Agenda and minutes

South and West Plans Panel - Thursday, 25th April, 2019 1.30 pm

Contact: Andy Booth  88665

No. Item


Declarations of Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

To disclose or draw attention to any disclosable pecuniary interests for the purposes of Section 31 of the Localism Act 2011 and paragraphs 13-16 of the Members’ Code of Conduct. 



There were no declarations.



South & West Site Visits Letter 30th May 2019e pdf icon PDF 110 KB


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors K Brooks and A Hutchison.


Councillor P Carlill was in attendance as substitute for Councillor K Brooks.




Minutes - 21 March 2019 pdf icon PDF 254 KB

To confirm as a correct record, the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2019


RESOLVED – That the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2019 be confirmed as a correct record.




Application 17/01212/FU - Whitehall Estate, Ashfield Way, Farnley, Leeds pdf icon PDF 776 KB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding a retrospective change of use of land to form extension to existing waste transfer station and alterations to existing site layout approved by permission reference 24/295/00/MIN; new front extensions to existing waste transfer building.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for a retrospective change of use of land to form extension to existing waste transfer station and alterations to existing site layout approved by permission reference 24/295/00/MIN; new front extensions to waste transfer building at Whitehall Industrial Estate, New Farnley.


Members visited the site prior to the meeting and site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


·  The nearest residential properties were 250 metres away.

·  Current hours of operation were 08:30 to 17:30 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 17:00 on Saturday.  The applicant had requested 06:00 to 00:00 Monday to Friday and 06:00 to 15:00 on Saturday.  Due to a high number of complaints it was recommended that the hours should be 07:30 to 19:00 Monday to Friday and 08:00 to 17:00 on Saturday.

·  Retrospective changes included the following:

o  New boundaries for the permission included the access road, storage areas and office accommodation.

o  Installation of the conveyor system.

·  It was proposed to extend the waste transfer building to mitigate the impact of disturbance caused by activities.

·  Phase 1 of the scheme would involve installing cladding around external storage and conveyor belts.  Phase two would involve covering the rest of the yard area.

·  Objections to the application mainly focussed on the disturbance due to extended hours.

·  The noise impact report submitted by the applicant was considered to be flawed.  It was considered that the hours of operation should only be during daytime hours which was in line with other waste operators.

·  It was felt that noise levels would be acceptable during the proposed working hours.

·  Other potential impacts would be mitigated by planning conditions.  These include odour emissions and management of mud and dust.

·  The applicant had withdrawn the second phase of the application due to the recommended hours.

·  It was recommended that the application be approved.


A local Ward Councillor and local resident addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the application.  These included the following:


·  The hours of operation and noise pollution.  Leeds City Council guidance on the use of heavy equipment stated that this should not occur after 18:00 Monday to Friday and 13:00 on a Saturday.

·  It was not comparable to other waste operators at the site due to its closer proximity to residential properties.

·  The existing mud and dust management plan was not sufficient and led to hazards on Whitehall Road.

·  Local residents would like the current hours of operation to remain.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


·  The applicant had worked closely with planning officers to reach agreement on the proposals.

·  The applicant was long established on the site and was sensitive to local residents.

·  There were numerous other operators on the estate who contributed to noise.  Some of these had 24 hour operations.

·  Concessions had been made to the original application and the applicant would continue to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 78.


Application 18/02152/FU - Land at former Burley Community Sports and Social, Burley Club, Burley Road, Burley pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the construction of 110 apartments with associated car parking, ancillary spaces and landscaping.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the construction of 110 apartments with car parking and landscaping on land at the former Burley Community Sports and Social Club, Burley Road, Burley, Leeds.


The Panel had received a position statement in respect of the application at the meeting held on 17 January 2019 and Members had visited the site prior to that meeting.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout discussion of the application.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


  • Since the presentation of the position statement the following changes had been proposed:

o  The scheme would no longer be extended onto the public greenspace.

o  An increase in onsite greenspace.

o  Changes to the housing mix.  There would now be 110 units with an increase in the number of 3 bedroom flats.

o  A reduction from 6 to 5 storeys.

  • There would be a condition for materials to be used.
  • There was still a requirement for off-site greenspace permission.
  • The target for three bed units had not been met but there was a view that this was an urban area and not ideal for family housing.
  • The application was recommended for approval subject to conditions in the report and the delivery of a Section 106 agreement.
  • A representation had been made from a local Ward Councillor regarding the sports pitch with a request to defer the application for further discussion with Sport England.


In response to comments and questions the following was discussed:


  • There was a requirement for 5% affordable housing within the development.
  • It was pleasing to see the re-use of a derelict site and a greenspace contribution.
  • Some concern whether the site should be used for housing and that policy requirements were not met in relation to car parking and greenspace provision.
  • The Chair commented that this was an example of using a Position Statement well to achieve significant changes.


RESOLVED – That approval be deferred and delegated to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the specified conditions and the completion of a legal agreement within 3 months from the date of resolution unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Chief Planning Officer to include the following obligations:


-  Provision of on-site greenspace and a financial contribution of £298,039.57 for the creation of off-site greenspace.

-  Funding of £30,000 for provision of Traffic Regulation Orders to control parking on surrounding streets including a residents parking scheme if required.

-  Provision of affordable housing.

-  Travel plan measures including the provision of Metrocards.





Application 17/07108/FU - Unit 8, Ashfield Works, Westgate, Otley pdf icon PDF 4 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the demolition of derelict buildings, conversion of former industrial buildings to retail and office use, construction of care home, retail units, six residential units and new pay and display car park.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the demolition of derelict buildings, conversion of former printing press manufacturing building to retail use, construction of care home, retail units, six residential units and new pay and display car park at Unit 8, Ashfield Works, Westgate, Otley.


The application had been deferred at the panel meeting held on 21 February 2019 for further consideration of various matters including traffic modelling, service vehicle arrangements and pedestrian routes.  Members had visited the site prior to that meeting.  Site Plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the application. 


Further issues highlighted in relation to the application included the following:


  • Details of the traffic modelling exercise.
  • Proposals to install a MOVA traffic light system.
  • Revisions to the plans to allow adequate turning room for refuel vehicles.
  • Arrangements for pedestrian movement between car parks.
  • Further to concern regarding the installation of plant equipment on the roof of the care home building it was reported that there was room within the roof space to do this.
  • There had been a further representation with concerns that part of the development would be obstructive to refuse collection.  There would be an additional condition to address this.
  • Development of the site would provide housing and employment opportunities, re-use historic buildings and regenerate the town centre.


The Panel heard from a local resident on behalf of Otley Town Partnership with objections to the application.  These included the following:


  • Reduction in parking time to 2 hours from 4 hours...
  • There was insufficient parking for the office development and retail units.
  • Concern regarding volumes of traffic and installation of traffic lights.
  • The MOVA system would not resolve traffic problems.
  • Poor access through the car park areas.
  • None of the existing tenants have yet been offered alternative accommodation.


In response to these concerns it was reported that the new car park hours had changed as there would be an impact on existing pay and display parking and that it was hoped for a turnover of customers at the retail unit and for it not to be used for longer parking. With regard to the traffic modelling it was reported that this was based on the site being fully developed.  The MOVA system would be installed to reduce congestion by comparing interaction of junctions and it was expected to provide a benefit with traffic movement.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following was highlighted:


  • The proposals had been developed following public consultation events and consultation with statutory bodies and the Town Council.
  • There were no objections to the highways and parking proposals.
  • The applicant was working with the Council to resolve issues for existing tenants.
  • The proposals would bring many benefits including improved permeability to the town centre, employment opportunities and a nursing home.
  • There was a right of way for the northern access through the archway to Kirgkate.


In response to comments and questions, the following was discussed:



Application 18/02140/FU and 18/02141/LI - Stonebridge Mills, Stonebridge Lane, Farnley, Leeds pdf icon PDF 2 MB

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planing Officer regarding an application for the change of use of mill buildings to provide 30 dwellings and the construction of 82 new dwellings (112 dwellings in total) with associated access and landscaping.




The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application and a listed buildings application for conversion of mill buildings, demolition of listed buildings to provide 30 dwellings and the construction of 82 new dwellings (112 dwellings in total) with associated access and landscaping at Stonebridge Mills, Stonebridge Lane, Wortley, Leeds.


The applications had been presented to the Panel in October 2018 as a position statement where Members had been generally supportive of the scheme.  Members visited the site prior to that meeting.  Site plans and photographs were displayed and referred to throughout the discussion of the applications.


Further issues highlighted in relation to the applications included the following:


  • Buildings to be retained were highlighted on an aerial view photograph.
  • There would be partial retention of the mill pond.
  • The site had extant planning permission for a supermarket.
  • Changes since the application was initially submitted.
  • There had been objections from Local Ward Councillors.  These included the plans as being over intensive and that the mill pond should be retained in its entirety.  There had also been letters of objection from neighbouring residents.
  • The proposals had received support from Leeds Civic Trust.
  • The site had been identified for housing under the emerging Site Allocation Plan.
  • The application presented opportunity for the long term use of listed buildings.
  • The proposals were supported by a full heritage salvage statement which included the re-use of materials.
  • Full retention of the mill pond would mean that there would be 30 less units and this would affect the viability of the proposed development.  The approval for the supermarket involved partial loss of the mill pond.
  • On-site greenspace exceeded policy requirements.
  • There would be a new access to the site from Stoebridge Lane and there had been no highways objections.  The proposals net all accessibility standards.
  • There was a viability issue and this had been assessed by the District Valuer.  There would be a reduction in the provision of affordable housing.  It was acknowledged that there was a high cost of development and constraints on the site.
  • The applicant was prepared to commence development in August 2019.
  • It was felt appropriate to have an overage clause for provision of affordable housing should property sales and monies allow to do so.
  • The applications were recommended for approval.


A local resident and Ward Councillor addressed the Panel with concerns and objections to the applications.  These included the following:


  • The application proposed more units than stated in the Site Allocation Plan.
  • It was requested that local Ward Councillor be involved at every stage should the application be approved.
  • All the mill pond should be retained.
  • Concern regarding the impact on wildlife.


The applicant’s representative addressed the Panel.  The following as highlighted:


  • This was a complex site due to the heritage aspects, wildlife and highways.
  • The site had been vacant for over 20 years.
  • The proposals had been shaped following comments received after presentation of the position statement.
  • The proposals would deliver over 100 new quality homes.
  • Heritage and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81.


Date and Time of Next Meeting

Thursday, 30 May 2019 at 1.30 p.m.



Thursday, 30 May 2019 at 1.30 p.m.