Agenda item

22/07648/FU - Fleet Lane, Oulton, Leeds, LS26

To receive and consider the attached report of the Chief Planning Officer regarding an application for the erection of a Wedding Venue, 33 Holiday

Lodges, and a Cafe/Community Hub building at Fleet Lane Oulton Leeds LS26.



The report of the Chief Planning Officer presented an application for the erection of a wedding venue, 33 holiday lodges, and a café/community hub building at Fleet Lane, Oulton, Leeds, LS26. The officer’s recommendation was for refusal of planning permission for the reasons set out in the submitted report.


Members had visited the site prior to the meeting.


The panel was shown slides and photographs throughout the officer’s presentation which included the following information:

·  The applicant had made changes to the application since the position statement was received by the Panel on 28th September 2023. These changes were set out at Paragraph 6 of the report.

·  The site contains wharves, once used for the import and export of fuel by canal. It was noted that this is protected as 1 of only 3 left in Leeds.

·  It was noted that the proposed development would spread across the site compared to the previous buildings on this site.

·  The proposal site falls within the Leeds SFRA Flood Zone 3a. Members were advised that the site had not passed the Sequential Test required by the NPPF.


Cllr Golton the Ward Councillor for Rothwell and Mr Law a local resident spoke in support of the application. Mr Windress the applicant’s agent was also present to answer questions. In support of the application the Panel received information which included:

·  It was the view that the Environment Agency was using outdated evidence I relation to flood risks for this area.

·  The proposed development would bring benefits of employment to the area.

·  The current site is an eyesore, and this development would improve the look of the site and the area.


The Panel were asked to disregard an email sent to the Panel Members by Mr Law, as Officers had not received the email and were unable to comment on it.


Questions from the Panel Members included:

·  The information and evidence in relation to flood risk and the proposed mitigation of flooding.

·  Vehicular access to and from the site.

·  Impact of the proposed development on St Aiden’s RSPB nature reserve.

·  The Principal Planning Officer provided information in relation to the consultation with the Environment Agency in relation to their data on flood risk in this area.


Members comments included:

·  The design was appealing especially given the buildings on the site currently, and there was an understanding of the benefits that such a development could bring to the local community for employment.

·  There were still concerns in relation to flooding.

·  There were still concerns in relation to the impact on the green belt.

·  It was the view that this site was an eyesore and did require something doing to it.

·  The development had good merits, however there were still too many concerns, but there was recognition for the views of the residents and for something to be done with this site.


The Area Planning Manager summed up the discussions.

Upon voting, a motion was put forward to move the officer recommendations, as per the submitted report. This was moved and seconded, and it was:


RESOLVED – That the application be refused planning permission for the reasons set out in the submitted report.

Supporting documents: