No. | Item |
Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary and other Interests To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-18 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. Also to declare any other significant interests which the Member wishes to declare in the public interest, in accordance with paragraphs 19-20 of the Members’ Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillors P Truswell and J Harper declared interests on Agenda Item 11, Application 10/04404/FU – Junction of Moorhouse and Old Lane, Beeston and Agenda Item 12, Application 11/04306/OT – Site of Asda Store, Old Lane Beeston due to their membership of the Co-operative Society.
Minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2012 Minutes: RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2012 be confirmed as a correct record.
Matters arising from the Minutes Minutes: Application 12/03260/FU – Former Prestige Car Sales Centre, 2 Town Street, Stanningley
It was reported that discussion was ongoing with the applicant and a report would be brought to a future meeting of the South and West Plans Panel.
Application 12/03599/FU - Low Green Farm, 40 Leeds Road, Rawdon PDF 249 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a refrigerated chiller extension with car parking area and landscaping. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for a refrigerated chiller extension with car parking and landscaping at Low Green Farm, 40 Leeds Road, Rawdon.
It was reported that representations had been made by Ward Members and had requested that the item be deferred for a site visit.
RESOLVED – That the item be deferred to allow for a site visit.
Application 12/03473/FU - 35 Claremont Drive, Leeds, LS6 4ED PDF 415 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use of a former children’s home to 7 bed house in multiple occupation. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer brought back the application for the change of use of a former children’s home to a 7 bed house in multiple occupation (HMO) at 35 Claremont Drive, Leeds. The application had been previously considered at the Plans Panel (West) in September 2012 and South And West Plans Panel in October 2012 when Members had requested a further report setting out reasons for refusal based upon their concerns.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
Further to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:
RESOLVED – That the application be refused as per the officer recommendation outlined in the report.
Application 12/02491/OT - Victoria Road, Headingley PDF 510 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an outline application for residential development and retail store. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an outline application for a residential development and retail store at Victoria Road, Headingley.
The application was withdrawn prior to the meeting.
Application 12/02712/FU - Land at Woodhouse Street, Woodhouse, Leeds PDF 425 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a part three storey part four storey block of 18 cluster flats (112 rooms), retail store at ground floor, associated parking and landscaping. Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer brought back an application for a part three storey part four storey block of 18 cluster flats (112 rooms), retail store at ground floor, associated parking and landscaping at land at Woodhouse Street, Woodhouse, Leeds which was considered at the meeting of South and West Plans Panel held in October 2012.
Members were reminded of their reasons for the previous refusal of this application and these were outlined in the report. It was reported that there had been further discussions with the applicant who was exploring a revised scheme and intended to engage Ward Members and the Panel to present a revised scheme for a pre-application presentation in the near future.
RESOLVED – That the application be refused as per the officer recommendation outlined in the report.
Application 10/04404/FU - Junction of Moorhouse and Old Lane, Beeston, Leeds PDF 456 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a retail store with car parking and landscaping Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for the erection of a retail store with car parking and landscaping at the junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane, Beeston.
Prior to the consideration of this item, Members were reminded of the subsequent application on the agenda which was also for a retail store at an adjacent location. An emphasis was made on the need to consider each application individually and it was reported that both applications had been recommended for refusal on retail policy grounds.
Members had attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
The applicant’s representative addressed the hearing. The following issues were highlighted:
Further to the applicants representations, it was reported that there was a difference of opinion between officers and the applicant with regards to the sequential test issue and the Council’s retail consultant was asked to address the meeting. He raised the following issues:
In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:
Application 11/04306/OT - Site of Asda Store, Old Lane, Beeston PDF 461 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application to demolish existing buildings and erect a retail foodstore (Class A1), with car parking, landscaping and access.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an outline application for the demolition of existing buildings and erection of a retail foodstore (Class A1), with car parking, landscaping and access at the site of the existing Asda store, Old Lane, Beeston.
Members had attended a site visit prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
The applicants representative addressed the meeting. The following issues were highlighted:
In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:
RESOLVED – That the officer recommendation for refusal be not accepted and the application be deferred for further negotiation.
Application 12/04061/FU - Cockburn High School, Gipsy Lane, Beeston PDF 269 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for a 3G football pitch including changing facilities, eight lighting columns and fencing
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for an all weather grass football pitch including changing facilities, eight lighting columns and fencing at Cockburn High School, Gipsy Lane, Beeston.
Members were shown photographs and plans of the site.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
A local resident addressed the meeting with concerns. These included the following:
A representative of the school addressed the meeting. He highlighted the following issues:
In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:
RESOLVED – That the application be approved as outlined in the report and subject to the following conditions:
To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of a church, laying out of access and erect 14 dwellings
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an application for the demolition of a church building, laying out of access and erection of 14 dwellings at the Church of the Nativity, Westerton Road and Waterwood Close, West Ardsley.
Members were shown photographs and plans of the site.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
In response to Members comments and questions, the following issues were discussed:
RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.
Application 12/03494/FU - Hunger Hill, Morley PDF 379 KB To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the change of use of a vacant warehouse to a private hire taxi booking office with car parking and installation of radio mast.
Minutes: The report of the Chief Planning Officer introduced an a0pplication for the change of use of a vacant warehouse to a private hire taxi booking office with car parking and installation of radio mast at Hunger Hill, Morley.
Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:
RESOLVED – That the application be approved as per the officer recommendation and conditions outlined in the report.
Date and Time of next meeting Minutes: Thursday, 6 December 2012 at 1.30 p.m. |