Agenda item

Review of Called - In Decision - Savins Mill Gyratory - Capital Scheme No. 01508/000/000

In accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, to review the attached delegated decision of the Director of City Development to receive the latest estimates and to incur additional expenditure for this scheme.


The Head of Scrutiny and Member Development submitted a report, together with relevant background papers, relating to an Officer Delegated Decision D33848 of the Chief Highways Officer and the Director of Resources as follows:


Proposed Highway Works – Savins Mill Gyratory, Safety Scheme Number 01508/000/000


‘The Chief Highways Officer and the Director of Resources submitted a report presenting the latest estimates for this scheme and requesting additional funding of £205,500 from £283,000 (approved in January 2007) to £489,000 for the scheme to cover current cost.


The Director of Resources


(i)  noted the contents of the joint report, and


(ii)  gave authority to incur additional expenditure of £185,000 works and £20,500 staff costs to be met from the Integrated Transport Scheme 99609 within the approved Capital Programme.’


The decision had been called-in for review by Councillors J Illingworth, B P Atha, L Yeadon, T Hanley, N Taggart and J McKenna on the following grounds:


‘Costs have doubled since the original approval and BHS submitted evidence to a recent public inquiry which showed that the scheme will not operate as intended at Wyther Lane.  This would cause congestion in Armley and Bramley and attempts to solve this problem could cause difficulties elsewhere. The proposals will interact with the A65 Quality Bus Initiative and could affect the financial viability of the affordable housing scheme at the Kirkstall District Centre.  The original policy decision should be reviewed and any other options examined for this complex road network.’


The Board considered the following written evidence:

·  Joint report of the Chief Highways Officer and Director of Resources considered under the Officer Delegated Decision Scheme and approved on 20th May 2008.

·  Additional information accepted by the Chair and circulated prior to the meeting to Board Members from Councillor J Illingworth as follows:

-  email dated 4th June – detailing concerns and providing BHS Inquiry details

-  email dated 6th June enclosing a map of Bridge Road and 2 photographs of traffic on Wyther Lane.

·  Additional information accepted by the Chair and circulated by the City Development Department prior to the meeting as follows:

-  maps of existing junction and proposed scheme

-  further report of the Chief Highways Officer.


Councillors Illingworth, Atha and Hanley attended the meeting and were allocated 10 minutes to present evidence to the Board.


Councillor Andrew Carter, Executive Board Member with portfolio responsibility for Development and Regeneration, Gary Bartlett, Chief Highways Officer and Paul Russell, Principal Engineer from the Development Department also attended the meeting and were also allocated 10 minutes to present their evidence to the Board.


The Board then questioned Members and Officers at length.


Prior to making the final decision, the Board was offered legal advice by Caroline Allen, Head of Development and Regulatory, that in accordance with the Scrutiny Procedure Rules the Board could only refer back the Officer Delegated decision which was the subject of this Call-In.  Any proposed referral back could not include the merits or otherwise of the scheme which was the subject of a previous key decision.


(Note: Councillor R Procter joined the meeting at 12.00 noon during the consideration of this item.)


Supporting documents: