Agenda item

Leeds Strategic Plan 2008 - 2011

Further to Minute No. 73, 8th January 2008, to receive and consider the attached report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement).


Further to Minute No 73, 8th January 2008, the Assistant Chief Executive (Planning, Policy and Improvement) submitted a report regarding a revised draft version of the Leeds Strategic Plan 2008-2011 prior to its consideration by the Executive Board on 12th March 2008 and full Council on 9th April 2008.


Dylan Griffiths and Jane Stageman, Chief Executive’s Department, attended the meeting and responded to Members’ queries and comments.  In brief summary, the main points of discussion were:-


·  The timescales for producing the Leeds Strategic Plan 2008-2011 (LSP) had been problematical. It was a time-consuming process, involving  discussions with, amongst others, Members, local partners and the Government Office for Yorkshire and the Humber, against a backdrop of Government timescales for the production of such Plans;

·  Targets – the lack of specific, time-limited targets and an associated action plan was commented upon.  It was reported that up to 35 specific targets, covering all 43 improvement priorities, would eventually be included in the final Plan and these would have to be agreed with the Government. Proposed targets for this City-wide plan would be consulted with Executive Board Members, and would be reported to the Executive Board and Council.  Local targets and initiatives to support the LSP would be discussed by Members at local level via the Area Delivery Plan process at Area Committees.


Committee Members felt that all Council Members should have an input at the City-wide strategic level, not just at local level.  It was reported that proposed targets should be clearer by the time of the April full Council meeting, and could if desired be reported back to OSC subsequent to that.


It was important to emphasise that as far as was known, the Government would not be passporting specific funds to tackle specific issues or meet specific targets, but would be providing funding for the LSP package as a whole.  One of the assets of the new system was its flexibility in this regard. There was also an expectation that the Council’s local partners would make specific resources available to support the LSP;


·  ‘Every Child Matters’ – This theme had been picked up throughout the LSP, and effort had been made to keep children’s issues at the forefront of the LSP priorities, with links to all the Priority Themes contained in the Plan;


·  Comment was made that there was still not enough emphasis placed on the importance of the quality and sustainability of the built environment in Leeds. This was a crucial thread which should run through the whole document, linked to priorities and targets.

Reference was also made to annual reviews of the LSP;


·  Concern was expressed regarding how OSC’s comments were to be conveyed and taken into account by the Executive Board, which met tomorrow?  The officers undertook to ensure that the Committee’s views were conveyed.



(a)  That, subject to the above comments, the revised draft Leeds Strategic Plan 2008-2011 be received and noted.

(b)  That the officers ensure that OSC Members comments and reservations are conveyed to the Executive Board.

(c)  That scrutiny of the LSP be a key element of all Scrutiny Board work programmes throughout 2008/09.



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