Venue: Civic Hall, Leeds
Contact: Kevin Tomkinson, Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Opening Remarks Additional documents: Minutes: The Lord Mayor welcomed everyone to the meeting and reminded all those present that the Annual Meeting was to be streamed live and asked people to switch electronic devices to silent, the Lord Mayor also indicated that, following the dispatch of the Summons with accompanying reports on Wednesday 15th May 2024, further papers originally identified on the Summons as to follow were circulated to Members on the 22nd May 2024.
Election of Lord Mayor Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Lamb, supported by Councillors Golton, Carlisle, Newton, Dobson, Kidger and Dixon and
RESOLVED - That Councillor Abigail Marshall-Katung be elected Lord Mayor of the City of Leeds to hold office until the election of her successor.
Election of Vice Chair of Council To elect the Vice Chair of Council to hold office until immediately after the election of the Lord Mayor at the Annual Council Meeting in 2025.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Stephenson, and
RESOLVED - That Councillor Eileen Taylor be elected Vice Chair of Council to hold office until immediately after the election of the Lord Mayor in 2025.
Vote of Thanks to the Retiring Lord Mayor To pass a vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Pryor moved a vote of thanks to the retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Garthwaite. This was seconded by Councillor Cohen and supported by Councillors Golton, Stables, Newton, Kidger and Dixon and
RESOLVED– That a vote of thanks be moved for the retiring Lord Mayor, Councillor Garthwaite.
Minutes of the last Meeting To approve the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 20th March 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Stephenson and
RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 20th March 2024 be approved.
Declaration of Interest To disclose or draw attention to any interests in accordance with Leeds City Council’s ‘Councillor Code of Conduct’. Additional documents: Minutes: There were no declarations of interests.
Announcements To receive any announcements from the Lord Mayor and/or the Chief Executive.
Additional documents: Minutes: There were no announcements. |
Election of Leader of Council That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Pryor and
RESOLVED – That Councillor James Lewis be elected Leader of the Council. |
To consider the report of the City Solicitor setting out recommendations from the General Purposes Committee on 17 April 2024 to Full Council to note the resolution of General Purposes Committee dated 17 April 2024 and approve the amendments to Part 2 Article 13 (Decision making) attached as Appendix 1 and to Part 4(b) (Executive and Decision Making Rules) attached as Appendix 2. Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis, seconded by Councillor Flint and
a) That the resolutions of the General Purposes Committee dated 17 April 2024 be noted; b) That the amendments to Part 2 Article 13 (Decision making) attached as Appendix 1 to the report and to Part 4(b) (Executive and Decision Making Rules) attached as Appendix 2 to the report be approved.
Establishment of Committees and Appointments a) That Committees having Terms of Reference as detailed in Schedule 9(a) be established (attached).
b) That appointments be made to the Committees as detailed in Schedules 9(b)(i), (ii), (iii) (to follow) and (iv) (attached).
c) That Chairs be appointed as detailed in Schedule 9(c) (to follow).
d) That Chairs be appointed in respect of Community Committees as detailed in Schedule 9(d) (to follow).
e) That appointments be made to joint authorities and joint committees as detailed in Schedule 9(e) (to follow).
f) That appointments and nominations be made to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as detailed in Schedule 9(f) (to follow).
Additional documents:
Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED –That Schedules 9 (a) to 9 (c) and 9 (e) to 9(f) be approved.
Appointment of Community Committee Chairs Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint seconded by Councillor Pryor that in accordance with Community Committee Procedure Rules where the nomination for the chair of a Community Committee is unopposed, the Lord Mayor invited those Members of the Community Committee present at the Council meeting to elect that nominee.
The nominees were as follows;
Inner North West Community Committee - Councillor A Hannan Outer North West Community Committee – Councillor E Bromley Inner North East Community Committee - Councillor M Shahzad Outer North East Community Committee - Councillor N Harrington Inner East Community Committee - Councillor L Farley Outer East Community Committee - Councillor M Millar Inner West Community Committee - Councillor A Smart Outer West Community Committee - Councillor M Sewards
Upon being put to the vote those Members listed to vote in respect of the appointment of the Chair for their respective Community Committees;
RESOLVED – That the Chair for each Community Committee be appointed as set out above.
Appointment to Chair Inner South Community Committee Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint seconded by Councillor Farley that in accordance with Community Committee Procedure Rules that the appointment of the Chair of the Inner South Community Committee be determined by those Members of the Community Committee present at the Council meeting.
The 2 nominees were Councillor Dixon and Councillor Iqbal.
Upon being put to the vote those Members listed to vote in respect of the appointment of the Chair for the Inner South Community Committee;
RESOLVED – That Councillor Iqbal be appointed Chair of the Inner South Community Committee.
Appointment to Chair Outer South Community Committee Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint seconded by Councillor Farley that in accordance with Community Committee Procedure Rules that the appointment of the Chair of the Outer South Community Committee be determined by those Members of the Community Committee present at the Council meeting.
The 2 nominees were Councillor Holroyd-Case and Councillor Newton.
Upon being put to the vote those Members listed to vote in respect of the appointment of the Chair for the Outer South Community Committee did so and this resulted in a tie and therefore in accordance with Community Committee Procedure Rules the vote was widened to include all Members of Council and it was;
RESOLVED – That Councillor Holroyd-Case be appointed Chair of the Outer South Community Committee.
On the requisition of Councillors Finnigan and Senior the voting on the appointment was recorded as follows;
Members of the Outer South Community Committee only
Those in favour of Councillor Holroyd-Case - 6
Bruce, Chapman, Golton, Hart-Brooke, Holroyd-Case and Renshaw
Those in favour of Councillor Newton - 6
Brown, Finnigan, Gettings, Kidger, Newton and Senior
Full Council Vote
Those in favour of Councillor Holroyd-Case - 62
Akhtar, A Ali, S Ali, Arif, Bithell, Bowden, Bromley, Brooks, Bruce, Carlill, Coupar, Dowson, Dye, Edwards, Farley, Flint, France-Mir, Garvani, Gibson, Grahame, Haigh, Hamilton, Hannan, Hayden, Heselwood, Hinchcliffe, Holroyd-Case, Z Hussain, Iqbal, Jenkins, Jones, Leighton, Lennox, Lewis, Maloney, Manaka, Martin, McCluskey, Millar, Parnham, Pryor, Rae, Rafique, Renshaw, Ritchie, Rontree, Scopes, Sewards, Shahzad, Taylor, Thomson, Timmins, Tudor, Venner, Wilson, Wray, Campbell, Chapman, Downes, Golton, Hart-Brooke, Lay,
Those in favour of Councillor Newton - 26
B Anderson, C Anderson, L Buckley, N Buckley, Cohen, Firth, Harrington, Lamb, Robinson, D Seary, S Seary, Smith, Stephenson, Carlisle, Goodall, Stables, Dobson, Brown, Finnigan, Newton, Senior, Gettings, Kidger, Chesterfield, Dixon, Pogson-Golden, Abstain – 5
M Ali, Cunningham, Field, McCormack and Smith |
Scheme of Delegation (Council Functions) That the Officer Delegation Scheme (Council (Non-Executive) Functions as detailed in Schedule 10 be approved (to follow). Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED – That the Officer Delegation Scheme (Council (Non-Executive) Functions) as detailed in Schedule 10 be approved.
Executive Arrangements That the arrangements for the discharge of executive functions, as set out by the Leader of the Council in Schedule 11, be received (to follow).
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Lewis seconded by Councillor Flint and
RESOLVED – That the list presented by the Leader setting out the arrangements for the discharge of Executive Functions, as detailed in Schedule 11, be noted.
Council Meeting Dates 2024/2025 That the dates of the meetings of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/2025 as detailed in Schedule 12 be approved.
Additional documents: Minutes: It was moved by Councillor Flint seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED – That the dates of the meetings of the Council for the Municipal Year 2024/25, as detailed in Schedule 12 be approved.
Council Minutes - 21st February 2024 To consider the report of the City Solicitor asking Council to agree that the minutes attached to the report are an accurate record of the Council meeting held on 21st February 2024. Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the City Solicitor asking Council to confirm that the minutes attached to the report from the Council Meeting held on 21st February 2024 were an accurate record of that meeting after some transposition errors had been identified within the body of the original minutes was moved by Councillor Flint, seconded by Councillor Farley and
RESOLVED – To agree that the minutes attached to the report were an accurate record of the Council meeting held on 21st February 2024 and that the final minutes be amended in line with those appended to the report.