Agenda item

Shared Spaces - Outcome of Consultation on the Street Design Guide

To consider the attached report of the Head of Scrutiny and Member Development outlining the outcome of the consultation on the Street Design Guide in order to determine whether the concerns expressed by the various interest groups concerning shared surfaces had been taken into account and to determine whether further scrutiny was required.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report attaching a report from the City Development Department on the outcome of the consultation on shared spaces in the new Street Design Guide, in order to determine whether further scrutiny was required.  This was following a request for scrutiny from the Deputy Chair of the Alliance of Service Users and Carers to the Board at its October meeting concerning the Department’s proposals to expand the use of shared space between vehicles and pedestrians.


Phil Crabtree, Chief Planning Officer and Mike Darwin, Head of Highways Development Services, both from City Development, were in attendance to present the report and respond to queries and comments from the Board. 


The Chair invited from the public gallery Mr Keith Spellman, Deputy Chair of the Alliance of Service Users and Carers, Mr Barry Naylor of the National Federation of the Blind and Mrs Mary Naylor to speak, who reiterated the reasons  for their request for scrutiny.


Officers reported that they had met with the organisations at today’s meeting and other groups representing the blind, partially sighted and other disabled people who had expressed concern at the department’s proposals.  It was reiterated that shared space could be in the form of shared surface, shared area or home zones.


General support for the concerns outlined by the above organisations was expressed by the Board.  In brief summary the following issues were  discussed: 

·  That this was a national issue – Members were advised that Officers would consult with Core Cities and other relevant parties and continue discussions with representatives of these groups.

·  The pressure to create shared space areas.

·  High density housing developments with little parking provision.

·  The problem of car parking, particularly on pavements and lack of enforcement.

·  Tackling the problem of parking on grass verges.

·  Enforcement of 20mph zones and safety issues for pedestrians on shared spaces.

·  20mph zones – Officers were requested to provide a report for the Board’s next meeting on Portsmouth’s experiences introducing 20mph zones.

·  The accuracy of accident statistics concerning shared spaces.

·  The Kirkstall Forge development and the proposed shared spaces – Members were advised that dedicated pedestrian facilities would be provided in the shared areas for this scheme.


Officers considered that further work needed to be undertaken in the context of best practice and emerging studies on this issue, before they could determine any final advice on shared spaces to be included within the draft street design guide.  However, in the meantime, the Council would follow the home zone guidance as attached to the main report.


With regard to the request for scrutiny from the Deputy Chair of the Alliance of Service Users and Carers into the expansion of the use of shared spaces, Members agreed that a watching brief would be held on this subject.  However it was appreciated that as it was unlikely that this work would be completed before the new Municipal year, that the recommendation to support the request for scrutiny would have to be passed on to the successor Board.


The Chair thanked everyone for attending.



(a)  That the report of the Director of City Development on the outcome of the consultation on shared spaces in the draft Street Design Guide be noted.

(b)  That the recommendation to support the request for scrutiny into the expansion of shared spaces be passed onto the successor Scrutiny Board for consideration in the new Municipal year.

(c)  That a report be submitted to the Board’s March meeting on 20mph zones and how they had been introduced in Portsmouth.


(Note1: Councillor Dunn left the meeting at 11.25am during the consideration of this item.)


(Note 2: At the end of this item, the meeting was adjourned for ten minutes and reconvened at 11.45am.)


Supporting documents: