Agenda item

Building Brighter Futures in Leeds – The Draft Children and Young People’s Plan 2009-2014

To receive a report from the Director of Children’s Services, which provides the Board with an opportunity to respond to the draft Children and Young People’s Plan and support the plan’s development as part of the plan’s final consultation period.


The Director of Children’s Services submitted a report which provided the Board with an opportunity to respond to the draft Children and Young People’s Plan as part of the plan’s final consultation period.


Appended for the Board’s consideration was the draft Children and Young People’s Plan 2009-2014.


A presentation on the CYPP: Context, Need and Priorities was provided to Members, which focussed on the following key areas;


  • Progress to date;
  • Emerging themes;
  • Agreed new priorities and themes; and
  • Next steps for consultation and approval.


The following officers attended the meeting and responded to Members’ questions and comments:-


-  Rosemary Archer, Director of Children’s Services; and

-  John Maynard, Strategic Leader, Children’s Services.


In brief summary, the main areas of discussion were:-


·  The role of youth workers and the need for greater funding in this area of work, especially in terms of ‘places to go and things to do’. 

·  Looked after children, particularly the importance of early intervention and parental responsibility.

·  Workforce reform and the need for adequate consultation with staff and unions on the implications of changes.  It was reported that consultation during the development of the draft Plan had been undertaken through open forums, local partnership and cluster meetings.

·  Concern about efficiency savings, especially since there was a need for greater resources to meet priorities, and a growing demand for services.

·  Concern that the term ‘places to go things to do’ was shapeless and needed further explanation.  It was reported that the term referred to the youth agenda, particularly issues around play, transport and accessibility.

·  Challenges in terms of finding suitable places to go for young people.

·  The need to provide greater support for workless families, especially in terms of links with NEET and teenage conception.

·   Developing a holistic approach, particularly in relation to work undertaken with area committees, for example in brokering local solutions to concerns about the location of facilities for young people.

·  Clarification that young people had been consulted through the Youth Council, youth groups, ROAR and Breeze, and plans for reporting back to young people on what had been achieved.

·  The need to increase the number of apprenticeships and opportunities for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities.  It was reported that there was a programme for the development of apprenticeships, although the current economic climate was proving a challenge.  In addition, reference was made to the Integrated Strategic Commissioning Board (ISCB), which had recently received a report on the commissioning of 14-19 pathways for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities.

·  Confirmation that targets to be included in the Plan were still to be finalised.

·  Future arrangements for the Scrutiny Board to monitor progress against the Plan.

·  Concern that the Plan did not mean much to the person on the ground.  It was reported that the Plan would be summarised as a 4-page document.

·  It was agreed that if Members still had specific concerns then these should be forwarded to the Principal Scrutiny Adviser.




(a)  That the report and information appended to the report be noted;

(b)  That if Members had any specific concerns then these be forwarded to the Principal Scrutiny Adviser; and

(c)  That the draft Plan be brought back to the Board’s meeting in May, to report back on changes following the consultation period.


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