To consider a position statement by the Chief Planning Officer on proposals for a detached retail unit, detached office/warehouse unit and petrol filling station with associated access, parking and landscaping
(report attached)
Plans of the proposals were displayed at the meeting. A site visit had taken place earlier in the day which some Members had attended
Officers presented a position statement and informed Members of the proposals by Asda to demolish the existing industrial buildings on the site and erect a simple, modern building comprising white cladding, glazing and timber, with a gross floor area of 6265 sqm and 365 parking spaces together with a petrol filling station, car parking, landscaping and an office/warehouse unit at St George’s Road Middleton LS10
Concerns had been raised regarding highways issues in relation to the roundabout adjacent to the site, the possibility of commuter rat running and wider issues relating to the traffic congestion which occurred from the Tommy Wass junction on Ring Road Beeston Park to Middleton
Local residents had raised concerns at the impact of the development on residential properties adjacent to the site
Support for the proposals had been received from an occupier on the site as the scheme would be able to fund their relocation
Whilst there was widespread recognition for the need for a supermarket in the area, the principle of retail development would need to be established as the site was an edge of centre one and its impact on existing shopping facilities would need to be considered
As two concurrent supermarket applications had been submitted on either side of the road, the Council had employed a retail consultant to look at this and consider whether one or two supermarkets or none would be appropriate in this location with the findings of this work being incorporated into the reports to be considered by Panel
Members would also need to consider the loss of employment land as part of their deliberations on this matter
Members commented on the following issues:
· that the proposals lacked merit; concerns that the siting of the building was incorrect and that the store should be located further north
· that consideration should be given to the streetscene and access to and from the District Centre
· whether the office unit could be deleted from the scheme to achieve improved screening and layout
· concerns at the access to the recycling centre and the possibility of creating a through route from the Tesco site. On this matter Members were reminded that it was the Asda scheme which was under consideration and the land in question was outside of the applicant’s control. The Head of Highways Development Services stated that the access to the Household Waste site would need to be looked at; that Members’ comments would be noted and that if both sites were approved, then an alternative access could be considered
· the need for an holistic approach to be adopted to these matters
· whether the level of proposed car parking was sufficient or in excess of what might be required and whether the store could be moved further north within the site
· the view that if both schemes were considered together a more successful outcome might be achieved in relation to highways and landscaping matters
The Head of Planning Services stressed the need for both applications
to be given even consideration and stated that if the retail consultant considered that both developments were appropriate, then the highways implications of both schemes would need to be assessed
RESOLVED - To note the report and the comments now made
Supporting documents: