Agenda item

Climate Change Planning for Renewables

To consider a report of the Director of City Development on progress in relation to Climate Change.



Referring to Minute 35 of the meeting held on 1st September 2009, the Director of City Development submitted a report on progress on climate change with specific reference to the issue around planning for renewables.


The following officers were in attendance who responded to Members’ queries and comments:-


Steve Speak, Chief Officer, Strategy and Policy, City Development

Tom Knowland, Head of Sustainable Development, City Development

Martin Sellens, Head of Planning Services, City Development.


In summary, specific reference was made to the following issues:-


·  clarification of the current development control processes for building integrated renewables and the concerns expressed about the timing of this issue and the possibility of missing the Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS) target in 2021

(The Head of Sustainable Development responded and outlined the Regional Spatial Strategy policy, with reference to major developments.  Specific reference was also made to wind energy provisions which was the subject of further discussions with the Executive Member, Councillor J Monaghan on the actual criteria)

·  clarification of the code levels and the cost implications and whether the cost of this technology was reducing for new build.

(The Head of Sustainable Development responded and covered the points raised with specific reference to the Government’s approach to standards for sustainable design and construction which covered such issues as water consumption and drainage in a building,, etc)

·  clarification as to whether builders were using new materials or materials which require  less energy in view of the code implications

(The Head of Sustainable Development responded and confirmed that in most cases, builders were complying with the code requirements.  The Head of Planning Services informed the Board that, whilst there was an increase of the number of timber framed properties being built, it was not easy yet to discern a major change in the use of external materials and that from an appearance point of view much was dependant on context)

·  clarification of the additional cost to a developer of complying with the new standard in a multi-million scheme and the long term revenue implications of renewable energy

(The Head of Sustainable Development responded and informed the Board that it was very difficult to obtain the precise figures on this type of technology.  The Board noted that research had shown that it would be more viable on the larger developments in terms of scale, location, etc, as opposed to a single type building)

·  clarification as to whether it was worth introducing wind energy generation in view of the fact that eight out of ten applications were turned down by Leeds City Council, unlike Germany where they were on the increase

(The Chief Officer, Strategy and Policy responded and outlined the current policy and also encouraged Board Members to supply details of any suitable sites for wind generators which would be considered on their merits. The Head of Planning Services commented on the outcome of two previous applications for wind turbines considered at Plans Panel meetings with specific reference to Hook Moor and on a Yorkshire Water site located in the Aire Valley)

·  clarification of the current landfill gas capacity and how much it would contribute to the Council’s targets

(The Head of Sustainable Development responded and informed the meeting that landfill gas capacity would fall and would not contribute to the long-term targets)



a)  That the content of the report be noted.

b)  That this Board notes that a further report on evaluating the options for installing L2C energy and the appropriate delivery structure would be submitted to the meeting on 9th March 2010.


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