Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Debbie Oldham Email:
Link: to view the meeting
No. | Item |
Site Visits The site visits were attended by: Cllrs: Akhtar, Sharpe, Anderson, Flint, Bithell and Lamb. |
Appeals Against Refusal of Inspection of Documents To consider any appeals in accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2 of the Access to Information Rules (in the event of an Appeal the press and public will be excluded)
(*In accordance with Procedure Rule 15.2, written notice of an appeal must be received by the Head of Governance Services at least 24 hours before the meeting)
Minutes: There were no appeals against refusal of inspection of documents. |
Exempt Information - Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
1 To highlight reports or appendices which officers have identified as containing exempt information, and where officers consider that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information, for the reasons outlined in the report.
2 To consider whether or not to accept the officers recommendation in respect of the above information.
3 If so, to formally pass the following resolution:-
RESOLVED – That the press and public be excluded from the meeting during consideration of the following parts of the agenda designated as containing exempt information on the grounds that it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the press and public were present there would be disclosure to them of exempt information, as follows:-
Minutes: There were no exempt items. |
Late Items
To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration
(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)
Minutes: There were no late items. |
Declaration of Interests To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Minutes: Agenda Item 7 21/05225/FU – Erection of petrol filling station with ancillary shop and food outlet, car wash, electric charge points, air and water lines, ATM, underground fuel tanks and parking at Land Off Privas Way, Wetherby, LS22 6RN
Cllr Lamb said that he was going to recuse himself from the Panel as he had expressed some strong views about the application. He said that he was going to speak in objection to this item.
Agenda Item 8 22/04991/FU – Realignment of the existing stone wall to facilitate vehicle and pedestrian improvements to Bramham Road. Erection of two outbuildings. Replacement of an existing timber fence with a new stone boundary wall and gate pillars. Replacement of an existing single storey extension to Corner Cottage. Change of use of land to parking, with associated hardstanding/landscaping at Corner Cottage, 2 High Street, Clifford, Wetherby, LS23 6JF
Cllr Lamb declared an interest as he had referred the application to the Panel He said had an open mind on this application, and would be returning to the table for discussions. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllrs Midgley and Stephenson.
Cllr Maloney was in attendance as substitute for Cllr Midgley and Cllr Cohen was in attendance as substitute for Cllr Stephenson. |
Minutes - 12th January 2023 PDF 184 KB To receive the minutes of the previous meeting held on 12th January 2023, for approval as a correct record. Minutes: RESOLVED – To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2023 as a correct record with the following amendment.
Minute 53 - 22/05836/FU - Part retrospective application for part two storey side and rear extension; part first floor rear extension; dormer windows to rear at 43-45 St Wilfrids Circus, Harehills, Leeds, LS8 3PF.
Page 15 under Member’s discussions bullet point 7 To now read – ‘Clarification on planning history and enforcement action was provided to the Panel. The enforcement notices should have been complied with by 4 February 2023, which required the removal of the dormers’.
To consider the report of the Chief Planning Officer for the erection of petrol filling station with ancillary shop and food outlet, car wash, electric charge points, air and water lines, ATM, underground fuel tanks and parking at Land Off Privas Way, Wetherby, LS22 6RN Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the erection of a petrol filling station with ancillary shop and food outlet, car wash, electric charge points, air and water lines, ATM, underground fuel tanks and parking at land off Privas Way, Wetherby, LS22 6RN.
Members had attended a site visit earlier in the day and slides and photographs were shown throughout the presentation.
The Panel were provided with the following information: · The application was presented to the Panel at the request of the Wetherby Ward Members, Cllrs Lamb, Richards and Harrington on the grounds set out at Paragraph 1 of the submitted report. · The application site is a triangular plot of land set between the A1(M) and the A168 just outside the town of Wetherby. The site is designated rural land under UDP saved policy RL1. The site is also within the designated Strategic Green Infrastructure associated with the River Wharfe, as set out under policy SP13 of the Core Strategy and the Leeds Habitat Network, as designated under policy G9 · Street lighting is switch off at midnight until 5.30am · The only existing access from Privas Way is to the attenuation pond and the proposal is to create two new vehicular accesses through existing vegetation. · The site is currently scrub land with a dilapidated structure. The proposal is for a petrol filling station, shop and food outlet with provision for 12 covers and parking with toilet facilities. · Glenfield Avenue is located across the road from the proposed site with the rear gardens 30 metres away and the closest dwelling 40 metres away. · Existing vegetation would remain. · The proposed building would be constructed of cladding and brick with the shop front mainly glazed. It was noted that signage would be part of separate application for consent. · Key issues were set out in the report and included the principle of development, impact on residential amenity, highways and biodiversity. · A previous application by the applicant had been refused on 24 April 2020 for reasons set out at Paragraph 11 of the report and a subsequent appeal had been dismissed on 29 April 2021. The Inspector had accepted the principle of the development in this location. The Inspector also found that the proposed development would not result in harm to residential amenity or to highway safety. The reason for refusal in relation to biodiversity was the sole reason for the refusal being upheld, and the appeal was consequently dismissed. · The Inspector did not object in principle to the use of an offset site to achieve biodiversity net gain which would comply with the aims of SP13 and G9. However, the appeal proposal offered no reliable mechanism to deliver biodiversity net gain off site. This was because there was no robust Section 106 Agreement proposed to adequately secure works to a specified offset site and such an Agreement would have had to offer confidence that such a scheme could be delivered in a timely fashion. The draft Agreement presented to the ... view the full minutes text for item 61. |
To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for the realignment of the existing stone wall to facilitate vehicle and pedestrian improvements to Bramham Road. Erection of two outbuildings. Replacement of an existing timber fence with a new stone boundary wall and gate pillars. Replacement of an existing single storey extension to Corner Cottage. Change of use of land to parking, with associated hardstanding/landscaping at Corner Cottage, 2 High Street, Clifford, Wetherby, LS23 6JF Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out an application for the realignment of the existing stone wall to facilitate vehicle and pedestrian improvements to Bramham Road. Erection of two outbuildings. Replacement of an existing timber fence with a new stone boundary wall and gate pillars. Replacement of an existing single storey extension to Corner Cottage. Change of use of land to parking, with associated hardstanding/landscaping at Corner Cottage, 2 High Street, Clifford, Wetherby, LS23 6JF
A site visit had taken place earlier in the day. Slides and photographs were shown throughout the presentation.
The Planning Officer presented the application to the Panel providing the following information: · This application was presented to the Panel at the request of Cllr Lamb, Wetherby Ward Member on the basis of the potential impact on the conservation area, the fact that the site is located at a key gateway to the village and the application had raised local concern. · The site is in the vicinity of a number of Grade II listed buildings and structures: o Nunnery House o Head’s House at Northways School o Clifford War Memorial o Baptismal Well · The site is within Key Short Range View B as identified in the Clifford Neighbourhood Plan. · The application was a revised resubmission of previously refused and withdrawn applications to realign the boundary wall, erection of two outbuildings, and single storey extension to Corner Cottage as considered under two previous applications. The applicant had provided further information and revisions required by officers, addressed outstanding concerns and these were set out at Paragraph 27 of the submitted report. · Access to the High Street was proposed to be pedestrianised with parking provision which had been approved in 2020 and forms part of the application site. · Hardstanding was proposed to be of crushed limestone finish with access to Bramham Road to be cobble sets. The wooden fencing was to be removed and replaced by a stone wall and set back 1 metre, with the depth of repositioning varying along its length. This would create a wider footpath, which would be offered for adoption under a Section 278 Agreement · Two outbuildings are proposed, one would serve as an ancillary structure for Corner Cottage, with a garage and the second would be a cycle store for the dwellings at Greyhound. Both outbuildings would be constructed of limestone facing walls, slate tiled roofs, timber doors and windows. · The proposed replacement of an existing single storey extension would be 7.6 metres in width with a depth of 5.6 metres. The proposal is for the extension to have a flat roof to a height of 3 metres. The proposals for materials are stonework to the walls, with single ply roof with sliding doors to the south elevation. The extension is to be used as a kitchen-diner. · The Panel were advised that the current stone walls would be dismantled and numbered so they could be reused. This would be conditioned to ensure that any new stone matched. It was noted that the ... view the full minutes text for item 62. |
To receive the report of the Chief Planning Officer on an application for part retrospective application for part two storey side and rear extension; part first floor rear extension; dormer windows to rear at 43-45 St Wilfrids Circus, Harehills, Leeds, LS8 3PF. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer set out a part retrospective application for part two storey side and rear extension; part first floor rear extension; dormer windows to rear at 43-45 St Wilfrids Circus, Harehills, Leeds, LS8 3PF.
This application was returned to North and East Plans Panel following the deferral for one cycle from the previous meeting held on 12th January 2023. The officer recommendation had been to refuse the application due to design concerns. This had not been accepted by Panel Members and requested the application be revisited and returned to Panel for formal determination.
It was noted that the previous report was attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report.
Members were provided with the following information: · The Panel was shown revised plans which showed the revised scheme which had been formally submitted. · The revised scheme altered the roof form of the two-storey rear extension to a flat roof with parapet wall and the reduced dormer windows. · It was noted that the applicant had met with officers and local ward members to discuss an alternative design which would mitigate the harm and for a policy compliant scheme to be submitted. Officers had presented two potential options which reduced the internal space but retained the number of bedrooms required. The applicants and their representative were supportive of one of the proposals which changed the design which had been put to Members within the agenda pack. A newly revised set of plans had been submitted and shown at Panel as the last slide of the presentation slides. · The newly revised scheme further reduces the dormer windows and sets them back from the eaves, the roof of the two-storey extension would have a mono pitch roof and is now policy compliant.
Officers requested Members to defer consideration of the application so that officers could bring back a report which clearly sets out the reasons why they would support planning permission.
Members commented that the newly revised scheme was a sensible proposal which the Panel welcomed.
The Panel suggested that the application, in its newly revised scheme as presented, should not be brought back to Panel for determination but should be delegated to officers.
RESOLVED – To defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer.
Date and Time of Next Meeting To note the next meeting of the North and East Plans Panel scheduled for 9th March 2023, at 1.30pm at Civic Hall. Minutes: To note the next meeting of the North and East Plans Panel will be on Thursday 9th March 2023 at 1.30pm. |