Browse meetings

Executive Board

This page lists the meetings for Executive Board.

Information about Executive Board

Meetings of Executive Board are held in Civic Hall, Leeds. Links to live webcasts of the Executive Board meetings can be found via the specific webpage for each meeting.


The Executive Board is the principal decision making body of the Council.


The Board is chaired by the Leader of Council (Cllr James Lewis) and comprises nine Executive Members with portfolio responsibilities regarding:

·  Leader’s Portfolio – Cllr J Lewis;

·  Resources – Cllr D Coupar;

·  Economy, Transport and Sustainable Development – Cllr J Pryor

·  Equality, Health and Wellbeing – Cllr F Venner;

·  Communities, Customer Services and Community Safety – Cllr M Harland;

·  Climate, Energy, Environment and Green Space – Cllr M Rafique;

·  Children and Families – Cllr H Hayden;

·  Adult Social Care, Active Lifestyles and Culture – Cllr S Arif; and

·  Housing – Cllr J Lennox.


There is a further Executive Member: the Leader of the Conservative Group (Cllr A Lamb).


All meetings of the Executive Board are open to the public, except where certain parts of an agenda contain confidential or exempt information.  In these circumstances the Executive Board may choose to treat that part of the meeting as a ‘private meeting’ by excluding the public.  The Executive Board may also exclude a member of the public in order to maintain orderly conduct or prevent misbehaviour at a meeting.


Five clear working days before each meeting details of the agenda items to be considered and the associated reports will be published on this website.  If any of these items contain confidential or exempt information this will be made clear in the agenda, and the reasons for the restriction will be explained.  If any representations have been received about why the meeting should be open to the public, these will be detailed in the covering report for that item of business, along with the response to any such representations.


Please note that the Council will try all means possible to enable all interested parties to be present at full Council, Executive Board and Committee meetings where decisions take place.  However due to the limited seating capacity within the Civic Hall meeting rooms, the Council regrets that access for all may not always be possible. 


Security Notice

As the result of a security review regarding Full Council and Committee meetings, there will be an increased security presence at Leeds Civic Hall.


As a condition of entry to Full Council and Committee meetings in Civic Hall, bag searches and the use of metal detector wands will be taking place. We may also ask visitors to the meeting to remove coats and jackets for searching.


We will also require any banners and signs to be left outside of the viewing gallery / meeting room – there will be a designated place to store these by reception.


Thank you for your understanding.