Agenda item

Application 09/03060/FU - 10 storey car park with associated management suite and ancillary (Class D1/cycle hire and workshop) space and landscaping - The Orange Zone Car Park University of Leeds Off Vernon Road Woodhouse LS2

Further to minute 27 of the Plans Panel City Centre meeting held on 10th September 2009 where Members received a position statement on the proposals, to consider a report of the Chief Planning Officer for the erection of a 10 storey car park with associated management suite and ancillary (class D1/cycle hire and workshop) space and landscaping


(report attached)




  Having declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this matter, Councillor Hamilton withdrew from the meeting


  Councillor Latty was proposed and seconded to chair this item


  Councillor Latty in the Chair


  Further to minute 27 of the Plans Panel City Centre meeting held on 10th September 2009 where Panel received a position statement on proposals for a multi-storey car park off Vernon Road LS2, Members considered the formal application

  Plans, photographs, drawings, sample materials and graphics were displayed at the meeting

  Officers presented the report which sought permission for a 10 storey car park for use during the day by staff, tenants and visitors to the University, with associated management suite, ancillary (D1) use and landscaping

  Members were informed that the concerns raised at the previous meeting regarding the odour of the proposed glass-reinforced plastic (GRP) cladding had been considered with Officers stating that after a few weeks in the open any residual odour would dissipate

  Regarding noise vibration caused by wind, tests were being undertaken but it was felt that the gaps around the panels would deflect wind so vibration should not be an issue

  A recessive colour, ie grey, had been selected for the external cladding with this being lined with a green/blue colour to provide contrast and visual interest

  The top level of cladding around the roof level had been amended and would now be aligned in the same direction but to signify the top of the building the panels would not have ventilation holes

  Members were informed of an amendment to the report in respect of an 5m easement between the building and the retaining wall of the Inner Ring Road.  This would not be part of the S106 agreement as it came under different legislation, but an informative would be put on the planning permission, should this be obtained

  Members commented on the following matters:

·  the shade of grey to be used on the panels, as two samples had been provided

·  the phasing of the construction of the car park and the adjacent Innovation Building

·  the lift overrun, concerns at the proposed treatment of this, with suggestions that this either be hidden or made into a feature

·  the design of the elevations and disappointment that the banding used to emphasise the lower floor levels was not also used to define the parapet

·  that the lift overrun should be of the same colour as the ground floor entrance in order for it to appear as a tower behind the main cladding and that the parapet of the building should have detailing as per the bottom of the cladding

·  whether some additional design features could be considered for each corner of the building

Officers provided the following responses:

·  that the lighter grey panel would be used although this would be further lightened by the use of yellow pigment in the manufacturing process

·  regarding the phasing of the development, the car park would commence first, but there would be a period when the construction of the car park and Innovation Centre would overlap.  Temporary car parking would be provided for a short period on areas of public realm

·  that Members’ comments regarding the parapet and lift overrun would be taken on board and that this area could be enlivened

RESOLVED -  To approve the application in principle and defer and

delegate final approval to the Chief Planning Officer subject to the conditions set out in the submitted report (and any others which he might consider appropriate); further discussions regarding the parapet detailing and lift overrun; the inclusion of an informative on the planning permission in respect of a 5 metre easement between the building and retaining wall of the Inner Ring Road and completion of a legal agreement within 3 months from the date of resolution unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Chief Planning Officer, to include the following obligations:

·  employment and training of local people

·  agreement to off site public realm works to the Parkinson Entrance to the campus and land at the end of Hillary Place

·  public access areas

·  the identification of an area of land upon which a future public footpath across Leeds Ring Road could be landed

·  on street car parking and traffic management measures



Supporting documents: