To receive and consider the attached report of the Head of Locality Partnerships which introduces a verbal update with partners to form a discussion around the Cost of Living.
The report of the Head of Locality Partnerships introduced a formal discussion around the Cost of Living in the Inner East with Elected Members and partners.
The Chair introduced the item by explaining Inner East Community Committee areas represent the most deprived wards in Leeds and there are several challenges people are struggling with in terms of the price of energy, food and inflation.
Representatives from Leeds City Council’s Housing Department and Community Hubs (The Compton Centre) attended the meeting to provide an update on the work they and their service have been doing to support the community. The following updates were provided:
Community Hubs – The Compton Centre
The Chair touched on homelessness prevention and commented on the need to understand the needs for every person, and how people can be directed to seek help and signpost them to relevant services. The Chair also acknowledged that there are good community anchor networks and third sector partners.
Community Committee Members discussed the following:
· Acknowledging that there are grants available to support people, in terms of insulation and keeping houses warm over the winter period. How residents can be supported to access what is already available in the community.
· The importance of early prevention with sign-posting people to the relevant support and getting them to the help they need.
· Clarity on communications for people who do not speak English as a first language. It was confirmed that there are posters and flyers in different languages in the hubs, and there are also translator services.
· Clarity on the number of people accessing community hubs. It was confirmed that the hub can use a system to collate figures for any of the customers.
· It was confirmed that the £25 ASDA food vouchers are done on discretion by officers. If officers feel there is a need for somebody to have a voucher, they will receive one. They are for an interim period whilst the food banks are closed.
· Members acknowledged that there are also other organisations around the communities who provide support and vouchers to people. Some that were touched on included St Vincent’s Centre, St Ages, St Hilda’s Church and Space2 Leeds.
· It was noted that Elected Members can send out 100 letters per councillor free of charge, and it may be considered a way to reach priority neighbourhoods and areas.
· The Money Information Centre is a good portal for the Cost of Living.
· Members raised concern for residents over the Christmas period where most services will be shut. A suggestion was made that evidence is gathered on people’s lived experiences. It was acknowledged that the Government are developing the Child Poverty Strategy and looking at Pensioner Poverty.
· Disparities of wealth.
The Chair summarised by acknowledging existing support in the community for residents and highlighted the importance of sharing information about such services and third sector partners/organisations and how people can get access to the support they need.
RESOLVED – To note the updates provided during the meeting, together with the comments raised by Community Committee Members.
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