Agenda item

Loan Agreement with Yorkshire County Cricket Club - Granting of Consents and Variations and Rescheduling of Loans

To consider the report of the Director of Resources seeking approval to grant consents and agree variations to the Council’s Loan Agreement with Yorkshire County Cricket Club, pursuant to the development of the Headingley Cricket Ground.


Appendices A - E to this report are designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3).



The Director of Resources submitted a report on proposals to grant consents and agree variations to the Council’s Loan Agreement with Yorkshire County Cricket Club, pursuant to the development of the Headingley Cricket Ground.


Appendices A to E to the report, were designated as exempt under Access to Information Procedure Rule 10.4(3), and were considered in private at the conclusion of the meeting.  The Chief Officer (Financial Management) reported on a further option advanced since the despatch of the agenda which could potentially affect the  arrangements in a manner beneficial to the Council’s interests.


RESOLVED – That the necessary consents and agreements to vary the Council’s loan agreement be granted, including the rescheduling of the loan, so as to facilitate Yorkshire County Cricket Club entering into transactions referred to in the report pursuant to the Carnegie Pavilion development, with further delegations as outlined in paragraph 6.2 of the report and extended to include as an option those matters reported by the Chief Officer (Financial Management) at this meeting.





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