Agenda item

Outcomes of Research into the Housing Market in Leeds

To receive and note a report by the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development  on the outcomes of research into the housing market in Leeds.




The Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the outcomes of research into the housing market in Leeds, together with a detailed presentation document on the New Housing Market in Leeds which sets out:


·  An overview of the research

·  The current Leeds Housing Markets – key issues across the housing market zones.

·  Emerging demand for both owner occupied and social housing.

·  The change in the size of properties across the city.

·  Entry level salaries for buyers across the city.

·  An overall assessment of the targets to increase affordable housing and current delivery.

·  The effects of the changes to the levels of affordable housing on a scheme.


Paul Langford, Chief Housing Services Officer presented the report and gave detailed responses to Members’ questions and comments.


In brief, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  The need for a ward-by-ward breakdown of those households surveyed as part of the Housing Market Assessment project.

·  The need to provide Members with affordability information for the south side of Leeds.

·  Clarification on the proportion of the 77 acres of land identified for development where clearance/ demolition was needed.

·  Point of clarification that it was ‘Beeston Hill’ and not ‘Beeston’ that had been identified as an area for development.

·  Clarification on the distinction between the various housing market zones . 

·  The supply of rented social housing and clarification on the number of Council properties to be demolished and replaced.

·  The supply of housing for the elderly, such as flats and bungalows, for the scheme of 150 properties in Roundhay/ Moortown. 

·  The patterns of demand relating to households seeking to buy. 

·  How the Council proposes to ensure developers deliver the necessary levels of affordable housing in Leeds. 

·  Use of the Council’s planning powers to address issues such as, further developments of apartments in the City Centre and multiple unit purchasing on developments.

·  The Council’s role in facilitating the development and availability of shared ownership mortgage products and the like.

·  The need to increase the supply of housing in general, including number of affordable homes for families and others.

·  The availability of land and the need to consider developing green and brown field sites.

·  The need to translate and use government guidelines to develop an affordable homes strategy and delivery plan for Leeds. Members felt that the income levels shown in the statistics were not representative of the true level of earnings for many of the people of Leeds, especially the low income earners.

·  Members requested regular updates following the Strategic Affordable Housing Partnership meetings and that a report be submitted to a future meeting of the Board, outlining the Future Housing Vision and the associated delivery plan. 


Further discussions ensued relating to the history of the many back-to-back properties in Leeds, whether properties in multiple occupation usually reserved for the student population could be converted back into family homes and the Council’s incentives to re-house the elderly who are over housed.


The Chair thanked Paul Langford for his attendance.



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods

  submits a further report outlining the Future Housing Vision and the associated delivery plan.

(c )  That the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods provides regular updates to the Board, following the Strategic Affordable Housing Partnership meetings. 


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