity and the relationships between properties

  RESOLVED -  To note the report and the comments now made and to welcome the suggestion of further discussions with neighbouring landowners about issues common to all three sites



  During consideration of this matter, Councillor Cummins and Councillor Lyons left the meeting




Preapp/13/00594 - Proposal for 113 residential units on land at former Yorkshire Chemicals site between River Aire and Leeds Liverpool Canal - Pre-application presentation pdf icon PDF 918 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out pre-application proposals for residential development


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




Plans, photographs, graphics including a fly through of the street scene and the interior of one of the properties were displayed at the meeting. A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day.

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer introducing pre-application proposals for 113 residential units on land at the former Yorkshire Chemicals site.  Panel noted that the site had formed part of a wider redevelopment site which was granted approval in 2011 but had not been implemented

  Members received a presentation on the proposals from representatives of ID Planning, the agents and Strata Homes, the applicant

  Members were informed that:

·  the site was a brownfield site and was in a sustainable location

·  that the previous consent for the site was not now viable and that a smaller scheme, comprising 113 maisonette-type dwellings was proposed

·  that affordable dwellings were proposed and would be aimed particularly at those entering the property market

·  a significant amount of public open space was being provided and an ecology meadow, with no public access would be provided to enhance the biodiversity of the site

·  the proposed maisonette blocks would create a positive active frontage with dwellings benefitting from the views of the canal and river

·  living accommodation would be provided on the first floor with french doors leading to balconies, so good levels of surveillance would be achieved

·  a high quality landscaping scheme would be provided, with the use of native species

·  the main materials would be brick and artificial stone with some metal arch features to add interest.  The varying roof lines would also add interest

·  that some remediation measures would be needed and that capping was being considered

·  that the scheme was a new product for Leeds; had been successfully developed in several other areas, including Barnsley, Wakefield, Hull and Derby with the properties proving very popular, with many of these being sold ‘off plan’

Members commented on the following matters:

·  that the principle of the use of the site for residential use remained acceptable

·  in respect of the unusual form of housing in this location, there were mixed views about the type and restricted size of private amenity space for the majority of the units.  It was recognised that conventional housing would probably not be viable but that some concerns existed about the size of the dwellings and the blandness of the design of the blocks, with the importance of attention to detail and use of materials being stressed

·  the Ward the site was located in, with the view that it was situated in the Armley Ward and not City and Hunslet as stated in the report

·  the access arrangements to the towpath

·  the parking provision and that good surveillance of this would be achieved

·  the need for stone finishing materials to be provided along the towpath

·  the access arrangements to the site and whether the highway proposals would work

·  the need for the scheme to be different on this site compared to the other schemes delivered  ...  view the full minutes text for item 111.


Preapp/13/00990 - Office scheme up to 11 storeys with ancillary ground floor active uses - Former Lumiere Development site , land bounded by Wellington Street and Whitehall Road LS1 - Pre-application presentation pdf icon PDF 615 KB

To consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for part 11 storey, part 7 storey office building with ground floor commercial uses


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments


(report attached)




Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting

  Members considered a report of the Chief Planning Officer on pre-application proposals for an office development, with ancillary ground floor active uses including a winter garden on land bounded by Wellington Street and Whitehall Road, at the site of the former Lumiere scheme

  It was noted that the site had been considered by Panel in March 2013 for a hybrid office and hotel development but that the land had been sold and a revised scheme was now sought

  Members received a presentation on the proposals from the applicant’s architects and were provided with the following information:

·  that the freehold of the site had been purchased by their client who was seeking to attract high quality international office tenants

·  that large, flexible floorplates were required which would also provide break out facilities

·  that the site provided good connections and the proposals would strengthen these

·  that a new landscaped publicly accessible winter garden would be provided and covered by a large sloping glass wall.  The building would also provide semi-public and private space for visitors and employees, with the private spaces being included at all levels, including the roof

·  two basement levels of car parking would be provided, with 128 car parking spaces and cycle storage facilities with showers/ lockers etc

·  there would be a 3m set back to the active frontages

·  a simple hard landscaping scheme would be provided using granite setts rolled out across the whole site.  An innovative use of planting would provide a vertical landscaped treatment of seven storeys in height within the winter garden

·  a BREEAM ‘excellent’ rating was being sought

·  it was anticipated that between 1600 – 2000 jobs would be created through the development

The Chair welcomed the quality of the presentation, with Members

commenting on the excellent design of the proposals

  Concerns were raised about the removal of bus stops on Wellington Street which had been deemed necessary to facilitate the Lumiere development and Officers were asked to investigate the possibility of these stops being returned

  In summing up, the Chair stated that there were positive comments on all of the issues referred to in the report where Members’ views were sought and that the scheme was welcomed

  RESOLVED -  To note the report, the presentation and the comments now made




Date and Time of Next Meetings

Tuesday 10th December 2013 at 1.00pm – additional meeting


Thursday 12th December 2013 at 1.30pm




Tuesday 10th December 2013 at 1.00pm in the Civic Hall Leeds

Thursday 12th December 2013 at 1.30pm in the Civic Hall Leeds