Agenda item

Discussion Topic - Celebrating the Contribution of Elders Groups and Residents Across the Inner North West

This report is to introduce the discussion topic for the meeting Celebrating the contribution of elders’ groups and residents across the Inner North West. Several organisations and groups working with elders have been invited to the meeting to lead a discussion on their work.


The Chair of the Inner North West Community Committee introduced the discussion topic for the meeting, which was to celebrate the contribution of elders’ groups and residents across the Inner North West area. Several organisations and groups working with oler people had been invited to the meeting to lead a discussion on their work.


Vandan Group – Cardigan Centre

This group has been going for 20 years, everyone is welcome and the aim is to help women socialise, learn new skills and build confidence. The group work with other groups to create art works, learn English and assist with tasks such as shopping trips. At the meeting of the group, they provide snacks, coffee and a space to talk and socialise. The group has become so popular that there is now a waiting list to join, as the room is not big enough to take everyone. The Cardigan Centre is an ideal location for such groups, as it has good transport links and a car park. The group are looking for funding for a paid worker to assist with more activities. This was noted by the Chair for further discussions with Councillors and the Locality Team, as funding was limited but other options may be available.


The group had brought along some of the artwork that they have created, and the Committee was encouraged to look at this.


Elders Connect Group – Cardigan Centre

This group meets every Tuesday and was started in 2019. The aim of the group is to help remove social isolation, bring new skills and for exercise sessions.


The group provide a warm space with tea and coffee. This is a diverse group, and all are welcome to attend and even get some younger people attending. The staff are good, and it is friendly, like a family. The activities include health and safety, mental wellbeing, craft sessions, projects in the community, exercise classes such a pilates and trips have been organised to the art gallery and Bridlington.


The Committee were informed that the group had received some air fryers, so the group were learning new skills and new recipes.


The Group had brought along photographs of the group involved in activities for all to look at.


OPAL – Older People’s Action Leeds

This is a care service with the aim to reduce loneliness and isolation. Activities include exercise sessions, lunch clubs and recently line dancing. OPAL has 14 staff and approximately 100 volunteers offering 10,000 hours per year. OPAL can provide support for those with higher needs, such as emotional support and memory loss.

OPAL are in a former public house which needed refurbishment which has been undertaken and now provides a welcoming space for the community including families who use the café, which has a good selection of food and drink. The premises are also used by Ward Councillors for surgeries, the Police for PACT Meetings, and nurses who provide wound and catheter care. Other groups who use this space are brownies, youth clubs, dietician and Active Leeds.


The building has become more sustainable using solar panels which the Community Committee had contributed towards.


The Chair noted that many of the groups in the Inner North West could not survive without the support of volunteers and he praised the work that they do for the community.


Sankar Group – Cardigan Centre.

This group had been going for 8 years and was formed by members of the community after attending similar groups. It is based in the Cardigan Centre and offers a space for socialising and activities. It is easily accessible due to good transport links. The name Sankar means – Respect, Good, Knowledge and is a greeting.


St Chad’s Church and Community Centre

St Chad’s Church and Community Centre is centred around worship and the facilities offered are wide ranging and attract a variety of age groups.


The Mothers Union meet here, and this is open to everyone and is family orientated to offer a variety of support.


The Knit and Natter group meet once a month and as part of their activities produced A poppy display for Remembrance Day.


There are several smaller groups which meet weekly, and these include:

·  The fellowship Group

·  The friendship Group

·  Pastoral Support

·  Green Team

The Green Team has a focus on the environment managing the land surrounding the church, the community centre and the burial grounds. The Green Team also includes younger members of the community who are interested in the environment.


The Luncheon Club has been going for 40 years and is run by volunteers. They had hosted a Christmas function and those who had attended ranged from 70 to 95 years of age. They had provided a healthy 2 course meal with tea, coffee and biscuits. The local school children attended to sing for the group.


The Luncheon Club is a place to socialise for those who live on their own, although there are some couples attend too. It was noted that currently there were issues with funding, and without the support of the volunteers the club would not be able to function.


The Chair was of the view that more support was needed to provide digital support to older people to give them more confidence going forward.


The Chair invited all those attending to take time to look at the displays brought in and circulate with members of other groups to discuss activities.


The Chair thanked all the groups for their attendance and praised the work that they are doing and that it was important that the elders in the community were supported.


RESOLVED – To note the content of the report and the discussions.

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