Agenda item

Well-being Report

To consider a report of the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods on the Well-being budget.


(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That  this Committee notes those ‘in-principle’ decisions totalling £19,000 to fund projects in the financial year 2008/9 as outlined in Section 3.2 of the report.

(c)  That approval be given to fund those posts or projects to which no formal ongoing commitment had been made as outlined in Section 3.3 of the report.

 (d)  That the revenue projects as detailed in Section 4.1 of the report be dealt with as follows:-




Delivery Organisation


·  Hyde Park Festive Lights


Leeds Lights

Agreed £11,100

·  Community Website

North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association



·  Hyde Park Unity Day

Hyde Park Unity Day Committee


Agreed £5,000 for the next three years


·  Kirkstall Festival 2008

Kirkstall Festival Committee


Agreed £5,000 for the next three



·  Seagulls Community Repaint



Agreed £11,000


·  Burley Networking Together

Novas Scarman Trust

Withdrawn at the request of the organisation


·  Design Statements

Planning Sub Group

Agreed £15,000 as a central pot


·  A660 Cycle Lane Feasibility (Phase 2)

Leeds Cycling Action Group



Agreed £3,877



·  Art house films at Hyde Park

Hyde Park Picture House

Agreed  £6,000 for 2008/09 and £4,000 for 2009/10



·  Parish Hall Upgrade

Wrangthorn Church

Agreed £5,000



·  Rosebank Millennium Green Trust

Rosebank Millennium Green Trust

Agreed £5,000



·  Bin Yard Project

Hyde Park Source

Agreed £6,000


·  Woodhouse Ridge Maintenance

Woodhouse Ridge Action Group

Agreed £7,500 for 2008/09 and £7,500 for 2009/10


·  Enforcement Project

West Yorkshire Trading Standards


Agreed £2,000


(e)  That the capital projects as detailed in Section 5.4.1 of the report be dealt with as follows:-




Delivery Organisation


·  Al-Haqq Supplementary School-Refurbishment and Alterations


Al-Haqq Education Trust





·  Woodsley Road Environmental Improvements





Agreed  £40,000


·  Festival Light Design Project




Leeds Lights


Agreed £3,100




·  Access Ramp

Hyde Park Picture House

Agreed £5,000 (£2,500 Headingley and £2,500 central budget)


·  Becketts Park Play Area

Parks and Countryside

Agreed in principle, pending ward Member discussion & consideration to any capital overspend


·  Spen Road/North Parade Railings

West Park Residents Association



Agreed £3,135



·  Replacement Yorkshire Stone Paving

Streetscene Sub-Group

Agreed £10,000 central budget,



·  Grass Verge and Pathway Improvements Fund


Streetscene Sub-Group

Agreed £10,000 central budget


(f) That a report on city–wide Section 106 monies be submitted to a future Area Committee meeting for consideration.


Referring to Minute 59 of the meeting held on 13th December 2007, the Director of Environment and Neighbourhoods submitted a report on the Well-Being budget.


The following documents were appended to the report for the information/ comment of the meeting:-


(a)  Breakdown of revenue spend by theme 2007/08 (Appendix 1 refers)

(b)  Breakdown of capital spend by theme 2007/08 (Appendix 2 refers)


Dayle Lynch, North West Area Management presented the report and responded to Members’ queries and comments.


Detailed discussion ensued on the contents of the report and appendices.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


  • West Yorkshire Trading Standards/Enforcement Project – the need for the Community Safety sub-group to consider further funding in terms of indentifying their future priorities
  • Highways/Woodsley Road Environmental Improvements Project– the need for a meeting with senior City Development officers to discuss further mainstream funding opportunities to develop the area to it’s full potential
  • Parks and Countryside/Becketts Park Play Area Project - the need for North West Area Management to investigate Section 106 spend in relation to Phase 1 of the Filter Beds development
  • Sandy Lane Footpath Project (2007/08) – clarification on progress made with regard to the creation order previously funded by the Area Committee
  • the need for Highways/Streetscene Services to be informed that it was this Committee’s policy that any funding given towards replacement of traditional stone paving must be only carried out in locations outside a Conservation area



(a)  That the contents of the report and appendices be noted.

(b)  That  this Committee notes those ‘in-principle’ decisions totalling £19,000 to fund projects in the financial year 2008/9 as outlined in Section 3.2 of the report.

(c)  That approval be given to fund those posts or projects to which no formal ongoing commitment had been made as outlined in Section 3.3 of the report.

(d)  That the revenue projects as detailed in Section 4.1 of the report be dealt with as follows:-




Delivery Organisation


·  Hyde Park Festive Lights


Leeds Lights

Agreed £11,100

·  Community   Website

North Hyde Park Neighbourhood Association



·  Hyde Park Unity   Day

Hyde Park Unity Day Committee


Agreed £5,000 for the next three years


·  Kirkstall Festival   2008

Kirkstall Festival Committee


Agreed £5,000 for the next three



·  Seagulls Community Repaint



Agreed £11,000


·  Burley Networking Together

Novas Scarman Trust

Withdrawn at the request of the organisation


·  Design Statements

Planning Sub Group

Agreed £15,000 as a central pot


·  A660 Cycle Lane Feasibility (Phase 2)

Leeds Cycling Action Group




Agreed £3,877



·  Art house films at Hyde Park

Hyde Park Picture House

Agreed  £6,000 for 2008/09 and £4,000 for 2009/10



·  Parish Hall   Upgrade


Wrangthorn Church

Agreed £5,000


·  Rosebank Millennium Green Trust


Rosebank Millennium Green Trust

Agreed £5,000


·  Bin Yard Project

Hyde Park Source

Agreed £6,000


·  Woodhouse Ridge Maintenance

Woodhouse Ridge Action Group

Agreed £7,500 for 2008/09 and £7,500 for 2009/10


·  Enforcement   Project

West Yorkshire Trading Standards


Agreed £2,000


(e)  That the capital projects as detailed in Section 5.4.1 of the report be dealt with as follows:-




Delivery Organisation


·  Al-Haqq Supplementary School-Refurbishment and Alterations


Al-Haqq Education Trust





·  Woodsley Road Environmental Improvements





Agreed  £40,000


·  Festival Light Design Project

Leeds Lights



Agreed £3,100




·  Access Ramp

Hyde Park Picture House

Agreed £5,000 (£2,500 Headingley and £2,500 central budget)


·  Becketts Park Play   Area

Parks and Countryside

Agreed in principle, pending Ward Member discussion and consideration to any capital overspend


·  Spen Road/North Parade Railings

West Park Residents Association

Agreed £3,135



·  Replacement Yorkshire Stone Paving

Streetscene Sub-Group

Agreed £10,000 central budget


·  Grass Verge and Pathway Improvements Fund


Streetscene Sub-Group

Agreed £10,000 central budget



(f)  That a report on city-wide Section 106 monies be submitted to a future Area Committee for consideration.


(Councillor K Hussain joined the meeting at 7.30 pm prior to discussion of the above item)


(Councillor D Morton joined the meeting at 7.35 pm during discussions of the Community Website project)


Supporting documents: