Agenda and minutes

South and West Plans Panel - Thursday, 20th June, 2013 1.30 pm

Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds

Contact: Andy Booth  247 4325

No. Item


Late Items

To identify items which have been admitted to the agenda by the Chair for consideration


(The special circumstances shall be specified in the minutes)



  Although there were no formal late items, the Panel was in receipt of the minutes of the South and West Plans Panel meeting held on 23rd May 2013, which were omitted from the agenda in error (minute 11 refers)




Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 



  There were no declarations of disclosable pecuniary interests, however in respect of the applications for an Asda and Tesco at Beeston, Councillor Truswell and Councillor McKenna drew Panel’s attention to their membership of the Co-operative Society as they felt it was in the public interest to do so,  as the proposals could have an impact on the Co-op store situated in Beeston Local Centre (minutes 14 – 16 refer)




Apologies for Absence


  Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Coulson who was substituted for by Councillor Congreve





To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 23 May 2013


  RESOLVED -  To approve the minutes of the South and West Plans Panel meeting held on 23rd May 2013




Preapp/12/00279 - Proposed redevelopment of former ice packing factory to provide religious community centre, sports hall and catering business - 49 Barkly Road, Cross Flatts, Leeds, LS11 7EW pdf icon PDF 484 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the re-development of a site to form a religious community centre, sports hall and catering business.


This is a pre-application presentation and no formal decision on the development will be taken, however it is an opportunity for Panel Members to ask questions, raise issues, seek clarification and comment on the proposals at this stage. A ward member or a nominated community representative has a maximum of 15 minutes to present their comments. 




  Plans, photographs, drawings and graphics were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  Officers presented the report which related to pre-application proposals for a religious community centre, sports hall and catering business at 49 Barkly Road LS11

  Members were informed that the character of the surrounding area was predominantly residential, although other uses including industrial use, workshops and a primary school surrounded the site

  In terms of car parking, 74 car parking spaces at the front of the site were proposed together with 3 coach parking bays

  The proposed catering unit would be a self-contained unit and have a separate access

  In respect of the design of the proposals, discussions had taken place on this and some revisions had been made.  A particular feature of the main building would be the erection of a 16m high minaret, although this would be for decorative purposes only.  For information, Members were informed that the highest point of the existing buildings measured 13.5m

  Highways issues remained a concern, particularly in view of the proposed mix of uses on the site and the implications this could have for on- street parking.  Further information was being sought from the applicants to enable a full assessment to be undertaken of the highways issues involved

  The impact of the proposals on residential amenity would also need to be considered.  The previous factory use on the site had generated complaints about operating hours and delivery vehicles waiting to off load, causing noise and disturbance to local residents.  The proposals would need to be assessed to establish whether the intended uses would generate similar or different problems.  In respect of the catering unit there was the potential for noise and odour from extraction equipment

  Officers reported the receipt of 33 additional letters of representation which had been received following publication of the report, with issues relating to impact on existing businesses; an intensification of uses on the site; possible longer operating hours and that a residential scheme which would provide affordable housing was more suitable in this location

  The Panel received a presentation on the proposals from the applicant who provided the following information:

·  that the charity Aspiring Communities, was behind the application.  This organisation was run by volunteers and its aim was to improve communities, tackle prejudices and stereotypes, with community cohesion being a priority.  The charity catered for all aspects of society and had members in over 30 towns and cities

·  that Beeston was a multi-cultural part of the city; that it lacked investment; that it benefitted from the presence of a large number of faiths and that it was a sustainable location, with good public transport links to the wider area

·  that the proposed uses would be a community hall; sports and recreation hall; Islamic learning centre, incorporating a multi-faith centre and a catering unit.  A charity drop-in centre would also be provided for use by other charities

·  that the proposals represented a ground-breaking scheme and that both  ...  view the full minutes text for item 12.


Applications 11/02390/LI and 11/02389/FU - Listed Building application to demolish former corn mill building and planning application for part two and part three storey office block - Corn Mill Fold, Cornmill View, Horsforth Leeds, LS18 pdf icon PDF 500 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a listed building application to demolish a former con mill building and an application for a part two, part three storey office block with car parking.


  Further to minute 40 of the South and West Plans Panel meeting held on 6th December 2012, where Panel considered a position statement for planning permission and Listed Building consent for the demolition of a former corn mill building and the erection of an office development at Corn Mill Fold, Corn Mill View Horsforth LS18, Members considered a further report of the Chief Planning Officer setting out the formal application

Plans, photographs and drawings were displayed at the meeting

Officers presented the report and provided further information to Panel on the following matters:

·  the contamination which existed on the site and which would need to be removed had now been found to be more serious than had at first been thought

·  the need for higher finished floor levels of any development to protect against flooding

·  that only 14 car parking spaces were being proposed and the view of Officers that 28 spaces were needed for the development being put forward

·  that the possibility of using some of the nearby residential car parking for this development was not acceptable

·  that whilst the Conservation Officer was prepared to accept the design of the scheme, the issue about the level of car parking proposed remained

·  that demolition of the former corn mill could not be agreed to as the alternative, proposed scheme was not acceptable

As the Officer’s recommendation was to refuse the application, the

Panel heard representations from the applicant’s agent in support of the development and from an objector to the proposals

  The Panel considered how to proceed

  RESOLVED -  That the applications be refused for the following reasons:

  Application 11/023908LI

  The applicant has not put forward an acceptable scheme for the redevelopment of the site.  The proposed demolition of this listed building cannot therefore be justified in the terms set down in paragraphs 131 to 133 of the National Planning Policy Framework, and the development is contrary to Policy N14 of the Leeds Unitary Development Plan (Review 2006) which states that demolition of a listed building will be permitted only in exceptional circumstances and with the strongest possible justification


Application 11/02389/FU


1  The development would result in a demand for car parking which

cannot be satisfactorily accommodated within the site.  This would lead to an increase in on-street parking which would be detrimental to the safe and free flow of traffic and pedestrian convenience and safety and would be contrary to policies GP5 and T24 of the Leeds Unitary Development Plan (Review 2006)


2  The proposed development, as a result of its design and size, fails to

reflect the scale and massing of the listed building.  In particular the south elevation of the mill (whether rebuilt or retained in situ) will appear as though it has been transplanted onto the face of a larger and unrelated scheme and will lack integrity.  The proposal is therefore contrary to policies N13, N14 and N16 of the Leeds Unitary Development Plan Review and the requirements of the NPPF to secure high quality  ...  view the full minutes text for item 13.


Introductory Report - Application 11/04306/OT, Site of Asda Store, Old Lane Beeston and Application 10/04404/FU, Site of proposed Tesco Store Junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane, Beeston pdf icon PDF 35 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer which gives an introduction to the subsequent two agenda items as follows:


Application 11/04306/OT – Demolish existing buildings and erect a retail foodstore (Class A1) with car parking, landscaping and access at Old Lane, Beeston


Application 10/04404/FU – Application for the erection of retail store with car parking and landscaping at junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane, Beeston


  Members considered an introductory report on the two applications submitted for supermarkets on Old Lane, Beeston LS11

  The Chair outlined the way the applications would be dealt with which would see both schemes introduced, then speakers for each application, questions, discussion and then determination of each of the applications

  RESOLVED -  To note the report and Officer recommendations contained within it




Appllication 10/04404/FU - site of Tesco store - Junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane Beeston LS11 and Application 11/04306/OT - Site of Asda Store Old Lane LS11


  Further to minute 24 of the South and West Plans Panel meeting held on 8th November 2012, where Panel resolved not to accept the Officer’s recommendation to refuse an application for a supermarket at the junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane, Beeston LS11 and requested that the application be deferred for further information, Members considered a further report.  Appended to the report was a copy of the Officer’s report to 8th November 2012 Panel and the approved minutes from that item

  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting

Officers presented the report and a representative of the Council’s retail consultants, was in attendance to respond to questions and comments from the Panel


  Members were informed that following the meeting in November 2012, Officers requested further information from both applicants.  The applicant for this site elected not to provide additional survey work in support of their application as it was Tesco’s view that the survey work they had previously submitted still stood and it was their view that both of the schemes were viable, together with the proposed Asda store at Middleton

  The view of Officers was that the impact of introducing a new offer into the area for top-up shopping would have a considerable impact on the viability of the Beeston Local Centre and it was for this reason that the recommendation to Panel was to refuse the application



  Officers then introduced the application for a supermarket on Old Lane



  Further to minute 25 of the South and West Plans Panel meeting held on 8th November 2012, where Panel resolved not to accept the Officer’s recommendation to refuse an application for a supermarket at Old Lane, Beeston LS11 and requested that the application be deferred for further information, Members considered a further report.  Appended to the report was a copy of the Officer’s report to 8th November 2012 Panel and the approved minutes from that item

  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting

Officers presented the report and a representative of the Council’s retail consultants, was in attendance to respond to questions and comments from the Panel

  Members were informed that the applicant, Asda, had submitted further information in the form of customer surveys obtained from its existing store on the site and from survey carried out at Beeston Local Centre

  The Council’s retail consultant had considered the information and the level of linked trips from the existing store to the other facilities at the local centre, which was of particular importance

  Being mindful that the Panel had not accepted the impact of the development on the Dewsbury Road Centre as a reason to refuse the application, it was now the view of Officers that the existing Asda store already provided top-up shopping and that there was likely to be less of an impact on the local centre if this development was built and therefore the recommendation to Panel was to approve the application


  Members heard representations on behalf of  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15.


Application 11/04306/OT - Demolish existing buildings and erect retail foodstore (Class A1), with car parking, landscaping and access - Site of Asda store Old Lane, Beeston, Leeds, LS11 pdf icon PDF 408 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application to demolish existing buildings and erect a retail foodstore (Class A1) with car parking, landscaping and access.



Having had regard to the contents of the introductory report, the Officer’s report relating to this application; the presentations and discussions, the Panel

RESOLVED - To approve the application in principle and to defer and delegate to the Chief Planning Officer for approval, subject to the specified conditions (and any other conditions required necessary), the amendment of condition no 2 requiring submission of Reserved Matters to be within 6 months, with development commencing within 6 months of submission of last reserved matter and following completion of a Section 106 Agreement to cover the following matters:

1  £2500 Travel Plan Review fee

2  £1500 for provision of dropped kerbs at the junction of Jessamine Avenue with Grovehall Parade

3  £10,000 for provision of live bus information display at stop number 10074 (on Old Lane)

4  £175,680 as a public transport contribution

5  £50,000 as a traffic monitoring fee for monitoring of traffic during development and implementation of any required TROs

6  Provision of pedestrian refuse islands on Old Lane (s278 required)

7  Provision of alterations to the Beeston Road approach to the Old Lane/Town Street roundabout (s278 required)

8  Provision of an access from the southern boundary of the site to Back Lane (s278 required)

9  Job and training provision for local residents

10   Timescale for completion of development to be specified


In the circumstances where the S106 has not been completed within 3 months of the resolution to grant planning permission, the final determination of the application shall be delegated to the Chief Planning Officer



  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Truswell required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on this matter




Application 10/04404/FU - Application for the erection of retail store with car parking and landscaping - Junction of Moorhouse Avenue and Old Lane LS11 pdf icon PDF 374 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a retail store with car parking and landscaping


  Having had regard to the contents of the introductory report, the Officer’s report relating to this application; the presentations and discussions, the Panel

RESOLVED -  That the application be refused for the following reason:


  The Local Planning Authority considers that the proposed retail store, when considered with other commitments, would be likely to have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of Beeston Local Centre.  The proposal is considered to be contrary to Policy S5 of the Unitary Development Plan Review (2006), the guidance contained within the National Planning Policy Framework and emerging Policies P5 and P8 of the Draft Core Strategy


  In accordance Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Truswell required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on this matter




Application 13/00521/FU - New Cricket Pavilion at Rodley Cricket Club, Town Street, Rodley, Leeds, LS13 pdf icon PDF 330 KB

To receive and consider the attached application of the Chief Planning Officer for a new cricket pavilion


  Plans,drawings and photographs were displayed at the meeting.  A Members site visit had taken place earlier in the day

  The Panel’s Lead Officer presented the report which sought permission for a new cricket pavilion at Rodley Cricket Club, Town Street Rodley, which was located in the Green Belt

  Members were informed that the proposal was an acceptable use in the Green Belt and that Sport England had not objected to the application

  Whilst some concerns had been raised locally about the visual impact of the pavilion on nearby properties, it was considered that the pavilion would not obstruct views and would not appear unduly dominant

  In terms of possible noise and disturbance from the social space within the pavilion, Members were informed that this was a small space; that the social facilities would be used only after matches and that this could be secured through a planning condition with a further condition being imposed to prevent opening hours beyond 9.30pm.  If minded to approve the application, a further condition was proposed to restrict the amount of floorspace for the bar area to that shown on the submitted plans.  It was noted that paragraph 8.1 of the submitted report relating to the RSS was incorrect, as the RSS had now been revoked

  The Panel heard representations from an objector who attended the meeting, with particular concerns being raised about the impact on the ability of the other sports club which currently shared the existing club house with the cricket club to secure a larger facility in the future

  Members considered how to proceed.  The possibility of deferring determination of the application to enable Ward Members to discuss the proposals with the relevant parties was suggested

  The Panel then heard from a representative of the applicants who outlined the need Rodley Cricket Club had of a new pavilion to meet the requirements of the new league the club was in

  RESOLVED -  That the application be granted subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report and an additional condition relating to the amount of floor space which could be occupied by the bar, not to exceed that shown on the submitted plan


  In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillors Akhtar, C Gruen and Wood required it to be recorded that they abstained from voting on this matter




Application 13/01100/RM - Demolition of existing buildings, laying out of access roads and erection of 106 houses - University of Leeds, Bodington Hall, Otley Road Adel LS16 pdf icon PDF 785 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of existing buildings, laying out of access roads and erection of 106 houses.


  Plans, photographs and graphics were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report which sought approval of Reserved Matters for the demolition of existing buildings, laying out of access roads and erection of 106 houses at Bodington Hall, Otley Road, Adel LS16

  Members were informed that although the outline approval had been for 160 dwellings, revisions had been made to the scheme and that a smaller scheme was now being proposed

  The 106 dwellings would be predominantly detached properties of 4 – 5 bedrooms, although some smaller, 2-3 bedroom properties would be included.  Affordable housing comprising 16 units would be provided in two areas of the site

  The design of the dwellings was fairly traditional as an overall concept, with materials being brick and slate with some artificial stone-faced properties being included.  The majority of the dwellings would be two storey in height

  The receipt of two further representations was reported, with Members being informed that these raised no new issues

  Concerns raised by Councillor Anderson were conveyed to Members in respect of the highways impact of the development and the capacity of local schools to accommodate the children from the site.  The need for appropriate conditions relating to highways and landscaping was also stressed as was the implementation of the traffic calming measures to take place before the first dwellings were occupied.  The withdrawal of a local bus service was also highlighted

  The Panel’s Highways representative informed Members that the outline application had dealt with the off-site impact of the scheme and that measures had been taken to discourage drivers from using the site to by pass Otley Road and that local concerns about rat running were unlikely to be founded

  Members discussed the application and commented on the following matters:

·  the design of the dormers, with concerns about the flat roof dormers being proposed.  Officers stated that flat roof dormers were not considered to be out of character and that a development close by had adopted the same design, to good effect

·  the access to the site from Adel Lane.  Members were informed that no physical changes had occurred to the existing site access and that it was felt it would work and was as discreet as possible

·  the size of the proposed driveways and whether these would be able to accommodate two large vehicles.  Members were informed that the length of the driveways had been designed to guidelines contained in the Street Design Guide

·  the management of the woodland area adjacent to the development.  Members were advised that the outline permission had dealt with the management of this area, through the S106 Agreement.  Areas of woodland would be given over to a woodland management company with residents paying a surcharge for this

RESOLVED – That the application be granted subject to the conditions

set out in the submitted report


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 16.5, Councillor Finnigan required it to be recorded that he abstained from voting on this matter




Date and time of next meeting

Thursday, 18 July 2013 at 1.30 p.m.


  Thursday 18th July 2013 at 1.30pm